Chapter 83: [Lizbeth] Did you though you would get a bath chaptere? Think again!
She wasn't sure about what to feel at the moment, she had expected many things when the guardsmen called the alarm because their daughter had arrived, even after the spies in the MPI told her the higher-ups wanted to use Rosy as a pawn in some kind of game.
It made her very proud of the fact that she managed to escape even with the blockade. The fact that she arrived with one of the high-risk targets to investigate was… troubling. But her [Skill] told her that she was safe. No, the problem wasn’t that girl, Watanabe Rena.
The problem was the other girl, in a paper she was an orphan, her counselors said she was probably either a friend or a gold digger. She was partial to those opinions if she was being honest. At least till she saw her and the flood of information struck her.
Elizabeth Starbright, Elizabeth Ashcroft, Elizabeth Brighton, Elizabeth Starlight, Elizabeth Saintsworths, Chloe Windsor, Chloe Ashcroft.
So many identities, tied to a single girl, orphan, Hero, Magical Girl.
So much information in that body, and worst of all, the identities that were troubling her the worst, she was the daughter of Jack Brighton and Catherine Starlight. A couple who no one seemed to remember except a very few key individuals, she managed to wring that information back thanks to her contacts with Jenna Lewis, that had been one stressful meeting. But the girl wanted confirmation that she wasn’t crazy and the Galaxidae blood was the best way to confirm if something was true.
So [The Juggernaut] came to her for confirmation, and confirmation she got. She wasn’t crazy, but [The World] had erased information about the human lives of [Framework] and [Odyssey]. And then as if it was a crude joke, now she had [The Daughter of the gods] here, with her daughter. Her adoptive daughter…
Who was smiling, oh god, she was smiling with her eyes every time she turned her eyes to the blonde girl, but the problem was the amount of information that was tied to the girl. To the shining hope of the Galaxidae, generations upon generations had come and gone, all preparing for the birth of [The Inheritor of the Akashik Record]. And here she had a girl who held the title of [Inheritor] in her blood.
Granted, the system didn’t give her that title, no. It gave her [Magical Girl], [Daughter of The Gods] and [Hero]. Two of those would have the Galaxidae at her beck and call, neither would do her good.
And while the two girls thought they were good at it (Well, Rosy probably knew they were being monitored and just didn’t care about it), it was easy for all to see that the girls held a romantic relationship.
“What are you musing love? We knew that Rosy could end up with a boyfriend or girlfriend in that school, we sent her there for that reason after all.” Her husband said while massaging her shoulders. If she didn’t love him before the marriage, these messages would have made her fall in love with him. No Politician needed to have such skilled hands.
“I don’t mind the romantic life of Rosy, my problem is her partner.” She answered.
“What is the problem with the girl?” Had asked her husband.
And after the meeting he sure as hell knew the problem.
“She is the daughter of [Framework] and [Odyssey].” And both parents had given her their blessings, “She is also a [Hero] under their banner, with no mission or anything tying her to their biddings, they probably gave her their blessing just so no other god could take claim to her.”
“Well, she doesn’t look like a demigod or anything. If I didn’t know her I would think she is a smart girl with good looks and that would be all.” Her husband said.
It took one glare from her to make him elaborate further.
“She looks good okay, can’t blame me for telling the truth. You would detect any lie I say anyway.” And while her husband was right, she didn’t like the fact that he had evaluated another woman like that.
“I will tell Rosy that you eyed her girlfriend like that.” The face her husband made was very funny.
“I still can’t believe Rosy could smile like that, or glare like that. She turned into quite the feisty girl, and all it took was getting a girlfriend. I already put plans in motion to get her some land to work, and employees to work it, Rosy will not need anything while living with this Elizabeth girl.” And her husband was already thinking years into the future.
“We will need to make sure no one ever finds out about the more problematic aspects of Elizabeth,” Lizbeth said while looking at her husband seriously.
“Is this because she is the daughter of the gods?” Asked Albert Singh, this wasn’t her husband, nor Rossaline Singh’s father. This was the politician.
“No, that is the less troublesome part actually.” And wasn’t that funny? No, the problem was other, “What do you think about this girl.”
Lizbeth said while placing a photo of Aura Di Starbright, no registry of her had been found, and if it wasn’t for her skill they wouldn’t even know about the girl Aurelia Vitelius whose face seemed similar to Aura.
“She seems to be a very efficient Maid, ours could learn from her. What about it?” Asked Albert confused.
They had seen the video recordings of the girl using [Space Magic] and directing other [Shadow Dragons] that seemed to be the staple summon of Elizabeth.
“Is she Human? A Summon? Or a Construct?” Asked Lizbeth.
This made Albert stop and think, “She should be human…No wait, she was summoned, wasn’t she? And she shouldn’t be human, Elizabeth doesn’t have money to hire someone this efficient… But she seemed human enough… Is Elizabeth a Summoner? No, she was registered as [Elemental Mage] in the [Magic] side of the MPI and as a [Elemental Wielder] in the [Hero] side.” Was the monologue Albert did.
