In MARVEL With The Ultimate Villain System (Temporarily Dropped Read description)

Chapter 16 A Date and Future Plans

Chapter 16

I wondered why I was doing this as I approached the table where Brittany was sitting. It was a cafe in the city with exterior tables. (It may or may not be the one where Captain America was in one of the Avengers movie's deleted scenes).

She had come before and it looked like she ordered for herself. I got caught up and was delayed by the flood of people. Unfortunately, I can't teleport with all of these people around. I could have gone invisible and teleported, but they would still have seen the black portal. So I couldn't do that.

Still, I eventually made my way to the cafe and sat down. Luckily I'm not an idiot so I didn't forget to change my appearance back to normal after I changed it in order to disguise myself. I walked to her table and sat down. She looked up at me and smiled, but it was a little off. And I didn't have to read minds to know why. I was late. Around 8 minutes. First date and already late.

"I got caught up in traffic, so I wasn't able to get here on time. I'll try to come early next time." I said.

But it was still my fault.

"It's fine, it was beyond your control." She said.

And so our date went on. Explaining every top would be boring, but suffice it to say it was pretty normal. We talked about a few minor things and about how things were going at her home. And eventually, I told her about what I had made for her.

"I have them ready for you. When you're ready, I can give you the abilities you want. You'll feel a little sick after, but you'll be fine." I said as I took a sip of Sprite.

"Exactly what abilities will I get?" She asks hesitantly.

"Telepathy like Amanda, super human strength, and the ability to create translucent barriers," I said.

"That's... A little much." She said.

"Is it?" I ask.

"...No. You're right. It's wrong to assume I won't need to use it." She said with a sigh.

"It's everything you'll need for now. Be sure to practice as much as you can, but don't grow too reliant on them." I said as I handed her a piece of paper that showed all the powers I gave her, and details about their limits and effects.

"Thanks, Axel. I really mean it." She said and I could see that she had a tear in her eye.

"It's no problem," I said.

"Yeah, I know." She said.

I hesitated for a long time before speaking again.

"I... I haven't told you who I really am. And it's just getting increasingly awkward the longer you don't know. I already told you my name is Axel, but I should tell you my whole story." I said.

She looked up at me parts surprised and curious.

"Really?" She asked.

"But we shouldn't talk about it here. Back at my place would be best. And while we're there, I can give you what you asked for." I said.

"Okay," She said.

"But we should finish our meal first obviously," I said.

"Of course," She said with a small laugh.

We talked more as we ate. But after a while, I remembered Axel's girlfriend before he was falsely accused. She completely abandoned him the moment he was accused and left. Didn't believe him when he said he didn't do it. I briefly considered that if I actually was the original Axel from this world, I might have trust issues with women. But I'm not the Axel from this world. I'm someone else.

After we walked to a deserted alley where I knew there were no cameras in at teleported with her to my warehouse which I'm using as a home.

It was a lot better than it was before. And I obviously moved the Nomu (Originally Fisk) somewhere else. Using my Wilson Fisk identity I had bought the place. That way no one would go and clear it out after buying it, finding me. I brought her to the couch and we sat down.

"You want to know the truth right?" I ask.

"Obviously." She says.

"Well, where do I start... My real name is Axel Hunt. And I'm 20 as I told you. As for why I'm living in an abandoned warehouse? I'm officially dead." I said.

"Wait, you're officially? As in legally dead?" She asked.

"Yeah. But putting it like that is confusing. I'll start from the beginning. I was... Well, how should I put this? Okay... I was framed." I said.

"Framed? As in framed for a crime?" She asked confused.

"Yeah. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. At first, I thought it was some mistake, but it became increasingly clear as false evidence that I knew was fake kept piling up. Even though I knew it was fake, I kept wanting to believe that it was just a mistake and it would be sorted out, but I was approached by one of the other suspects. Some rich kid. He did the crime and after things didn't go as planned, he planted false evidence and framed me. He came up to me and mocked me. I got a worse sentence for attacking that bastard..." I said.

Brittany was silent with a look that was both horrified and furious.

"I ended up going to prison and was almost killed multiple times. The X-gene, which gives mutants their powers, is unusual. If someone isn't born with an ability, it usually activates in times of extreme stress, and usually in adolescence. Being in that situation made my abilities awaken.

And after hiding it for a while, I was brought to a place to be 'disposed' of. So, I killed the prisoners who were tasked with killing me and used my teleportation power to escape. I was presumed dead after an... Explosion in the prison. So, I'm legally dead. Even my family doesn't know.

