Chapter 47: Chapter 20 The Future of Mandalore (Part 2)
Nightbrother, Orbit of Mandalore…
The Kom'rk class transport that served as Maul's flagship for the invasion was surrounded by many other types of ships from all the factions of the Shadow Collective as it plunged down from orbit towards the capital.
Sundari Orbital Control was able to see them easily as they dropped out of hyperspace and then approached the planet. It was undermanned due to budget cuts and those that were there were hardly skilled personnel. They were panicking as none of them had any training in just what to do and worse in her efforts to demilitarise the Mandalorians Duchess Satine had ordered the removal of any defensive weaponry or shields from the domed city at the beginning of her reign so apart from alert the Protectors which thankfully one of them had the brains to do they were near completely powerless to do anything about what was about to hit them.
They did close all the blast doors that they had but were unable to do anything else. Maul and his forces had no opposition as they landed. Maul disembarked from his ship with Savage at his side and smirked at the pathetic blast doors. Too thin and poorly secured so together he and Savage reached out with the force.
The door shook inside its frame and struggled to resist but under the intense pressure of their combined might it buckled and started to rise, their associates who were gathering around them looked on in shock and more than a little fear as the metal twisted and was forced up, clearing the way for them.
With the landing zone now secure and the door open, the transports that carried most of their troops began to land and unload their cargo. Mandalorians, mercenaries and more all charged with excited yells into the city while landers unloaded the walkers they had managed to acquire. Chop'aa Notimo, the leader of the Dar'Manda revealed his most powerful asset in this invasion at the same time, a large droid with multiple legs came out of one of the transports.
It was a mean looking machine and Maul was already planning to copy them when he had the means to counter his former master's army which he was sure to send against them.
"Onward to victory and spoils." Maul called out and the Shadow Collective members wasted no time before charging with blood curdling cries into the city.
The civil defence alarm sounded, alerting the Protectors and worried civilians to the danger but none of them had a single clue just what to do. The Protectors all rushed forward with their shields and blasters ready. They had training, basic training but the sight of so many hardened mercenaries coming running towards them had them terrified. Some did manage to stand their ground and started firing back but just as they were getting started the heavy clunking of the AT-PT walkers could be heard and they looked up to see the walkers come through the passage and extend to their full height. Their single heavy blaster locked on the Protectors and fired without a moment's hesitation, their small and flimsy shield was no match for the heavy blaster and broke instantly on contact. The men being thrown back and then to make matters worse the Mandalorian warriors flew over the walkers and used their rockets to blast the few that were still standing or were helplessly on the floor. The explosions tore them and their flimsy armour apart, leaving the invaders unopposed as they advanced deeper into the city.
The people of Mandalore, many already hungry and some ill were in a total panic and had nowhere to run too. The vicious thugs fired at anything that moved or if they were feeling merciful only those that dared to fight back. People were getting gunned down and robbed ruthlessly and those that caught the eye of the invaders for either their own pleasure or for potential slavery were dragged off screaming; men, women and children.
- x -
Korkie watched from the window of the apartment where he and his friends were staying, his face was full of horror at what he was seeing. The sheer wanton destruction and savagery of the invaders was hard for him to stomach. He felt a little comfort at the blaster that he was carrying at the insistence of some since the downturn of Mandalore. His Auntie Satine who he had tried to help as much as he could rarely left the palace these days and while he and his friends did what they could to help the people and fight corruption they had all become very used to being armed.
It was becoming far too comfortable he thought having it there.
"The invaders are spreading through the city section by section, advancing towards the palace with increasing speed." Soniee told him while she used what surveillance systems were still functioning to monitor the situation. The fear on her face was clear by the tense way she held her pad and the tightening of her face.
"The Protectors are helpless. They haven't the weapons or training to fight an enemy like this." Amis told him as he looked out the window, monitoring the comm traffic. His usual flippant attitude completely gone with the situation being so bad.
"We can't stay here Korkie, they'll be here any moment." Lagos said with a fearful look down the hallway of the apartment. Just as she said that an explosion blew out the door of the apartment and a group of vicious looking Trandoshans came in. Korkie and hie friends took whatever cover they could and raised their weapons, ready to defend themselves even if they weren't completely used to using them yet.
"Take the females. They will fetch a good price at market." The leader hissed in their language which Korkie understood and the fact they wanted to take Lagos and Soniee as slaves only enraged him. "Kill the males."
"Fire." Korkie yelled to his friends and they started shooting at the Trandoshans who were already shooting stun blasts at them. The cluttered apartment gave both sides cover and Korkie as he tried to protect his friends looked around for an exit but found no way out. He gritted his teeth as he realised, they were trapped and knew that either they fought their way out or be captured or killed here.
However, they had to do neither as suddenly the Trandoshans were shot in quick succession from behind. Korkie and his friends looked on in surprise but then ducked back down again when a group of Death Watch soldiers appeared behind them and Korkie readied himself to keep on shooting until a familiar voice spoke.
"Korkie! Stop! It's me." A female voice said and the apparent leader took off her helmet, revealing someone he had not seen in years.
"Aunt Bo." Korkie said with astonishment before he instantly became suspicious again. "You are with them!" He said raising his blaster again as did his friends but Bo-Katan raised her hands and looked at him pleading.
"Korkie…I never meant for it to get his far. I should have stopped this but right now if we are going to save our family and Mandalore I need you to trust me." Bo-Katan said with an urgent pleading to the only family she had other than her sister. She had never meant to hurt either her sister or her nephew…despite her problems with Satine, she loved them both and only wanted them safe.
Korkie glared at her, not sure whether or not he could take that chance but she was still his aunt. It had been her that taught him to shoot and even some self-defence lessons behind Auntie Satine's back. So, he lowered his weapon and despite being scared his friends too his lead and did the same.
Bo-Katan breathed a sigh of relief as he stood down and told him.
"If we are going to save our world then you and your friends are going to need some far better protection, come with me." She told them and with her warriors, the Nite-Owls led the four youngsters out of the apartment and to a waiting speeder. They raced through the city at breakneck speed and all around the smoke plumes rose as the invaders spread further and further out.
Korkie felt a cold weight settle in his stomach, this felt like the end of an era. Like everything would be different after this and his friends too looked unsettled at the prospect. Lagos put a comforting hand on his shoulder while Bo-Katan told him.
"We will save this world, save Satine." She told him as they arrived at run down looking house. She got out and they all followed her lead with confused looks.