“She was [Human] at some point yes, not anymore. Even if she looks the part, she is closer to a [Shadow Dragon] and if blood courses her body, she is probably closer to Elizabeth than to any [Human]. That is the first problem.” Then at the side of Aura, more pictures were shown. Mostly of empty rooms with shadows at weird angles.
Most of these were of the school in the MPI the day of the tournament, shadows moving weirdly and one single picture of a reptile-like entity.
“And this is?” Asked Albert while going through the pictures.
“The other problem, the [Shadow Armada] or [Shadow Legion], or however you feel like calling them. Elizabeth’s summons, the [Shadow Dragons].” Lizbeth was very troubled about this problem, “Elizabeth is summoning or contracting with dragon-like entities who have souls. This means that either she found a way to harvest the souls of people that haven’t moved on… Or she is indoctrinating a cult, and since she is the daughter of [Odyssey] it probably isn’t either.”
And that was a problem if the powers to be found that she was capable of doing so, they would want to use her to their own ends, being able to stick a [Soul] into a summon was a very valuable thing, if you could make your A-Tier summoned elemental independent… Only the fact that you wouldn’t need to worry about the mana upkeep was enough to make enemies with the world.
And she had more than 60 confirmed summoned Shadow Dragons, and the fact that [Aura] was one of them… Meant that they either could keep their intelligence, or they could develop one. A smart and independent A-Tier summon was as dangerous as an S-Tier.
No, it was way more dangerous.
“...Do you think she can loan one of those to us?” Asked Albert while thinking about the implications, “The fact that I could snap my fingers and ask for coffee…”
He hadn’t finished that phrase when a cup of coffee materialized at his side, the perfect temperature and aroma. “...Thank you?” He said while taking the coffee and giving it a drink. “So, did you ask one of the space-aligned maids for this?”
Lizbeth didn’t, and while straining her skill she looked all around, and found…Nothing.
She had noticed most of the shadow dragons darting around the complex, most if not all of the staff couldn’t hope to find them, but she had seen a fragment of the darkness that was hidden within Elizabeth’s Shadow. And had seen the glare from within Rosy’s shadow.
That had been part of the reason she trusted Elizabeth, the girl had given a very sturdy protection to her daughter, one that didn’t mind making an enemy of her, “Who are we to thank for this?” So Lizbeth said while looking at the shadows in this place.
“Beatrice Von Starbright,” A little girl with heterochromia answered as she rose from the shadows. She had a pink eye on one side and a blue one on the other, half her body followed the motif of Hearts and the other the motif of stars. “I have come to speak about the terms for our stay within your…domain Grandmother.”
“Grandmother? Rosy has been with Elizabeth for barely a year, and you seem to be at least five. Are you made from the [Soul] of an unborn son of my husband?” She could see the [Soul] of the girl, and she doubted it had come from a Singh… Or a Galaxidae.
It didn’t have the tell tales of either.
“My only daughter is in your belly, that will be my firstborn!” Albert defended himself.
But Lizbeth was too busy thinking about this, the timeline didn’t match for Rosy and Elizabeth having a daughter, had one of them had a stillborn who in turn was turned into a summon? She would need to speak with them if that was the case. This… This wasn’t okay.
“Apologies, forgot that [Normal Humans] react like that.” The little girl said with a small curtsy, “I was made from a fragment of Mother’s Soul who fused with rampart mana from [My Mistress]. So in essence I was born from Rossaline Singh’s soul fragment and Elizabeth Starbright’s Mana.”
The little girl said, as if that was a normal occurrence. No wait… “So you didn’t have a [Soul] before that?” Lizbeth asked, the little girl smiled at her and didn’t answer.
“As I said before, I’m here to inform you of our stance while under your domain. We hold no ill will against you or those under you. We are, after all, servants of Mother. Should you hold no ill will against Mother or our [Mistress] you have nothing to fear from us. “The little girl carried on speaking, as if she was merely stating facts.
“Are you implying that you have more of your kin on our grounds?” Albert asked, of course, he asked that.
“Yes, as of this moment besides myself and Aura 65 Shadow Dragons are roaming your domains. We are making sure there is no enemy of Mistress on these places and shoring up any breach in your defenses.” The little girl spoke and with a flourish of her hand a projection of the manor manifested, “You have done an excellent job here, we haven’t found any problem with the place besides those that exist because of use and require replacement. We have noted the position of the weakest links that hold no meaning on this report.”
And sure enough, the little girl gave them a file with locations of weakness in their barriers and solutions, it was well written, even if it seemed more in tune with what a scientist would write instead of an administrative member.
“We will pass that to the relevant crew,” Lizbeth said while taking the paper and noting how paper was her favorite one, the one that she saved for important occasions... The one she used as a threat. “Is there anything else you wish to…inform us?”
Albert seemed to notice something in her tone as his stance changed from amusement to the one he took while speaking with one of his peers, and in this case, that was funny since the other party was a little girl.
“Nothing much, we hold no ill will against the Singh or the Galaxidae since neither has done anything against our Mistress, so long that remains the same we will make sure you are taken care of, our Mistress let us roam and act as we wish… She barely ever orders us anything actually.” The little girl said as she looked around the place.
