Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 82

After spending an hour explaining all the details of my idea of ​​how to turn Rosa into a magician, more specifically a Sea Dragon King Slayer, remembering to mention all the advantages and disadvantages of this magic, I gave her time to think it over and decide. 

True, she did not need this time, she had already decided everything for herself, and gave me her positive answer. It looks like the latest attack really took a toll on the girl. 

And I can understand it, because feeling this powerlessness when all you can do is call for help and hope that the protection lasts long enough is terrible, to say the least.

To be honest, I wouldn't want to be in that situation and that's one of the reasons why I'm trying so hard to gain more power. Powerlessness in such a dangerous world is a sin. 

And, as is clear, Rosa also does not want to be weak anymore and to have a similar situation happen again, and therefore she decided to ask me for help and agreed to participate in such a dangerous and unpredictable experiment. 

The Dragon Slayer ritual itself has a high mortality rate, and besides, we should not forget that Rosa herself is still an ordinary person, with an unawakened etherano container, which also undoubtedly adds additional risk. 

But, if I was not sure that I could reduce the risk to almost zero and successfully implement my plan, I would not even raise this topic. I'm not going to risk Rosa's life for the sake of their curiosity and desire to conduct this experiment. 

They say that there are no irreplaceable people, but I don't think so and I think that Rosa is exactly the same person that I was very lucky to meet. I would never trust her to run my trading company if I didn't trust her completely. 

And it is precisely because she earned this trust on her own, especially since she not a magician, that I appreciate her so much and believe in her skills and abilities. 

I don't think I'll be lucky enough to meet another person so trustworthy, so I have to take care of Rosa's safety and security. 

And turning her into a magician of great power, so that in a pinch, she herself could protect herself and our employees, definitely does not hurt, and since Rosa herself agrees with this, I see no reason to delay. It is worth doing this as soon as possible. It remains only to make sure that the ritual would not kill her. 

After discussing all the details, Rosa and I decided that first it was necessary to finish all urgent matters, begin the construction of a new headquarters, and then it would be possible to start the ritual to turn her into a Dragon Slayer. 

At the same time, I will have enough time to redo the ritual I received in the Temple of Poseidon, along with the Lacrima, to make sure that it will be safe for Rosa and everything will work the way I want it to.

I think the right time for the ritual would be two days before my two-week deadline for a mission I've already completed ends. There will be time to monitor Rosa's condition after the ritual and make sure that everything is in order with her. 

When this topic was exhausted, we moved on to discussing the affairs of the company, where I received good news. 

The attack of the dark magicians has already become well known, and although there were those who gloated over our misfortune, which was expected, given that with our success, we crossed the road for many and they would like to see us crash, but how quickly and without consequences my company dealt with such a serious threat, did a great job on the reputation of the company. 

Smart people now understand that the 'Angel Wing Company' is not as simple as it seems at first glance, and it has a powerful backer that can deal with three hundred dark magicians and even one S-rank magician, so our reputation has risen to eyes of the people who have real power in the country. 

Now, we will be treated much more seriously, and we will no longer be considered mere upstarts who are only lucky to get treasures. Now, we are a real player in the business (and not only) arena of Ishgar, which undoubtedly has its advantages. 

For example, a small riffraff, like the one that unsuccessfully attacked the company for the last month, will no longer dare to interfere with us when they find out that the more powerful guys have broken their teeth about us and where they ended up. 

And those who were sent to us by competitors who want the death of my company will obviously not be so willing to accept such orders, knowing full well that this is stupid. I think now it will become calmer, at least for a while. 

Although, there are also enough minuses in such a situation, because...

- New Year's costume ball in the Mercurius Palace? - I asked, reading the invitation that Rosa had given me. 

- Yes, this is the annual ball held by King Toma in honor of the new year. The invitation arrived today, shortly before your arrival. - Rose said, nodding her head. 

- As I understand it, that this ball is not an ordinary social event? - I asked, carefully reading what was written on the piece of paper.

- Right. You can get to the ball only by such an invitation sent from the office of the King and, as you understand, getting an invitation is not easy. Usually, only nobles have the right to attend the ball, and then, far from all, outstanding businessmen, some magicians, or, well, those who attracted the attention of the King personally. - Rosa said.