I lived on the streets for a while. I found this warehouse and made it into my own little home. I have made a few friends, so I'm not exactly poor, but I still don't really know what I'm supposed to do." I say with a chuckle at the end.

"And now I'm here. I've been stealing mutants' powers for a while now. I'm still wondering why I didn't just steal your ability when we first met. I couldn't duplicate abilities back then. But it doesn't matter anyway, now you know my story." I said with a sigh.

Brittany is quiet for a long while after I finish. But she eventually speaks.

"That's horrible. I... I can't believe that happened. I've been wondering about you for a while now. Whether or not you were a bad person. Why do you seem to distrust the government and hate the cops? But I get it now. It explains so much." She said.

"Yeah, I've had a sucky experience at the justice system life so far," I said with a sigh.

We're silent for a while before I speak.

"I haven't been able to really talk to anyone about it, so it's a nice change of pace. I'm sorry for dragging you into my problems, but I just needed to talk to someone." I said.

"I-it's fine! Really! No problem." She said in a rush.

"Yeah, but still. I should just get this over with. I'll give you an upgrade for your abilities. You'll be able to protect your family in case anything happens to you." I said.

I brought her to a chair and had her sit down while I prepared to give her the powers. I gave her a small injection of minor pain relievers because it would hurt like getting shocked.

But before I gave her the abilities we talked.

"So what exactly can you do?" She asked.

"You mean my powers? Well, I can teleport, read minds, and move objects with my mind. I can create flames as well as shoot lasers from my hands. I also have a body that is strong enough to rip off a car door easily, as well as uproot a tree with raw physical strength. I have a copy of your ability, of course, so I can mentally influence people, and I also have an ability that allows me to manipulate matter. But I'm still working with that one." I said.

"Wow, you're really strong then." She said in awe.

"Yeah... I've spent my time stealing as many as I can. I already told you before, but please don't tell anyone I have the ability to steal powers. A lot of people would go after me if they knew that." I said.

"Of course, I'm not stupid. I know that much." She said sounding slightly offended.

"Well, we should probably stop wasting time. It's time to do this." I said.

I put my palm on her forehead and a red light emanates from it. After a moment her body jumps as if being shocked after I transfer them to her. It's not violent, but not minor either. After I'm done I use [All For One] to see if it's working.

And I smile as I see that it is. I managed to set it so that after [Telepathy] is transferred it will fuse with Brittany's original ability and instead of having 4 separate abilities she'll have 3. Which would cause much less stress on her body.

As I finished making sure that it worked I pulled my hand back and she stood up from the chair. I can tell she's nervous. Was she hiding how nervous she was this whole time? She has been taking it surprisingly well, I guess she's just good at hiding it.

"That was... Intense." She said slightly dazed.

"Not as bad as having your ability being stolen. But I try to be gentle in any case." I say.

"Well, it wasn't that bad. But it feels a little weird..." She said with a slightly dazed look.

"Probably your body trying to re-organize itself. You should go home and get some rest." I said.

She nods and I open a portal to a place near her house and I walk her home.

(A/N: Like a gentleman)

After I come back I contemplate what happened. I knew about it but hadn't really thought about it all that much, but Brittany had feelings for me, in at least some capacity. I didn't have to read her mind to know that. And as for me, I keep protecting her and keeping an eye on her. That's something that I have been wondering for a while now. Why didn't I just steal her ability when we first met? I vaguely recall something about using it as an opportunity, but I can't fully remember.

And then I rescued her like a knight in shining armor and kept an eye on her to make sure she was safe.


I think I know why. I just couldn't stand by. I couldn't watch a 16-year-old girl and her brother be kidnapped and sold to someone to be a lab rat or who knows what else. I experimented on Wilson Fisk and even turned him into my first Nomu, but I'm only fine with that because he's done some horrible things. Well, I'm not exactly fine with it, but that's as good as I'm going to feel about doing this. I'm not a psychopath or even a sociopath. It's just completely against my personality to just let that happen. I'm just someone who was reincarnated in Marvel with special powers. Not some monster.


I hadn't considered it too much. I remember thinking about it before and thought I considered it, but I really didn't and shrugged it off because I was busy. But now, what do I want to be? I contemplated taking over the world before, and that's a very real possibility. But do I really want that? What do I want?

I want... Freedom.

