HP: Dance of the Veela

Chapter 48: Chapter 21 The Wrong Jedi (Part 1)

Deep Space, Unknown Location…

Three light freighters hung in space, docked with each other so the crews could meet in private and without anyone being able to intercept the transmission.

The airlock opened and revealed Yoda who walked forward in his new white robes and through the short corridors of the light freighter in the middle of the three.

The hatch opened and revealed three people standing around waiting for him, all human.

A middle-aged man in jedi robes that were an unusual green in colour. He had dark hair along with a short-groomed beard. He stood tall and proud with an easy-going humour in his eyes, he was Nejaa Halcyon a Jedi Master of the Corellian Jedi.

The other two didn't wear Jedi robes although they did carry lightsabers. One was a taller older man with white hair and a wise looking face. At his side was a younger woman in a brown jumpsuit with darker brown hair on her head. They were Djinn Altis and Callista Ming of the Altisian Jedi.

"Master Djinn, Master Halcyon. Greetings I bring and thank you I do for agreeing to this meeting." Yoda said with a smile, glad they had agreed to come. All three looked curious as to why the Grand Master of the Jedi Order had called such a secret meeting.

"I am admiring your new robes Master Yoda but if you are seeking reinforcements or for us to re-join the main order then I am afraid we will end this meeting right at this moment." Djinn said firmly, not willing to have any of his apprentices or acolytes getting involved in the Clone Wars more than they were already. Nejaa hummed in agreement but Yoda waved his hand quickly.

"Seek that I do not. Respect your desire to remain independent I do. No warn you I must of a great threat. The Sith, believe I do that they may now control the Senate." Yoda said soberly. The three were shocked to hear this declaration but Yoda was far from done.

"Have visions I have for many months of a disaster approaching. A catastrophe that will engulf the Jedi, all Jedi no matter where they come from." Yoda warned them. "Alert you to the threat I must so that you can make preparations as once they have dealt with the main order, after you they will come."

"How can a Sith gain control of the Senate? Without being discovered?" Nejaa asked with a note of accusation in his voice as if this was their fault which Yoda gloomily supposed it was.

"The policy of secrecy, allowed them to hide too well it has. While Dooku is their public face, the true master hides in shadow." Yoda told them regretfully. "Making preparations of our own we are and encourage you to do the same I must if the Sith comes for you."

The meeting ended soon after but Yoda felt he had done the right thing by at least warning them both of the threat. Giving them a chance to preserve themselves and their teachings like he was working tirelessly for the main Jedi Order to do.

Yoda returned to the cockpit where Obi-Wan was sitting in the pilot's seat looking very unsettled, he had been that way since returning from Mandalore. That unsanctioned mission had almost led to him being removed from the council by the more vocal masters who were rooted firmly in the old way. Especially as Kenobi had claimed to be the one that dragged Skywalker and Tano with him although all of them doubted that. Worst that the Mandalorians were clearly better armed and now united again, some had even begun planning a potential invasion of Mandalorian space should they become any more aggressive.

Fortunately, Yoda and the more easy-going ones like Kit Fisto sided with Kenobi and so he stayed but it was not difficult to see that Obi-Wan was very distracted by something whenever they met. That was part of the reason Yoda had brought him, to finally discover just what it was that was troubling him so much.

"Master Kenobi. Something distracting you?" Yoda asked him and Obi-Wan blinked as if torn on what to say.

"Something that happened on Mandalore Master Yoda. I am sure it will pass with time." Obi-Wan said but Yoda just stared impassively at Kenobi. The two remained like that for a while before Kenobi finally broke and admitted what it was that had been troubling him.

That Kenobi had lost control of his emotions after seeing someone he cared for very much die didn't shock Yoda. After all, in his youth Kenobi had been almost as bad as Skywalker was now for making connections and had more than one romance if you could call them that, Yoda found himself smiling at the folly of youth.

What did surprise him was what had happened during that moment.

"I could feel them in the force master." Obi-Wan told him with shame on his face for losing control of his emotions and confused at what had happened in that moment. "I felt both Qui-Gon and Satine in the force, not in my mind but through and in the force. They calmed me and eased my pain, letting me regain my control. But I was always taught that once you become one with the force you aren't you anymore." Obi-Wan told Master Yoda who he hoped might have some answers for him.

Yoda was very intrigued at what was being said. Most of the Order and in fact the galaxy that believed in the force thought it was impossible for someone to retain their identity after they became one with the force. Yet what Obi-Wan was describing was contrary to that and he who knew a great deal of the Jedi's ancient past had heard many stories of the ghosts of Jedi and Sith who had died yet returned from the netherworld of the Force.

It was an intriguing thought Yoda admitted while pondering this.

"Given me much to think about you have." Yoda told Obi-Wan, smiling at the younger master. "Let it trouble you no more, research this I will myself and see what secret we might find." He said genuinely excited about unlocking a potential skill in the force that transcended death itself. This would mean delving into some of their oldest and most treasured holocrons and texts but he hoped the answer might lie there. And potentially a way for the Jedi to endure for all time.

Mandalore, Mandalorian Territories…

"So, as we welcome new people to our world and begin to build the shipyards which will bring the economic stability that our world needs, we must look to the future." Korkie said with a smile as he read out his speech on the balcony to the people below. Behind him Bo-Katan and Haron stood along with the rest of Korkie's friends.

Korkie was visibly sweating as he gave his first public speech but Lagos held his hand to try and give him some reassurance which he was glad of. The nod from Bo-Katan helped too.

"The future will not be like it was before, we must ensure that we are prepared to not only defend this world but all the worlds that call themselves Mandalorian." Korkie told the crowd, some of whom were not happy with the influx of new settlers. The extra manpower would drastically speed up the reconstruction after the Shadow Collective Invasion and the construction of the shipyard in orbit not to mention surface facilities to support it but it was a classic case of the 'other' or the 'outsider' coming in.

Especially after such a hard invasion just a month past.

"The prosperity and defence of Mandalore is as always, my biggest commitment. The protection of Mandalore and its people, my greatest desire." Korkie said trying to reassure the people that he was here to protect them.

"For the People! For Mandalore!" He called out and the crowd below cheered as they accepted his words. Korkie almost visibly collapsed the moment they got in off the balcony from the pressure being released.

