I will strive beyond this cursed bloodline!

Chapter 84: [Rena] We return to our schedule…kinda.

The room was comfortable, it was bigger than she needed, and the bed was on the smaller side, but big enough to hold her and have some spare room to be comfortable. Should she want to sleep with someone else (Namely a blonde girl), they would need to stay closer than ever.


She wouldn’t mind it though. But she wouldn’t put that forward, she didn’t want to be a nuisance, and she was aware that Elizabeth didn’t want to be linked to her, now that the fog that clouded her mind was gone she was able to think and look back to her memories, and while most of those memories were things she would like to forget. There were pieces of light among the darkness.


The first time she met Elizabeth, and how her mind and body reacted. Hostility towards the new feeling that was blossoming on her [Soul], she hadn’t known at the time that the feeling she was getting was one of salvation and her mind only thought that it was the feeling of someone that coveted what she thought it was hers.


Then it was that one time she met her was almost a year ago when they met at the park. Her [Soul] had tried to link itself to Elizabeth, seeking salvation, and she had been refused. She didn’t blame Elizabeth for that of course, as far as she was concerned… I was an enemy, worse. I was sleeping with his biggest enemy.


Had it been me, had someone come seeking my help… If an enemy of Elizabeth came seeking salvation from me, I would have looped his head clean, I’m sure Lina…No, I’m sure Rossaline would do the same. Those who served under Elizabeth would all do the same, and that was something too.


“Will you be all right Miss Rena?” The purple-haired girl asked me.


I should answer…


….[Parallel Thought] & [Mind Accelerator].


The feeling was immediate as the world slowed down to a crawl, it was similar to what I used to feel when fighting, what some called [The Zone], but unlike those times my body wasn’t strained, nor was I flooded with adrenaline, in this frozen world I was alone with my thoughts as one after another more versions of myself rose from within my [Soul].


“Do we need something else?” I asked my other selves.


“We don’t know where is Elizabeth, we can ask that.” The first of me answered it was the one that showed in the appearance of a little girl wearing a ragged sundress.


“We don’t need anything, tell her that she can leave. We need to meditate and recenter ourselves. We need to be ready for combat, we aren’t sure this place is safe.” The second to answer was a version of myself that I didn’t know that well, it was an older version of me, perhaps around four to five years older.


She was dressed in combat armor, and yet that only covered her abdomen, legs, and arms. Her face was exposed, her waist was covered by a strip of cloth and nothing else, and her chest was hidden behind a thread bikini that barely hid the most important parts of her chest.


“So we are okay then, I will ask her about Elizabeth and tell her that everything is fine.” She checked with the other facets of herself.


Both nodded to her and she felt the time start moving forward, it was an interesting feeling, these skills only worked in social circumstances, she couldn’t use them to fight, nor to practice. Trying to use them for anything else that wasn’t that would result in nothing.


“I’m fine thank you Aura, if it isn’t too much to ask can you tell me where is Elizabeth or where is she planning to go?” The words flew through her mouth, and the other minds within her were still at an accelerated and helping her weave the words into a coherent phrase.


No one knew how badly damaged she was, they knew she was badly damaged of course, nor how it had affected her. They knew her soul had been ravaged, and they didn’t know what or how this would affect her in the future.


“Mistress is currently finishing her review of her earnings after squishing that BUG, we are preparing her a bath in case she decides to take one after the long day.” The purple girl said while pointing to a door in her current bedroom.


This bedroom wasn’t one that could accommodate three people, and she didn’t doubt that Rossaline had a room here, but this one wasn’t. The place reeked of rich people, not the extravagant type either, no. This was more of the silent type of richness, the touch on the fabric used for the blankets. The carpet in the hallway, the lighting hidden away under decorations.


The bathroom she didn’t give a second thought even though it had a door into another place she didn’t check…


“This is a shared bathroom?” Rena asked, her voice trembling just a little as her breathing was turning rough. She was fighting to keep herself calm.


“Yes, Lady Rossaline asked for the couple’s bedroom to be prepared.” Aura answered the girl was smiling all the while, “They should arrive within…Oh, Yes Mistress. The bathroom is ready.”


And then the girl ripped opened a portal towards the other room, she could [Feel] the blonde girl as she was playing around in the other room with Rossaline. She could feel it in her [Soul], the craving of her whole body to rush and tie herself into the the bed to be played with.


To be ravaged, to be punished, hit upon, abused, trashed, toyed with… to be gobbled upon by Elizabeth. She didn’t understand it, she should feel hate, she shouldn’t feel enticed by the pleasures of the flesh, her body had been abused beyond reason. And that was the thing, she was…tainted.


She had wanted to scrape a couple of layers of her skin and regenerate them back to feel herself clean, she wanted to scrape the internals of her body that had been touched by Akira. To rip open her throat and tongue for they had been played by Akira, to shove her arm inside herself and rip out her uterus.


She loathed her body, she didn’t want anyone else to ever be tainted by what had remained within her body, but… she also wanted to be embraced, to be loved, to feel the pleasure of the flesh. And she was sure that this was a way of Rossaline to test her.


