In MARVEL With The Ultimate Villain System (Temporarily Dropped Read description)

Chapter 12 The Morlocks

Chapter 12 Meeting the Morlocks.

I walk down a dark tunnel. There are tons of tunnels under the city. There are storm drains, maintenance tunnels, and the main base of operations of the Morlocks, a former underground bunker. But after going through the tunnels, I learned a lot. There are manually dug tunnels here now. These tunnels seem to have been dug out manually, either by hand or using a mutant power. I have been practicing with the [Clairvoyance] X-gene I stole. I have been keeping an eye on the Morlocks, figuring out what they can do. The Morlocks are primarily mutants with physical deformities. I have found out what a few of their gifts are. One is very strong. The other has a type of mind control. Another has a body like glass. And another looks like a demon. It's an interesting-looking mutation. I wonder what it does?

But why was I walking down the tunnel? I was going to finally meet the Morlocks. The group was the kind that respected strength. It ended up like that because they were mutants, and they had mutant gifts that gave them great strength. What made me choose to come here? I had found out using the system and the Clairvoyance ability I stole. I had the system read their lips while I spied on them. And what I had heard, was that someone had challenged their leader for their position. It's an interesting idea. If I had known that, I would have come much sooner.

I walked down the tunnel and eventually stepped out into a large room. I could hear voices up ahead. I could see using [Clairvoyance] that the fight was about to start. I kept my invisibility active and walked into the crowd and avoided bumping into anyone. I got to a good position, turned off my invisibility, and acted as if I belonged there. I even pulled out some snacks I had bought before coming here. And as I expected, no one bothered looking at me. You can get away with a lot if you just act like you belong.

I looked into the makeshift ring that was created. I was using the ability I had stolen that gave me cat eyes to allow me to see better in the dark. There was enough light, but being able to see a little better never hurts. On the right, I see a girl with black hair and a patch covering her right eye. From what I know, her abilities make her a little stronger, a little more durable, and a lot faster.

And on the left, is a huge black man with massive muscles (probably his ability, if not he needs to lay off on the steroids) who looks like he's ready to kill his opponent. If I had to guess, he has an ability that makes him stronger. I wonder if he's Luke Cage? I doubt it. Could be, could not. I don't care either way. But what I do care about, is being cautious. I place markers on them just to be safe. I also have the system passively use telepathy on everyone here to get information.

After waiting a while, someone who is taking the role of a referee gives a countdown. After the countdown ends, the fight starts.

Surprisingly the girl strikes first. She rushes forward incredibly fast and hits the man in the face, but he is unfazed. She keeps attacking at high speed, but he keeps just shrugging it off. He throws a punch and misses. But then he does a surprising thing. He punches and a column of air is shot toward the girl. She is swept off her feet and falls down. She gets up almost immediately though and doesn't give the man time to get to her. She spends the rest of her time avoiding the blasts of air he's putting off.

The fight goes on like this for a while, neither side was willing to let the other have the advantage.

Until he pulls another move and the column of air curves mid-air and hits her sweeping her off her feet again. He doesn't let her recover this time. He jumps in and grabs her holding her down. He breaks her left arm with his incredible strength. She screams in pain, and then she admits defeat. But he just keeps going. The others look like they are going to step in, but I just finished my gummy worms and soda. So, I step into the ring. The others don't do anything after they see someone they don't recognize. And a few even realized that I was just sitting on the sidelines eating snacks while I wasn't a part of their group. A lot of them felt really stupid.

The man looks up at me with a menacing grin as he speaks.

"Don't tell me you're going to intervene in a death match. Your group agreed there would be no intervention." He said coldly.

"Oh, I'm not with them. You would be amazed at what you can get away with if you act like you belong. I literally just walked in here, sat over there, ate gummy worms, and drank a root beer as I watched you two fight." I said with a laugh at the end. I can tell using telepathy that a lot of people are confused, and a few feel stupid because they realize what I meant. One of the confused people is the big black man.

"What do you-" He starts to say but I cut him off.

"I'm another challenger. You won, fair and square. So, you should save your energy for your fight with me. You're going to need it." I said in a cold voice, completely in contrast to my joking attitude before.

