Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 83

- I must admit, Rosa knows how to choose. It's beautiful here. - I muttered as I drifted into my new valley. 

It was a wild, still untouched by man place, hidden in the middle of the mountains. Green meadows, a mountain stream and a small forest completed the picture of this serene paradise. A bewitching place. 

And do not forget about the cloudless night sky, which was filled with thousands of heavenly bodies that illuminated the already beautiful valley. 

It's good that I arrived here after dark and I was lucky to capture such a beautiful view. I think the employees of my company will enjoy working in a place that I have decided, by right of the owner, to call the Valley of the Stars.

Not too original, I know, but it was the view of the starry sky that I remember the most and although it is visible only at night, you can't think of a better name for this amazing place. 

But, as always, in every barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment, so here, there is a drawback that can overshadow the divinely beautiful appearance of this valley. 

And this disadvantage is that the Valley of the Stars still turned out to be inhabited by not very hospitable magical creatures.

- Now I understand why fifty hectares of territory was so cheap… - I complained aloud as I watched as the wyvern that lived here noticed my presence. 

Wyverns are S-Class Magic Creatures, essentially the younger brothers of dragons. They are not as smart or strong as real dragons, but wyverns are still dangerous because they have large, strong bodies, lasting scales and tremendous speed of movement, especially in flight. 

It's good that they cannot breathe fire, although their sharp claws and huge teeth are quite capable of compensating for this shortcoming. 

If you are unlucky enough to meet a wyvern and do not have the power of an S-Rank mage, then you can say goodbye to life, because soon you will find yourself in the stomach of this monster, which in another less dangerous world would be considered a full-fledged dragon, and not their backward relative. 

In this world, there are many types of wyverns, even white wyverns are vegetarians, but the most dangerous are black wyverns. They are stronger and more fearsome than all their brethren, and may well be considered lesser dragons. If they were even a little more intelligent, they would definitely become dragons. 

And as you know, I was not lucky enough to meet exactly the black wyvern, which seems to have chosen mine, just bought the valley as her home and was clearly unhappy that someone had entered her territory, judging by the way she is now growling and glaring at me menacingly. 

But, in this situation there is one plus. If a wyvern lives in the valley, then this means that there are no other magical creatures and animals here, since not a single wild creature dares to live in the territory of the black wyvern, which, after the extermination of almost all dragons, are now deservedly considered the highest predators. 

This means that I only need to get rid of this wyvern and the territory of the valley will be cleared of all named guests, and I can begin to create a defense so that no one else can enter here without my permission. 

Yeah, so it would be all so simple, if not for one 'but'. Black Wyverns are pack animals and live in large groups, several dozen individuals. And unfortunately, my valley was no exception with its roar, the first wyvern notified all its relatives of my presence here, and now more than forty S-class creatures wanted to devour me. 

And this, I must say, is a lot, because not every S-rank magician is able to cope with such an army, quite capable of destroying an entire country, if given enough time for it. 

These aren't some pathetic mages I fought yesterday. These black wyverns are real wild monsters, created by nature for only one purpose - to kill. Such magical dinosaurs. 

One wyvern by itself isn't that scary, and if you act smart and exploit its weaknesses, even a dozen B-Rank Mages can handle it, but forty... Even Makarov will have a hard time dealing with them...

'I should have come across a detailed nest. Bought a beautiful valley, they say... A good deal for me... Whoever sells this valley to Rosa, I will definitely find him and feed him to one of these creatures, such a huckster does not deserve another...' - I thought displeasedly, urgently casting a flight spell on myself to create distance with the wyverns, which were almost close to me.

To be honest, I'd rather fight Ikusa-Tsunagi one more time than deal with these predators, which, by the way, have scales that have magic resistance and can't be knocked out so easily by magic. 

And I don't want to kill these creatures, especially in such numbers, because even though they want to devour me, it was I who disturbed them and interfered in their way of life. 

For this, they definitely do not deserve death, besides, these wyverns live in the wilderness and do not touch people, finding food in these mountains, so I have no reason to kill them. 

The only reasonable reason to exterminate them is the precious materials that can be obtained from the carcasses of wyverns, which can be sold for a good price, but with my condition, doing such a dirty job is not self-respecting. 

