I Reincarnated as an Elf in a Broken World.

Chapter 54 – Arriving at the village, and talk to Yuukina.

The trip took longer because I was standing, but I didn't stop walking for a second, I wanted to get to the village as quickly as possible, the longer I walked with Benjamin's coffin beside me, the worse I felt.

At the same time that I want to get to the village quickly, I don't want to get there, because I will have to face Yuukina and say everything to her, even though I am getting ready, I still think I will have difficulties to do that.

"It's close." It had been a long time and it was almost dark, I spent my whole day walking through the forest, I went through some difficulties, but I managed to get here.

I started to realize that I was close to the village because of some specific points around the village, I know the place very well, and the closer I got, the more slowly I walked.

'Okay, calm down, don't panic.' Benjamin is here with me, he will help me through this, I'm sure of it.

In a few minutes, after stopping many times, I started to see the first signs of life in the village, some men were there, apparently protecting and watching the village, as soon as they saw me they went into combat mode.

But it didn't take long for them to realize it was me, I think I looked so bad that they didn't even recognize me, I think it's normal, right? My appearance must be horrible.

They approached quickly.

"Is everything okay? You don't look well." One of the men came over and took my arm to help me, but I just pushed him away and lifted my face.

"I'm fine, do not worry." The man a little scared just got up while apologizing, I think he shouldn't have done that, he is not to blame for anything, he was just worried.

"What's in that box?" Another man asked as he was reaching for his hand to the box.

"DON'T TOUCH IT, UNDERSTAND?" For some reason it pissed me off, I didn't want anyone to touch that box.

As soon as I screamed, all the men walked away and started to move on, but they all started following me soon after. Some people in the village seemed to have heard my cry and started looking curious.

Many children realized that it was me and started jumping towards me with a smile since older people looked at me with surprised and worried eyes, they seemed to have noticed that something happened.

It doesn't make sense to have so many children and people at this time of night here, so I was the most surprised.

"So, what do you all do here at this time of night? They were for everyone to be inside the house already." I started giving a sermon to all the residents I read around, but the only one who came to explain the situation was my neighbor.

Her name was Vilein, she was older than she was, she was also the mother of Lucy, a little girl who was playing around the village, I know both of them, too bad Yuukina never had a chance to play with Lucy, she looks like a nice little girl.

"I'm sorry, it's because we were worried about you, you disappeared for almost two days, Yuukina said you were coming and insisted that you stay outside, so many residents decided to stay outside as well."

Since when has Yuukina been so influential? Maybe because she is my niece? I also didn't understand how she knows I was coming, did she have any kind of premonition? I don't think I need to think about it.

"But why did you listen and support her request?"

"It wasn't for her, it's because most of us were worried about you and Beijamin ... Speaking of him, where is he? Didn't he come with you?"

So this is it, we have lived in this village for many years, I am also the person who protects this place, of course, they would be worried about me and my family, it was not just for Yuukina.

Shit, I didn't think they cared so much for me and Benjamin, it hurts a little, my heart hurts.
"So, where is he?"

"Did he stay anywhere?"

A lot of people around me started asking about him, but I just kept quiet and said nothing. With my silence, many people were quiet and said nothing, only Vilein said: "I understand." and walked away.

Everyone around began to look at the huge wooden box on top of the horse, including the man who had tried to touch it before.

"Aunt, are you here?" While everyone else was there, one person broke the silence while running to hug me, that was Yuukina.

I hugged her with all the strength I had, I even heard some moans that sounded like pain coming out of her mouth, but at the same time, I also heard the small laughs she gave.

"I'm back, Yuukina."

"Hey, aunt, you don't look well, did something happen?" She asked as she looked directly into my eyes.

I could see in her eyes that she already knew something was wrong, she was already expecting something, so I just said to her, "Well, your uncle Benjamin ..." As soon as I started to speak, tears started to flow. run down my face.

The children who were around were caught by their mothers, and some of these mothers also had tears forming in the corner of their eyes.

And it was in that silence that I heard Yuukina's voice say, "He died, didn't he?"

It was at that moment that I started to cry as before, but this time while I hugged the person most dear to me at this moment.



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