E023 – Well, let’s hope I don’t surprise you.

When the pair finally returned to the town, with Ares’ clothing being dried suspiciously quickly, it was already dark. The sun had long disappeared, and with it most of the oxfolk who had crept to their beds.

A few oxfolk had come to see who the pair were that would intrude on their city in the night, but when they saw Korra, they  accompanied the pair into the city. 

Korra led Ares to a large tent that remained open for them, filled with a number of cushions and blankets. Ares fell into the cushions and almost passed out right there, though kept an eye on Korra as she retreated to a corner and then lay there. 

She continued to look over at Ares, who kept an eye on her. She remained silent for some time, but then her voice came out quietly to him.

“Thank you, Ares, for all you’ve done.”

“You don’t have to worry about it.” Ares yawned. “I’m exhausted, and you?”

“Mnn.” She nodded her head and then closed her eyes. “How long do you wish to stay?”

“I’ll probably leave in the morning. We’ll part out the viper then, and then I’ll say my goodbyes. I hope to see you at the fight in a few days time.”

“I will be there to watch. I think that, after what I’ve seen, I’d like to see how you win.”

“You think I’ll win?” Ares chuckled. “Really?”

“There is no way you lose.”

“Well, let’s hope I don’t surprise you.” He chuckled quietly.

“Good night, Ares.”

“Good night, Korra.”

Morning had come quickly to Ares, who had hopped to his feet and then went to go do his morning routine. Mid way through Kask had arrived, joining him in the sprints and then the calisthenics, though he found that his balance wasn’t too great.

“Just practise every day using that form and you should be fine.”

“My muscles feel like they are burning.”

“That’s how it is. Just practise that, and then every day add a few more to each exercise and you’ll see yourself change. You should grow a little stronger too.”

“I do hope so.” Kask smiled. “You are leaving then?”

“Yeah. I’ll have a quick rinse off and then we can sort out the viper. After that, I’m heading back to Sohka and my tribe. I do miss them.”

He had grown attached to his tribe, and he was a little worried about them. Still, they were in safe hands so everything should be fine.

So he rinsed off, changed clothes, and then went to the centre of the city to drop the viper parts. 

When he revealed all the viper parts, the oxfolk became rambunctious. They gathered around to come and see all the parts. Ares parted everything out so there were eight piles of viper parts all of equal amount to one another, or as even as he could manage. 

Roshe had come up to him when he parted everything out. “We spoke with Torak, he says you are to take half of what was gathered from the vipers.”

Ares turned to face him, his brow raised. “Oh. Well… I refuse.” He replied back as simply as he possibly could. Roshe’s eyebrows raised in surprise, and they swayed back slightly. They then looked over to Korra and then back to Ares.


“Yeah. I refuse. I don’t really want, or need, half of everything. There were eight of us there.”

“Indeed, but if it wasn’t for you, we would not have been able to defeat them both.”

“Yeah, and if it wasn’t for Kask’s tracking, we wouldn’t have found them so quickly. Plus, he also gave us information that there were two of them. I was pretty reckless, I ruined the plan and got myself caught up by both of them. Also, Salea made such delicious food, that there was no way I wouldn’t have been in high spirits to face them.” Ares noted as seriously as he could. Before Roshe could continue, he stated once more. “I refuse.”

Roshe rubbed the back of their head and then looked over at Korra, who made a face, as though there was misfortune. 

“What?” Ares said.

“It would trouble us if you didn’t take half.” Korra said quietly. 

Ares gave her a look. “Oh?”

Korra bowed her head.

Ares thought about it. Was he disrespecting them for refusing to take half the viper? Was it perhaps Torak’s way of thanking him, or even, did Korra and the other’s vouch for him? Still, taking so much… It did fill him with guilt.

“Mnn.” Ares thought about it. “I don’t know how I feel about that…” He thought of a way he could return some of the viper to them.

“Ah.” He said as he then cocked his head to one side. “Can anyone here make items using the viper?”

“Items? What items?”

“Boots, pouches, backpacks, that kind of thing?”

Korra nodded her head. “We have many leather workers.”

“Ah.” Ares nodded. “Then how about I hand over some of my half of the leather as payment for getting some work done?”

Korra nodded her head. “Very well.” 

Ares’ eyes sparkled. How cool! His first real gear acquisition! Custom made black viper boots sounded really cool! Plus some pouches, a backpack… He should probably get some boots made for his people too, though he’d have to check the quality of work first.

So they made a deal. He would pay them a bit of the leather that he got as a reward to make him some boots, a pouch, and a new backpack. Apparently Roshe was an experienced leather worker, so Ares entrusted it to them. It was going to take a little while, so he paid them upfront and then took the rest of the leather with him in his ring. He still had a large portion of the leather, as they only took a little for the work they were going to do.

With that settled, he, Rehka, and Roshe made their way back to Sohka’s city. They chatted a little bit about the viper battle, and Rehka seemed rather impressed by his feat. 

Ares wondered just how powerful he truly was. He was pretty sure he could have beaten both vipers, though it would have been difficult. Plus, he wanted to figure out if he could go feral. He hadn’t turned into a phoenix in so long, and he had never fought as such.

It was late afternoon by the time they had returned to the city, and they were guided in by a pair of oxfolk. As they were led inside, Ash appeared with some urgency. Ares could see the look in their eyes, partly filled with fear of what to say, and a little bit of shame. ‘Trouble?’ Ares thought. 

“Chief. We welcome your return.” He said and then motioned his head. 

“What happened?” Ares asked.

Ash didn’t seem to want to reply. “Something happened whilst you were gone… I… Mala, she…” Ares walked alongside Ash as they stumbled on their words. “She is in some trouble…”

“I suppose, that is Mala.” Ares chuckled. “Well then, let’s see what kind of trouble she’s gotten herself into.”

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