"You did great!" Amis said with a smile while Lagos squeezed his hand again. Bo-Katan put a hand on his shoulder and added.

"You should be proud. You are good at public speaking. Satine would think so too." Bo-Katan told him and that Korkie did take some comfort in.

"For your first public speech it was very good. No one is expecting you to become a great leader overnight." Haron told him from the side with his arms folded. "You will become the leader you are meant to be by learning the practical lessons as they come and by taking the advice of those around you." Haron told him, knowing from experience that the road to becoming a leader was far from simple or easy no matter what head start you might have been given and there were many paths to choose from.

"Thank you, Mandalore. To you all." Korkie said grateful for their support.

"Good. Now a meeting of the house leaders is about to start and we shouldn't be late." Haron said as he noticed the time. Korkie nodded and walked with Haron away from the group after they gave the young man some encouraging looks. He did his best to walk alongside Haron as they went to the conference hall where he and the other house leaders were meeting.

Walking into the chamber they saw the others had already assembled, many of them as holograms as they had returned home to deal with other business while Haron remained on Mandalore with Ijaa to see to getting the planet settled.

"I see we are all assembled. Good, I have a number of important details we must discuss." Haron said as he took a seat with Ijaa at his right side and Korkie at his left.

"First off, the settling of additional people from the wider galaxy. A move that I am not particularly happy with myself." Haron said, knowing several house leaders didn't like this move and saw it on their faces. "However, while this creates potential security issues which will be addressed, they will either conform to our culture or leave. We assimilate them into our ways rather than the other way around. Their extra hands will help our growth and in time they will no longer be the outsiders but become a part of us." Haron said, it was of course the last Republic Invasion that had created the New Mandalorian Movement which was responsible for much of their recent troubles. Something he would not repeat.

Korkie didn't like the sounds of that although many of the house leaders did. A program of Mandalorian culture indoctrination would begin and their schools would enforce it. It was ruthless but Haron knew the Magical World back on Earth had done the same thing with the Muggle Born, slowly over time isolating them from their own culture until they had little option but to be a part of their culture. New ideas might result but only if they did not change their culture too greatly.

It was harsh but Haron knew they would need more warriors, engineers, pilots, technicians and more when the war began and hence, he was allowing more refugees into their space. It had already been happening on the border but now many were settling on Concordia and on Mandalore itself.

They had to increase their numbers and ensure there was no cultural divisions that could tear them apart if preyed on by the enemy. But to that end he had something else that needed to be done.

"However, I am not blind that these refugees might harbour spies from the outside. So, we will establish an internal security service, named the Ja'hailir which will ensure no spies infiltrate and disrupt us." Haron said knowing such a thing would be essential in the future especially with so many outsiders coming in.

"I have news to of the Godwana project." Eliza Kane spoke up with a smirk. They turned to give her their attention. She told them with her usual manner. "I mean it is my project and I really would like to get it some attention and maybe some thanks…"

"We get the picture." Selban said with a frown knowing she was only doing this to get a reaction. "Maybe give us the update."

"Gladly." She said smirking from ear to ear. "The Project so far is designed as a 1200 metre vessel. It will have two configurations; one will act as a carrier to drop droids for ground assault like the Basilisks or large quantities of the Skytroopers. The space carrier variant will be loaded with swarm ships, small unmanned fighters with an explosive warhead for suicide attacks. We are looking into possible hyperspace capable swarm ships to up the potential damage. It is going well and we should be at prototype stage within a year." Eliza said and Haron nodded in acceptance as if you were going to do this then you do it right.

"Good work, any weapon that gives us an advantage is worth exploring. However, there is a piece of news that I am excited to share with you all." Haron said with a smile, turning the meeting onto more pleasant topics. "Recently my people discovered an asteroid with a small amount of beskar within it. While it was only a small amount, we hoped that by tracing it back to its point of origin we might find more and after years we have succeeded." Haron told them.

"And what did you find?" Amili asked eagerly and the others all looked on intently. Haron smiled before finally telling them.

"A planet roughly the size of Concordia. It has no atmosphere but buried beneath its surface are vast deposits of beskar just waiting to be dug up." Haron told them knowing this was going to send morale through the roof as not only could they improve the purity of their own armour but increase the number of armoured suits they had significantly.

He was not disappointed as excited mutterings started straight away, even Ijaa looked happy for a change as he knew what this discovery meant for their people. They controlled the only source of beskar in the galaxy and it would be put to use in making new armour for their people. Their warriors would nearly double in number and be ready to fight for their people in any future conflict.

- x -

Later that day hopefully one of his last duties before he could head back to Coruscant Haron stood in front of the restrained Black Sun Vigo. The Falleen male was fearful and in great pain as he looked at Haron who glared at him while holding his hand in front of him.

Haron was actually using the Force to pull information from his mind, it was dark side technique and far more painful for the subject and Haron did not like using it but it was he thought reluctantly very effective.

Already he had discovered how their information networks worked and some of that would be very useful to them in the future once they had converted and taken over them. He now also knew many of their smuggling tricks which likewise would benefit their intelligence networks. Finally, the location of some of the supply caches and hidden credit accounts, he had already sent teams out to retrieve them and would prove useful in restoring Mandalore and keeping the planet going while the work to rebuild and develop the planet. It would take at least five years to complete the shipyard fully but it could be operational within two.

He had thought about going after the Hutts and Pykes for their role in the invasion but decided they didn't need more enemies and the other Vigos of the Black Sun would be wary to cause them trouble after what had happened.

Reijar, the Ordo System…

Ara was now back home while Haron remained on Mandalore to clean up the mess of the recent invasion and to get things going there. Already the city was mended with the extra manpower of the refugees and work on the shipyard was moving ahead at a decent speed. The factories on Iokath were working quickly to produce the modules needed to build the shipyard, one that would encircle the entire planet much like those on Kuat or Ringo Vinda when they were completed. It might take years even with the large number of workers and the vast number of droids they were deploying but it would be a great asset for both their economy, military and even planetary defence when it was completed. Their droid factories were working overtime to make more worker droids and Skytroopers not to mention some of the Basilisks.

Smaller docks would be thrown up in the meantime and eventually joined with the larger structure when it was ready so they could at least repair their ships there but for now she was dealing with the new ships that would one day make up their fleet.