"Why have you brought us here?" Amis asked, feeling very much like his was a trap but Bo-Katan just glared at him and pulled down a part of the wall to reveal a hidden control panel. She keyed in some sort of access code while Korkie and his friends watched with astonishment. The door opened and she led them inside before pulling an old desk aside to reveal another panel which she then put another code into. That made a part of the floor retract and reveal some kind of safe which then rose up.
Korkie was wondering just what his Aunt Bo could be hiding here that was worth so much security but he soon got his answer as she went over to open the safe.
"Satine thinks she got rid of all the beskar armour our family held apart from the suit I wear. Well, that is not true, I took and hid the other suits we had and stored them away. They should fit the four of you." Bo-Katan said with a small smirk, quite proud of herself for that. The safe opened and revealed four suits of beskar armour that would just about fit Korkie and his friends.
They all looked at the armour with a sense of foreboding and Korkie's feelings of this being the end of an era intensified as he picked up a pale green and white coloured helmet. Staring at it for a moment with trepidation before slipping it onto his head.
- x -
Back at the palace however things were looking far less positive as Satine sat on her throne, an impending sense of doom settling upon her. The explosions outside and sounds of blaster fire ringing in her ears as she remembered the last time, when so much had been lost and in this darkest moment she started to wonder if maybe she had been so foolish as to not see that her people did not want to be pacifists…maybe if she had done as some had advised her such as Bo that she must show strength and been the warrior people had said a Mandalore must be?
But no, she thought with sadness, that was not her. She hated violence and knew that it would inevitably end up in a place like this. She was perhaps thinking that maybe she could have found some middle path though she sighed.
It was far too late for regrets now Satine thought sadly as the door was opened and she saw Almec wander in but he was not alone as a pair of vicious looking Zabraks and worse Pre Vizsla came in, the colour drained from her face as she realised her last ally had abandoned her and her head fell. Behind him members of the Dar'Manda and Terror Brigade massed and she rose to her feet.
"Duchess." The Red and Black skinned Zabrak said with a chilling calmness to him. "I am truly delighted to meet you as I believe you and I have a mutual…acquaintance. Obi-Wan Kenobi." Maul said and Satine felt a chill run up her spine as she realised just who this Zabrak was. She had only managed to learn the barest amount about who had killed the wise master Qui-Gon Jinn…a Darth Maul she recalled with fear taking over.
"Well Satine." Pre Vizsla sneered from behind Maul. "At last, you will face justice for your crimes." He said with a vicious smirk. Satine noticed that Maul didn't look too pleased at his outburst and Satine looked down at him with disdain.
"Yet I do not need to hide behind someone else like you do. Without Maul, you are nothing but an overly ambitious mid-level politician who has gained delusions of grandeur due to a past that is hardly even his." Satine said mockingly and glared at him. "Such a shame, if House Vizsla had been born with a true man, then I think everyone would have been better off."
Her words hung in the air and Pre not to mention another warrior nearby shook with fury. Maul however only laughed loudly which outraged Pre, Satine taking the smallest of pleasure in that.
When Maul stopped laughing, he told her in his sinister way.
"You have spirit. I see now why Kenobi wanted you. Still, you will see him again, I sense he will be here soon." Maul said smugly, sounding almost happy about it.
Satine was now even worse than when they had come in. She could see his obsession of Obi-Wan was close to insanity, she just hoped he wouldn't come however much his comfort would have meant to her in a time like this. Maul wanted to destroy him, that she was certain of and she just hoped Obi would stay away.
Later that day as Satine sat in a cell and her people quaked with fear in their homes while others burned in the remains of theirs, a fleet of ships dropped out of hyperspace along the same vector as the invaders.
Clustered around the five Lucrehulks that led the fleet and carried their ground forces, the fleet moved forward. One Lucrehulk that carried only their starfighters began launching them, five hundred fighters all took off and assembled around the fleet. The Janus-class Heavy Cruisers placed themselves between the Lucrehulks and the enemy ships in orbit while in the vanguard, Recusant-class light destroyers, Munificent-class frigates, Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers, Crusader-class corvettes and fighters assembled.
- x -
Maul in the palace, was looking around the balcony while considering his next move, Vizsla would need to be removed he thought. The fool might have gotten them here but he was fast outliving his usefulness and the Prime Minister Almec who might be a useful puppet had told him that if he challenged Vizsla and the fool accepts it then he would become the leader of Death Watch.
However, his plans to remove the fool were ruined by the data boards he had installed in the throne room showed an alert as ships began to arrive. He blinked for a moment as he realised that his plans were in danger. He gritted his teeth as he had expected his former master to come for him but not so soon! He was almost panicking as he considered having to face Sidious with his clone army.
However, as data came in from the ships in orbit were not Republic or Separatists, instead he realised they were Mandalorian vessels.
Maul was able to relax for a moment as he realised his former master had not come for him but then felt a familiar tremor in the force. One that caused him to snarl with rage.
"Kenobi!" Maul sneered out as he felt the annoyingly calm presence in the force his rival created. However, he also felt another…no two other Jedi with him. Neither of which he was familiar with and both were extremely powerful…one more than even his former master!
Skywalker! Maul thought with surprise but he and Kenobi often worked together he remembered and suddenly the opportunity to interfere with Palpatine's plans had fallen right in his lap.
If he killed Skywalker before he turned to the dark side.
- x -
In orbit Haron stood with Duke N'Val to command the battle in space before heading planet side. He saw the Blaze and Pontonese ships moving to meet them since they had cut off the only means of escape.
Comm scan revealed that like most pirate fleets they were ships that had been taken in raids, heavily modified but Haron was an expert on pirates. He had spent years hunting them and knew their ways intimately. Pirates rarely fought in a proper fight, they preferred attacking targets that couldn't really defend themselves. They didn't do well in direct battle against a trained and equipped enemy, they were hit and run not head-to-head combat.
"Have fighters begin to harass the larger ships while destroyers and cruisers engage corvettes. Janus class will provide long range fire support on the Dauntless-class vessels." Haron ordered, noticing that the pirates had managed to bring some larger luxury cruisers and converted into makeshift heavy cruisers. Potentially even enough to threaten their corvettes and destroyers. He also saw they were using mostly light freighters and even some CR70 corvettes.
"Aye sir." The communications officer ordered and Haron watched as the fleet moved to engage. The fighters made up of U-Wing bomber models, ARC-170s and Fang-class interceptors rushed into combat with the Crusaders providing gunnery support against the light freighters employed by the pirates. The Recusants and Munificents charged in with the corvettes to engage the enemy corvettes and keep them from interfering while the fighters used the gap they created to slip through and begin to harass the larger ships. The Dauntless-class were strong but lacked any laser cannons for dealing with fighters as they usually had the light freighters for support.
