In MARVEL With The Ultimate Villain System (Temporarily Dropped Read description)

Chapter 13 Becoming All For One

Chapter 13 Becoming All For One

After taking over the Morlocks I decided to speed up my plans. I spent my time looking for Fisk. It took forever, but I eventually found him and placed a marker on him. After leveling up the system, my markers are a lot stronger. I have better range, I can place more, and I can read his mind to some extent even without placing a physical ability in him. I have also placed markers on his 'friends' and have been keeping track of them. Fisk, otherwise known as the Kingpin, is the ruler of the criminal underworld of New York. He has control over the police and a lot of politicians. His 'friends' are members of other groups, such as the Triads, the Yakuza, the Russians, the Hand, and a whole lot more.

It's all pretty complicated, but he has created an organization to be feared. And what I plan on doing is replacing him with one of my clones. But I know it isn't going to be easy. Knowing this, I got a skill from the store called [Acting]. It's a skill that makes me a great actor. With it, it will be easier to complete my plans. I have been practicing with it using my Overhaul clone. I was wondering how I would be able to use skills, and now I know. Skills like Body Double can't be used by my clones which are the result of it. Otherwise, it would be just like Twice's quirk. My clones can't use abilities unless I give them some with All For One, and they can't use active skills. However, they can use passive skills such as the [Acting] skill. It's very interesting how it works.

I'll steal Masque's mutant gift in the future. But before that, I need to level up my Body Double skill. I have a few ideas on what I can do before that though. I've been practicing a ton with my abilities and am able to use [RivetStab] on my back now. I saw in the MHA anime that All For One used the rivet stab quirk from his back and not just his fingers (Technically Shigaraki, but you get what I mean). After practicing for a while, I finally managed it. I created eight Rivets from my back and held myself up like a spider. It's difficult because they aren't very strong, but I'll keep practicing until it's strong enough.

I've also been looking into the shop and asking the system questions. I remembered Gigantomachia and asked the system what quirks he had. And it knew! He had 7 quirks. They are:

[Endurance Quirk - gives the user the ability to convert their morale into physical energy and stamina, increasing their physical strength and endurance.]
[Pain Blocker Quirk - Makes the user unable to detect any pain, both inside and outside their body.]
[Gigantification Quirk - Allows the user to grow whenever he/she is agitated or excited.]
[Dog Quirk - Gives the user an increased sense of hearing and smell like a dog.]
[Energy Saver Quirk - Allows the user's body to function on very small amounts of nutrition and hydration, as well as allows them to process without much sleep.]
[Fierce Gains Quirk - Allows the user's muscles to harden to exceptionally tough levels. Granting them exceptional strength and durability.]
[Mole Quirk - allows the user to grow long, sharp claws from their fingers, spines on their back, and a shield visor on their face, to help them dig through the Earth, just like a mole. The spines on the back allow the user to much more easily slide underground, as well as blend into their environment, and the shield is used to protect their eyes.]

Only seven quirks. And yet, looking at them, I can understand how he was so dangerous. They are a perfect combination for what he was meant for. He was one of the most dangerous people in the anime and could single-handedly destroy a city if he was ordered to. And he did destroy a large portion of one in seasons 5 and 6. He was known as a walking calamity for a reason. And the reason is a combination of quirks that play off of one another. No wonder he was the reference for the creation of the Nomu.

I am considering possibly getting some of these quirks. They would be useful. But I'll choose some of them later. And get the others much later when I have plenty of VP to spend.

But now, I need to practice and wait until I can make another Double.


*14 Days later*

I have managed to level up my [BodyDouble] skill to Level 2. I can now create two clones at once. I have given it [FistSpikes], [SuperStrength/AirBlast], and [Impact]. These three are useful for a physical type. Fisk is very strong, and his men know that. After I leveled up the skill and gave the powers to it, I teleported into the underground and teleported Masque to the surface in another abandoned building I use. I killed him after taking his power. After considering it for all this time, I decided that it would be easier to just remove him from the equation. And I can see he's not a very nice person thanks to [Telepathy].

{Power Stolen}


{Power Analyzed}

{Added: [Appearance Alteration X-gene - Allows the user to change others' and their appearance. Either making them look like another person or giving them animal characteristics.] }

Appearance Alteration? I guess that fits. And didn't it only allow him to change others' appearance?

{Powers can behave differently with different users. An example would be one person being given a power that gives them spikes, they will likely not have them in the same places as the original owner. Changes like this are common. Masque was limiting himself subconsciously, he likely would have been able to change his own appearance in the future.}

Huh, so I'm able to and he's not because it behaves differently with me? Interesting.

