In MARVEL With The Ultimate Villain System (Temporarily Dropped Read description)

Chapter 17 Hammer and Sickle


Chapter 17 Hammer and Sickle

(MC clone/Fake Fisk POV)
5 days after I transferred the abilities to Brittany, there wasn't any rejection and I spent a while explaining what she could now do in detail. There would be some time in which her body would get used to her new ability, but after that time she would be at full strength. She tried out her super strength ability and bent a metal beam.

I also taught her how to use telepathy effectively. When telepathy fused with her original ability it made both aspects stronger. Both of the abilities work together to create something overpowered. It's the same with me of course.

I also taught her how to sense telepathic influence.

After I helped her to be able to protect herself I went back to my business. That being a criminal empire. I had taken over almost every criminal outfit in New York. I have been making contact with other criminal organizations as well. But a large part of 'making contact' meant reading their minds and mind control.

But I also acted diplomatically. I'm not a savage. I only really used force when I had to. Except for when it was with making contact with the human traffickers. I can't get rid of them yet, but I will. For now, I'll be finding every single one of their clients to pay them a visit when I have time.

On a side note, I'm rolling in cash. Both because of my criminal business, but also because of my investing. People sold a lot of their stock in Stark Industries after he disappeared and when he came back and said he won't be making weapons anymore it plummeted even more. But I bought them up. I'll be making even more in the future. Mr. Wesley has also been doing pretty well for himself with his lie-detector ability. It has been very useful.

Recently we have both found and removed moles and tracked them to who they are working for. Most problems we were able to take care of, others not so much. There was one problem. There was a group that robbed one of my shipments of money. It was exceedingly easy to find them after they got away. I assigned one of my best forces to capture who they could and eliminate the rest.

Remember when I mentioned giving gang members mutations? A few of them became bodyguards and the rest became part of a group I call the enforcers. Original I know, but I'm not really good at coming up with names.

Most of them have the super strength ability I stole from 'that' gang member, but without the airblast ability because that would draw a connection to him. Their leader is someone who joined the military and was in Iraq but pursued less than legal methods of living afterward.

I gave him the offer to train some of the more ambitious men and be the leader of the enforcers. He agreed and he has a hefty paycheck as a result. Just calling him 'him' is kind of rude. I think his name was Isaac.

Anyway I used [Telepathy] and found out what I needed to know about their forces and informed them so they were prepared.

After interrogating them it turns out they didn't know anything. The leader of their little group was stupid enough to think they could get away with stealing from 'Fisk' but the rest of his group didn't know who they were stealing from. As a result, I let most of them go. But their leader and a few others who knew were eliminated and the rest never bothered me again. Being way too harsh is just stupid. They didn't know, so they were let off. And I made sure they knew that.

I feel bad for killing even one guy, but I can't show weakness. After that, I went home. Well, technically 'I' am not actually here. I'm just a double disguised as Fisk.

The real me has gone to Russia...


*Meanwhile with the Morlocks*

(Callisto POV)

When the man calling himself Overhaul took control of the Morlocks I obviously had concerns. A very powerful mutant whose origins I had no idea about. He instantly killed the man who almost killed me. He did it with no hesitation and even joked after it like nothing happened.

What I know about what he can do is he needs physical contact and it seems he can control whatever he touches. Even people. And he used it to rip apart that guy's arm. But after he took over he's used it for other purposes. He's helped remodel this place. He's expanded the tunnels and even used his ability to heal us. I'm still not sure about his true intentions, but I'm pretty sure he wants to help.

He recently told me he might have a way to permanently change some of our appearances. Some of the mutants living here are only here because they have no other choice because their appearance was changed because of their mutations. But he says he might have a way to change their appearances without getting rid of their mutations, excluding abilities that are a result of their appearances.

It's a big leap. I know that he has his own little lab in an area of the tunnels, but I wasn't really sure what he was working on other than the occasional remedy whenever someone was sick. But it turns out that he was trying to help us. He says that he'll give those who want to change their appearance a choice in a few days, but he wants to make sure it will actually work first.

I'm fine with that, but I'm a little worried how he's going to confirm it actually works...