A group of Action VI type transports, modified to fight corvettes came charging in alongside another Dauntless from lower orbit but Haron then revealed a secret weapon he hadn't had to use in a while. The specially modified Null Cannon ship moved out from behind the Janus class ships and as soon as it had a clear shot fired at the formation. The intense energy blast spread out and covered the enemy formation, their engines spluttering as they lost power as the Dreadnaughts closed in.
"Most impressive." N'Val said and Haron nodded with a smirk.
"I keep it as secret as I can." Haron told him before N'Val mentioned.
"Duchess Kane wants to try and capture of their capital ships. Might have useful intel."
Haron shrugged. "It will be a good test for the Skytroopers at least. Allow her to do it." Haron said, perhaps the design might be worth the effort and it would let them test the combat droids in the real world.
Haron watched as his much more organised force slowly started taking apart the pirates before a path to the surface was finally clear and turned to the duke.
"I leave the command to you Duke N'Val. Try to enjoy yourself." Haron said with a smile before leaving the bridge where he could sense N'Val's enjoyment in taking these thugs apart. A quick ride down to the hanger bay, he discovered Din, Ara, Vysa and Deera all waiting at the drop ship for him.
"Best get a move on." Haron said as he walked into the compartment where he saw the Jedi were waiting too. "Brace yourselves. This might get a little rough." Haron warned them as he got strapped in. Kenobi, Skywalker and Tano who were used to rough insertions from the war didn't comment although Skywalker and Tano rolled their eyes, saying without speaking. 'Duh!"
- x -
Eliza Kane was almost buzzing with excitement as her boarding pods launched from one of the Lucrehulks and smashed into the hull of the leading Dauntless-class ship. The gears of the drill made an awful sound as the used their cutting gear to clear the last obstacle before the doors opened and allowed her warriors and the Skytroopers to disembark.
"Clankers!" One of her warriors muttered under his breath but Eliza only smirked as the Skytroopers with the instant reflexes afforded to them by their programming gunned down the few pirates still around, allowing her and her warriors to exit the pod safely.
"Secure the ship, focus on the engine room while I handle the bridge. Now, have some fun." Eliza said with teasing voice but her warriors did not hesitate to follow her orders. She ran with her people and droids around the poorly maintained corridors of the ship. The pirates were clearly used to being the boarders and not the ones being boarded because all resistance collapsed soon after she boarded.
Only the bridge held out and the door was easily breached with an explosive charge, she led the forces inside shooting with the thermo-vision letting her see through the smoke. She downed them all easily with the last one probably being the captain. He died trying to reach a console and curious at what could be so important she walked over and accessed it.
It was she saw the navigation station and what could be so valuable eluded her for a moment until she saw a bunch of destinations stored in the computer, places that the ship went to frequently that were not ports or even shadowports. Hidden places off the regular hyperspace routes.
Hide outs, Eliza thought with her interest now stoked. These might be useful she thought, taking some to give to Ordo when this was over and kept a couple for her own private use.
Always better to have a backup plan or somewhere to run too she thought with her calculating smirk.
- x -
The transporters plunged towards the surface of Mandalore, taking dead aim on Sundari. The clouds made seeing ahead of them difficult but sensors guided them through it.
The Jedi sat on other seats with Grahuur who barely fitted into the narrow seat. The towering presence he made was intimidating and Ahsoka's attempts to engage him in conversation only earnt her a glare which made her stop straight away.
"Grahuur isn't much of a conversationalist." Ara said with a smirk at the little Jedi being intimidated. She didn't want to the Jedi here but it would she granted be easier to deal with Maul and his brother with their help. She was just glad that none of their children would be anywhere around the Jedi.
"Din and Deera, you know." Haron said with a smile, realising he hadn't introduced the rest of his family to the Jedi. "This is Vysa, my other sister." Haron said and Vysa nodded while smirking at the Jedi. Obi-Wan nodded to the young woman as did Anakin and Ahsoka before Haron made the last introduction.
"And this is my wife and the mother of my three soon to be four children, the strongest and smartest Duchess Ordo there has been for generations…Ara Ordo." Haron introduced with pride and Ara didn't look impressed at the introduction and instead glared at the Jedi.
"My husband might vouch for you, but you had best hold your own. We will not carry you." Ara said sternly and the Jedi seemed a little put off by that. An alarm suddenly made all of them tense. A voice from the cockpit said.
"Incoming enemy troops sir." The pilot told them and Haron said.
"Prepare to drop. Ready your packs." Haron said and turned to the Jedi with a smile as he put his helmet back on while the others did the same.
"What do you mean…drop?" Anakin asked and Deera was the one who answered.
"We don't need ships to fight in the skies…Skywalker." She said, smirking under her helmet as the floor opened beneath them. The Jedi and Grahuur who were on seats away from the door watched in astonishment as the seats holding the Mandalorians lowered and released the restraints holding them. Then to the shock of those watching and not familiar with their tactics shifted out and let themselves fall for a moment before activating jetpacks and taking flight.
Haron felt the thrill of flying, something he had not really lost since he had first flown on a broomstick at Hogwarts and despite everything he had gone through since he still got that thrill of flying through the air…jetpacks and the force only made it better he thought with a smile before becoming serious.
The cloud of perfect cover for an ambush especially for those using jetpacks like they did. A warning in the force made him dodge to the left as blaster fire appeared out of the clouds. Deera, Ara, Din and Vysa likewise did the same before returning fire.
Haron let the force guide his hand so he could see the enemy wherever they were hiding, his blaster bolt hitting with pinpoint accuracy. Ara, Vysa and Deera all did the same and their shots were as deadly as his while Din who was now experiencing his first battle at age fourteen. Perhaps too young but his skills were excellent and he needed to experience real combat to improve now.
He was providing himself a good shot Haron thought as he saw him down some Terror Brigade thugs that came out of the cloud. They all peeled off though into individual fights, Haron saw one going for the transport that was carrying Grahuur and the Jedi so he frowned and turned quickly to intercept. He was a tricky bastard to hit Haron thought with gritted teeth but he managed to get a glancing blow on the guy's pack. The fuel tank was breached he screamed as he flew off out of control before exploding. With the transport safe Haron peeled off to find another target.
From the small cockpit of the transport the Jedi and Grahuur watched at the chaotic aerial battle going on outside. Not even their own aerial troopers fought this well in the air they all marvelled as they watched Deera Ordo close in on an enemy soldier and swipe with incredible accuracy with a knife, slicing into the fuel tank and then kicking him hard off the ship before using the blaster in her other hand to gun down two more in quick succession.