After I disposed of the body I then teleported back to my base and began testing my new power, this ability had the side effect of making the user have grey skin and white eyes though. I ask the system to use the power for me and make my clone look like Fisk. It does exactly that. I make a perfect copy. I ask it to do an impression, and it's a perfect impression. I would think it was him if I didn't know it was a fake. I then begin my next step. I waited until Fisk was alone at home. Then, I teleported him into an underground cage I had prepared. I took everything off of him like his phone with telekinesis. When he woke up, he was... Not happy. I'll say that much. He has incredible strength. Enough to really throw the cage around. But he couldn't get out. He said things like:

"Let me out of here! Do you know who I am? When my men find out they'll-"

And so forth. But they don't know. I used the marker I placed on him mixed with the system to passively read his mind to learn what I needed to know. It reads his memories constantly searching for anything it missed and how to make a greater imitation of his behavior. It was already doing this before, but now it's focusing more on what he knows and not on his personality like before. With everything complete, eventually, I will dispose of him. I'm also having the system take his knowledge. He's someone who took over the criminal underworld. I'm obviously going to take that knowledge for myself.

I watch as my Fisk-clone meets up with Wesley. They go about as normal. But Wesley doesn't know that his employer has been replaced. And he's speaking to a doppelganger. And as I do it, I get a notification.

{Side-Quest Started: Stay in control
You have replaced the Kingpin. Now, all you need to do is stay in your position for a whole month. After that time has elapsed, you will complete the quest: [Replace the Kingpin]

Bonus rewards will be generated based on how well you do.}

So I need to do this for a whole month. And I need to take over his organization inside and out. Seems doable. I'll have to use mind control on his right-hand man. The people he's working with don't really care who they're working with, they just care that their business is going well. So if I were to replace him, they'd just have to get along with the new business owner. Simple as that. Same all around the world. I know this because Fisk knows it, and it irks him that if he were to disappear everything would go on as normal. But that's how life works.

I also plan on visiting Japan. Not only because it was the original home of All For One in the MHA anime, but because it has a few things of interest there. One of them is a Japanese WW2 veteran. He was saved by the Wolverine and went on to found a large company. Yashida Industries. He appeared in the movie The Wolverine. He tried to steal Logan's mutant powers of longevity and regeneration so he could live forever. And he almost succeeded. I plan on giving him an offer. He was willing to almost go into bankruptcy in order to prolong his life. I'll allow him to live longer without the need to do all that, in exchange for him working for me.

If I succeed, then I can accomplish a lot more. I can become a worldwide villain. And I also need to track down Ulysses Klaue. In the MCU he was operating off the coast of Africa, black market arms. He also stole Vibranium from Wakanda. An extremely rare, nearly indestructible metal. Knowing all of this, and the possibility of taking over these groups makes me smile. But I'll likely have to only work with them. I was originally just thinking about the possibility as a joke before, but now, I think I might actually be able to conquer the world in the future. It's a real possibility.

I guess I need to plan more. Have the system assist me and help me plan for all outcomes.


*1 Month later*
A month has gone by. I completed the first condition of the quest.

{Quest Completed: Replace the kingpin
Details: Replace the kingpin. He is the king of the underworld in New York. You plan to become the new All For One. Part of that means ruling the criminal underworld. But there's no need to stop at New York. Ruling the world would be interesting, right? To complete this quest, replace the kingpin.
Condition 1 (Complete) - Take over his position. Either by blackmailing or replacing him with the traditional method. Anything that would be considered as replacing him. 3000VP [???]
Condition 2 (Incomplete) - Reveal yourself as All For One. When you have taken over his organization, reveal yourself as All For One. 1000VP
Condition 3 (Complete) - Be an even better ruler of the criminal underworld than Fisk. 1000VP
Total Rewards: 4000VP [???] }

{[???] Is being revealed}

{You have gained the skill: [Monarch's Indifference]}

Another skill... I see. Once activated it allows me to think critically and not be blinded by emotions and bias. It could be useful.

I completed 2/3 conditions for the quest and got 4000VP. I won't reveal myself as All For One until I am ready, so I didn't get that condition. I did a better job than Fisk since I was able to do things that he wouldn't be able to do. I went and read people's minds myself. Then had my clone plan accordingly.

I gained 4000VP plus the 809VP I had originally, but I also gained 81VP over the past month.

