Chapter 45: Chapter 45: The Philosopher's Stone
June 3rd, 1992, The Black Lake, 8:00 AM.
Under a certain tree, the quartet was having a small gathering regarding The Boy Who Lived, or in other words, Harry was dragged here by Ron and Draco, directed by Hermione from behind.
Harry had been quiet, oddly quiet, and on top of that, the boy had been strangely distracted.
Hermione slammed her palm to the tree, which Harry leaned against in fright. "Alright, spill it, what has gotten into you, Harry? You haven't said a word! A word! For the whole week!" Hermione almost screamed at the boy's face.
"Well, actually, you did speak but only to answer questions from the pro-" Ron halted immediately under Hermione's fiery glance.
Draco couldn't help but roll his eyes at the ginger. "Tell us, Harry, what happened that night. What is this that... you realised that night?" The blonde carefully picked his words as he walked to the boy's side. "We're friends..."
"I-it's..I'm s-sorry..." Harry heaved a long sigh. "You m-ay say i-i'm crazy b-but..."
Harry began to recall what he saw and felt that night, his distant memory, Firenze's ambiguous words, and his speculations.
"You mean You-Know-Who's out there right now? In the forest." Hermione furrowed her brow.
"So Unicorn's blood for sustainment while the stone would be for a true comeback." Draco voiced his thoughts.
Harry affirmed. "He's weak... at least for now..."
Silence befell the four as each took their time digesting the news. Harry began to wonder if the Dark Lord would gladly find and grant him the death sentence again should he have the chance.
Such thoughts send a shiver down the boy.
"Well, just don't forget who's the one wizard Voldemort always feared?" Hermione's voice broke the desperate silence. "Dumbledore."
"Of course! We have the headmaster!" Ron was thrilled as the ginger came to realize things weren't that pessimistic.
"On top of that, seeing how Fluffly is guarding that door, I haven't figured out how You-Know-Who will get to the trap door without alarming the thing," Draco added.
"That right, Harry. As long as Dumbledore's around, you're safe." Hermione patted the shivering boy.
At the realization that nothing was really as dreadful as it seemed, the four began to wander back to their school life, preparing for the upcoming exam.
"He's gone!?" Ron almost shouted at Professor McGonagall's face, but Hermione was quick to contain the ginger.
'What a coincidence!' Harry messaged his temple as the boy as they received the dreaded news from the professor.
After finishing their exams, Harry realised the suspicious coincidence in Hagrid wanting a dragon more than anything else, only to meet a stranger who had one to give him. The Quartet ran to ask him about the man who gave Norbert to him, and he said he never saw his face because he kept his hood up. Hagrid also mentions that they talked about Hogwarts and Fluffy, the three-headed dog. He also mentioned that the stranger gave him drinks while getting information out of him. Hagrid let it slip how to get past Fluffy, which sent the four off.
They head for Dumbledore's office, only to see McGonagall, who tells them he has left for London.
"Merlins! he must have been lured away," Draco whispered to the three as he assessed the situation.
"What's the matter?" Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrow at the four disappointing reactions. She seemed to have sensed something amiss among the four
Under the professor's stern gaze, Hermione was the first to reveal that they knew about the Stone.
"I don't know how you found out about the Stone, but rest assured, no one can possibly steal it; it's too well protected." McGonagall insisted no one could steal the Stone.
"But, profess-"
"Now I need you four to go back to your dormitories quietly."
As the four were sent back into the hallway, Harry heaved in frustration, yet his face was brimming with determination after all; this was Voldermont's doing. "T-that was no s-stranger, Hagrid met in the v-village. It was Quirrell."
"Which means he knows how to get past Fluffy!" Ron exclaimed in terror.
"Now with the headmaster gone..." Draco chimed in.
"So what do we do?" Hermion raised the pivotal question.
That night, they decided to head out to try to get it themselves. Letting Voldermont revive would be a total disaster.
After Hermione cursed Neville in a Full Body-Bind Curse for refusing to allow them to leave, they headed up to the third-floor room, met up with Draco, and started their intense trip into the seven Philosopher's Stone Chambers. They found the door ajar and a harp in the room, though as soon as they entered the room, the harp broke, almost waking up the big dog.
It was at this moment that Harry's music session with Ethan came into play. Under the amazement of the other three, Harry pulled out an exquisite violin from his enchanted leather satchel that never left his side.
With it, Harry played a beautiful piece of Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2 by Frédéric Chopin, soothing the big guy into a deep sleep while the other carefull shifted its leg to the other side, opening the trap door.
They headed down through the trapdoor and landed in Professor Sprout's room, full of Devil's Snare, which almost smothered them before Hermione managed to light a fire and drive it off.