Standing in the command centre of their own capital ship, the Atin first of her class she looked at the holograms of each ship they were tested.

"We are ready to proceed Duchess." The ship's captain told her and she nodded.

"Then begin at once, we need to make sure these designs are suitable for our future fleet." Ara ordered and the captain went to give the other ships their orders.

She watched as Gladius-class Heavy Corvette moved into position. A crew of hundred. Armed with a mass driver cannon it fired solid projectiles that could punch straight through enemy shields and through thinner hull plating before exploding inside. Two light turbolasers and a laser point defence system for defence but also two missile launchers. It was much more resource intensive design than the Crusaders but they could serve as potential lead ship for corvette squadron.

But they have other benefits, they had an extensive sensor and monitoring suites which made them excellent as a support ship. For jamming they were excellent alongside spying, monitoring and other similar tasks she was a brilliant design.

It proved that as it took apart the targets that had been set up for it, setting up the next ship they were testing.

The Halberd-class Missile Cruiser.

With a crew of 300 this ship was exactly as its name suggested, while it did carry a medium sized turbolaser cannon and a laser point defence system it was the six missile launchers it had which gave the ship its real punch. Capable of varying yields they could launch a powerful barrage at large and small targets at a distance. Their engineers had even managed to come up with a stealth system which would only make this more deadly, it could run 'Silent' reduce any energy, heat or other emissions to nearly nothing so it was near invisible to enemy sensors. Perfect for ambushes.

Combined with their existing ships both would be lethal in their hands.

The ships performed very well Ara noted and turned to look at the last four Dreadnaught-class vessels who on her orders had been modified. They had much of their heavier weapons removed and a Null Cannon installed instead along with a secondary reactor. Now they had more ships with the useful weapons that were sturdier rather than the previous rather flimsy frigate and with the second reactor would be able to recharge and shoot again much faster.

The Jedi Temple, Coruscant…

"So it is with great anticipation that we name the newest Jedi Master to the Council, may they serve with the same distinction that is not only expected of their new position but the same dedication and integrity that they had displayed to be considered for this position. Master Tsui Choi, please take your seat." Mace Windu said to the Aleena Jedi Master who was taking the seat formerly held by Master Adi Gallia. Her cousin Stass Allie had originally been up for the seat but to avoid suggestions of favouritism Master Yoda and others on the Council had decided to name the more experienced Aleena Jedi Master to the position.

"Thank you masters." Tsui said with a nod before walking over to his new seat on the council. It was a good choice they all thought, Master Choi was known for his calm and measured personality. Not approving of violence, he was renowned for his insight, diplomacy and wisdom which would hopefully bring some more balance to the Council and to the Jedi Order overall. He was a voice of reason that Master Yoda in particular felt was much needed on the council of late.

"Perhaps now that we are once again a full body, we might discuss the spreading Anakin Skywalker's rather aggressive teachings." Luminara said abruptly, not caring to wait for Master Yoda or Master Windu to speak as was customary on the council. The apparent arrogance of her interruption brought some looks of disapproval from some of the more traditional masters on the council.

"When it was just him and his apprentice the damage was contained, but now more Jedi are following their example and recklessly abandoning their self-control and embracing dangerous emotions." Luminara said not even caring to wait to bring up her point. As a relatively new member of the Council being only a year or so into her time and on a temporary seat at that it was seen as bad form to try and lead the meeting like this but she didn't seem to care. The other masters even those that agreed with her on the matter of Skywalker looked off put by this and frowned not that Luminara seemed to care.

"Many issues need to be discussed Master Unduli." Master Windu said with a cold stern look in his eye. "When the Council has addressed them in the right order then we will speak on this matter." Windu said, a firm rebuke which Luminara didn't seem to acknowledge but she did stop and fall back into line.

This made many council members look at the Mirialian Jedi and wonder if they had been right to name her to the Council although that was only due to Depa Billaba refusing the position.

However, for the sake of the meeting it was put aside so they could get on with things before finally getting back to the matter that Luminara had brought up at the beginning.

"This spreading of Skywalker's teachings is already wide spread enough." Master Tinn said with a deep frown on his face. "Nearly two dozen already and those outside the Order are starting to notice the division. This is something that we cannot tolerate, outsiders doubting the Order."

"You mean outsiders thinking those that follow Skywalker are better than you Master Tinn?" Master Tsui Choi said rather plainly, proving his insight as he saw through to the route of the problem. Tinn's ego was bruised by all the praise they had been getting as opposed to him. "We have all seen the holonet news reports, Skywalker's Jedi if we wish to refer to them as that are proving themselves far more capable than they were before adopting his techniques. Perhaps we should look at the supposed evidence of their corruption rather than just say they are a danger to the Order and assume they are a threat?" Tsui said with a probing look in his eyes.

On the council less than a day and already proving your value, Master Choi. Yoda thought privately to himself with a slight smile. Ruffling the feathers of those like Master Tinn who love the sound of their voices too much. Some looked ready to argue especially Tinn and Unduli but Yoda raised his hand to silence them.

"See we shall, just what these teachings bring about." Yoda said and activated the holoprojector in the centre of the room which fell into silence as they watched Skywalker's Jedi in action.

On Aargonar they saw Bultar Swan with the grace of a dancer move to avoid blaster bolts while quickly throwing rocks and debris at the Separatists droids as they tried to advance on the base. The rocks hurtled like deadly projectiles while she moved in what looked like a carefully choreographed dance to avoid blaster bolts being fired at her while the rocks cut deep swaths in the enemy lines. On the odd chance a blaster bolt did find its target Bultar simply held her hand out and absorbed the shot with no harm to herself. Her skill at Tutaminis having grown considerably.

And what was more impressive, she did all of this with her eyes closed.

The clones cheered as the droids, taking too heavy a loss withdrew and Bultar finally opened her eyes and smiled at her men who were chanting her name.

It stunned those who knew the young knight and knew she was loyal but not that she had become so much more skilled and perhaps much more powerful. Her old master Plo Koon was sat down with the mask he couldn't live without but his approval of her was clearly there for all to sense.