Ara was enjoying the chance to cut loose and seeing one enemy coming towards her she managed to shot him down with ease before doing a spin kick while standing on the hull of the ship, one of the warriors who had been trying to sneak up on her getting hit right in the helmet and thrown from the ship.
Din meanwhile was terrified as his first battle raged around him. He landed on one of the ships heading towards the surface and it was a challenge standing given the high speed. Din was having a hard time keeping his awareness of everything was going on around him but managed to keep his pistols in hand and shoot at the enemy warriors that appeared around them. Providing cover for the ship as it raced towards the surface.
- x -
On the docks of Sundari where ships carrying goods used to dock, many of the Shadow Collective's ships were parked and the Shadow Collective members were setting up deflector shields, missile launchers and heavy laser cannons. These weapons potentially threatened the entire invasion force as they could inflict heavy losses.
However, the Shadow Collective was so focused on the enemy outside, they failed to consider the enemy inside.
Men and women in Mandalorian armour wearing the colours of House Kryze perched nearby and seeing the enemy was completely distracted they unleashed a barrage of missiles straight at the heavy weapons. The enemy soldiers had no time to react as the missiles hit and exploded, throwing some off the platform and plunging straight down to their deaths on the desert floor below. Others were helpless as the explosion caused by the missiles and equipment exploding threw them off their feet.
The warriors ran forward and while four hesitated the others shot the helpless criminals on the ground. The apparent leader turned to the four that hesitated and scolded them.
"If you hesitate in battle you are going to get killed. If you have a shot take it…otherwise they will kill you." She told them sternly but was unable to say a thing more as the transports landed, alongside the warriors already in the air.
Haron was the first to land and had his pistol pointed at the leader who cried out, seeing he was going to shoot.
"Wait!" She shouted throwing her hands up and taking off her helmet, revealing Bo-Katan underneath.
"Bo-Katan Kryze." Haron said with distaste, knowing her reputation. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't cut you down right now." He said sharply. She looked worried but Korkie, quickly interjected while removing his own helmet.
"Because she's helping!" He said desperate not to lose a member of his family.
Haron knew who Korkie was of course and he was really much like Satine albeit perhaps more willing to take action than she was. He had no reason to hate the boy so he frowned, seeing they were wearing the traditional colours of House Kryze and not Vizsla, even Korkie who was supposed to follow in his aunt's footsteps and mindset made Haron wonder if maybe this was genuine.
As his allies and the Jedi landed, he probed their feelings. They did seem to be sincere about this and he could sense their desire to save Satine. As the other house leaders who had joined the assault set foot on the landing pad while they waited for their vehicles to be unloaded, they stood in a line against Bo-Katan who seemed nervous of the imperious looks they were giving her.
"This one…she betrayed her family by siding with Vizsla against her own sister." Ijaa said with a flat and emotionless tone, the others were more open in their dislike.
"She helped bring these invaders to Mandalore." Ceta Farr said with distaste on her face at being here.
"I didn't mean for this!" Bo-Katan protested but Sarek cut through her argument.
"What you wanted means nothing, its what you've done that is at hand." Sarek told her with anger in his voice. "You helped bring the misery of Maul into our lives and your sister may not have long to live because of it." Sarek said which thankfully brought them back to the matter at hand.
"Yeah, so maybe we should not be wasting time with more accusations." Anakin said, wondering just how much family apparently meant to the Mandalorians if this was there reaction to someone who had betrayed theirs.
"For now, since she appears genuine in her desire to saver her sister and this planet, she can fight besides us. Her fate and that of House Kryze will be decided later." Haron said taking charge as the Basilisks and Canderous tanks were finally unloaded before giving his orders. "Onward into the city."
The warriors around him cheered and rushed forward, some taking to the skies while others ran on the ground. The Jedi were a little put off by the enthused reaction the Mandalorians had and just shrugged to themselves before running forward to join in the fighting.
The AT-PT walkers started forward towards their position as did the Shadow Collective's different soldiers but their lack of cohesion as a fighting force hindered them from truly organising whereas the Mandalorian houses had worked together before, used the same tactics and equipment and were fighting as a more unified group. The Canderous tanks moved forward and opened fire with their mass driver cannons, the fragile armour of the AT-PTs shattering like glass and falling over as their cabs exploded.
The Basilisks then advanced with their grenade launchers, firing them straight into the enemy lines blowing apart the enemy soldiers if they could be called that before turning their rapid-fire laser cannons on the downed enemies. Missiles from the Death Watch, Dar'Manda and Terror Brigade then appeared as those warriors flew in from overhead. However, the threat sensors on the Basilisks detected the incoming threat and deployed a portable energy shield to block the strike.
The Allied Houses however with the way now clear took to the skies and started shooting the enemy warriors who started shooting back.
Haron led them from the front, blasters in hand as he flew through the air and cut down warriors left and right without hesitation.
On the ground the Jedi had their sabers out and were deflecting blaster bolts that were coming in from seemingly everywhere, they fought alongside the Mandalorians who now they were in battle didn't give this strange alliance another thought.
While the Mandalorians among the Shadow Collective fought on, engaging in blaster fights and hand to hand combat with the Allied Houses warriors, the rest of the disorganised Shadow Collective forces began to fall back. Unable to hold the superior firepower being brought to bare against them. Soon Maul's Mandalorian allies too found themselves being forced back towards the palace as the Basilisks and the tanks added their overwhelming firepower to the assault. Either by laser or by mass driver which most of them could not withstand.
- x -
Vysa was using her own jetpack to fight and wondering what the hell had made her join with this assault when she had already done more than she had too by warning Haron and the others of the danger. She had used her own contacts to find the strength of the enemy force, even what equipment they had but instead of leaving it there and going her own way she had joined in the assault, even engaging in a mid-air battle alongside her half-siblings.
Why was she risking her life for this planet? She thought to herself incredulously, she had never even been here before and never met anyone who lived here. She knew it was important to a Mandalorian but she wasn't really sure she wanted to be considered one. Some resentment left over from her childhood and the constraints of a culture that she barely understood prevented her from making that leap.
She was however able to enjoy the fight though she thought with a smile, grinning as she used her two blaster pistols and the two mounted on her shoulders to cut down Trandoshans left and right with ease.
Then, however she found herself face to face with a man in Mandalorian armour, the same white plates over an orange bodysuit. She pointed her blasters at him and fired but saw to her astonishment that the shots only damaged the paint that covered the plates, revealing the silvery grey metal underneath. She gritted her teeth as she realised, he must have a stronger concentration of beskar than normal. She saw him raise his blaster rifle and fire, she rolled out of the way in time to avoid most of his shots but her durasteel pauldron was clipped and she winched, feeling it twist and break. She dived behind a downed walker for protection but she could almost feel his smirking face as he advanced as easily as she heard his footsteps even with the battle going on around them.