(MC clone/Overhaul POV)
Since I became the leader of the Morlocks I have made changes. First of all, I have used my power to help dig out more areas and make structures more sturdy. I have healed people and with help from the real me, I have enough money to pay for much better supplies and resources for the Morlocks. As a result, the Morlocks are doing much better. But now, It's time that I do one of the main reasons I came here in the first place. I took blood samples from every Morlock in order to see if any of them had any problems as well as to copy their powers. The one of most interest was Caliban, the mutant who could sense other mutants over great distances. But there were a few others that were of interest.

[Mutant Sense X-gene - Allows the user to sense mutants over vast distances. User cannot sense anything other than their direction and vague sense of distance, and only that they're a mutant. They can't sense what kind of power they have.]

[Light Generation X-gene - Allows the user to generate light from their body as well as create small orbs of light that they can control.]

[Demon X-gene - Gives the user small horns and special eyes that allow the user to exert their will on others with eye contact.]

[Big Arms X-gene - Gives the user large muscular arms.]

[Night Sight X-gene - Gives user eyes similar to those of a cat allowing them to see better at night.]

[Big Jaw X-gene - Gives the user a massive jaw and teeth.]

[Razor Tooth X-gene - Gives the user much tougher, razor-sharp teeth.]

[Bronze Skin X-gene - Gives the user Bronze-like skin. However, they cannot make it go away.]

[Disorient X-gene - Allows the user to disorient a target from a distance, making them dizzy and delirious.]

These are 9 of the ones that I thought interesting. There was one that was a form of telekinesis that only allowed someone to pull something toward them, but it was so weak as to not exist and they also had a heteromorphic appearance. So it wasn't included in the list.

The first 3 are of most interest. Them being [Mutant Sense] [Light Generation] and [Demon]. The others are useful but aren't exactly necessary right now. Although night vision will be necessary in the future getting it now is probably for the best.

The [Demon] X-gene got me wondering though. Demons do exist in Marvel if I'm not mistaken. The X-gene is a mystery even to the experts. But when it activates it can be influenced by dormant DNA. Specifically the DNA of ancestors. That's why mutant children often have the same or similar abilities as their parents. But the [Demon] X-gene got me wondering. In the past, did demons cross-breed with humans? And a lot of people in modern day are descended from demons? And the X-gene filled in the gaps and gave the girl who I copied it from their ability? It's an interesting thought and I'll look into it when I have the time but I have something else to work on.

After successfully duplicating them, I began work on duplicating them while removing the undesirable effects. The grey lumpy skin from [Mutant Sense] that came from Caliban is an example.

It took many tries over a week but I was able to get it to work. After I finished it, I told the original through the telepathic link, and not long after a black portal opened and he stepped through and collected them. He thanked me and left. Even though I know we're technically the same person, it's still weird.



After I got a notification from my Overhaul clone I opened a portal to his location and got what he had prepared for me. Most of what he got me could be useful in certain circumstances but right now I only needed one. [Mutant Sense].

I came to Russia to find Ivan Vanko. The person who was the villain in Iron Man 2. I vaguely considered recruiting him, but it's better to just use [Telepathy] and the system to just scan his mind and copy what he knows. I'll do the same to his father. This way I can recreate the Arc reactor for myself.

But there is just one teeny tiny problem. I have no idea where he is. I have gone to multiple Russian physicists and read their minds for anything about Ivan Vanko and Anton Vanko. I haven't got anything solid as of yet. But while I was there I copied what they knew as well for the system to analyze.

After I got [Mutant Sense] I used it to see if there were any mutants in Russia. And there are suspiciously few... I wonder why?

But they are mostly weak powers that people wouldn't notice. Things like [Strong Immune System] and [Enhanced Muscle Growth]. But still, I'll steal what I can.

It wasn't until after I followed a lead that I finally got somewhere. I went to the slums in one town and I found them. As shown in the movie, Ivan Vanko's father Anton Vanko was sick and dying. He was having a particularly nasty coughing fit when I arrived. I reconsidered what I should do. I could get him to work for me, but Justin Hammer is an example of that going wrong. But still, am I supposed to just leave after I get what I want?


What would happen if the events of Iron Man 2 didn't happen? Ivan Vanko wouldn't go after Tony. But most of everything would happen the same. Maybe Rhodes would steal Tony's suit, maybe not. But Nick Fury would give him the hint about the new element and he would get what he needs in the end.

Should I do it? If I did, then Tony wouldn't learn from his father's mistake. But isn't that a good thing? A less competent Tony means it's easier for me to accomplish my goals. My goals of... It sounds so stupid when I put it like this, but my goal of world domination.