He glares at me before dropping the girl and standing up. "So you're someone else huh? A challenger? Alright. If you're going to back out, now's your only chance." He said with a cruel grin. I use telepathy on him and see he has full intention of killing me. I can also see he's part of a gang and wants to take over the Morlocks and assimilate them into his gang. Complete idiot. Why would he think that would work? These people are just regular people trying to survive, not criminals.

"Likewise," I said.

He just snorts and runs at me ready to punch a hole through my chest. But I just touch him with a finger and use [Overhaul]. His entire right arm which he was going to punch me with turns into a red mist. The onlookers gasp as he screams in pain. Blood spurts out of his stump and onto the floor as he tries to cover it. The onlookers just look scared. I step forward placing my hand on his head and use [All For One] to start stealing his ability and [Telekinesis] to hold him in place. I don't try to be gentle. I rip his power straight out of his body and he screams before getting a blank look in his eye. I don't bother though. I use [Overhaul] again on his head and it turns into a red mist. His headless body falls to the ground with a thud.


There is dead silence except for the girl wincing and gasping in pain because of how badly she's hurt. After contemplating for a moment I walk over to her and use [Overhaul] on her. The others all are ready to rush forward and help her, but they needn't have bothered. I touch her broken arm, as she winces in pain. I use [Overhaul] on it and it turns into a red mist. She is about to scream in pain, but before she can, it's back. I put it back together. She looks down shocked at her previously broken arm, now completely healed. I had the system do it this time, but I'm still practicing on my own.

There's dead silence. I just casually killed the guy who seriously hurt their leader. Then, I healed her wounds like it was nothing. Most were trying to figure out just what I did.

"I'm sorry for intruding, but if I didn't you were going to die," I said as I offered her my hand. She hesitated before standing up on her own. Probably because she realized I needed physical contact to use [Overhaul] by watching my fight. Which wasn't wrong.

"Who are you and why are you here?" She asked.

"I came here originally because I wanted to join your group, but after all this happened, it seems like It would be better with me as its leader," I said casually.

"I would have been fine without you." She said coldly.

"Sure, and I was noticed by your people. I totally didn't just walk in here like I owned the place and no one noticed me." I said with a laugh.

She just glared before looking over at someone who nodded to her after talking to someone. She just sighed.

"I guess I have no choice but to let you be the leader then. I was prepared to lose, this makes no difference does it? But still, who are you?" She asks.

"I can't say my real name at this time, but you can call me after the name of my ability, Overhaul," I said.

"Overhaul? What the heck is that supposed to mean?" She said with a laugh.

"It means I came up with a name for my ability. And the name gives a hint about what it does. I would have to be stupid to say what I can do." I said casually.

After I say that everyone is silent for a while.

"You know what? Fine. Don't say what you can do. I don't care." She said with a scoff.

"Good. Because I thought you'd be dying to know." I said with a smile.

"Hmph. I guess you're a very powerful mutant, aren't you? What did you do before then? Your hand was covered in red light when you touched that guy's head." She said as she looked at me like she was trying to dissect my every secret. Which she was. I could tell.

"That's my second ability. I won't say what it is obviously. Just know it's powerful." I said.

"Yeah, but what does it do?" She asked ignoring my request to not ask about it.

"I just said it's a secret. You're lucky enough to know anything about my first ability, don't push your luck." I said.

"...Fine. But just so you know, if you're going to be the leader here, you're going to need to look after everyone." She said as she looked me in the eyes.

"I know. I'm here because I can help you. But I can only effectively help if I'm in charge. I'll have you help me with that role. And I'll keep away any idiots like that last guy." I said as I pointed to the corpse on the floor.

"I see. So I'll effectively be the second in command more or less?" She said as she looked at me.

"Yes. I don't expect everyone to trust me after I killed someone not even 10 minutes after walking in here," I said as I pointed at the corpse on the ground again.

"But I am trying to help. Also... I need help." I say.

"With what?" The girl says with a curious look.

"I can't say now, but I'll tell you later, " I say cryptically.

"Fine. But just so you know these people aren't soldiers or gang members like that guy thought. We're just trying to survive." She said.

"I already know that. That's the main reason I intervened." I said.

"Hmm... Well, if we're going to be working together, we should at least know each other's names, even if one of them is an alias. My name's Callisto." She said as she gave me her hand for a handshake. I took her hand and shook it with a nod.