On another world Ferus Olin, Tru Veld and Darra Thel-Tanis were working together. Moving in unison they carved their way through a droid force before advancing on the enemy camp and capturing its leader. Their clones singing their praises as they took the leader into custody.

The next recording came from a star cruiser as Jang Li-Li and Jax Pavan fought their way onto a Separatist ship and cornered one of Dooku's Dark Acolytes Wiffa Zett before defeating her a quick lightsaber duel. That same acolyte was now in the Temple's holding cells till they could decide what to do with her.

Then there was Dendro who managed to infiltrate a mountain top fortress with a handful of clones through a cave system that he discovered with the force before capturing the entire facility.

Axton Tredway and Ranik Solusar in space managed to lead their fleets to a great victory over Sullust.

Rune, leading Aqua Troopers to destroy a Separatist shipyard.

The Council was silent as they watched these actions, any of which merited mentions in Jedi Archives. If they continued to be exceptional like this some of them would likely become legends in this era but it was the matter of who was inspiring them.

"They are venturing close to the dark side with this embracing of their emotions." Master Mundi said but Master Kenobi who was still on slightly thin ice with the Council after his recent unauthorised mission to Mandalore interrupted.

The fact it had made someone that a good number of the Jedi Council thought of as an enemy, Haron Ordo the ruler of all Mandalorian Space didn't help either. A thousand worlds now were at his beck and call with a fairly powerful military force and they wondering if the old wars of the past were coming once again. Better that Ordo was here so they could kill him if they had too Mundi thought and recover that stolen lightsaber at the same time!

"I think it is far wiser to try and accept that you have emotions and channel them towards a purpose than deny them all the time and have to fight against your own nature." Kenobi said, in no mood for this consistent idea that emotions were bad frowning at Master Mundi. "And I would think that someone who lost his temper and attacked the Military Advisor to the Chancellor and effective Field Marshal of the Republic in the Miliary Command Centre in front of everyone has little room to complain about others who are handling their own emotions much better." He said, reminding them all that Mundi had caused a very delicate incident when he had attacked Haron Ordo in the Military Command Centre.

"Since they began to deepen their connection to the force and use their emotions to strengthen themselves the morale of the Republic has soared. They are improving the confidence of the clones and others wherever they go." Kit Fisto said with a considering look on his face.

"The Republic Propaganda Office is making great use of their exploits." Plo Koon said with a sound of distaste of such things but knew its value. "They are painting this as the new generation of Jedi, a return to the legendary heroes of the ancient past and public opinion of the Jedi has begun to improve considerably. From an all-time low we are now far more trusted than before."

"You mean they are." Shaak Ti said with a frown.

"Exactly." Luminara said, trying to push her point. "The public opinion will change like the wind and tide but having these renegades, many of whom are not ready to be called Masters or even Knights in some respects representing the Jedi Order is far from our best interests."

"That is a curious statement for you of all people to make Master Unduli." Tsui Choi said, re-entering the debate. "For someone who has yet to allowed her apprentice to take the trials."

"Barriss is not ready." Luminara said quickly, not liking being called out on the fact that when the last group of Jedi padawans were to take their trials she had prevented Barriss from being included even though she had been selected. "She has much to learn."

"About…being you?" Tsui Choi said with a slight turn of his head as if in disapproval. "Because as far as we can tell she has already exceeded your skill with a lightsaber and the force. She is a highly skilled healer and knows our code well. The only thing left that you might have left to teach her is how to be you in every situation. She must be allowed to develop her own way of doing things or we might as well just replace the Jedi Order with clones or droids." He said sadly.

"I am afraid I must agree Master Unduli." Master Windu spoke out. As someone who was very much a traditionalist but also bucked convention in his own way, he was caught between both viewpoints but agreed Luminara had little more to teach the girl and was now holding her back. "At the next opportunity Barriss Offee will be given the chance to complete the trials. We need more capable knights and she is a prime candidate." He added.

Luminara looked ready to argue but the hard look from Windu quelled any dissent and she frowned before falling silent.

"These new Jedi, a dangerous element they might be." Yoda said sadly. "But helping the Jedi Order they are. Making people trust us again they do. A precious thing trust is, hard to build but easily broken and we must not do the enemies work for them. As long as break the Jedi Code, they do not. Stop them we will not." Yoda declared.

The surprise that Yoda of all people would sanction potential rebellion stunned many on the Council, Yoda himself was remembering that trying to suppress ideas often only led to them going underground and spreading. Feel it in the Force he could that this was a good thing and had he been younger and less set in his ways he would likely be trying to follow their example. But he was far too inflexible Yoda thought to change how he did things now.

"Master Yoda I cannot allow this!" Master Mundi said loudly as he got to his feet followed by Master Tinn. The silence in the room was total as the two senior masters stood there facing Yoda. Master Windu and Master Kenobi who were certainly the most loyal to Yoda on the Council looked ready to stand and face these two themselves but Yoda with a suddenly rather cold look in his eyes gestured with his hand for them to stand down. Yoda himself didn't get to his feet, he stayed sitting but, in the force, he began to channel his power actively, letting it fill up the room with the great strength he had not just got naturally but from all of his centuries of experience. The air began tense as did the other Jedi as they all felt the Grand Master's great power and many were glad to be sitting down as it would have been difficult to stand otherwise. Tinn and Mundi tried to resist but their will was nowhere near as strong as Yoda, nor their power as great even combined. They fell back into their chairs and went silent as Yoda with only the force alone had put them in their place.

- x -

In a lower chamber of the Temple the Council's fears of Anakin's ideas spreading appeared to be justified as Master Tuwan welcomed six new students.

"I am truly glad that you have decided to explore our way of the seeing the force and yourselves." Tuwan said with a warm smile as his new students; Anise I'Zak, Rivi-Anu, Serra Keto, Bol Chatak, Ausar Auset and Sia Jeisel sat before him feeling very much like padawans again.

Anise who had always had a problem with her temper, using curse words to try and relieve any pressure without expressing any negative feelings she had more openly. So, she was hoping this might give her the ability to manage her feelings better. Rivi-Anu who had only recently passed the trials was desperate to get out into the galaxy and do what she could for its people after being passed over for a military position.

The others meanwhile had been curious upon seeing the results Skywalker's group had achieved and how their connection to the force and their abilities had grown, wondering if this training was truly the reason for it and what it might do for them.