She had no grenades, something cursed herself for but with only moments before he cleared the walker and had her within his sights again, she had to act fast. She had a sword but that would mean getting close enough to use it. Her repulsors and flamethrower would likely be useless too so she would have to try with the only two weapons available to her…her cable gun and the hidden blades she kept in her gauntlets and boots.
She took a steadying breath as her heart was thundering in her chest and the moment his foot was visible from around the walker's collapsed leg, she fired her cable. It wrapped around his leg and she pulled with all the strength she could muster while rolling towards him. The man went down with a yell but before he could cut himself free, she lashed out with her leg and with a swift click buried the blade of her right boot straight through the gaps in the plates and into the man's throat.
"By the Force! You just killed Forcus Hemdarc!" A voice said and she turned with blasters already in hand to see Katele Ma'Gard standing there. The awe in her voice was clear.
"Who?" Vysa asked while she got to her feet pulling her blade free as she did so, feeling annoyed with herself for getting into this situation. Katele was only too happy to explain.
"Forcus Hemdarc is the head of Terror Brigade…the worst and most violent of all Mandalorian criminals." Katele said with awe in her voice, unable to see each other's face since they were both wearing a full helmet. "A ruthless killer and you just took him down so easily!"
"Wouldn't be the first ruthless killer I've taken down." Vysa said with some of her usual swagger coming back into her voice. "Now let's get moving, plenty more where that came from and I reckon I can take down more than you." Vysa said, laying down the challenge. Katele was only too ready to take that up.
"Oh, you are on."
- x -
Paz Vizsla unlike his cousin was at the front lines with his warriors as they found themselves under attack, his heavy blaster cannon was firing at the false Mandalorians that was coming his way. He and his men unlike many of their supposed allies did not flee at the sight of danger.
However, he thought with gritted teeth, these false Mandalorians were tougher than he had thought they would be and had not only superb training but worked well as a group. He found his cover being removed piece by piece and grimaced as he was faced with having to retreat when he was disturbed by a death rattle. He turned to see his men had been slaughtered while he was trying to fight off the other warriors, worse his body went cold as he saw the unique helmet of the Armourer with her blasted tools in hand standing over them.
He was struck with fear as he could almost feel her judgemental eyes upon him and as he got to his feet, he saw he was surrounded by the Armourer's own warriors along with warriors of House Takan and Farr. He was aware they all had weapons pointed at him but gritted his teeth and decided to try and die with at least some dignity.
"What you have done, betraying the Tribe…this is not the Way." The Armourer said sternly and Paz told her with anger.
"This was the best chance to make our people follow the way again. Instead of running and hiding we could have come out into the open." Paz said but the Armourer just told him.
"Bringing this rot to Mandalore will only drive our people further from their true selves. Once you were a part of the Tribe but no more." She told him and without anymore hesitation she moved at a speed which defied the eye, on him before he could even blink and with her prongs, she grabbed hold of his helmet before forcing it off.
Paz was too shocked as he felt the air on his skin and cried out with rage.
"NO!" He knew what she had done was the ultimate humiliation, taking his helmet off him like this was to show everyone that he was never a real Mandalorian and then before he could say or do anything she hit her heavy beskar hammer straight into the back of his skull, killing him instantly.
Yal Takan and Ceta Farr who had been watching were astonished at the scene before them but wasted no more time as they continued the attack, they had a battle to win here while the Armourer too just walked away after casting Paz's helmet aside as if it meant nothing.
- x -
Ara and Deera were fighting a group of Black Sun soldiers led by their Vigo, the thugs he had brought were fairly easy to overwhelm as they were outnumbered and facing Mandalorians with armed vehicles at their backs. Their armour if it could be called that was laughable in the protection it provided while the beskar armour they wore could hold itself well against the double-barrelled pistols the Black Sun used. As their warriors forced the Black Sun Guards back some of their people even took dropped pistols as trophies.
Deera commanded a Basilisk forward, the lumbering droid walked forward before turning its powerful blaster cannons on the Black Sun guards. Their poor armour was no match for it and it cut them down mercilessly, leaving only the Vigo alive.
The Falleen looked around and was horrified to see all his guards dead but before he could move Ara hit him with stun blasts from her pistol, it took a couple of shots to take him down. She smirked as she ordered.
"Binders, secure him and take him back to the landing zone." She ordered and the warriors didn't hesitate to follow her orders. She saw Deera turn to look at her and could feel her curiosity before Ara shrugged and told her. "Hopefully he will have some useful intel for us. If not, we can just kill him later."
"Understood." Deera said, accepting her reasons before they continued on with the attack while soldiers took the Falleen prisoner back to their ship to secure him for interrogation later.
- x -
The attack in the western section of the front however was starting to bog down as the Dar'Manda put up a fierce fight. Ijaa, Harlan, Sarek and Ge'hark led the struggle there but Chop'aa had revealed his secret weapon.
He too had a Basilisk war droid.
How the hell the Dar'Manda had managed to get hold of this rare and priceless droid was completely unknown to them but it was forcing their warriors to take cover rather than continue to the advance as most of them hadn't strong enough armour to withstand its blasters.
"We need the tanks!" Harlan called out from his position to the others but Sarek who had managed to get a line to the armour squadron shook his head as he relayed the request.
"All armour is committed elsewhere!" Sarek told them much to their dismay. They all gritted their teeth as they knew they were in deep trouble.
"Call in some in regardless! We need a Canderous to take that thing down!" Ge'hark said but Ijaa shook his head.
"You all have much to learn." Ijaa said before getting to his feet with his customised rifle in hand and then started running out into the open while firing at the droid much to the surprise of everyone. They all expected him to be killed instantly but Ijaa made erratic jumps to the side and rolls that threw off the droid's aim while shooting at the joints with accuracy that was almost impossible. The other warriors looked on impressed as Ijaa with each shot as he ducked and dived like a much young man rendered the heavy droid slower and less able to move till the machine couldn't even support itself and collapsed to the ground before Ijaa rushed forward and stabbed his Beskad sword straight into its eye. The machine spluttered and eventually failed.
The other warriors were awestruck by what Ijaa had just achieved and cheered wildly as they leapt from their cover, bolstered by his incredible feat and charged.
Chop'aa who had been leading his men with confidence due to the droid but now it was gone suddenly felt very vulnerable and sweated as he was about to call a retreat to the palace when suddenly Harlan and Ge'hark managed to catch up to him and while Harlan tackled Ge'hark with his impressive strength smashed a crushguard gauntlet into his face with enough force that even with his helmet he was knocked out the moment his head hit the ground.