[Hidden Quest Completed: Take over the Morlocks.
Condition 1: Take over their group in any way to be in charge.
Bonus condition 2: Do it officially.
Condition 1 rewards: 250VP
Bonus condition 2 rewards: 250VP
Total Rewards: 500VP]

[Achievement unlocked: Conqueoror
Details: Take over a group or territory in whatever capacity to be official.
Rewards: 100VP]



After I had time alone, I created a clone and used [Overhaul] on him. Earlier I had the system use [Overhaul] on me to alter my face. I now looked somewhat like the original quirks owner. I did the same to the clone. Then, I returned my face back to normal. I also swapped abilities with him. He originally had [FlameFist], [Fistspikes], and [Vampire], but I swapped them out. I gave him [Overhaul], and left him with [FlameFist] and [Vampire]. Then I teleported back to my base.

While my clone would lead the Morlocks, I would be working in the background. That was my plan. But that's been put on hold because of the notification. I just got 600VP in one go! Again! I got a ton before, but I got a ton again! The easiest way to get VP is to be really aggressive about it huh? Well, lesson learned.

Now I need to work on getting other groups under me. As I think this, I get a notification.

{Quest added}

{Quest: Replace the kingpin
Details: Replace the kingpin. He is the king of the underworld in New York. You plan to become the new All For One. Part of that means ruling the criminal underworld. But there's no need to stop at New York. Ruling the world would be interesting, right? To complete this quest, replace the kingpin.
Condition 1 - Take over his position. Either by blackmailing or replacing him with the traditional method. Anything that would be considered as replacing him. 3000VP [???]
Condition 2 (Optional) - Reveal yourself as All For One. When you have taken over his organization, reveal yourself as All For One. 1000VP
Condition 3 (Optional) - Be an even better ruler of the criminal underworld than Fisk. 1000VP
Total Rewards: 5000VP [???] }

I read through the quest and contemplate for a moment. It's impossible. Completely impossible. Or is it? It may be possible... Hmm... I would be putting myself in a lot of risk. But, it might actually work... Hmm... Yeah, I have an idea.

This will be the most risky thing I've done yet, but if I succeed...

After contemplating for a while more, I decide. If I'm going to do this as I plan, I'm going to need a few things. One of them is the power of one of the Morlocks.


*That night*
I teleport back into the Alley. The home of the Morlocks. I walk down it while invisible, searching for someone using telepathy, until I find him. I walk towards his sleeping form and look down at him. His name is Masque. He has the mutant ability to change someone's appearance. But he is unable to change his own. Which is unfortunate, because he has grey skin that looks like it's rotting. And I can tell he's bitter with how he looks. However, I can tell that he's hiding a secret. Masque's power allows him to change someone's appearance. The main reason the Morlocks are underground is because of their appearance. Why doesn't he just change their appearance? He can do that. They can keep their powers, but change their appearance to look normal. But he lies and says he can only change someone's appearance temporarily. That's his secret. He's worried that if he does help everyone, they won't need to live here and they'll abandon him down here.

It's a sad situation overall. But now, I need to take his power. Not now of course. Later. Why do I need it? Simple. I plan to literally replace the kingpin with one of my clones. I'll slowly take over his organization until I can freely get rid of the kingpin whenever my plans gain momentum.

I'll give him an offer in the future. I'll take his power and he'll return to how he would normally look without his power. If he refuses, I'll take his power by force. And if he still refuses to go to a normal life, I'll kill him. I don't want to, but I will.

I turn away from Masque and continue walking down the alley until I find another person. Caliban. He is a mutant with the ability to sense other mutants. He has impressive range. City-level range of detection more or less.

His ability would be very useful, no need to go around and scan people with my ability all the time. These two mutants in particular have abilities that I want. Well, there's another, but that's a different story. I consider my options for how I'm going to take their abilities. Maybe I don't have to take Caliban's abilities?

Eventually, when I can duplicate abilities I may be able just to take his blood and make a copy in a lab. But in order to do that, I'll need money. So, I need to take over Fisk's criminal empire. It will be a pain, but with help from the system and telepathy to know what he knows, it's possible.