That girl knew the room she would get, and was doing this to test her. To see if she would let herself be enticed, if she would react by the moaning, by the giggles… by the sound of the water splashing. By the sound of two bodies sharing a small jacuzzi.


She wanted to be defeated, to rush to that bathroom, to rip apart her clothes and walk nonchalantly into the room and sit herself in the jacuzzi as if nothing, to kiss Elizabeth as if nothing, to fondle her, to join her not only in soul, but in body and sensations.


“[What stops you?]” There it was again, the same voice.


The one that had spoken to her after waking up in the arena with Rossaline healing her. Calling to her from within her [Soulscape], so she removed her clothes and sat in meditation pose in her bed, it was easier to meditate like this with fewer clothes… She also could try to make Elizabeth make the first move should she find her like this.


Not that the blonde girl would, she was too much of a good person. To take advantage of her like that.


So closing her eyes while looking at the door that separated her from the giggles of Elizabeth and Rossaline she sank into herself, the next time she opened her eyes she saw the ruined city with smoldering black flames here and there. In front of her was the door to an apartment, it was a familiar place even if she didn’t know where she had seen that door before.


Opening that door she found herself in a neat apartment, it was a funny thing this place, as far as she knew this was her [Soulscape], the reflection of her soul. A normal apartment, everything was where she would put it. It was a cozy place, a place where you would find yourself if you had a family waiting for you…


Only… this place was [broken], not in the physical sense, she could touch the sofa and find it whole, but to her eyes, the sofa was cracked in several places. And those cracks weren’t limited there, they traversed the whole place. A neat and well-furnished apartment where reality was broken.


Like her, at first sight, you would think she was fine, but if you looked closely into the whole, you could see the cracks, how she stopped to think before speaking or moving. How she didn’t speak too much.


The only blessing in disguise from her situation, Akira didn’t like speaking women, so he forbade her to speak, and now that she wanted to speak she wasn’t able to do so without help from skills.


[I can still let you rejoin the circle of transmigration.]” The voice spoke once more, from the door that usually would lead to the balcony and to the emergency exit.


The only thing in this place that wasn’t broken, and also, the only thing that didn’t fit here. The thematic of her apartment was a suburban apartment, but that door?


That one was one more fit for a home in a rural part.


Walking toward it she opened and crossed the threshold, the feeling came, and like always she felt herself falling, it was an interesting feeling, the feeling of falling through thousands of kilometers… But also only experimented with this feeling for a few seconds before she felt the ground under her feet once more.


“I will not sever myself from Elizabeth. I need to repay the favor first.” She said towards the one that kept speaking to her.


“[You don’t need to repay anything to her, the Inheritor would have dealt with him one way or another. If not her someone else would have done it.]” The woman answered back, she was a woman who always made her feel self-conscious, she was almost two meters tall, with flowing purple hair that reached her waist and wasn’t tied in any form, as if the woman couldn’t care about her perfect hair.


She was dressed in a loose toga-like dress with a purple sash at her waist to keep the loose fabric in place, this, however, only served to make her breast look more big, making her look down to herself. Her body…had changed much in the last year, thanks to the use of skills and body manipulation.


She was more petite before, while she wasn’t flat… She had been a B-cup, and now she was closer to D…the latter half of the D-Cup. And while she could fix it to normal, she wasn’t sure of the preferences of Elizabeth.


Elizabeth was on the bigger side, and Rossaline was on the smaller one. But she did know the blonde liked to stare at her chest and bite her lip when she thought no one was seeing.


This didn’t escape her or Rossaline’s eyes. But this woman?


She was closer to the G-Cup, and yet her breast seemed perky enough, injustice, this was INJUSTICE!


“[Do you want to touch them?]” The woman asked as she noticed her stare.


“Stop playing around, why do you bother me so much?” Rena asked, she knew this woman was important. She had managed to breach Elizabeth’s Soulscape.


And this place?


This endless open space with crystal spires that seemed to reach to a rock ceiling that seemed way far away… This was no normal place, Elizabeth’s soulscape was big, but this? This almost seemed like an independent world.


“[Because you are a comrade, the combination of skills I granted you is one I use, even if for different reasons…]” The woman answered, “[I don’t think we introduced ourselves yet. People have called me many names across the time.]”


The woman said as her purple eyes turned to the side, a pair of chairs and a table manifesting themselves. The table was almost two meters long and the chairs were at each end, but somehow she knew that no problem in communication would occur, so Rena sat herself at one end while the woman sat at the other.


“[I have been called Mother, didn’t liked that one to be honest, just because you create something doesn’t mean you need to take care of it, like…I’m barely a few millennia old… I haven’t even met a special one!]” The purple-haired woman said with a groan and the information of people raving and speaking about a [Mother] manifested in Rena’s mind.


