Is It Wrong To End Up As A Quincy In Danmachi?

Chapter 7: Remnants of Evil

As a War Shadow came at me from my left I jumped back and dodged.

I then took my sword and ran it straight through the monster, killing it instantly.

But I had no time to relax as a Frog Shooter aimed its mouth in my direction and then lashed out with its tongue.

Seeing that I had no time to dodge I lifted up my left arm and made Reishi flow into my blood vessels activating Blut Vene.

Then as soon as the frogs attack landed it bounced off my arm seamlessly, without leaving any injury in the slightest.

As usual.

I've been practicing with my other Quincy techniques in the dungeon and have gotten exceptionally good st using them.

As soon as the Frog Shooter attempted to prepare another attack I used Hirenyaku to appear in its blind spot and then slashed it apart with my sword.

Ending the last monster I'm my groups vicinity

At the moment I am with Raul and Cruz completing a quest from the guild to collect War Shadow Blades.

And thanks to the battle we just finished I think we have met our quota.

Moving over to a blade I collected it alongside the War Shadow magic stone. I then moved over to Raul and Cruz. "So do we need to keep going or cam we call it a day?"

"We're good." Raul said. "We've collected 30 War Shadow Finger Blades."

"Alright then. Lets head home, I'm starving." Cruz said.

"I second that." I added.

So with that the three of us made our way back to the surface and then headed straight for the Pantheon to officially complete our quest and claim our reward.

Entering the guild we headed straight for the reception desk, specifically Rose.

"Hello Rose. Nice day isn't it?" I asked her.

"Yes, I suppose." Rose retorted. A frown on her face.

"Come on Rose. Why so grumpy all the time? Why not show a smile? I'm sure you would look even cuter than you already do if you did." I said.

Ignoring the glare Rose gave me at my compliment of her.

I don't care. I'll make her show me a smile. Plus I have always been partial to red heads. So I'm not afraid to see if our relationship can progress into something more.

On that note I've decided to build a harem.

I just hope all the girls I'm interested in agree to it. But if they don't I'll find a way work it out somehow.

Continuing to glare at me the entire time Rose completed the final steps to close the quest our group had taken. She then handed us over our payment.

"Good day." Rose said.

"Same to you Rose." I said.

The three of us then left the guild and started making our way back home.

"Jugram, are you crazy?" Raul asked me.

"Eh,whatever do you mean?" I asked.

"Hitting on Rose." Raul said.

"Yeah man, do you know how many people confess to her and attempt to court her only to get brutally shout down. You should probably stop now before you get hurt." Cruz said.

"Its fine. If I get hurt so be it." I said. "At least this way I'll have tried and failed instead of never knowing what may have happened. Which I won't allow. We are adventurers after all. We walk with death the second we step foot into the dungeon. So why hold ourselves back only to regret it later if death happens upon us?" 

"I...Actually that's a good point." Cruz admitted.

"Yeah." Raul added.

Hearing this I put a smile smug grin on my face.

But immediately dropped it a second later when an explosion rang out nearby.

As soon this happened the three of us drew our weapons and headed in its direction.

Rounding a corner we came up the scene of a storefront on fire with people running away in terror from individuals cloaked in black robes.

"Its an Evilus attack." Raul commented.

'Those psychotic fuckers huh.' I thought.

The world would be better off without such filth in it.

Sheathing my blade I formed a Heilig Bogen and fired off a single shot. My attack landing directly in the head of an Evilus member who was getting ready to use a blade to kill a little girl.

"Cruz, Raul, secure the civilians!" I shouted.

The two of them didn't say a word and simply followed my instructions.

As they did so I released a Licht Regen at the remaining Evilus members, killing some.

But several others avoided my attacks or downright blocked.

Given substance to a theory I had. If my opponent is a higher level than me my skills and magic will be less effective.

That's fine. Just gives me another reason to get stronger.

After dodging my attack the remaining Evilus members looked in my direction. Aiming their weapons at my position, while some started chanting to cast magic.

"Not on my watch scum." I shouted in pure anger.

Attacking innocent people for no reason. They make me sick.

Just as the magic users started to complete their spells I activated my skill, Schrift B. 

This caused all of them to suffer Ignis Fatuus. Which led to a chain reaction of explosions that killed all of the groups magic users as well injured any remaining Evilus survivors.

"Fucker, what did you do?!" One of the Evil us members shouted at me. He then charged forward with his blade but I parried his attack.

"You'll never know. Now go to hell." I said.

I then slashed the enemy across the chest, ending his life.

Just as I did so another remaining Evilus member closed the distance and thrust the spear in his hand forward.

Not having enough time to react I got a gash on my side for my troubles.

But immediately after this happened I ignited my blade in relishing flames and cut down my attacker.

Ignoring the pain in my side as I did so.

"Jugram!" Cruz shouted in worry.

"I'm fine." I responded.

As I did so the last remaining Evilus attackers decided to converge on me.

But just as they did so a blur appeared and then in the next few seconds all of them were struck down.

When the blur finally stopped I saw it was Ryuu.

"Halt in the name a justice!" I heard Alise cry out.

Looking around I saw the Astraea familia had arrived on the scene.

Once they did the matter was wrapped up quickly.

Then soon the Ganesha familia also arrived and Raul, Cruz, and I gave our account of events.

Once we did so we prepared to leave only for Ryuu to come over and stop me.

"Your wound. Allow me to heal it." She said.

"Sure." I said. Because even though its stopped bleeding the pain is not something to joke about.

Still, better to build up a tolerance now than wait to do so in the future.

Nodding Ryuu cast [Noah Heal] on me.

It feels strange but also soothing in a way.

But just as it began it was over.

After it was I checked my wound to see it was already healing.

"Thank you Lion." I told her.

"Do not mention it Mr. Haschwalth." Ryuu said.

"Right, well then excuse me." I told her.

I then started to take my leave only to stumble. As I did so I instantly stopped myself by grabbing into Ryuu.

Then once I realized what I'd done I instantly removed my hands from her person.

"I apologize. I meant you know disrespect." I said.

Looks like that battle combined with today's dungeon dive left me more fatigued than I thought.

"It is no trouble. Well then good day." Ryuu said.

She then rejoined her familia members and I rejoined mine.

All of us going our separate ways.

3rd Person: POV

As the Astraea familia started making their way home Alise and the others looked at Ryuu with strange expressions on their faces.

Noticing this she decided to address the issue.

She looked at them. "Why are you all staring at me?"

"Lion. Please tell me you are playing a joke on us right now?" Kaguya asked.

"I don't know what you mean." Ryuu said.

"Lion are you really that oblivious?" Neze asked her.

Ryuu just titled her head in confusion at the question.

"Ok enough of this. I'll say it plainly. Lion that guy Jugram from the Loki familia just touched you and you didn't react at all." Lyra stated.

As she did so Ryuu finally realized what just happened herself.

She had no reaction to Jugram touching her.

"Looks like you finally understand." Kaguya said.

"Lion remember what I told you." Alise spoke. "If you find a man who can touch you don't let him get away. And you did. But at least you know who he is."

"Yes." Ryuu said.

She knew who Jugram was and vice versa.

Which would help define their relationship in the future.

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