- x -

Walking through the corridors of the Temple now the meeting had ended Master Yoda and Master Windu were on their way to attend to their own various duties but had an important matter to discuss.

"Hidden away some of our relics and holocrons we have." Yoda said once he was confident that they couldn't be overheard. "But nothing have we done to ensure the Sith and dark side items do not fall into Sidious's hands." Yoda said with a grim look on his face. They had some incredibly dangerous objects of the dark side locked away in the Temple and while ensuring their own relics survived was important it was also important to secure the darker objects they held.

Mace Windu nodded in agreement, the collection they had was dangerous and the sort of thing they couldn't just leave for him to claim if he somehow got his hands on the Temple.

"Destruction might be a potential option." Mace suggested wondering if it might be better to just destroy them all before then reconsidering. "But the tomes and holocrons are a useful source of information."

"Agreed, but made secure they must be." Yoda said wishing he could be sure of destroying them but they were potentially useful sources of information for the future and a release of that much dark side energy might be dangerous if they were all destroyed. "Hidden they must be, somewhere the Sith cannot sense them or be easily found."

"But where?" Mace asked, wondering just what could mask an aura as strong as all these relics would create.

"Think on this we must, find somewhere that the Sith will not look for them." Yoda said knowing if he and Mace could put their heads together, they would find a solution to this.

Going their separate ways Yoda went to deal with the next matter demanding his attention before he would go and help teach the younglings, by the force Yoda thought sadly he wished he could do more of that. But if those younglings were to have every advantage in the future, he had to make sure they had all he could give them he thought or rather all he could preserve.

Reaching the hanger bay a freighter was waiting with building supplies loaded aboard on an apparent mission to deliver these supplies to Outer Rim worlds, however the cargo hid another more important load beneath it.

A copy of the temple's incredibly accurate and detailed star map of the galaxy, more holocrons, some of their special healing fire crystals, relics of the now extinct Dahgee & Ermi Jedi Sects, a good amount of liquid monetary assets and some of their most prized art and relics that hadn't already been moved. That and also relics from their storehouses on Phateem and Obroa-Skai which he had decided to move since while he was fairly confident that they were secure he had a feeling they weren't and wanted be sure.

Three Jedi stood ready to take this precious cargo; their leader was Tosan, a Zygerrian which was a very rare sight among the Jedi but she was completely trustworthy. Eekar Oki was the next member of the team, a slightly more common sight but still rare he was a Mon Calamari and a solid Jedi. The last member was a Kadas'sa'Nikto Jedi Knight named Onli Shi'en. The team's pilot and a good survivalist so he rounded them out well.

"Greetings, glad I am that you are willing to accept this mission." Yoda said to the small group. They all bowed in respect before Tosan said.

"It is an honour master, but why have we been selected for this mission? Surely a simple delivery mission would only need one of us or could be entrusted to others outside the Order?" She asked, confused as this seemed rather over the top to have three Jedi escorting a bunch of building supplies.

"Far more than that are you carrying." Yoda said with a slight smile. "Entrusting to you I am the transport of many valuable artefacts and data to Ossus where safe it will be. Chosen you have been to join the exploration of our ancient home and preserve it." Yoda finally revealed and they all looked shocked at this. Not only where they transporting some of the most important objects held by the Order but they were being sent to the ancient home of the Jedi to aid in restoration efforts there.

However, they were not so keen on being stuck there for what they could only presume to be years when a war was raging. Also, there was something else bothering them and Eekar couldn't help but ask about it.

"Master. Why all the secrecy? Surely the resettlement of Ossus would be an effort for the whole Jedi Order to commit itself too even with the war going on." Eekar said and Yoda's ears dropped a little and he lost his smile before telling the reason for all the secrecy.

"Worried we have become that the Jedi may no longer be able to trust the Republic and that the Sith may already have ears in the Order." Yoda told them grimly which shocked the three Jedi at the mere idea of the Republic turning against them and that the Sith may be spying on the Jedi. "Preparing a place for the Jedi to flee too should it be needed we are. Ossus will be our haven should it be needed but hope we do that when things improve, open we can be about it." Yoda told them, despite knowing in the back of his mind that this was very unlikely however much he wanted to hope against it.

The three Jedi seemed to accept that due to their faith in him and bowed again before smiling.

"It will be done Master Yoda; all we carry will be taken to Ossus and we will commit ourselves to rebuilding out Order's home there. I hope you will visit us there." Tosan said and Yoda managed to smile again. Her hope and joy at such a mission was welcome but he was still concerned and realised as he explained the situation that putting too many things on Ossus was as dangerous as keeping everything and everyone here.

Putting all your eggs in one basket Yoda pondered as the ship took off. The Sith were aware of the legend of Ossus but he was hoping they would believe the devastation was too extreme for anything to survive. However, that was folly Yoda began to realise, feeling older as he knew more would be needed if the Order was to have the best chance of survival.

His hidden group had been making good progress over the course of the last few years and managed to establish a number of hidden temples for the Order should they be needed and were currently on Masposhani and rebuilding the ancient Jedi Training Centre in the caves there. Once done with that he would Yoda decided steer them to a much bigger project. There was a world that the Jedi had ensured was removed from all known galactic records or any that couldn't be destroyed had listed the planet as so badly damaged it was unstable and too dangerous to visit when it was in fact quite pleasant to ensure the powerful force vergence there was not used by the Sith.

A strong vergence that could mask their presence, was cut off from the wider galaxy and unknown/thought dangerous to nearly everyone Yoda pondered. The perfect place for the Jedi to build another larger temple or just rebuild the existing ones to house a backup for the relics and Archives in case Ossus was lost.

Another big project Yoda thought wondering how long before the rest of the Council became suspicious of him. Mace Windu already had but at least had the sense to understand and support such moves. Others he doubted would be half as understanding and would demand to make such things public.

Yoda sighed a little, wishing for the days when the Order had been of one mind and one will, not so divided by internal politics as it was today. It almost made him wish he could just step down as Grand Master and go into retreat as several other Jedi had done to be alone with the Force or maybe go to Ossus to help there but he knew with a heavy heart that his duty was here, steering the increasingly difficult and imperilled Jedi Order through the war.