After considering it more, I place markers on the two of them and teleport back home to New York. I have an idea, but I just need to check up on a few things.


*Hammer Industries*

(Justin Hammer POV)

I have been having serious problems. My investors are furious that I can't get results, which is completely unreasonable. But I have to figure something out. Ever since Tony Stark created the Iron Man suit his stock has been fluctuating violently. Same with most other industries. Just a week ago a test pilot had his spine snapped when one of his attempts at recreating the Iron Man suit went wrong.

I've gotten workable results in the end, but there's still one problem. I can't power it. The Arc reactor is one of the greatest pieces of technology ever created. And unfortunately, I can't make use of it. So I'm stuck.

But that all changed yesterday.

I was sitting in my office at the end of the day contemplating what I was supposed to do for probably the thirtieth time that day when I felt something off and looked up from my desk. Somebody was sitting in a chair across from me. No one came through the door. He was just there. I jumped up in shock and almost screamed but the figure spoke first.

"I wouldn't do that. If you scream I'll be gone, and you won't be able to hear the offer I'm going to give you." The man said.

This man had white hair and looked a little... Off. It wasn't easy to place, he was just off...

After being silent for a moment I sat back down and looked at the mysterious man.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"I guess you could say I'm an investor." He said.

"Why didn't you use the normal channels?" I ask.

"Because I'm not a normal investor." He said with a smile.

"What makes you different?" I ask with a scoff.

"Information. Tell me, what is the problem that you and all other weapons manufacturers are having when recreating the Iron Man suit?" He said.

"That's obvious. We can create workable results with the suit itself, but we can't power it. We need the Arc reactor or something similar." I said with a sigh.

"If you had vibranium you could achieve workable results, but there's only so much of that stuff out there. I am aware of some, but that's a different story. However, there is yet another option." He said.

"Another option?" I ask.

"When Howard Stark was creating the Arc reactor, one of the lead scientists was kicked out of the project and disgraced. From what I know he was supposedly stealing their work, but from what I was able to find out, that doesn't seem to be the case. He's still alive, and he can tell you how to recreate the Arc reactor. I know where he is." He said.

This... It can't be. The answer's been there this whole time?

"Why did you come to me?" I ask.

"To be honest? You're the most likely to not go back on your word. Everyone else is like vultures waiting for the slightest moment of weakness." He said.

"Haha! Isn't that right? Well, I think I understand now. You want to invest In Hammer industries, but unofficially. But I can't do that with what little I know about you. For all I know this is a trap." I said.

"I plan to invest in you officially. Through a friend of mine of course. And I can assure you this isn't a trap. This is the biggest opportunity of your life. All you need to do is reach out and take it." He said.

"I can probably find them with what you told me about them. So why should I make this deal?" I ask.

"Because why settle with one golden egg when you can have the whole goose? With my help, you can go further than Stark Industries ever could. Besides, Anton Vanko, the man I mentioned, is dying. If you don't find him soon and give him the treatment he's being denied, you'll likely lose this opportunity." He said.

He isn't wrong about the goose thing. And if he really is dying, then he's check-mated me in this. He's good.

"I'll need some more details. Then maybe we can come to an arrangement." I said with a smile.



(Ivan Vanko POV)
My father has been sick for a long time, but he's gotten a lot worse recently. There is a treatment for him but it's expensive and out of reach for us. So there's nothing I can do. Maybe I can make and sell weapons, but I'll likely be arrested again. I want to be by my father during his last moments.

But I still can't get what I know out of my head. Stark. My father told me the truth. How his and my futures were taken away from us by the Stark family. We were made to take the fall and lost everything. And now, their heir is richer than ever. Even creating the Iron Man armor. The thought makes me so angry. Why has this happened to us?

But an unexpected opportunity presented itself. I went to a bar to drink away my problems for the night when a man approached me. I turned to look at him and he was... Off. I couldn't quite place it. His most notable feature was pure white hair. He didn't speak for a moment but when he did I was on guard.

"It wasn't easy to find you Ivan Vanko. And before you go and run off or attack me or something, I don't have any ill intent. I have an offer. An offer that will turn your situation around." The man said.

"I've lived in this world long enough to know that this world isn't nice enough to give me such an offer without strings attached. But I'm listening." I said.