Someone who didn’t know would think it was a little girl marveling at the state-of-the-art bedroom, but she knew better. The girl was evaluating their lodging… And she probably found it lacking.
“No wait, Elizabeth doesn’t order you…ever?” Lizbeth found that hard to believe, and incredibly troubling, Elizabeth had an army of loyal soldiers whose power she could barely perceive… And she did nothing with it? “Who directs this force then?”
“An Empress has no need to worry what the plebeians do.” Was the answer of the little girl, so she saw Elizabeth as an Empress? “But our military affairs are in the hands of Lord Nyxfyre, then it goes to the Valkyrie Order, then from there it goes to the councilors, mostly made up of the Royal Mages, from there, it goes to the civilian side, currently that spot is taken by the maid order, but we are working on expanding. We just need Mistress to settle and grow more attuned to [This side] so we can expand.”
That seemed… troubling, she had seen the footage of the fight Elizabeth had with that [Hero] kid, Akira. And if Lord Nyxfyre was the same entity Elizabeth summoned… Then that means that she had access to what should be an S-Tier Summon… While barely having enough power to qualify as A-Tier.
And that one was intelligent, as Elizabeth hadn’t said a single thing to that [Thing], and intelligent summons usually can summon other of their kind, so an S-Tier Dragon King type summon who in turn could summon more A-Tier Dragons…
And if they had [Souls] then those in turn could summon more, and since they all could deal with their own mana maintenance… This was a crisis waiting to happen.
And that was only the problem at the top, this girl spoke of more troublesome things! Royal Mages?
Civilians? They had Civilians? This spoke of a whole organization! HOW MANY SUMMONS DID THAT GIRL HAVE?
What was she doing even?
…she was flirting with her daughter in the room they left them. Of course she was, no wait they just teleported to her daughter’s room… That now was pink instead of that gray they never managed to keep.
“Mistress seemed to think that Mother’s room would look better in pink, so Aura painted it as such.” The little monster of a girl said as if she noticed her line of thought. “Should you require any type of assistance just ask your shadow, one of our soldiers will make sure you are taken care of.”
The little girl said, so Lizbeth focused all her power on the skill that made her a Galaxidae and tried to find the spy within the shadows. “[Record Reader]” It consumed her mana like a starving man.
But she found….nothing.
“Do you require something before I leave? I doubt Mistress or Mother will call upon me, but I like to be ready.” The little girl asked while turning to them.
“Why do you think they will not call for you?” Albert asked.
“Why? Because they are about to take a bath, they do not need me while bathing… Mother may not mind it, but Mistress is somewhat…Bashful.” Answered the little girl.
Albert didn’t seem to understand this, but she did understand it at once, had their little girl turned into a thirsty woman? Well, she had just found emotions, so perhaps she had turned into a starved girl for care?
She hadn’t checked into Rosy’s soul state, she didn’t want to check up on her daughter’s state. She didn’t want a detailed state of how her daughter was horny, nor how horny she was, her skill didn’t discriminate and said it all.
“That will be all, thank you, Miss Beatrice.” So Lizbeth only said that, and the little girl turned to Albert.
“If Lizbeth doesn’t have anything I don’t either, if you can send one of the stealthiest ones to my office tomorrow in the morning I may have something for you to do. But besides that…please enjoy your stay and try to not scare the workers.” Albert said.
The little girl nodded and before leaving “We will send one of our members your way tomorrow, it will be waiting for you, we will not guarantee that we will take that mission, but if it's beneficial to our Mistress we will evaluate if it’s something we do or not. Do not waste our time.”
And like that, the little girl left, “So, when were you going to tell me that we had spectators? I didn’t say anything bad, but you trust me too much. I know you like the honesty thing, but really…A warning would be good from time to time, I don’t want my new daughter-in-law to think I’m a creep because I can appreciate beauty.” Was what Albert said.
“I didn’t detect her, nor anyone really… A cup of water please.” Lizbeth said making the motion to grab a cup of water from the nightstand.
The shadow of her hand elongated and sure enough a cup of water rose from there just as she finished the motion to close her hand, it was so well done that one may think Lizbeth had been practicing this. “Hmm…. right temperature, straight from the well? Good work, thank you.” After drinking it in one go the cup sank back into the nightstand and disappeared.
“I can’t find them, not yet. If I learn more from them I may be able to find them, but it seems as if they are hiding in another plane, my skill can only detect things that are recorded on this plane. If these shadow dragons reside in another realm… I may never be able to detect them.” Chances were they had some specific skill associated with one of them, probably that maid called Aura, she seemed to be good with space magic...
Elizabeth lived in this world after all, how could she have access to an alternate plane, her skill set seemed to be more aligned with the elements, even if she was more aligned with Shadows.
Only the most powerful had access to alternate planes, and among them, very few managed to do something with that, not even the Mother of Shadows had managed to create an alternate world for her monsters, even if she was the one that was closest to achieve that.
Now she only needed to make sure that this Elizabeth had Rosy’s interest in hand, that she wouldn’t forget her or abuse of the goodwill her daughter had towards her… Also, she had to deal with the other girl, who had puppy eyes towards Elizabeth…
She would curse Catherine for having a gigolo for a daughter.