809 + 81 + 4000 = 4890VP

That's a lot of VP I got. And since I got it, it's time to upgrade the system again.


{System upgrading...}

{Upgrade will take 18 hours}

4890 - 1000 = 3890

Wow, that's a lot longer than I thought. And I still have so much VP left. I wonder how much Doctor Garaki's knowledge is going to cost. 500? 600? 800? Maybe even 1000? Something like that? And what else will be unlocked after this level-up? I

But until then, I need to wait. And I might as well talk about my progress with experimenting with All For One. I just happened to have the perfect test subject, that subject being Fisk. I have him locked in a cage. I was going to dispose of him, but I decided that I should at least use him to the fullest. So, I began my experiments. I gave him various quirks and mutations to see how he could handle it. He handled them surprisingly well. He didn't go brain dead at least. But he's a lot stronger than most people. So he won't go down so easily. I have only been willing to give him 4 at most though. So I don't know for sure. Further tests need to be done.

I have also done further tests on how my power works. And I was able to figure a few things out. All for one doesn't require direct physical contact, a centimeter off of their skin will work. But physical contact works best. It doesn't work if another part of my body is touching them. Only my hand, specifically my palm. And after remembering what All For One's physical deformity was, I inspected my palm. And there was a tiny hole there. But it only becomes visible when I use the power. It works like a fishing hook or a vacuum. Snagging someone's power and sucking it inside. But I remember Nine didn't have this on his hand. Maybe a side effect? Because of a duplicated quirk? Maybe because I have something as good as the original? I don't know. I'll have to wait until I am able to do proper research in a lab.

I decided to go and do some more research at the place I went to before. I also visited the library because why not? After that, I practiced with my powers more.

Time went on and I went to bed.


*Later the next day*

It finally finished upgrading. I unlocked various new things but I immediately went and searched for what I knew was in the shop.

{[Dr. Garaki's knowledge:
Details: The knowledge of Dr. Garaki, the doctor friend of All For One in MHA. He was a genius in biology and genetics. He wasn't lacking in engineering or coding either. He had a quirk that allowed him to live for over two hundred years. He later duplicated his quirk using methods that he had developed and gave the original to All For One. He also developed a surgery to adapt someone's body to accept multiple quirks and even All For One.] = 1200VP}

I was close, but not quite. Still going to buy it of course.

{You have purchased Dr. Garaki's knowledge}

{3890 - 1200 = 2690VP]

I can instantly feel knowledge in my brain. I feel... Older? Wiser? I feel like a calculation I would have found somewhat difficult before would be easy now as if I had done it thousands of times. I ask the system to record all the memories I am getting so I have a backup.

I then meditate and look into what I learned. Yeah. I can do a whole lot more than before. But now I just need a lab to get started...


*2 months later*
(James Wesley's POV)

My name is James Wesley. I have lived a somewhat normal life. I became a very successful lawyer. I became so successful my talents were recognized by... Some people weren't exactly on the good side of the law. I was given an offer to join them and become someone very powerful. I accepted their offer and joined them. And I became the right-hand man of a man named Wilson Fisk. I know some things about him. How he had a tragic childhood that forged him into the man he is today. I admire him for turning that into strength.

But I don't understand his obsession with this city. I truly don't. For me, it's just full of trash and smog. But it's his belief. My belief is in business. I believe in transactions for the betterment of one's self. Simple as that.

And that's how I got myself into this situation. My employer requested a meeting with me in private, and that's how I learned that the man I had been talking to for who knows how long was a fake. In front of my eyes, he turned from a large bald man into a man with pure white hair and blue eyes. He had a smile as he looked at me from the table he was sitting at.

"So, this is the first time we're officially meeting Wesley. I will not give my real name, but you may call me All For One." He said with a smile.

"You're not Fisk," I said after a moment.

"Indeed. Fisk has been removed from the picture." He said.

"And what are your intentions of telling me this?" I ask.

"Simple. I need your help. I can't run this organization that Fisk so kindly set up for me alone. And who betters help than his right-hand man?" He said with a smile.

"And what if I refuse?" I ask.

"Then there's a problem. But I don't think it will come to that. You are the kind of man who believes in business. And I can guarantee that if we agree on this and you work for me instead, I will lead this organization to far greater heights than he would have ever been able to." He said. Again his expression hasn't changed a bit.

"And what can you offer that Fisk couldn't?" I ask.

"Power. Plain and simple." He said.

"And by that you mean?" I asked.