But, I can't leave everything as it is either, because I need this valley for my plans, so I'll have to overpower this flock of wyverns in another place. And I even know where. 

But these 'cute' creatures, one of which has just tried to bite off my hand, obviously will not want to leave here of their own free will, so all that remains is to force them, after neutralizing them first. 

And to do this is much more difficult than to kill. In fact, it's easy to kill, but knocking out a creature with high resistance to magic and an extremely strong body, while that the other wyverns will obviously not just watch me deal with one of the wyverns, not so easy anymore. 

In truth, I should have just burned them all to hell and forgotten about it, but since I decided to show mercy, I need to act to the end and for everything to go well, I need to use the weaknesses of my enemies, to my advantage. 

Fortunately, I've spent a lot of time reading all sorts of bestiaries of magical creatures and I know about these instruments of death, from which I have been flying all over the valley for twenty minutes, devising a plan to disable them all in one fell swoop, almost everything. 

And luckily for me, black wyverns have a great weakness for water, apparently inherited from their fire-breathing cousins. And I, I can use magic water, although I do not like it. 

Now that the plan is ready, I can begin to act. By creating a barrier which slowed down the nearby wyverns and bought me enough time, I used the Take-Over Magic and assumed the form of the Angel Arariel. 

I didn't do it for a long time, all the time preferring to use only its wings in order to fly faster, but the power of the angel instantly responded to my desire and immediately, tons of magic water appeared around me, which completely enveloped the five wyverns closest to me. 

Even such monsters need to breathe, and given the wyvern's weakness to water, which can break through their magical resistance, the creatures soon began to suffocate without access to air and in less than three minutes, they passed out and collapsed to the ground. 

Unfortunately, things got more complicated after that, because the wyverns were far from stupid, and seeing the fate of their relatives, they began to quickly fly away from me, and now I had to chase them. 

Water is not the fastest form of magic, so I had to try hard to catch up and suffocate some of the wyverns, until after losing half of their army, the rest of the wyverns completely went berserk and began to attack me much more violently. 

This time, things were not so easy, and while I was dealing with one of the wyverns, another managed to get close to me and bit me on the leg. It's good that there was a protective plate in this place.

After that, I decided not to be gentle anymore and called on all the water available to me, in the form of a ball with a radius of three hundred meters, which enveloped all the wyverns in general, and although they tried to swim away, soon one after another, the reptiles lost consciousness. 

I know it wasn't a very bright or decent fight, but I've achieved my goal and all the wyverns are alive, even though it wasn't the most pleasant process for them. 

It remains only to transfer them to a new place of residence, which I chose the Great Central Forest in the Western Arakitashia Continent, which I ended up in when I woke up in this world. 

This forest is completely wild and dangerous, there are no people there, so this is an ideal place for wyverns and they will be as comfortable there as they were in the Valley of the Stars. 

After spending ten minutes collecting all forty-four black wyverns, I found their nest where their eggs and young were, which I was able to knock out with a normal sleep spell, as their resistance was weaker than that of adults. 

Finally, I opened the spatial gates and, with the help of telekinesis, transferred them to the clearing where I lived for the first two weeks of my new life. When the wyverns wake up, they will find themselves a new nest and start a new life. 

Having finished on this, I decided to do what I came to the Valley of Stars today for. The first thing I did, after finding the approximate middle of the valley, was to dig a deep hole and place a large piece of lacrima in it. 

I took this lacrima from my underwater base, cutting a piece from that crystal that powers the barrier around the base, protecting it from water. 

In the valley, I wanted to set up the maximum possible protection, and for this I need a large source of energy, since ordinary enchantments powered by Etherano from the atmosphere are not strong enough. 

I wouldn't be able to get that much lacrima, at least not anytime soon, so I had to split the one in the underwater base in half. The only downside to this situation is that the barrier over my secret base will now be twice as weak, but it's still enough to withstand the entire water column, so it's not a big deal. 

Especially since I will later replace this lacrima crystal with a new one when the Tower of Heaven Arc occurs, just like the one I planted in the valley, since this is only a temporary option. 

Having applied all the necessary enchantments that would not only protect, but also hide my new territory from prying eyes, I buried the lacrima and returned home.

I still need to draw a rough design for the new headquarters building, as well as practice control a little more. Lots more to do tomorrow.


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