I’m the dungeon master

4. Slime facility

“Alright, Sylvan, let’s get to business. What should I do first?”

Sylvan promptly said, “The first order of business is to get you some clothes.”

I gave her a weird look and asked, “Should I really spend more points on clothes?”

Yes, I'm not comfortable only wearing this while Sylvan is eye-fucking me, but my life is more important.

He gave me a knowing smile and said, “Maybe you should check the shop.”

While looking at him, I spoke in my mind, check the shop.

As always, I thought the system was going to start talking nonsense, and I would have to navigate through it, but to my surprise, out of nowhere, a blue screen appeared within my head. I could see it as if it were right in front of me.

“Whow” Sylvan and everything around me got blurry, and the only thing that is clear is the shop window.

The blue screen had many options, but I only paid attention to the five major options in the middle.






-Well, let's check them one by one. This might be interesting; all I did was think of the word weapons, and it opened up.-

All weapons are made from the top materials of their rank and imputed with the maximum amount of mana.

Sharp dagger: (F rank); used by lower life forms; 1 point.

Sharp sward: (F rank); used by lower life forms; 1 point.

Iron spear: (F rank); used by lower life forms; 1 point.

Longbow: (F rank); used by lower life forms; 1 point.

Battleaxe: (F rank); used by lower life forms; 1 point.

War hammer: (F rank); used by lower life forms; 1 point.

Katana: (F rank); classic earth human weapon has been remodeled to reach the (E) rank; can be used by lower life forms (only purchasable on earth); 1 point.

All these weapons are used by humans; is the system calling them lower life forms? That’s a little rude.

There are countless other weapons, but I can’t see them unless I increase my rank.

-System how do I increase my rank?-

<Invading human territory, killing hunters, and invading and destroying other dungeons are all actions that could be used to increase Raven Hart’s rank.>

-A little aggressive there.-

I went through armor, nothing interesting, just like the weapons menu, but armor. As for alchemy, there were only mana and health potion, each for 1 point.

Now, the facilities were a little fascinating, as I could buy training camps for my subordinates and even a monster spawner. I think that what Sylvan meant by weakest subordinates, it was just that he couldn’t say monsters because I didn’t know about them.

Items now they were purely a bunch of random things, mostly for comfort, and the first item on the list?

Dungeon master uniform: (unranked); a uniform specifically designed for dungeon masters of planet Earth; (no special characteristic).

And it’s free…

I sighed. No wonder this asshole was smirking.

I thought of buying it, and the system bought it immediately. It was a blue uniform, honestly more of a suit, with strips of red and black on the jacket; underneath is a white shirt and a complete black waistcoat; as for the pants, they were also blue with strips of red and black on their sides.

Furthermore, I looked at Sylvan and seriously thanked him; he nodded at me and started talking.

“It’s a good thing that you opened the other options; now I can tell you that I intended to advise you to buy the slime facility; they are unintelligent life forms, very low-level, and even fragile humans won’t see them as a threat.”

“I know what you are trying to do, Sylvan, but is it wise to put our safety in the hands of weak monsters?”

-I don't doubt the man’s intelligence, but is it wise to put our safety in his words, the weakest monsters? After all, the hunters might do exactly what the system said and try to get to me and kill me. If I only have slime, I will probably have a miserable death.-

Sylvan shook his head. “I understand your worries; however, humans don’t get more powerful only in dungeons. You know that time has stopped for planet Earth, so I can tell you a little more: planet Earth is being bathed in mana to help awaken humans, but that won’t be the only change; humans can get stronger outside dungeons.” It looks like this is the limit of what the system allows him to say.

Then it hit me: if we kill those who enter our dungeon, eventually they will stop coming, and the next time they show up, they will probably have the maximum allowed level to enter my dungeon, after all, they think my dungeon is difficult.

If I had points, it would be fine. I would recruit subordinates, buy weapons, armor, potions, and training camps for them to level up; I could even send them outside the dungeon to level up too.

But a full armor plate costs 10 points, the cheapest training camp costs 300 points, and let's not talk about subordinates. I checked it out after I bought the suite, and I wish I hadn’t.

I took a deep breath and said, “Alright, so you advise me on buying the slime facility and basically act like a boot camp for hunters; is there anything else I should be aware of?”

Bowing slightly, Sylvan said, “I could only advise you; the ultimate choice is yours, but I should tell you that dealing with these lower life forms, ‘humans’ won’t be an issue for the forcible future; I can take care of them easily.”

So he is a good fighter; at least I know now that these muscles aren’t for show. And am I not a human too? After all, I think the system just removed my memories and made me a dungeon master.

Sylvan continued, “So if any of them get greedy and try to reach you, their only end will be death.” A bloodthirsty look was showing on his face.

Okay, he’s still crazy about me; that's good to know, but I want to ask him.

“Hey Sylvan, am I not a human too?”

He looked surprised by my question: “Of course not; you used to be a human, but now you are a dungeon master.”

I lifted an eyebrow and asked, “Is dungeon master a race?”

He only smiled at me, so I guess the system doesn't allow him to tell me.


It’s been 2 days since I became a dungeon master, and it’s not as exciting as it might seem. The first day I changed the layout of the admin room, and surprisingly, it was free. Instead of the ancient-looking dungeon theme, now it’s a normal room with white walls and a white ceiling. I also bought a couple of chairs, a table, and two beds.

All of them were unranked and free. I think the stuff that isn't imputed with mana is all unranked and free. I could even buy a sword for free in items, as it’s not considered a weapon. Even Sylvan told me that it’s useless in a fight for individuals of level 3 and above.

As for whether I could buy a phone or internet access, I could, but I need to wait for my dungeon to be placed on earth first.

So I could do nothing but sit down and wait to gather 120 points to buy the slime facility.

I also found something very intriguing in the item shop and decided to buy it immediately.

Announcement system: (F rank); for anyone under level 2, the announcement system can forcefully send a message to a maximum of 50 awakened intelligent life forms; 12 points.

But to be certain, I asked Sylvan about it, and he also recommended it for me to buy. Although he had a twisted smile, I think he wanted to use it to swindle people too.

However, I didn’t buy it just yet; I wanted to buy the slime facility first.

Now only 24 hours remain, and I finally got my 120 points.

Slime facility: (F rank); 12 ft (3.66 m) by 5 ft (1.52 m); generator used to condense the dungeon’s mana into a semi-solid substance with a core to artificially manufacture the unintelligent lower life form slime; (transcendence of the artificially created slime can be forcibly stopped); 120 points.


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