And now, I need to wait until I can steal Masque's power without drawing suspicion, and also find Fisk. I have a few ideas on where he is, but I don't know for sure. I'll have to wait until I can place a marker on him. Until then, I need to work on other things.

After I finish this train of thought, my mind goes back to which quirk I should get. [Airwall] or [Blacklightning]. Both are powerful. Since I have so much VP to spend, I'll get both. No wait, maybe I should get a healing quirk? Yeah, I'll see how much rewind is.

'System, open the shop and show me the rewind quirk.'


The screen changes and I see the rewind quirk. But it's blanked out. I need to be level three to buy it don't I? Hmm... I need to spend 1000VP in order to upgrade the system again. Which I currently have... Should I do it?

...No. I'll save it in case of an emergency. And I'll eventually save enough to buy it. And then I can get the knowledge of Dr Garaki. And maybe even the knowledge of All For One. I remember back when I first found the shop and saw I was able to buy knowledge from the system too. One of the options was all the knowledge of Dr. Garaki, the scientist of All For One. If I had to choose which is more valuable right now, I would choose the knowledge of All For One. But that's the most valuable right now. The most valuable in the long run will be the knowledge of Dr. Garaki. But I need to be level three to unlock it.

Back to the other problem. The two quirks. Which one should I buy? I have enough VP to last for a while, but I can never be too cautious... I'll buy both quirks. I need [Airwall] to help with defense. And [Blacklightning] to look cool.

439 + 600 = 1039VP

1039 - 110 = 929VP + [Airwall]

929 - 120 = 809VP + [Blacklightning]

I buy the two and immediately test them. I use [Airwall] and create a wall of air. I'll have to practice for a while till I can use it well. I also try out [Blacklightning] and zap a support beam. Yeah, it's awesome! Who doesn't want to shoot a black lightning bolt? Ooh, I can call myself Black Bolt! Wait, that name's already taken. And calling myself that is like naming a ship Titanic 2.

With two new quirks, my total number of powers has reached 35. Still not on the level of hundreds that the original All For One had. I won't feel satisfied until I reach at least 80.

After this, I go to my desk. I left a book lying there and have only skimmed it so far. It's a book about magic. Specifically, the one that I bought. I took the book and went and lay down on the couch as I read it. It contains some interesting stuff. There was always a question I was wondering. Why didn't anyone accidentally learn how to use magic? Why didn't anyone accidentally learn how to move objects with thought, or astral project, or any of that? It's a simple question. When I watched the MCU I always wondered this. Turns out there's an answer. Because they need to have that potential awakened. Only the most talented people can learn magic naturally. And that's how the first sorcerers started out. So a method was created that allows normal people to forcefully awaken their potential. And in order to become a mage, I need to use this method. But the method is guarded at Kamar Taj. Luckily, after reading more, and after browsing the store, I found it.

[Stone of Awakening: A magic stone that helps awaken one's potential as a mage. Uses Mana energy to forcefully open one's senses to magic.] = 850VP

I currently have 809VP. I probably should have saved it... Oh well, too late now. I guess I'll just have to wait to save up the VP to get it like normal.

I skim through the book a little more and find a few interesting things. Things that I might be able to combine with my powers and become even more powerful. But that's something I'll need to do in the future.

I sigh as I lay on the couch I stole and do research.


Name: Axel/???
Level: 2 - 0/1000
Age: 20/??
Species: Human/Metahuman/Homosuperior
System: Ultimate Villain System
VP: 809

Quests: [ClickToExpand]

Tools: [MentalShields(Minor)] [PowerAnalysis] [PowerControl]

Bloodlines/Powers: [36]

[All For One - Allows its user to steal/transfer genetic factors that make up powers/gifts from others, and put them into themselves. And once the user has stolen it, they can also transfer it to others for them to use if they desire.]