In the next room, Professor Flitwick held a bunch of flying keys and some broomsticks. Harry found a silver one with a broken wing that was different from the others; with Ron and Draco here, it was rather child play catching it, unlocking the next door with it. However, there was a little stagnation as the two got into their rivalry again.
The next room was Professor McGonagall's and had a large chessboard for a game of Wizard's Chess that Ron helped them win, at the cost of having to sacrifice himself and getting trampled under the debris.
"Ron!" Hermione shouted; her voice was shaking. Harry quickly lifted the debris with his simple spell
"H-how is h-he?" Harry, too, almost couldn't hold back his tears.
"Let me see." Draco dashed to the ginger side as he carefully traced his wand along the body. "His leg's bone is fractured; at least no organ is damaged. Still, he needed treatment, now."
Immediately, Harry reached into his satchel and pulled out a vile essence of Dittany. "Here..."
"Wow, that's handy." Draco's eyes widen as he takes the vial from Harry. "Alright, I'll take him back to the hospital wing and report this to the headmaster. You two have to go on."
Harry and Hermione continued to the next room, where they found an unconscious troll lying on the floor. This further confirmed Harry's speculation that the real culprit was Quirrell
Lastly, they entered Professor Snape's room and found seven potions in bottles along with a roll of paper giving clues on which one to drink to continue, noting that three bottles had poison, two had nettle wine, one would send the drinker back, and the other would let the drinker move forward into the next room.
Hermione told Harry that it was a test of logic and not magic, wherein most wizards fail. She solved the puzzle, and at Harry's instruction, she drank the one that would allow her to head back through the purple flame, while Harry drank the one to head into the black flame and into the final room. Harry couldn't let the Halloween night repeat.
There, Harry noticed the Mirror of Erised and Quirrell.
He was examining it, mumbling it was the key to getting the Stone over and over until he noticed the boy's presence, or rather, Voldermont noticed it.
"T-the H-heamaster w-will be here soon! Y-you a-are finish." Harry was shaking, his finger held on tight to the helm of his clothes, though he still tried his best to muster up all his courage. He even tried to Cogitate to keep his posture.
"Ah the Boy-Who-Lived." Quirrell slowly turned to Harry; the shuttering, timid professor was no more; now laid before Harry's eyes was his true self, the temperament of the hooded figure that night.
"Say, I'm impressed. I never thought aside from Snape you'd be the one to figure me out." Quirrell's eyes sharpened as he leaned forward. "Tell me, how did you know..."
Harry almost froze under that malicious gaze, full of killing intent, but he managed with cogitation as he held onto his wand and satchel.
To buy more time, Harry questioned Quirrell, who said he was serving Lord Voldemort, and although Snape hated Harry because of his father, he never wanted Harry dead.
He explained how Snape and Harry's father went to school together when they were younger and how it was there where their hatred against each other started.
Quirrell then asked for help from his master to get the Stone, and a snake-like voice told him to use the boy.
Harry was told to look into the Mirror. Seeing the differences in their strengths, the boy can only comply, hoping the headmaster will get here soon.
He saw his reflection pull the Stone out of his pocket and put it back in, and Harry felt it drop into his pocket.
He told Quirrell that he saw himself shaking hands with Dumbledore after winning the House Cup for Gryffindor.
The snake-like voice told Quirrell that Harry was lying, and Quirrell took his turban off to show Harry what was lying on the back of his head.
As Quirrell turns around, Harry is shocked to see another face where the back of Quirrell's head should be. The face has red eyes and a snake-like slit where the nose should be.
Upon seeing those red eyes, the boy's Cogitation immediately shattered, his breathing became heavy, and his pupils constricted with swirling emotions. "Voldermont"
"Harry Potter, we meet again..." The slithering voice, along with a dark chuckle, sent shivers down the boy.
Voldemort began to retell his ordeal with the boy, further plunging Harry's mind into chaos as memories of the haunted past arise.
Snatching this moment, the dark lord easily pierce Harry's mind, knowing that he had the stone.
Fortunately, the pain being pry into one's mind snapped the boy back to reality, and Harry regained his composure.
Voldemort demanded Harry give him the Stone.
Harry refused and ran, but Quirrell seized him.
However, the contact with Harry's skin burnt Quirrell and caused him to have boils all over the area in which Harry touched him. Harry grabbed Quirrell's face, then his arm, and held on, with the blinding pain in his head building, until he felt the arm wrenched away before he blacked out.
Harry didn't know how long it was, but as the boy regained his consciousness, he saw the ceiling of the Hospital Wing, where the moonlight shone bright.
When the fuzziness faded, memories came clear. Harry immediately shuddered; the boy looked at his hands in fright as he remembered what had happened just before he passed out.
'I-I... Kill him!' His face contorted, his entire body trembling at the thought... Harry was about to have a serious breakdown.
Then, a gentle yet familiar voice brought him back.
"Harry," Ethan was here.