E024 – They were about to attack me, why wouldn’t I mind them?

When Ares saw Rori, he nodded his head towards them. Rori returned the nod, though Ares could see the relief on their face.

“So. What happened?” Ares asked, placing his hands onto his thighs, raising his brow. 

Rori bowed his head. “There was an incident between Mala and an oxfolk by the name of Tonpa. Mala had attacked him.”

“Why did Mala attack him?”

“She said that Tonpa had continued to speak to her whilst he was drinking, and then finally he had lain a hand on her. She attacked him and there was a small brawl that occurred between our tribes. Sohka managed to stop it before it had come to anything. Mala is currently under watch by Jorgan and some of the oxfolk.”

“… When did this happen?”

“Last night. We had heard news that you had helped to defeat two black vipers so we celebrated.”

Ares nodded his head. “Alright. I’ll go speak with Sohka about it. How is everyone from the tribe feeling?”

“They’re feeling tense. They don’t think Mala should be under watch. I’ve been keeping them settled.”

Ares chuckled. “Well, I’m sorry about taking so long returning. Next time I’ll send a text… letter.” He chuckled again and then made his way towards Sohka’s tent, though Sohka quickly appeared without Ares having to walk far. 

“We welcome your return, Ares.” Sohka said as they threw a look towards Rori. “Have you heard of what has happened?”

“Yes. I’d like to speak to you about the matter, as well as Tonpa and Mala.” 

Sohka nodded, then turned to face one of the oxfolk that was nearby. “Call for Tonpa.” Then they led Ares to where Mala was being kept.

Ares remained silent, keeping his lips taut, though he clenched his fists. He took in a deep breath and then relaxed, before walking to a large tent near the outer edge of the city. 

A handful of oxfolk remained nearby, and when they entered the tent, Mala and Jorgan looked up to see them. The pair were sitting down beside each other.

Mala looked up to Ares and then quickly looked away, with Jorgan throwing Ares a look and then bowing their head. 

Ares greeted Jorgan and Mala, though she ignored him. “I see you are both well, that’s good. I hear one of you is in some trouble.” Ares shook his head. “I expected better of you, Jorgan.” Ares crossed his arms. 

“What?” Jorgan replied, looking up at Ares, his brows furrowed in confusion. “I did not do anything. I am here for Mala.”

“Yes, I know. I am merely pulling on your ear.” Ares chuckled. “Since Tonpa is not here, I may as well ask Mala without him about. Now Mala, please tell me what happened in your own opinion, and please, tell the truth.” Ares said as he sat down in front of her and then bowed his head.

Mala very quickly went through what happened. Tonpa kept coming to her, got drunker with each passing drink, then eventually placed a hand on her back and she then clawed at him. She said this with fewer words.

“Did you feel uncomfortable?” Ares asked. 

Mala glanced at him and just nodded her head. Then Ares returned the nod.

Finally Tonpa arrived. 

“Let’s head out of this area, it’s a little too cluttered.” Ares said as he then walked out with his own tribe following him.

“It’s good to see you Tonpa. I’m surprised to see it took you so long.” Tonpa gave him a weird look. “I was just wondering why Tonpa wasn’t nearby, in fact, not in the tent, under watch.”

Ares looked over to Sohka, who cocked their head to their side in confusion. “Mala was the one to scratch Tonpa, she is to be under watch.”

Ares turned to look to Tonpa. “Tonpa, would you please tell me what happened during the night?”

Tonpa was a large fellow, one of the largest that Ares had seen. His body was thick with muscles. His horns curled forwards, which makes his thick muscled neck, unsurprising. 

Tonpa gave a similar event, that he tried to seduce Mala, and then eventually tried to convince her by rubbing her body and leading her away.

Ares looked at Sohka with a ‘are you fucking kidding me right now?’ look in his eyes.

Then he looked at Tonpa, then to Mala.

“What?” He said aloud, still looking rather confused. “Mala, you’re good.” He said as he nodded to Jorgan. “Take her back.” He then turned to Sohka. “I’m surprised that you put Mala under watch, when it was rather obvious that Tonpa was in the wrong.”

Tonpa gave a look, and then grew hotter with redness. “I was not me, I was drunk when I touched her. She struck me without being drunk.” He stated.

“And?” Ares glared at Tonpa. “What does that mean? You think because you were drunk, that you are free to do as you please? If you murdered Mala, would it be alright because you were drunk?”

“Murder and touching are very different things.”

“So? You were trying to move Mala against her will. I don’t care if you were drunk. You chose to drink.”

“This is… no, ridiculous! I merely touched her to move her, she attacked me.” Tonpa snarled.

Ares looked towards Sohka and the few around the old warrior. “Very well.” Ares summoned his sword to his side and then walked over to Sohka, reaching around with an arm to their back to lead them away.

As he did so, several of the oxfolk clenched their weapons and stepped forward. Ares stopped.

“What?” He asked, reaching for his blade. As he did, the oxfolk swiftly came upon him, but he then stepped back. “What is the matter?” Ares asked, raising his hands. Then slowly he turned to face Sohka. “What have I done to warrant such behaviour?”

“Please do not mind them.” Sohka then waved towards the others, making them step back.

“They were about to attack me, why wouldn’t I mind them?”

“They merely came to my aid.”

“Your aid? Why did you need aid?”

Sohka stopped speaking, realisation filling their eyes. They paused. “You came to me with your weapon at your side, they wanted to make sure nothing happened to me.”

“So they felt justified in attacking me. Indeed, if one was to come at me, someone much larger, much stronger, with a weapon, I would be justified in attacking them if I have already spurned their advance.”

Sohka nodded their head slowly. “I see that you have a point. Yet Tonpa had no weapon.”

“No? Tonpa is a weapon, his horns are weapons.” Ares snapped. Then he swiftly turned and then gouged his hand onto a nearby oxfolk’s horn, restraining the wince that was about to come to his face, and then he pulled it back to show the hole within his hand as the blood poured down his hand and his arm. “Mala is barely a woman, she is less than half his size, and you are to tell me that she had no concern to feel threatened?”

Sohka bowed their head. “I have dishonoured you and yours, forgive me.”

“You have dishonoured me, Sohka. Is this what I should expect? Your people are to bring dishonour to my people, and then punish us for such matters?”

“I shall make it right.”

“How?”Ares kept his rage under control. Rori stepped beside Ares, and then he turned to face the bearfolk. Rori nodded slowly to check on him, and then Ares returned to the nod, cooling down.

“I shall punish Tonpa for his misdeeds.”

“How?” Ares repeated.

“What would you ask of me?”

“Remove his horns.”

A collective gasp filled the air from the oxfolk, and some clutched their weapons once more. 

Sohka did not react, instead remaining silent. Ares continued to glare into Sohka’s eyes. “It is a harsh punishment.”

“The only reason nothing happened was because Mala defended herself. Then she was punished for it, and my people have been anxious since. I want you to know, and I mean no disrespect to you when I say this, but if anything would have happened to her… I wouldn’t have left a piece of Tonpa for you to bury.”

Sohka bowed his head. “Very well.”

As Tonpa let out a voice to protest, something blurred ahead of them, and then his vision was obscured for a moment as Ares walked away, two thumps breaking the silence as he sheathed his mithril sword. 

Rori followed quickly behind as an oxfolk snorted, stepping towards the pair, but then Sohka hissed something at the oxfolk, letting them leave in peace. 


Apparently I missed a chapter so click here to go to the next chapter. 

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