Sarek too helped by drawing a set of binders and securing the leader of the Dar'Manda so he could face trial later.
- x -
Rook Kast was leading a group of five warriors in holding a position near the city's central mural, one that showed an ancient battle between the Jedi and Mandalorians but snipers from House Kast were striking down her warriors with ease and she was losing the struggle with no means of escape. She was fuming at this turn of events when only a day before they were celebrating their conquest of Mandalore and planning for the future.
As the last of her warriors went down, leaving her alone and surrounded, Rook was surprised to hear a familiar voice.
"It's over Rook! Come out! You've got nowhere left to hide." Rook recognised the voice of her great aunt immediately and frowned before shouting out.
"You'll shoot me down the moment I move!" She called out, her suspicion high as was her anger towards the Great Aunt that had barely been there when her parents died nor made her the heir, the most suitable member of their family.
"No, I won't. Because I want you to come home!" Lila Kast called out, walking into the open with her helmet off as her warriors looked on in worry. Din who was with them looked on in surprise at the fierce duchess who now looked far more emotional than he had ever seen her. "To come back and be a true Kast again! There's still a chance for you to live past today. A chance for you." Lila told her great niece who she had always struggled to deal with. Being around children had always been awkward for her and Rook had been a difficult child at the best of times, so full of rage and anger so Lila had no idea how to handle her. "To be more than Vizsla's pawn."
Rook was angry that Lila would dare say these things to her! After years of having no connection with each other that she would try and claim kinship now! She stood up, not caring if it was a trap as she was so angry but the shot never came. She saw Lila had removed her helmet and left her scarred and ugly face for all to see and it made her sick.
"Pre at least does something! What do you ever do?" Rook snapped at her aunt who was affronted before answering back.
"If building a new army and navy not to mention unifying all our people is nothing then Vizsla is completely useless." Lila told her shortly. "We are not ready for war with outsiders yet! The work goes on and as we do our people get stronger, true strength not a brittle unity that Vizsla would bring as a puppet of the Sith who have betrayed us in the past and brought ruin to our people time and time again. His days are numbered and you know it, it won't be long before Maul kills him and takes full control. I don't want you to be there to go down with him." Lila said with an actual pleading in her voice which shocked all of them. Rook took off her helmet so she could actually confirm that and was shocked to see that Lila was truly pleading with her to come home.
Dropping her blasters into their holsters she walked forward until she was face to face with Lila who was actually looking at her with eyes of sadness.
"You remind me of my sister, she was just as fierce and intelligent as you. If the disease hadn't taken her, she would have been much better for you than I." Lila said with regret. "Your parents too, they would have been proud of you as a warrior but I implore you Rook…come back. Your exile can be undone and you can stand tall and proud again." Lila said, her eyes pleading with her.
Rook was surprised, never having imagined that Lila could say those things and even appear vulnerable.
She stepped forward as if to embrace her which Lila was hoping she might do but then…without warning she used her wrist blade stab Lila straight in the neck.
The shock of those present was complete, Rook snarled at her great aunt who was shocked at the suddenness of this and told her with spite.
"Do you think a few pretty words can make up for all the slights against me? I hate you; I have always hated you and I always will." She kicked Lila away, pulling the blade free and sent the bleeding woman to the ground with a final spitting on her.
Din who had only an adopted family now was infuriated at her actions and with his cable fired while Rook wasn't paying attention. It wrapped itself around her neck and he used his pack to make a small leap while yanking the woman towards him. He slammed her head with his foot as they met in the middle and knocked her clean out.
Din looked down at the woman with disgust and stripped her of her weapons before calling for Kast warriors. "Give me some binders."
One of the warriors came over and handed Din a set which he quickly used to restrain Rook with before saying with surprising authority.
"Help me get her back to the landing zone." Din said before going over to Lila Kast who was unfortunately gone as the blade had done too much damage for her to be saved. She was already dead by the time Din reached her and he closed his eyes briefly in mourning.
He then closed her eyes and while the Kast warriors readied themselves to take the restrained Rook back to the landing pad Din placed Lila's helmet on her chest in a final respect.
"We'll take her now kid." One of the Kast warriors said with a mournful voice. Din could understand why, their great duchess was dead and now they were entering into an uncertain new era without her guidance.
Din could only hope her heir was up to the task ahead of them.
- x -
A half hour later they finally reached the entrance to the palace, Anakin with his blue saber swinging cut through enemies with ease while Kenobi and Ahsoka followed a little less eagerly behind him. Around them Mandalorian warriors were firing, ending the enemy before they could get very far.
Haron was at Anakin's side, his twin pistols in hand as he cut down another thug and looked at the other house leaders managed to catch up. They all sounded rather harried and was glad to see them all here, then he noticed one was missing.
"Where is Duchess Kast?" He asked suddenly and those that didn't know could only shrug but Din who managed to catch up with them told him regretfully.
"She's dead. Rook Kast killed her. I took her into custody."
The news that perhaps one of their most experienced warriors and hunters was dead shocked the Mandalorians, not least because it was her own great niece that was responsible was an awful addition to the moment. Haron gritted his teeth and spoke.
"We fight on! If her death is to mean anything then we fight on." He told them all. And all the Mandalorians present nodded before Haron told Din with a hand on his shoulder. "You have done so well today. It is incredible that this only your first battle. You have made not only me but your parents and grandfather very proud." Haron told him and those with the force all could feel the overwhelming emotion building up inside Din at those words. Haron smiled as did Anakin and Ahsoka as they could see the bond between them.
Obi-Wan meanwhile was distracted by the unique aura that Sabine created in the force, he could sense her she was so close and what she was feeling. Her fear was the strongest emotion but also worry, for him and for her people. That spurred him on as Maul now held another person he cared about in his grasp and without even waiting for Anakin and Ahsoka or the Mandalorians either he charged forward while everyone else chased after him.
The force led Obi-Wan to a courtyard rather surprisingly rather than the throne room. There his heart almost stopped in his chest as he saw Satine being forced to kneel at Maul's feet, the sight of pain on her face was enough to infuriate him but all he did was grit his teeth as he saw how unlikely it was that he would be able to get to Satine before Maul killed her. Especially as at his side was his beast of a brother Savage and Pre Vizsla who was smirking widely along with Almec and a number of other thugs.
He sensed rather than saw his allies arriving behind him and Satine's eyes widened at the sight of not only him but Korkie and Bo-Katan who removed their helmets and looked as worried as he was at Satine's current position. She was wearing none of her usual finery and instead in a rather bland dress with her hair loose and unkept but the fear in her eyes was what scared them the most.
