Is It Wrong To End Up As A Quincy In Danmachi?

Chapter 8: An Adventure

Standing in Finns' office Raul, Cruz, and I looked at our captain seated behind his desk.

As well Riveria, Loki, and Gareth who are all standing right beside him.

Immediately after we returned to the manor I informed Riveria of our battle within the city. It would do no good to lie or not mention since that would just make things worse.

Better to get this out of the way so we can all move on.

The three of us have just finished giving our account of events.

"Understood." Finn said. "While I don't approve of you three charging into a volatile situation like that, I commend you on keeping the casualties to a minimum." He said.

"Yes, good work boys." Gareth added.

"Even so don't get overconfident. Next time things might turn out differently. Anything can happen. Always keep that in mind." Riveria said.

"These three just said it all." Loki spoke.

The three of us nodded.

"Alright then, you can go." Finn said.

So with that the three of us left his office.

Once we did so Raul released a huge sigh of relief. "Man, that was bad on my nerves."

"Oh I don't think it was that bad. It's not like we were getting a scolding or anything." I said.

"Still, things could've gone a lot worse." Cruz added.

"Which is why coming clean was the best solution. Now we can put it behind us." I said. "Anyway I'm starving." I said.

I then headed directly to the dining hall to fill up my empty stomach.

Seeing a faint glow out of the corner of my eye I kept my body still as Loki transferred my status to a piece of status paper.

Within a few seconds the process was complete, and after she glanced at it she handed it to me so I could do the same.

Seeing the results I put a grin on my face.

Name: Jugram Haschwalth

Level: One

Strength: C640-C684

Endurance: C670-B702

Dexterity: B760-A801

Agility: B792-A810

Magic: A806-A823




Schrift B

The Last Successor Of Yhwach

Reishi Conversion

Developmental Abilities:

Luck: I

After just seven months of dungeon diving this is the result.



Growth-type skills really are broken. But I'm not complaining at all.

Since now I can achieve my dream of leveling up within a year.

Actually I feel ready to do so right now.

So it's time for me to go on an adventure.

Once I digested my current status I handed the sheet back to Loki and she disposed of it.

Then as she did so I put back on my shirt.

After I did I waited for Loki to finish her business before standing up to face her. "Loki, I would like permission to go into the middle floors?" I asked her.

"I can see what you're thinking Jugram, and you have my permission. But Gareth will accompany you, and if he thinks things are getting too dangerous he will pull you out without a moments hesitation."

"Understood." I said. "And thank you."

"No problems. The thing is when one of my precious children starts getting this fired up it gets my engine going as well. So move forward." Loki told me.

"Will do." I said.

I then left Loki's room, a smile on my face.

Since now there's about to be a new record holder for the fastest level up.

At least until Bell arrives in a few years.

Standing on the fifteenth floor of the dungeon I felt myself on edge. The hairs all over my body standing up, with me being unable to stop them from doing so.

It's been that way ever since I stepped onto the 13th floor and it hasn't stopped.

'So these are the middle floors.' I thought.

They truly are a different beast the upper floors.

If I didn't have Gareth accompanying me right now I'm certain I'd probably be dead.

"You ok Jugram?" The old dwarf asked me.

"Not at all."  I said. "To be honest I can't stop shaking." I admitted.

"Understandable. I was the same way the first time I came this deep into the dungeon." He admitted. "The deeper you go the more the dungeon tries to keep you from doing so. It will make you experience hell several times over without remorse. But if you can manage to survive you will come out stronger for it." He explained.

I nodded at his words.

Just after I did so one of the walls crumbled and out stepped my target.

A minotaur.

Defeating it is the task I've chosen to complete in order to level up.

Taking several deep breaths to calm myself I stepped forward.

Immediately after I did so the beast turned its gaze in my direction.

"I'll keep any other monsters of you while you battle that beast. But in the end you must be the one to finish it." Gareth instructed me.

"Understood." I said.

I then formed a Heilig Bogen.

As soon as I did so the Minotaur released a blood-curdling scream at me.

I felt its pressure but didn't buckle under it.

Instead I fired off several Heilig Pfeil at the beast, which hit home.

But the minotaur didn't take much damage from them. Brushing off my attack the beast took several steps and instantly closed the distance.

It then swung its left arm at me but I used Hirenyaku to evade the blow. I then released a powerful Licht Regen at the minotaur augmented by the power of Blut Arterie.

Once again my attack hit home, and this time drew blood. Even so the minotaur was still going strong.

'Dammit.' I thought. It's hide is too thick for my arrows to pierce.

Deciding not to waste my mind/reishi I dispersed my bow and then drew my sword. Igniting it with reishi flames I got in close and preformed an upward slash, getting the minotaur across the chest.

As the beast screamed out in pain it lashed out with several punches, but I blocked them all using Blut Vene.

Despite the immense recoil.

As long as my bones don't break I'm fine.

Tanking several of the minotaur's attacks I waited for my chance to strike and then took it by slashing it with my sword several times. Although the damage I didn't do was massive it started building up, as blood started flooding from the wounds of the beast in front of me.

Seeing this I decided to go for a major blow.

Ducking under a punch I used Hirenyaku to move behind the beast, and then slashed at its left arm. Upping the power of my flames I continued slashing until eventually I manage to sever the beasts arms.

However the moment I did so it kicked me in the gut and sent me flying into a nearby wall.

As I created a small crater I coughed up some blood.

Meanwhile the minotaur turned in my direction and screamed in pure rage. Getting into a charging stance it snarled before rocketing towards me.

"Fuck you." I told the monster.

Pulling myself out of the small crater I used Hirenyaku to move behind the beast and then formed a Heilig Bogen and fired off a Licht Regen. Striking the minotaur in the backside.

But that didn't slow the beast down.

Tanking my attack it managed to come back around and its charging speed increased.

Seeing this I moved out of the way again.

But the minute I did so the minotaur instantly changed its trajectory and came after me.

No matter where I moved the beast kept up with me.

Intent on ramming me and killing me.

But that's not going to happen.

I will not die here.

"I am not doing to die here." I said with resolution.

As I did so I drew my blade and gathered reishi, and for the first time ever formed my spirit weapon.

Freund Schild.

Which is extremely taxing.

I can't sustain it for long, which means I need to finish this quickly.

Standing my ground I let the minotaur charge towards me.

"Get out of there Jugram!" Gareth shouted at me.

"No!" I instantly shouted back. "I've got this." I said.

Putting a feral grin on my face as I did so.

Time crawled to a halt, until eventually the moment of truth came. The minotaur slammed into Freund Schild and then drove me into a nearby  wall.

Backing it up after it did so the minotaur roared in victory.

Oh, how wrong you are monster.

Activating Fruend Schild power I turned all the damage I would've taken back on the minotaur. When I did so the beasts chest caved in.

Falling to its knees the minotaur started flailing about like a fish out of water on the ground, blood pouring out of its mouth. But I cared not.

I simply upped its misfortune, making its wound greater.

Slowly but surely I walked over to the minotaur, when I did so the beast looked at me and I saw fear in its eyes.


"Yes, tremble in fear. For I am a Quincy, and it is my sacred duty to purge you monsters from this world." I spoke.

I then coated my blade in reishi flames and cut off the minotaur's head without a second thought.

Then a moment later I became stunned. Since I had no idea where what I had just said come from.

I tried to process my words just now, but before I could the medallion I always carried with me glowed brightly and blinded me.

Then in the next second I felt my consciousness fading, and before I knew it I was out cold.

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