- Basically, the most important people in the country that the King wants to win over to his side in order to strengthen his control over the country. - I said, something that was already clear. 

- Politics. - Rose said with a shrug. 

- Politics. - I agreed, making faces. 

The one thing I really don't like is the politicians. Usually they are not the smartest people, but the most stubborn, ready to walk over heads, just to get the power they want. I will never understand this...

It is one thing, the thirst for personal power, which is necessary in such a world, but quite another, the desire for power over other people... 

Unfortunately, when I created my company, I perfectly understood that I would still have to get involved in this snake nest, after all, this is the cost of such a business, but I was hoping to throw all the detailed work on Rosa ... Well, it didn't work out ... 

- But, this is a good chance to meet influential people and get the necessary connections that will help with the business, so everything is not so too bad. For my ex-boss, going to this ball helped a lot in expanding his company. - Rose said, trying to cheer me up. 

- Has Jude been invited before as well? - I asked, although I understood that the question was purely rhetorical. 

Previously, the Heartfilia Company was one of the richest companies in the country, so it is not surprising that his owner was invited to meet with the most powerful people in the country. Although, that's in the past. 

- Yes, but only twice. Last year, when problems with the company began, he really wanted to receive an invitation, as he rightly believed that at the ball he would find help to get company on feet. As you understand, he never received an invitation, probably because everyone already understood that his company would collapse. Although, Jude himself, until now, has not understood this and continues to fight, only worsening his situation. - said Rosa with marked malice. 

- I understand you, attending this ball will be useful for the company and should not be missed. And I can't, because it will be an insult to the Royal Family, which will instantly put an end to all my business. - I said with a heavy sigh. 

- It's good that you understand that. - said with a smile, my vice president.

- The bad thing is that it is written here that it is the owner of the 'Angel Wing Сompany' that should attend the ball and nothing else. No more, I can't play anonymous. - I said unhappily. 

Half the fun in owning this company was that I could be the anonymous mastermind and not have to meet 'important' people for the company. Now, it's over.

In case anyone is wondering, the other half of the fun is, of course, the huge amount of money I make doing almost nothing. In this, there is a special charm. 

- Well, sooner or later, it would happen, and in my opinion, debuting at His Majesty's New Year's Ball is not a bad way to make a good impression, is it? - asked Rose, with malice in her eyes. She obviously likes that I will no longer be able to throw off this unpleasant job on her. 

- Yes, yes, of course you are right. - I said, rolling my eyes, and then placing the invitation in my spatial storage, I added: - Okay, it's still a month and a half before the ball, so I'll worry about it later. Better tell me, did you buy the land for the new headquarters? 

- Yes, everything is ready. I have been looking at this place for a long time and today I was able to quickly agree on its purchase. Here look. - Rose said pulling out a map of Fiore and pointing her finger at the place she had bought. 

It was located in the Southwest of Fiore, right in the middle of the mountain range, in the very wilderness, where no one but wild animals and magical creatures lives. The nearest city, the capital of Crocus, was almost thousands of kilometers from this place. 

- Perfect… - I said with a smile.

- I thought the same. In this place, there is a mountain valley, fifty hectares in size, that's what I bought. And it cost only 50,000,000 precious. I think it's a great deal. - Rosa said proudly.

- Well done. I'll have to secure the valley to keep wild beasts and intruders from pestering me, but I know how to do it. Today I will do this, at the same time and personally explore the area. What about an architect? - I immediately asked.

- Tomorrow at 12:00 am, we have an appointment with my friend in Crocus. Architecture is not exactly her profile, but I am sure that she is exactly what we need. Moreover, if you provide her with an original and interesting building project, she will do everything for free, since it is art that interests her in the first place. - said Rosa, which interested me quite a bit. 

- Okay, great job, I'm happy with everything. Then, rest today, and tomorrow I will come for you and we will move to Crocus. - I said with a smile. 

- Okay, I really could use some more sleep. - said Rose, holding back a yawn with difficulty. 

Giving Rose one last hug, I waved goodbye to her and then moved to the Poseidon Mansion. Before I set off for my newfound mountain valley, I need to pick up something that will help me secure the valley area.


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