- x -

The Senate Building, Coruscant…

Palpatine was sitting in his office, pondering over the situation that was developing with not only the Jedi but the Mandalorians as well. Everything was still on course towards his ultimate goal and nearly all the pieces were in place but a few unexpected wrinkles had begun to emerge in the plan.

Maul's plan to invade and conquer Mandalore had ended in complete failure which was a surprise but not an unwelcome one. Truthfully Maul was becoming such an annoyance that he had thought he would have to go and deal with him and his beast of a brother personally but thankfully that hadn't been necessary. He was glad to see the failure dead and no longer a threat to his plans. But his cold enjoyment of the situation was stifled by the fact that Haron Ordo had now formally become the leader of the Mandalorians.

Ordo was he considered dangerous, his skill at war was enough that even Palpatine was weary of allowing him such power and wondered if he needed to be eliminated.

The Jedi were what truly concerned him the most though, Anakin founding a faction of likeminded Jedi within the Order was a surprising move and more so that he would train them to act much more effectively. Tales of their bravery and great deeds were spreading and so to was public opinion of the Jedi. It had been on a downward trend for a while now which was very beneficial for his plans when the time came to eliminate them. But now at least some of the Jedi were getting praise and adoration from the public.

That he couldn't allow, Palpatine thought with anger at the disruption but grinned that Barriss Offee would soon stop that trend.

Still since Haron Ordo would soon be back on Coruscant it might be time to deal with him. Palpatine thankfully had the perfect cover for this, his assassins would of course be hired by the Separatists trying to undermine the Republic's war effort. Making sure that the Mask of the Mandalore and the Darksaber were kept by him for use later. In time they would prove useful in taking over Mandalore and installing a puppet of his choosing there.

- x -

A Month Later…

"Cheers." Haron said as he sat in his favourite chair at the Marisa Club, the premier private club of Coruscant. Opening its doors only to the rich, influential and the powerful it was the most exclusive membership on Coruscant. Half the senators in the galaxy couldn't get in here nor many other people with money. Only those with all three and a lot of it could get in through the door.

Upon his return to Coruscant he had been sent an invitation to join the club as a member, apparently having a large credit account, control of over a thousand worlds and being a key figure in the war cabinet got their attention even though he wasn't a citizen of the Republic which was usually required. They catered to your every whim here and while he would never cheat on Ara many had the best prostitutes brought here to serve them in whatever why they wanted in its private suites. The games room had boards with all the business trading across the galaxy stock market and major sporting events where bets were placed between members if they choose. Fortunes were made and lost in this room.

His first day here he had been challenged by a rather wealthy business man who had actually posed a wager on a pod race on Malastare. He had bet Haron a large sum of credits while the man had bet shares in a munitions production company Krupx Munitions. Haron had been about to refuse but realised this was some sort of rite of passage he had to do, so he had placed his bet (with guidance from the force obviously) and won. The man hadn't even seemed bothered by the loss of the shares and in fact had said he would enjoy winning them back next race. Haron knew he was very wealthy so could even buy them back if he wanted but the company certainly wasn't in trouble so there was no rush to get rid of them.

So, on his first day he had gained shared in a fairly successful munitions company and already was making useful connections. Such as the men sitting at the table with him, enjoying some rather fine Corellian Whisky. The Whyren's Reserve batch NN182. The cost of which was the equivalent of a brand-new light freighter per bottle.

His toast was echoed by his 'drinking buddies' for the night and some of the few senators he was friendly or on speaking terms with. Garm Bel-Iblis from Corellia, Giddean Danu from Kuat, Bail Organa from Alderaan, Zafiel Snopps from Corulag, Meena Tills from Dac and Yarua from Kashyyyk who was strangely a cousin of Grahuur.

Having some contacts among senators was always a useful thing especially now as he was regarded with a great deal more fear by most of them than he had been before. He had a number of star systems under his control before but now he had over a thousand with an army of his own at his back. It terrified some and made others consider him a threat. Haron had known this was likely and hence why he was now trying to make some more genuine contacts to make him aware if anything was being done against him.

The club was perfect for this as the senators that came here were extremely well connected and many used the club as a place to relax in privacy away from the prying eyes that followed them all wherever they went. It was also a place where information could be obtained which all of them greatly valued.

Knocking back the rest of their drink light conversation flowed between the group as they sat down at the expensive carved wooden table. Haron himself was debating some military matters with Garm Bel-Iblis who was an exceptional tactician himself and one Haron enjoyed speaking too.

"I honestly just hope that when this war ends, we do not find ourselves too deep within another." Garm said with a look on his face that said while he was genuinely hoping it was so he doubted it. Haron nodded before adding.

"So do I, while you and I are quite a home in war I do not want my children to grow up in it." Haron said, his greatest fear being the day that his children would have to fight themselves. They were still little but soon he knew they would be grown and off to fight on their own. It filled him with a cold dread that just settled in the pit of his stomach.

He knew it was unavoidable but that day he hoped with all his soul was far away.

"Nor mine my friend." Garm said as they drank. "I just want what is best for Corellia."

Haron nodded and added. "If so, perhaps we might be of aid to each other in the future if it should come to that."

"That would be a good thing for both our people's." Garm said and Zafiel who had been talking with Bail and Giddean told them.

"No more talk of the war. We are here to enjoy ourselves for once." The man said, eager for peace and fun tonight. They all nodded and went on playing card games and talking for much of the night.

- x -

The following morning Haron awoke before dawn and began his morning ritual.

After a small breakfast he did his meditation and physical exercises before practicing with weapons for over an hour before donning his armour and with his guards heading over to the Military Building to get to work.

The room was in its usual state of organised chaos as multiple fronts across the galaxy were monitored and updated, orders and requests flying across the galaxy to and from here. A small army of clerks and administrators alone were needed just to keep track of where the equipment was being stored and where it needed to go.

Haron took a sip from his flask, knowing better than to drink or eat anything else as it was too prone to poisoning. He watched the various fronts and begun to form tactics and plans in his mind to deal with them.

Then an urgent alert ran across the screens as Haron felt a tremor in the force. He looked up, not sure what it meant or where it came from but soon everyone was stunned to see the image of the Jedi Temple with a plume of smoke rising from it.