[Overhaul Quirk - Allows its user to deconstruct and reconstruct matter. Requires physical contact to activate, but not required once a connection has been established.]
[Black Lightning Quirk: allows user to create and manipulate black lightning. Allows users to be highly resistant to electricity.]
[Air Wall Quirk: Lets the user create circular shields made of compressed air from their hands in order to shield themselves. The barriers can be layered for greater protection, and the user also has the ability to create a dome barrier around themselves to guard against attacks coming from different areas. They can also use the shield to blast people away or fire powerful bursts of pressurized air able to knock down and stun the opponent.]
[ConsciousnessControl X-gene - Grants its user greater control over their consciousness. Granting many minor boosts to things such as focus, memory, multitasking, and various other things.]
[Telekinesis X-gene - Allows the user to move objects without physically touching them.]
[Truth Quirk - Allows its user to compel someone to answer their questions.]
[Invisibility Quirk - Allows its user to bend light around them, making them invisible. Works on more than just the visible spectrum.]
[GrowthBoost Quirk - Enhances the body's rate of growth, as in getting stronger or adapting.]
[Explosive Blast Quirk - Allows its user to create explosive blasts. Size and power depend on users' skill in using this ability and strength. Also gives the user minor heat resistance.]
[Flame Fist X-gene - Allows the user to coat themselves, primarily their hands, in flames, and shoot balls or blasts of flame. Grants heat resistance.]
[Multi-tasking Quirk - gives its user a greater ability to multitask.]
[DNA Decay Quirk - Causes any DNA or organic matter that is separated from the host that isn't caused by a power or other means to disintegrate almost immediately.]
[Telepathy X-gene - A relatively weak version of telepathy. It allows its users to read minds, sense mutants, send messages to people, and to a limited extent influence people.]
[GreyGoliath X-gene - Makes its user huge, grey, and like a miniature Hulk.]
[Laser fingers Quirk - Gives its user the ability to shoot laser beams from their fingers. Has great accuracy, and enough penetration to easily pierce people.]
[WarpGate Quirk - Allows its user to open portals made of black mist, allowing the user and others to teleport.]
[Search Quirk - Allows one to place roughly 100 invisible markers on someone and track their location. Users can also vaguely sense weaknesses in someone a marker has been placed.]
[Scanning Quirk - Scanning allows the user to search for and identify people's Quirks to some extent, as well as to measure their level of power using a heat signature-like vision.]
[RivetStab Quirk - Allows the user to extend black extensions with cracked glowing throughout it from their fingers and spine.]
[Strength enhancer Quirk - A basic strength-enhancing quirk.]
[Healthy body Quirk - gives the user a healthy body. Affects things like eyesight and how fast someone ages.]
[Intelligence Enhancement Quirk - Enhances the users' intellect.]
[Body Strengthening Quirk - Strengthens the user's body. Makes the user much more durable.]
[HardBone X-gene - Makes the user's bones stronger.]
[BoneManipulation X-gene - Allows the user to alter their bones. Changing their shape and density to some extent.]
[Many Eyes X-gene - Allows the user to create eyes all across their body at will.]
[Vampire X-gene - User is stronger, faster, can see better, and can focus better. All effects are enhanced at night and lessened during the day. The user even has extendable fangs.]
[Many Eyes X-gene - Allows the user to create eyes all across their body at will.]
[Clairvoyance X-gene - Allows its user to see things from far distances without actually physically seeing them.]
[Fist Spikes X-gene - allows its users to grow spikes on their fists.]
[Scales X-gene - Gives the user lizard-like scales.]
[DiseaseWorsening X-gene - Allows its user to make diseases or conditions worse.]
[MinorTelekinesis X-gene - Allows its user to move objects with a thought.]
[Impact X-gene - Increases the kinetic energy in impacts caused by its user, such as the user's fist. Causing greater damage.]
[SuperStrength/AirBlast X-gene - gives user super strength and the ability to shoot air blasts.]

Skills: 1
[BodyDouble Lv1 - Allows the user to create a double of themselves. They can un-summon this clone at any time. After this clone has been either destroyed or un-summoned, the user will get the memories of this clone. 0/1 ]

Perks: 1
[Luck Plays A Role!: Lucky things are more likely to happen to you. And you may get special quests.]



I changed chapter 11 again. Sorry, but I had to because I noticed a few problems.

I also had to change things with the poll. I realized that I had previously made it so that the MC couldn't get things from the Marvel world, but I forgot. So, I fixed it. I replaced the super soldier serum with something else and added a few new things. I think this is better though.

Because of my mistake, I decided to have the MC get both Blacklightning and Airwall. They're both powerful quirks. And he'll look awesome as he uses them.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.