“[Other’s called me God, and while that one was closer to home…I’m not a man, they should at least call me Goddess. Am I not pretty enough? I’m very good-looking if I say so myself.]” The purple-haired entity said, Rena hadn’t recovered from the information dump yet when temples to an unknown entity showed in her mind. She had seen those temples, she had even prayed at one of them after the [Advent].


When Akira had sent her to get a new [Uniform] for their [Nightly Training].


“[A few people called me Brat and all, but he was, to be honest. An asshole, one that tried to pretend to be smart, I managed to strip part of his Soul and made a delivery spirit from it.]” The woman said and for some reason, on this one, all she got for information was the face of a blonde man, she felt as if it was someone she knew, but couldn’t place the face.


“[The closest ones to a friend I have call me Crystal, well they think about me like that. They use the pet name of Taciturn bitch and The woman who made us into gods because she couldn’t deal with the problems she caused, can she even speak? Is anyone there? when I’m not around.]” This time the images that came to her were of a black-haired man and a blonde woman, the man had Elizabeth’s eyes and the woman seemed to look like an older more mischievous Elizabeth.


“[Really, they are nice to have around, but I wish Odyssey would speak slower, like Framework. I can only accelerate my consciousness stream so much, and unlike you, all the parts of me are the same, so we can’t do your cheat of using more experienced selves to weave our words.]” …those were the names of the current gods on this planet.


The ones that had forsaken her… So this woman was also…? But she helped her…?


“You are…a goddess?” Rena asked taking everything into account. This entity could pierce Elizabeth’s soulscape…how?


All she studied about them said they were impervious unless using [Soul Manipulation Techniques], and even those had been forbidden under [Odyssey]’s divine decree…


“[Not exactly, our species are close to gods yes. But we are… different. Your gods are closer to you than you are to me.]” The woman asked, how could a divine entity be closer?


No wait, shouldn’t she be closer to a god than the gods are to her?


“How is that possible? No wait, if you are like that, then why are we even speaking? Should…Should I bow? Pray? Kneel?” Rena wasn’t sure what to do, she had promised to not depend on any god ever. It hadn’t been a god who saved her, it was Elizabeth.


“[I’m not a goddess or anything like that, why would I want your prayers? No. We speak because like I said I’m like you in some aspects. I too find it difficult to speak with others, most of the time I just don’t. Easier that way.]” Crystal said she snapped her fingers and a cup of chocolate materialized in front of both of them. “[Odyssey speaks too much nonsense so she isn’t a good target to speak, also she hates gods too much and associates myself with them, even though I’m not one of them and said as much when we met.]”


The woman said while a television rose from the floor at their side, a video was already playing, on it, the purple-haired woman was running from one side to the other preparing a dining table full of all kinds of foods.


Then after making sure everything was in order, she sat herself at the top of the table, and like this one, the chairs on the other end were quite far away. She wasn’t sure what to expect till two pillars of light manifested in the image, and from it, two figures strode forward. One of them was a man full of muscles with a skin-tight body armor, black hair, and shining azure eyes, the other was a woman dressed in what could pass as a magical girl dress, her hair was blonde and her eyes while they were green, they shone with anger.


The same kind of anger that she knew too well, one that she wasn’t able to release because her target of hate wasn’t around anymore.


“I will make something extremely clear here. I HATE GODS, I HATE THEM BEYOND REASON AND IF I FIND A WAY TO PURGE ALL OF THEM OF EXISTENCE I WILL DO IT. The only reason I’m here is because we needed to make sure Ethan wouldn’t ascend, because we needed to make sure that we could save Elizabeth.” The woman spoke, her form flared once and then turned into another form, one she wasn’t sure if it was the real or not.


The woman was dressed in a blood-tainted dress ripped open all over the place, her body full of scars that seemed too painful to even look at, the mana seemed to want to flow into them to heal them, but the woman’s mana was keeping everything at bay.


“I’m grateful for your gifts to me, they allowed me to have a family, to survive two wars. And to make the world a better place, so I will do my part. But know this, if I ever find that you had something, or helped [The Stygian Bane] hurt Elizabeth… I WILL BREAK YOU.” The man spoke, the last part of his message making the whole place tremble.


Even though it was a video she felt it resonated within her.


Both turned to the purple woman who eyed them placidly as if the threats didn’t mean anything, as if they were below her. And then, she opened her mouth, Rena thought she would offer a refusal, an explanation.


“[Not.A.God.]” She said.


The man who should be Framework and the woman who should be Odyssey, eyed the feast and then walked to the side, “We will do our part for now, but don’t pretend we are anything more than coworkers. Hubby will make sure the world is in one place and I will make sure the stupid System runs on the rules you put, but that will be all.” Was all the woman said before waving her arm and making a door appear from nothing.


Just like that both new gods left Crystal in the prepared banquet, Rena wasn’t too sure about how to react to this, she had seen the woman fuzz around and prepare everything for those two… Who after coming to this place seemed to be angry at Crystal, threaten her, and then leave…? Was she supposed to console a god?

Patreon is nine chapters ahead blablabla


You can read ahead there etc etc etc


*ad about buying mangos for Alexa even though she has her own series already*

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