Haron's gaze meanwhile was focused on Pre Vizsla who snarled at the sight of him which Haron returned with a cold glare. Bo-Katan looked unsettled as Pre looked at her with contempt. Both Dukes put their helmets back on and Pre drew the Darksaber while Haron drew his spear. The Armourer looked at the spear with disapproval but then curiosity as she wondered just what was going to happen next.
Maul meanwhile was looking arrogantly at the Mandalorians before focusing in on Kenobi who had his saber in hand already but kept it unlit while Satine was in danger.
"Your nobility is a flaw, a weakness shared by you and your duchess." Maul said with a vicious grin as he suddenly grabbed Satine in a force choke and lifted her off the ground. She grasped at her throat while Obi-Wan and the others watched helplessly.
"Let my aunt go!" Korkie snapped and Bo-Katan pointed her pistol straight at Maul who only smirked before moving Satine right between them, using her as a human shield which made Bo hesitate.
"Happy families. Siblings are the dearest thing, aren't they?" Maul said confidently with a smirk which was echoed by Savage behind him. "I know my brother is my closest ally. Shame your sister was never yours." He said although no one was sure if he was talking to Satine or Bo-Katan. Satine's eyes met Bo's and the warrior sister told her pacifist sibling.
"I'm so sorry!" Her voice was desperate for her sister to understand and Satine despite still grasping at her throat managed to give her sister a small smile to let her know that she forgave her. She gave one to Korkie too who was terrified at the position they were in.
"You know if your former master had not been so arrogant, he might still have been alive today." Maul said turning his attention back to Kenobi who scowled at the insult towards Qui-Gon, something that Anakin was only too happy to copy given how highly they both held the man. "If he had only waited rather than charging after me alone…perhaps he would have been the one to train Skywalker and you would all have been happier."
"Enough!" Ahsoka shouted out as she saw the pain Maul was making Master Kenobi and Anakin feel, she wished she could have met Qui-Gon as all the Jedi she respected spoke so highly of him, at least those that had known him and she was not going to let him do any more damage. "Let the duchess go! There is no place left for you to run!"
"Perhaps." Maul said with a smirk before turning Satine to look at him before saying suddenly. "Perhaps not."
Then without warning his lightsaber was inside and impaled its red blade straight through Satine's chest. She gasped out in pain while the crowd reeled in shock, Maul without a care threw her towards Obi-Wan who caught her and laid her down on the ground with fear on his face while Korkie and Bo-Katan rushed forward. They all looked down at her and Bo-Katan grabbed her hand.
"Satine." Obi-Wan said desperately and she in great pain looked up and told him with laboured breaths.
"Know this Obi-Wan." She said with great effort. "I love you; I have always loved you and I always will." She before putting a hand on Korkie's chin and squeezing Bo-Katan's hand with the other. "All those I love; my family are here with me." She said with a grateful smile and then she seemed to slip away right before their eyes.
The three of them were grief stricken when they all realised, she was gone, Obi-Wan closed his eyes and sank to the floor while Bo-Katan and Korkie knelt at her side, consumed by their own grief.
Obi-Wan sat there, lost in his grief and loss while Anakin and Ahsoka looked on with great concern as they felt his pain but then saw or rather felt something they had never seen before…not in Obi-Wan Kenobi.
A welling up of anger inside him, of pain just ready to burst free and with a sudden charge Obi-Wan moved forward and lit his saber faster than of them could see. Maul had his saber out already which was the only thing that saved him. Anakin and Ahsoka looked on in shock as Obi-Wan struck at Maul with all his rage and anger but with the attack a fierce fight broke out between Maul's forces and their own and they found themselves unable to help Obi-Wan as they were themselves attacked by Savage who roared like some kind of beast as he swung his saberstaff at them.
- x -
Haron watched while Satine was killed solely to spite Kenobi and whatever his problems with Satine, he was disgusted at how callously Maul had killed her just to hurt Kenobi.
If Kenobi didn't kill him, chances he probably would.
However, he was distracted from the Jedi vs Sith fight by a duel of his own.
Pre with the Darksaber lit came charging at him, Haron moved the spear in time to block it and kicked Pre while they were locked to send him back with a glare on his face. Pre under his helmet winced with pain but quickly got back on his feet and charged again which Haron responded too by moving his spear around in a helicopter like swirling motion to deflect the attacks away before using his repulsor to shock Vizsla. The other man was thrown back and Haron was nearly on him before he managed to recover in time to block the strike.
It was the first time Haron had seen the Darksaber up close and he was impressed, the saber was ancient but it had its own presence in the force and through that he could feel it was actually fighting against Vizsla somewhat. The saber did still work for him but it was heavier than it should have been and was slowing him down. The black blade with a white aura and lightning which crackled with the emotion Pre was feeling and resembled a more traditional sword blade than a normal lightsaber while also being slightly shorter.
Haron put those thoughts aside however as the fight continued, the blade hammering his spear as Pre tried to force his way through Haron's defence. But while they were engaged in another blade lock Haron noticed to his astonishment that the metal was glowing, like it was being heated by the blade.
It all his previous fights with lightsaber wielding opponents using beskar Haron had never seen this, it was possible he supposed to break through beskar with a lightsaber but there had never been a lightsaber with that kind of power in centuries. Haron realised to his own worry that the longer this duel went on for the more likely his spear would warp or break.
Seeing the metal glow orange, the longer Pre pressed the Darksaber's blade against it, Haron knew he had to do something and drew on the experience he had gained to suddenly side step, causing Pre to stumble forward given how much effort and his own weight he was putting into the strike and ducked down while stabbing the spear's sharp point into Pre's unprotected side as he stumbled past.
Pre was immediately gasping in pain as the sharp metal pierced through his bodysuit and then wretched free leaving blood leaking from his side but before he could react Haron was on his feet again. He spun the spear around and pierced it straight through the visor on the man's helmet with a single powerful thrust.
Pre was killed instantly and fell to the floor the moment Haron pulled the spear free. He looked down at the corpse with disgust and spoke.
"The strongest will rule Mandalore, but that was never you Vizsla." Haron said with a glare and was about to join the rest of the fight when he saw the Darksaber had fallen to the ground. He could feel it reaching out to him, Haron had never seen this in an object before but he couldn't help himself and picked up the Darksaber while returning his spear to its scabbard. He felt its weight in his hand and its force aura reverberated with his own. Haron was in awe of the weapon and wondered just what made it so different to other lightsabers he had seen and even wielded before.
However, he just clipped it to his belt as despite his curiosity there was a fight going on, he drew his blasters and started shooting again.