"I know about your situation more than you would think. I know that your father was made to take the fall for one of Howard Starks mistakes and suffered as a result. I also know that you want to get back at his son for what he did. And I know that you want to save your father.

As for my offer? I'll get there in a minute. What I'm asking, is what you want to do." He said.

"I want to get revenge obviously," I said.

"Yes. Revenge. It's said it's a dish best-served cold. And I think they're right. My guess is you'll probably build something to help you, and you'll go after him and attempt to kill him. But he has resources, experience, and connections you do not." He says.

"What's your point?" I ask.

"Simple. Tell me, what is the easiest way to get rid of your enemy without being directly involved?" He said.

"How should I know?" I said.

"...To arm your enemy's enemy. You have the knowledge to do exactly that. And also, you can take back what was taken from your father and was meant to be yours. You just need the opportunity. I can give that." He said.

"And what exactly would you have me do?" I ask now intrigued by his suggestion.

"Go work for Hammer Industries. They're a weapons manufacturer who are facing problems as a result of Tony Stark's newest weapon. They are in desperate need of help in the tech department." He said.

"Why would I go work for this Hammer Industries? I've seen their products and they are S**t." I said.

"What would have the most impact? Helping a force that's about to win? Or helping a force that's about to lose and as a result, they win? If you were to help them, they could rise in the weapons manufacturing world and possibly even drive Stark Industries bankrupt. Something their CEO wants after Stark has insulted him oh so many times.

And as a result, you get what you want. There are others that want what you want. And as a bonus, he can help you and your father, giving him the treatment he needs. Give you both the recognition you deserve. Of course, you can help him too. So you both can help each other. If you succeed, you can get what you deserve on your own. No more getting angry about the past. You lost everything, but you got it all back through your own effort. It's a roundabout method, but the same end result. If you agree, I can have everything ready in a week." He said.

If everything were to go as he said, then I could agree to that. But there's just one problem.

"Why should I trust you? And who are you?" I ask.

"I am... Someone trying to survive in this world with the cards I've been dealt. And I saw an opportunity when I saw you. Not just for me, but for you as well. You could probably try and go and work for another weapons manufacturer after I gave you the idea, but Justin Hammer is definitely the most trustworthy compared to those vultures." He said.

"Someone trying to survive with the cards you've been dealt? That's one way to put it." I ask.

"I guess you could say I'm in a similar situation to you, but not as simple an escape route. And the best way I can see that happening is by being close to people in power. And a weapons manufacturer that is about to become the leading expert in the field is on the top of the list." He said.

"I think I understand. But do you actually have a connection with him?" I ask.

"I met with him yesterday. I informed him that there was someone who was involved in the creation of the arc reactor still alive and a little about the details of what happened. And he wants to meet with you." He said.

"So you don't work for him?" I ask.

"I'm a third party. I found out about you, and want to profit from it. It's your choice if you want to, but if you don't, most likely your father will die from his illness." He said.

I consider for a while before deciding.

"If he can save my father and get us back what was taken from us, and bring down Stark, I'll do as you ask," I say.



After a week, everything was arranged. Anton and Ivan Vanko met Justin Hammer. He got Anton the treatment he needed and after he recovered the father and son showed their expertise. Justin Hammer being a businessman offered them a job. They agreed, and he used his contacts to get them both US citizenships without going through the normal channels.

When Stark's Expo comes around, they'll have a surprise for him.

After going through normal channels and 'investing' in Hammer industries after contacting him using one of Fisk's subsidiaries. My little organization is growing day by day. Eventually, I cannot be ignored. But by then, it will be too little too late.

But isn't arming my enemies a bad idea?

Not if you do it right. They will get this technology eventually. S.H.I.E.L.D. always finds a way. So if it's going to happen anyway, why let that happen when I can be the one in control of it?

But this will mean the weapons will be even more widespread. But that doesn't matter. These weapons will mean nothing to what I have planned. And besides, there'll be a little something 'extra' in store when my plans gain momentum.



So yeah, things are coming together. If you must know, MC was using telepathy and [Mind Influence] on Ivan and Justin to persuade them. Ivan most likely would never do this in canon. Ivan will work for Hammer Industries officially and create weapons for Justin Hammer and Stark can't do anything about it.

(I'm assuming Russia wouldn't just let someone of his intellect go, but let's just say for story purposes he was able to leave and get himself U.S. citizenship somewhat legally.)

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