"I mean I can give you a mutant power." He said.

A mutant power? How? Does that mean he is a mutant too? Did he give himself a mutant power? Is that how he looked like Fisk?

"How?" I asked.

"A magician never reveals his secrets. The oldest rule in the book. No, wait, the first rule of magicians is that people are stupid. I forgot about that. Okay, second rule. I won't give out information for no reason. Just know that I can make you and others into mutants. And give you abilities that would more than ensure your protection." He said.

"And what ability would you give me in exchange for me working with you instead of Fisk? Fisk is a friend. And if I'm going to work for his kidnapper and possible killer, I'll require a lot in exchange." I said.

Fisk wasn't really a friend. He was a business partner. But he won't know that.

"I agree. A mutant ability is something only I can offer. But surely you must have an idea of what you would want. Super strength? Bulletproof skin? How about a lie detector ability? The ability to sense when someone lies would be a very useful ability for a lawyer like you." He says.

Sensing when someone lies? That would be... Useful. I can think of various uses for something like that...


After a while of talking, we agree on working together. After we finish our arrangement, he says he'll give me what I asked for. He says that his mutant power assists in the process. And that in order to give me an ability, he needs physical contact with my head. After some more explanation, I agree. He puts his palm against my forehead and a red light appears from it. I feel a weird sensation, and when it is complete, I feel... Different.

"My name is James Patrick." the man calling himself All For One says.

For a split second, I wondered why he would say his name, and then I felt it. He's lying. It feels as if I have a new sense.

"You should have sensed I was lying," He said.

"Yes, I can tell. I can feel it. You were telling the truth. I now have a mutant ability. I'll honor our agreement." I said.

"Good. I can give you more abilities in the future. But first, one of my associates would like to meet you. He's working on a special project, but he needs better facilities than a basement for what he's planning on doing." All For One says.

"Associate?" I ask.

"He's a man who has the mutant ability that allows him to manipulate the structure of matter. He and I have been working together for a while now. He's working on something for me. So I would like you to help him with whatever he needs within reason." He said.

A mutant with the power to manipulate matter?

"How will I contact him?" I ask.

"Don't you want to know about him?" He asks.

"I figured you would tell me," I said.

"You aren't completely wrong. You're going to be meeting him, so you need to know at least a little about him. Just like me, he's keeping his name a secret. But he goes by Overhaul." He said.



I smile as I finish my dealings with Wesley. He normally would have been much more apprehensive about working with me, but I have been using [Telepathy] on him. After I gave him [LieDetector] that I had just bought from the store, his fate had been sealed. I had placed a marker as well as a quirk into him. A fragment of my consciousness with it. I will always know where he is and I will always know what he is thinking. He would never betray me because he is me.

Okay, that sounds kind of creepy. But it's true in a way.

He won't be able to betray me. The organization is mine. I probably could have taken over him by force, but it's less risky to have him think it's his idea.

Now I need to do a few more things before everything is set up. After that, I'll be in business.

Also, Tony Stark has returned. It's only a matter of time until he reveals himself as the Iron Man.


It was super easy to remove the Kingpin. But really, MC is just a cheat.

I also have had to spend a bunch of time figuring out exactly what powers Apocalypse has in preparation for their fight. It won't be any time soon, but it will happen. I have had to research exactly what he could do in both the comics and the movie and write out separate mutant abilities based on all the abilities he has shown. For example, in the comics he had Biokinesis, but in the movies, he had the ability to transfer his consciousness from one body to another and gain their powers. I'll go for the latter in this fan fic. But that leaves the problem of writing out all of the powers he has stolen and their effects. I could probably get by without saying it and just have an awesome fight, but I'm going to be as thorough as possible.

I've also had to rethink how his abilities work in this timeline. The original ability that allowed him to transfer bodies will have 3 aspects. The ability to transfer bodies, greater strength and endurance, and the grey skin as a side-effect.

He has also been shown to have an ability to sense mutants. He will have an ability like Calliban. Calliban can sense mutants over long distances, but his skin is grey as a side effect. Same with Apocalypse. His skin was already grey, so he didn't mind stealing an ability that gave him grey skin as a side effect.

I have also been figuring out exactly what quirks the Nomu had in MHA. I have a good idea of what powers they had and have gotten a good idea of what I can do to increase their power. For example, what if they had a weaker version of the super soldier serum as well as the surgery to increase their bodies' potential?

Super soldiers. Except so powerful they'd make Captain America look like an amateur.


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