Chapter 77: Chapter 77: Daddy!
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She digs her heels in. "How do you know it isn't planned? It's well-known that you're friends with William, and that you might go with him. It's an unnecessary risk."
"I refuse to be shut up in here all the time for the fear that something might happen," Harry says tightly.
"How about disguises? Harry could take his Cloak, and we could change your hair like I did mine."
She shakes her head. "That still leaves you exposed. I could ask a Professor—"
"Who wouldn't let us go," Harry quickly cuts in.
"They might, with the term being over," she retorts, but she doesn't sound very certain of that at all.
"Sirius," I say. "He's back, isn't he? And Lupin. Invite them, say we'll be in the pub and then we'll meet them in the Shrieking Shack. Lupin can either come in with us or walk his dog around Hogsmeade for a while until we come out. I want to talk to Sirius anyway."
"That would be brilliant!" Harry says excitedly. "I want to see him again myself."
"Do you think they'll be able to make it, though?" Hermione asks.
"They'll come," Harry says firmly.
Hermione bites her lip. "That's still only two more, even if they are adults..."
"Lupin has a Patronus, right?" I ask. At Harry's nod I continue. "Well I assume he knows Dumbledore's method of sending a message if necessary. And if we really get in trouble we can probably get help from the other Dumbledore at Hog's Head Inn."
"What? What other Dumbledore?"
"Oh yeah, Aberforth Dumbledore is the proprietor there," I say.
"He's the headmaster's brother; not as powerful, I think, but that's not really saying much. He once had a three-way duel with Professor Dumbledore and Grindelwald, so he definitely can't be too much of a slouch."
Harry and Hermione stare open-mouthed at me. "One day, William," she says. "One day you're going to tell me all of these things you know that seem to suddenly pop up when we need them."
I smile. "Well, that information wouldn't have been useful to any of us before, would it? So it didn't occur to me until we started talking about safety in Hogsmeade."
"Any more information about it that we may find useful?"
I rub my chin in thought. What else do I remember about Hogsmeade? Madam Rosmerta gets placed under the Imperius by Draco a couple years from now. After a few minutes I shake my head.
"I can't think of anything that big. Aberforth has a Patronus, too, and I'm pretty sure he can send a message with it. And if we do talk to him, try to avoid mentioning his brother, and definitely avoid mentioning Grindelwald."
Harry chuckles, shaking his head. "Well, Hermione, what do you think now? I feel even better about going."
She sighs. "Okay, I can see I'm not going to convince either of you, but I want you both to know I'm not happy about us going. In disguise, of course."
"I love you, Hermione," I say with a smile.
"You better."
As we emerge from Honeydukes after a rather uncomfortable traversal of the secret passage from Hogwarts, we immediately spot a shabbily-dressed man sitting on a nearby bench with a large, black dog at his feet, both looking directly at us.
Then the man looks away.
They were not looking at us, I realize, but the entrance. Since Harry is under the cloak they wouldn't be expecting just two people, and with our heavy clothing on and Hermione sporting straight, shoulder-length, strawberry blonde hair covered only by earmuffs, they wouldn't recognize us.
So with a suppressed grin I walk indirectly toward them, as if I were headed to Gladrags across the street. Thankfully there is no snow to give away Harry's footprints. Once we're in range my head turns toward them, and down to Sirius.
"What a pretty dog you have, sir. I simply love dogs! May I pet her?"
"It's a he, but sure," Lupin says, grinning toward Sirius.
"You are a pretty girl! Aren't you? Aren't you?" I make my baby voice as annoying as possible.
Sirius growls and pretends to snap, but I make no move to move my hand away.
"Aww, why so serious? You don't like me mooning over you?"
Both Lupin's and the dog's eyes snap to mine suspiciously, then Sirius starts whimpering. I wonder if he can smell Harry now.
"Well I was going to allow you to sniff my lovely lady-friend's hair, but now I'm not so sure. It's a shame, really; with your olfactory receptors I imagine it would be positively rapturous. Come, dearest, let us pay our respects to Madam Rosmerta."
Hermione whacks my shoulder with a deeper blush than the cold allows, then leans over to pet Sirius quickly and whispers, "Sorry about him, Professor, we'll see you at the Shack."
Lupin's eyes widen just before I turn away. I hear him chuckle and pat Sirius on the side, but I miss the words.
When we reach the door I glance back and see that Lupin and Sirius have remained seated, continuing to watch the entrance to Honeydukes. I realize it must be a ploy in case anyone is keeping tabs on them.
As we enter the Three Broomsticks, my eyes immediately find Daphne seated with a finely-dressed man – wearing fine black robes with a bit of dark green trim – who is obviously her father.
He has a slightly wider face with a strong jaw and darker eyes – I can't tell about the latter for sure from this distance, but I can still see the resemblance.
"We'll be right over here, William," Hermione whispers, placing a hand on my shoulder. I glance down at her and she gestures to a table to our left.
I steel my nerves and walk over to meet the Greengrasses.
Daphne makes quick introductions, and not knowing the proper thing to do, I simply hold out my hand. He takes it without hesitation. "And what are your intentions with my daughter?" Daphne's father asks immediately after we shake hands.
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