Chapter 78: Chapter 78: Humor!
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"Daddy!" She whispers furiously.
"No, no, my dear, I've waited fifteen years to say these words, and this is the first boy you've written home about that you didn't want to hex into next year." He gives her a broad smile, which morphs into a more intimidating one when he turns to me.
I smile right back, because I'd actually spent most of the last few days considering what I might say to Daphne's father. I actually considered this question, even though I never imagined he would ever ask it!
She blushes furiously at that but I cut off any retort she might have made. "It's okay, Daphne, I would love to answer this question. Lord Greengrass, I'm sure you're well aware that your daughter is incredibly beautiful and intelligent, and if I may, I assure you it's not just your fatherly bias telling you so. I'm quite lucky to be her friend, and I won't lie, I may have bragged about that to a couple of my other friends."
"If circumstances were different, I might have asked her to be my girlfriend, assuming in that case I wasn't already involved with another particular classmate of ours."
They both looked stunned at my frank admission. Her father recovers first. "What do you mean, if circumstances were different?"
"Well, sir, among other things, I don't have anything to offer her. I showed up September First with the clothes on my back and a well-used wand that barely works for me. Everything I'm wearing right now was essentially a gift from Professor McGonagall, though ostensibly I performed a string of simple tasks for her to pay her back."
"Any other non-Muggle clothing I might wear is borrowed from Neville Longbottom and Ron Weasley's oldest brother Bill. All of my books and school supplies are on loan from Hogwarts. I-I have a simple Christmas gift for Daphne, but it's just a silly thing I made with tools on loan from a friend and raw materials from the grounds or the Forest." I almost tell him about my family, but I clamp up so as not to get any more choked up.
"Y-you didn't have to do that," Daphne says shakily. Ah, I forgot to tell her how poor I am.
I smile. "That's what everybody tells me. But I wanted to, so the point is moot."
Daphne's father gives me a small smile. "I...was not expecting such an honest answer. So this is why you will not be escorting my Daphne to the Yule Ball, is it?"
"As I told Daphne, I like to keep everybody on their toes," I say with a grin. "And yes, I would have asked her, had I the means to acquire dress robes."
"You didn't tell me any of this!" Daphne says, pointing an accusing finger at me. "You just said you couldn't go!"
"Sorry, but I do tend to avoid advertising my financial situation. Imagine what certain members of your House would say if they found out I'm borrowing things from the Weasleys!" I say with a laugh.
"You don't seem terribly put out by your situation," her father observes.
I shrug. "I'm used to it."
"So who is this other classmate of yours that you implied you might have been involved with, and why are you not?"
Daphne's mouth drops open at the direct question, but I ignore it.
"That would be Hermione Granger, the one across the pub who's either failing to look like she's not watching our every move, or outright trying to petrify me, you, and/or Daphne with her eyes. She's another Muggleborn in Gryffindor, and my best friend along with Mr. Potter. She shares several most attractive qualities with your daughter, in my estimation."
"I am not involved with her for many of the same reasons, though as a fellow Muggleborn my involvement with her would not have the same...issues with her family as it would with Daphne. More importantly, I'm not from around here, sir, and there's no telling how much longer I will be around. It would be more difficult for me, and if I may be selfish, I hope for them as well, when I do have to go."
Daphne's father looks at me with an unreadable expression. I'm careful not to look directly in his eyes, in case he knows some Legilimency.
"I appreciate your candor, Mr. Lerner. If only...well, no matter. Tell me, what is your opinion on other potential suitors?"
"Daddy!" Daphne hisses again. "You can't possibly—"
"I'm sorry," I say slowly, "but it would be awfully presumptuous of me to—"
"Humor me," he commands.
I glance at Daphne but she's too mortified to offer any guidance. "Um...well it's a bit early to tell for certain, but I believe Harry Potter would be a good fit if he doesn't end up with Ms. Granger."
"He will have tremendous influence once he defeats the Dark Lord permanently, and I imagine Daphne would be even better than Ms. Granger at directing his power and influence, especially for their own gain. Mr. Potter does not wish the spotlight for himself, so as his wife, Daphne would be on a short path to Minister for Magic."
I almost laugh at the choking sound her father makes at that. "You seem rather certain of his victory..."
"I am a Gryffindor, sir, arrogance is my forte," I say with a grin.
"You know that Mr. Potter is a Parselmouth? I believe, as does Headmaster Dumbledore, that is but a fraction of the power transferred to Mr. Potter when the Killing Curse reflected off of him and struck the Dark Lord. Harry is immensely powerful, and with Ms. Granger and your daughter training him and devising his strategies, and Dumbledore in his corner, I expect we will be victorious."
The older man shakes his head with a small smile and glances at his daughter, who appears to be looking anywhere but either of us. "Remarkable," he says, but does not elaborate.
"Out of curiosity, what of other suitors, if Mr. Potter is unavailable? Once again, humor me." He adds the last when I start to object.
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