Haron felt the tremor again, not sure why but knew whatever happened was potentially big for the future. He wasted no time and looked at the information displays, no outside ship had been near the temple at the time and while it was in the hanger there had been no reports of a fire or dangerous ordinance being held there.

So, the most likely explanation he realised, was a bombing.

Great he thought with exasperation. Clearly the Jedi hadn't learnt a thing about internal security.

- x -

A Few Days Later…

Haron had been spending a lot of time on Coruscant since the war started and of course had been here briefly years before but he had never actually been inside the Jedi Temple before. The reason being obvious that the Jedi disliked him intently but Anakin who had been called back from the front along with Ahsoka to investigate the bombing had invited him.

It wasn't a stupid move Haron admitted unwillingly as neither had been at the temple for a while before the bombing. Granted the Jedi were supposed to have investigators for this sort of thing but if it was an inside job and from what he had seen that was likely it made sense to bring in outsiders.

So Haron as he stood in the ruined hanger bay with Anakin and Ahsoka which was far from the grandiose area he had been expecting given the bombing which had left the walls blackened and twisted along with anything inside. Droids searched for clues among the ruined area.

"Do you really think a Jedi could be responsible for this?" Ahsoka asked with worry in her voice. Anakin and Haron both felt for the girl who despite all she had seen and done since being Anakin's apprentice was still very naïve about the galaxy and the people within it. Even after seeing Jedi desert and betray the Order she still had a hard time believing that any Jedi would do this to the Temple.

"Not every Jedi agrees with this war Ahsoka. Some leave the Order rather than participate and some we know change sides because of it. There are many political ideals among us." Anakin told her, not wanting to believe it himself but he was more grounded and knew it was entirely possible.

"But a traitor?" Ahsoka asked still deeply worried about the mere thought of it. Haron was the one that answered her that time.

"Perhaps who did this doesn't see themselves as a traitor. This could be some kind of statement of what they think is right. After all there are plenty of other places in the Temple this saboteur could have hit that would have hurt the Jedi worse. The Archives or the training halls where the younglings are for example." Haron said as he considered the target of the bombing and what that might say about the culprit, drawing on his old auror skills.

"Now there's a cheery thought." Anakin said with a grimace which Haron could understand but only shrug at.

As they talked to the droid who was in charge of surveying the destruction and then the survivors of the bombing Haron went over what they had found so far. Whoever it was had detailed knowledge of the Temple and its security systems and arrangements. They were able to identify one of the maintenance crew as a possible suspect when Haron received a call from the Military Command Centre.

"Field Marshal." The officer on watch said, calling him by his temporary rank. "The Separatists have begun a major assault on Rool'ix and General Grievous is leading the charge. We really need you back here sir!"

Haron frowned, Grievous had only yesterday been launching an assault on Rothana, a far more important target where a lot of manufacturing facilities for the military were. Not only that but three Jedi were there which for him would make it too tempting a target to resist. Then all of a sudden, he changes his focus to Rool'ix? A relatively insignificant backwater planet that was only used as a medical facility? Where there were no Jedi at all?

Haron immediately smelled a rat.

"Duty calls. Best of luck." Haron wished Anakin and Ahsoka who understandingly let him return to the command centre. As he rode the gunship back Haron couldn't help but think this was too oddly timed.

Like someone was trying to keep him distracted.

- x -

Two Days Later…

Haron sighed, the last two days he had not even left the command centre as it turned out Grievous had been playing a rather complex game…using different fleets in random bursts of fighting to throw Republic forces off so he could stretch them to breaking point and then properly invade. He had been forced to move from one battle to the next constantly until finally the offensive had been repulsed.

He was glad to be wearing his helmet as he yawned really wishing he could go and get some sleep but knew he should probably check in with Anakin first to see what he had discovered in regards to the Temple bombing.

He didn't get a response when he called him on the holo-channel, not so strange he might be busy but when he called Ahsoka he didn't get a response there either and he felt a tremor in the force again. Something was happening, he thought and it was bad but he had no idea just what. So, he called up the data net and looked for their location when he saw the bulletin that must have been posted while he was busy the day before.

Ahsoka was wanted for murder and treason.

At first, he couldn't believe it and was sure someone must be playing him but as he checked more deeply, he saw to his surprise that this was no joke and immediately tried to get more information. However, he then received a call from Admiral Tarkin.

"Duke Ordo, I see you have been looking into the case against Ahsoka Tano. This hardly a matter that concerns you and I would appreciate if you stayed out of the matter until it is settled." Tarkin said before ending the call rather abruptly. Haron frowned and thought for a moment that one day he would get a hold of Tarkin and make him suffer a great deal before letting him die but for now he tried to access the file to see just what was actually going on.

However, he saw that the file was restricted and he despite having one of the highest security clearances in the Republic was not permitted to see it.

And only one person could really do that…Palpatine.

So, this was one of his plans, was it? Haron pondered with a deep sense of loathing towards the man. At a guess Haron assumed this was to not only hurt the Jedi Order in some way but to hurt Anakin and increase his hold. The more voices Anakin had calling him to reason at least those he cared about the less likely he was to go along with Palpatine's plans. Ahsoka like Obi-Wan, Tuwan, Padme and even Haron himself was a threat to that and it seemed he was trying to attack Anakin's inner circle.

Which meant it was all the more important that he not succeed Haron thought and put his mind to ways that he might help Ahsoka now.

- x -

Ahsoka was feeling increasingly nervous, almost expecting to see clone troopers appear at any moment, she was looking for any information on who was behind the temple bombing but no leads seemed to appear until Barriss had alerted her to a call between Letta Turmond and this location. She was dearly hoping that maybe something here could lead her to the real mastermind behind this plot and clear her name she thought with anger at someone setting her up.

Ahsoka was very nervous as she could feel something in the force nearby, elusive she thought with frustration as she was unable to fully pin it down but she was certain that she wasn't alone here.

She only got a split-second warning before a snap hiss and turned, igniting her own sabers just in time to block an attack from behind. Twin red blades slashed at her and Ahsoka had to really work to block the attacks as they came alarmingly fast. Ahsoka started to draw on the force more deeply and started regaining some ground as the mysterious attacker kept up a relentless assault.