I'm hiding like a rat because I'm scared of people in power finding out about me. They would want to use me to their own ends and do who knows what. But I obviously won't let that happen.

After really thinking about it, my goal is clear. I'll be someone to not be underestimated. Thinking back on it, I've killed people huh? But looking back I am feeling guilty. But that's enough. At least I know I'm not a psychopath. As for what I'm going to do? I'll aim high. I'll aim to conquer the world. I won't settle for anything less. I'll become powerful enough that no one can challenge me. I'm already powerful enough that I can probably go up against the Avengers, but I'm not underestimating them.

(A/N: They haven't been created yet)

And also there are horrible people in this world who want to abuse people for their own gain. I may not be able to completely stop it from happening, but I can at least change the way things are done. And I won't allow villains and evil organizations to run wild. Them being Loki, Hydra, and Thanos. I bet they'll say I'm a villain, someone worse than Hitler. And if I fail I'll probably be considered the antichrist for all I know. But if I win...

What I want to do in this life. I never really got to do anything that I wasn't able to do in my past life, and nothing is stopping me in this one.

Besides, having all this power, it would be a waste not to use it...

And then there's the possibility of someone else reincarnating here. If they just want to be left alone, I'm fine with that. But if they're a threat to me, I'll remove them without hesitation.


Name: Axel/???
Level: 3 - 0/5000
Age: 20/??
Species: Human/Metahuman/Homosuperior
System: Ultimate Villain System
VP: 3109

Quests: [ClickToExpand]

Tools: [MentalShields(Lesser)] [PowerAnalysis] [PowerControl]

Bloodlines/Powers: [48+]

[All For One - Allows its user to steal/transfer genetic factors that make up powers/gifts from others, and put them into themselves. And once the user has stolen it, they can also transfer it to others for them to use if they desire (47)]