The lightsabers were ancient Ahsoka realised as she managed to get a good look at them, the metal was old but well maintained and the aura of the dark side around them was very strong, it was almost sickening. Ahsoka nevertheless kept up her defence and tried to counterattack but the opponent seemed to realise that this tactic wasn't working and leapt back on top of some nearby barrels and then used the force to fling them at her but Ahsoka who had much more intensive training from Anakin leapt around them easily and even managed to throw one back at the attacker who barely dodged it. The attacker's style was random and unpredictable, seeming a ferocious blend of Forms two, three, four and six. They crossed sabers again and while she was competent in Jar'Kai Ahsoka could feel she had little experience with it. The attacker seemed to realise this too and started flinging whatever was around them at Ahsoka who was kept busy dodging them.

The attacker wore a black jumpsuit, cape and helmet that completely covered their body which meant Ahsoka had no idea just who they might be. It was a female Ahsoka was fairly confident of that from their shape outlined in the suit. It too had a resonance in the force not unlike her own but much darker.

Who was this? Ahsoka thought as she tried to close the gap between them as the mystery fighter seemed to give up the fight and started running away.

Ahsoka was sure she this was her chance to get the answers she needed but as she ducked through an archway after her, she suddenly felt a warning in the force but it was too late. She jerked as arcs of electricity leapt out and crashed into her. She struggled but her mind and body were in too much pain to resist for too long and she fell down to her knees. Her attackers however kept up the attack and she was in total agony, able to see through teary eyes but unable to move. The attacker stopped before she tilted her head slightly and then simply walking away into the shadows. Ahsoka reached out an arm for her but it was unheeded as the electrical torture continued.

It was like her entire body was on fire and nothing she could do helped; she was crying out in pain but no-one answered her calls for help.

After what seemed like an eternity a blue light whizzed around her and like magic the electricity stopped, laying in the foetal position while twitching not recovered from the electrocution she had just endured. The final thing she saw Anakin standing over her with a look of deep concern on his face.

- x -

"Binders." Commander Fox said with snap and Anakin looked up, almost growling at him.

"She's no threat to anyone in this state!"

"She's a fugitive and prisoner." Fox said without any compassion or understanding in his voice at all.

Anakin didn't respond, instead he picked Ahsoka up bridal style after clipping her lightsabers to his belt before carrying her back to the gunship while Fox stared after him.

As they rode back to the Temple where his first stop was the medbay he looked down at Ahsoka who was still twitching from the electricity. Having been hit with that and Dooku's own force lightning before he knew how painful it was and she had been under for who knows how long? The fact she survived was a great achievement. He smiled proudly down at her and was now beginning to get very worried, the smile disappearing as he considered how much trouble she was in. The only good thing was that the military couldn't try a Jedi so for now at least she was safe. Especially he thought darkly as someone was out to kill her.

- x -

Haron later was enjoying some rest and trying his best to get some more work done before he suddenly managed to receive a message from Anakin.

Ahsoka had been exiled from the Jedi Order due to the circumstantial evidence against her which so pathetic that he honestly thought there must be so real jealous pieces of work on the council to do that so fast. She was out of the Order either way and was now about to be put on trial by Tarkin.

That was all kinds of wrong Haron realised, Tarkin was a command officer not a part of the Military Advocacy Office so he was not allowed to lead the questioning in a trial, only a properly licenced prosecutor could do that. More to the point it was a military court which was again out of order as Ahsoka while a Jedi had not been formally a part of the military and therefore now that she was out of the Order was not legally able to be tried by the military. It would have to be a civilian trial even with the charges against her.

Which meant Tarkin was turning this into a show trial to tear into her in front of the entire Republic and to hurt the Jedi at the same time. Moreso as a fresh barrage of committee meetings requests and more operation oversight requests came in Haron realised he was being kept deliberately busy by Palpatine and Tarkin so he could not interfere.

His disgust with the man was so palatable he could almost taste it and swore some kind of vengeance on him for all this Haron raged quietly to himself. Something nasty.

But first he had to help Ahsoka, his own personal code of honour would not allow this to happen. So, he immediately went to make a holo call. While he would not be able to help Ahsoka himself, there was something he could do. Something that might turn the whole situation around.

- x -

One Hour Later…

Ahsoka was sitting in the meeting area of the prison, bound to the table by binders and feeling scared and very alone right now. She wished dearly to be as far from here especially as a potential death sentence was hanging over her head.

The door to the meeting area opened and she saw to her great relief Anakin and Padme enter the room, she knew of their relationship but kept quiet about it. Regardless she just hoped they had good news.

"Ahsoka. Are you alright?" Padme asked and Ahsoka who was still deeply scared about her current trial almost snapped at her but restrained herself.

"I'm okay." She managed to say and she could tell by the looks on their faces, they knew it was a lie.

"We will get you out of this." Anakin insisted, trying to reassure her which she appreciated but honestly, she couldn't see how this was going to get better right now.

"Quite right Master Jedi." A voice said from the doorway. The all turned to see an Iridonian standing there in an expensive suit and a data pad in hand. He walked boldly into the room and stood across from them. "I' am Hart Gratek, your defence advocate. I have already filed an injunction to have this trial held in civilian court as you are not an active serving member of the military so you cannot be tried in a military court. It has been granted but your trial will only be put back a day I'm afraid."

"Wait. Hart Gratek?" Padme said as she knew that name. "You're one of the best defence advocates on Coruscant, we can't afford you." Padme said as while she did have money and had even been planning to defend Ahsoka herself she couldn't afford someone like Gratek.

"Someone hired me on a private retainer so until it runs out, I'm your man." Hart said with an easy-going smile. Anakin immediately was suspicious of this interloper but now that he thought about it, even he had heard of Hart Gratek. Only in passing but the man knew every single loophole in the legal system and had a lot of contacts. If anyone could help Ahsoka in that courtroom it was him.

"While I have a good case, I would appreciate you Master Jedi finding the real culprit as it would be exceptionally useful. While we can use the time the actual saboteur would be far more helpful." Hart said earnestly. Anakin turned to Ahsoka and Padme who nodded, letting him know they would be okay while he went for the real culprit, hopefully before the trial declared her guilty, he dearly wished he could kill Tarkin though dark thoughts running through his mind.

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