[Overhaul Quirk - Allows its user to deconstruct and reconstruct matter. Requires physical contact to activate, but not required once a connection has been established.]
[Half-hot Half-cold quirk - Allows the user to create Fire and Ice.]
[Hellfire quirk (C) - Allows the user to create fire and has resistance to fire and heat. But they must cool down after they get so hot.]
[Cryo quirk (C) - Allows the user to create Ice and lower the temperature, as well as offering resistance to the cold.]
[High Specs quirk - gives the user a greatly superior intellect.]
[Black Lightning Quirk: allows user to create and manipulate black lightning. Allows users to be highly resistant to electricity.]
[Air Wall Quirk: Lets the user create circular shields made of compressed air from their hands in order to shield themselves. The barriers can be layered for greater protection, and the user also has the ability to create a dome barrier around themselves to guard against attacks coming from different areas. They can also use the shield to blast people away or fire powerful bursts of pressurized air able to knock down and stun the opponent.]
[Barrier quirk - allows the user to create a translucent barrier around them.]
[Sloshed quirk - Sloshed causes anyone who approaches the user to lose their sense of balance, falling into a state similar to inebriation. Those affected by Sloshed become unable to move and act properly. The user can choose who is affected and how affected they are.]
[Consciousness Control X-gene - Grants its user greater control over their consciousness. Granting many minor boosts to things such as focus, memory, multitasking, and various other things.]
[Telekinesis X-gene - Allows the user to move objects without physically touching them.]
[Mind Influence X-gene (C) Allows its user to mentally influence people to a limited extent.]
[Cell Activation quirk - Allows the user to activate someone's cells causing them to divide and heal them at the cost of their stamina.]
[Energy Saver quirk - Grants the user greatly increased stamina and increased ability to save energy. Also allows the user to get more out of sleep and be able to go in a sort of hibernation mode.]
[Lie Detector quirk - Allows the user to sense whenever someone in close proximity to them lies. Works best with physical contact.]
[Truth Quirk - Allows its user to compel someone to answer their questions.]
[Invisibility Quirk - Allows its user to bend light around them, and their clothing anything they're holding making them invisible. With intense concentration, it can be used to turn another invisible. Works on more than just the visible spectrum.]
[GrowthBoost Quirk - Enhances the body's rate of growth, as in getting stronger or adapting.]
[Big Show quirk - Allows the user to increase their size by around three times, also increasing their strength. (Doesn't work on clothes)]
[Explosive Blast Quirk - Allows its user to create explosive blasts. Size and power depend on users' skill in using this ability and strength. Also gives the user minor heat resistance.]
[Flame Fist X-gene - Allows the user to coat themselves, primarily their hands, in flames, and shoot balls or blasts of flame. Grants heat resistance.]
[Multi-tasking Quirk - gives its user a greater ability to multitask.]
[DNA Decay Quirk - Causes any DNA or organic matter that is separated from the host that isn't caused by a power or other means to disintegrate almost immediately.]
[Telepathy X-gene - A relatively weak version of telepathy. It allows its users to read minds, sense mutants, send messages to people, and to a limited extent influence people.]
[GreyGoliath X-gene - Makes its user huge, grey, and like a miniature Hulk.]
[Laser fingers Quirk - Gives its user the ability to shoot laser beams from their fingers. Has great accuracy, and enough penetration to easily pierce people.]
[WarpGate Quirk - Allows its user to open portals made of black mist, allowing the user and others to teleport.]
[Search Quirk - Allows one to place roughly 100 invisible markers on someone and track their location. Users can also vaguely sense weaknesses in someone a marker has been placed.]
[Scanning Quirk - Scanning allows the user to search for and identify people's Quirks to some extent, as well as to measure their level of power using a heat signature-like vision.]
[Rivet Stab Quirk - Allows the user to extend black extensions with cracked glowing throughout it from their fingers and spine.]
[Strength Enhancer Quirk - A basic strength-enhancing quirk.]
[Healthy body Quirk - gives the user a healthy body. Affects things like eyesight and how fast someone ages.]
[Intelligence Enhancement Quirk - Enhances the users' intellect.]
[Body Strengthening Quirk - Strengthens the user's body. Makes the user much more durable.]
[HardBone X-gene - Makes the user's bones stronger.]
[BoneManipulation X-gene - Allows the user to alter their bones. Changing their shape and density to some extent.]
[Leap quirk - Grants the user the ability to jump long distances and fall from large heights without getting hurt.]
[Nocturnal X-gene - User is stronger, faster, can see better, and can focus better. All effects are enhanced at night and lessened during the day.]
[Many Eyes X-gene - Allows the user to create eyes all across their body at will.]
[Clairvoyance X-gene - Allows its user to see things from far distances without actually physically seeing them.]
[Fist Spikes X-gene - allows its users to grow spikes on their fists.]
[Snake X-gene - Gives the user snake-like traits. Giving them scales, slitted eyes, infrared senses, and a forked tongue.]
[DiseaseWorsening X-gene - Allows its user to make diseases or conditions worse.]
[MinorTelekinesis X-gene - Allows its user to move objects with a thought. But focuses on fine control rather than raw power.]
[Impact X-gene - Increases the kinetic energy in impacts caused by its user, such as the user's fist. Causing greater damage.]
[SuperStrength/AirBlast X-gene - gives user super strength and the ability to shoot air blasts.]
[Multitasking Quirk - Gives the user a greater ability to multitask.]

Skills: 2
[BodyDouble Lv2 - Allows the user to create a double of themselves. They can un-summon this clone at any time. After this clone has been either destroyed or un-summoned, the user will get the memories of this clone. 2/2 ]
[Monarch's Indifference Lv1 - Allows the user to be indifferent to usually stressful situations.]

Perks: 1
[Luck Plays A Role! Lv2 - Lucky things are more likely to happen to you. And you may get special quests.]



The MC has a true goal now. But I was wondering about adding a new power system that the MC will primarily use. He will use magic obviously, but there are a few problems.

I have updated one of the X-genes he has stolen. What it originally did was give traits similar to a vampire and was called the Vampire X-gene. But now I changed it to the nocturnal X-gene.

The magic that originates from the world of Marvel. It was never really clear how it works, so I'll take some liberties with how the magic system works. I was always bugged by how inaccurate it was when it came to magic.

First of all, the spark portals created by sling rings won't exist. They're garbage anyway. Magic teleportation is expensive and not casual as shown in the movies. The Bifrost was a teleportation device that could travel between worlds, but it drew a ton of power. Also, when Thor came to Earth in the Avengers, Odin had to use a ton of his power to do it without the Bifrost. (Loki mentioned it.)

Making teleportation so casual for mages from Earth is stupid. Doctor Strange teleported everyone from Titan to Earth in Avenger Endgame and had enough power to throw down with Thanos' army. And Odin could barely send Thor to earth. But it's probably a bad comparison for those two. But it'll be altered nonetheless.

Anyway, I think that's enough. At this rate, the Author's notes will be longer than the chapter itself.

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