- x -
Savage had always been strong in the force but his powers had been enhanced by the sorcery of Mother Talzin and then trained by Count Dooku and his brother. This meant he was a beast when it came to combat and his endurance was someone of legend.
He focused his attack on Skywalker as that was the one his brother truly wanted dead although exactly why didn't make sense to Savage given it was Kenobi that Maul hated more than any other. But he followed his brother's orders and attacked the Jedi.
Anakin sweated as each of Savage's attacks hit home, holding a defence against him was tiring as the Dathomiri male just kept battering away at him. His arms ached with the pressure but fortunately he was not alone in this fight.
Ahsoka darted in and slashed at him with her two sabers and that forced Savage to defend himself which gave Anakin a chance to recover and strike back but Savage managed to block him too. For such a large brute he could move very quickly Anakin thought with astonishment.
But Ahsoka and him soon found their rhythm and Ahsoka would dart in and out with lightning-fast switches and feints while occasionally landing small strikes that would compromise his mobility while Anakin drew deeper into the force to match Savage and mount an overwhelming assault. Anakin used his growing mastery of Form 5 to unleash a powerful barrage of heavy cleaves and powerful counterattacks on Savage that soon started to take a toll as he couldn't keep up with both him and Ahsoka using their combined skills and forms in unison.
Finally, he moved to stop Ahsoka from slicing at his side Anakin was able to stab him straight through the gut. The Dathomiri Zabrak reeled from the blow, added to a moment later when Ahsoka stuck her own lightsaber through his back a moment later.
The pair watched with astonishment as green mist seemed to start leaking from Savage as he fell to the ground, he seemed to shrink before their very eyes and his chest armour dissolved leaving the Zabrak naked from the waist up as the mist leaked out and swirled around him. The horns on his head shrunk down too leaving them much smaller and his eyes changed from being the typical yellow and red of a Sith to a pale grey that looked so different it was hard to believe what they had been moments before.
Savage looked Anakin in the eye and told him with regret as he lay dying.
"The dark side never gives, it only takes. Remember that." Savage warned him before falling back and becoming one with the force.
Anakin and Ahsoka both looked on with a chill running up their spines, not knowing just why Savage had told them that but his words stuck with them. They turned to see Obi-Wan and go to his aid but they realised immediately he didn't need it.
- x -
Maul and Obi-Wan were completely focused on each other as their sabers moved around them at an incredible speed, Obi-Wan's fury pushing him to higher and higher levels of speed and ferocity that Maul was managing to match which only spur Obi-Wan on even more.
Maul snarled as he fought Kenobi, the one Jedi more responsible for all his years of misery and pain that any other. He was glad to have taken something else from Kenobi and would be delighted to see the man's prized student dead at his feet while stopping Palpatine's plans at the same time.
But that of course would mean making sure Kenobi watched as his former student died Maul thought as he did his best to fight on.
Obi-Wan meanwhile was in perhaps the worst place he had ever been in, he had had seen his own master die to this Sith and now the woman he loved too had died at his hand.
For the first time in his life, Obi-Wan no longer cared about any of the rules of the Jedi or the Republic or in fact anything else at all apart from taking Maul apart!
Drawing deeper and deeper on the force Obi-Wan continued to press the attack and Maul defended, neither talked allowing their lightsabers to the do the talking now.
Obi-Wan was growing more and more frustrated by his inability to break through Maul's defence and wasn't sure where to go, that brief moment of hesitation allowed Maul to counter attack and drive Obi-Wan back. Obi-Wan gritted his teeth as he found himself unbalanced and unsure of whether to counterattack or defend when time seemed to slow down and like they were coming from a long distance away, he heard the voice of Qui-Gon for the first time in years.
"Don't centre on your anxieties Obi-Wan. Keep your concentration here and now where it belongs." The words were spoken differently though than they had at the time, softer and gentler than the firm reminder they had been on that fateful mission to Naboo all those years ago.
Then he heard the voice of Satine speaking.
"I've loved you, from the moment you came to my aid."
He honestly could feel their presence, sense them in the force reaching out to him and felt their love and caring trying to ease his pain.
Obi-Wan's mind began to clear and he started to think more clearly as he could feel Satine and Qui-Gon trying to aid him through the force. How this was possible he did not know but he was himself again and regained the ability to think. The reminder of Qui-Gon also made Obi-Wan realise the key to defeating Maul so he gritted his teeth and got on with his plan.
He fell back into his defensive stance again, putting up a perfect wall of defence against Maul's attack while preparing himself for the next stage of the plan.
Maul quickly realised that Kenobi was no longer blindly attacking in a rage which infuriated Maul in turn as it meant he was far more difficult to defeat. So, he persisted and was about to start taunting Kenobi again when suddenly the Jedi changed his fighting style in the blink of an eye.
Instead of sidestepping and deflecting attacks away Obi-Wan started using parries followed by heavy strikes with a two-handed grip on the saber. Rolling away from any attacks he couldn't parry till finally he managed to slash into Maul's chest.
The Sith gasped for breath and looked to Kenobi in a mixture of surprise and shock but then he eyes gazed briefly like he was seeing something in the force before coming back to the moment and saying as he fell to the ground.
"The future…is…" Maul started before slipping down and adding a word that Kenobi couldn't hear but noticed he was smiling.
He wondered just what had Maul seen that could have made him smile and wasn't sure he was going to like it and realised that he might have just cost the Jedi their only chance to find out just who the Sith Lord was. He felt ashamed for putting his own wants ahead of what was best for the Jedi and the galaxy as a whole and turned to see Anakin and Ahsoka were fighting against Savage Opress and then finish him off.
Obi-Wan was only glad that whatever the future might hold, Anakin and Ahsoka were prepared to face it.
When Maul and Savage fell, the Shadow Collective members lost their spirit and realised it was over. One by one they surrendered and were led away to the prison. Haron looked over to see Almec being led away with at least an attempt of dignity. Haron had no respect for him however, the man was a political opportunist and had changed sides the moment it suited him. He was highly capable as an administrator since he had kept Mandalore going for as long as he had but due to his own ambition Haron couldn't afford to have that man in a position to affect things from now on.
He watched Kenobi walk over to Korkie and Bo-Katan and knelt down by the sides of Satine's body. Despite what problems they had in the past he told his warriors.
"Have a burial party prepared for Satine Kryze." He said which surprised some but they nodded. Korkie and Bo-Katan in particular looked grateful for that. Seeing Anakin walking over to Obi-Wan Haron stopped him and whispered to him.
"Kenobi will be hurting for a while; it might do him good to know that you are there and maybe having him speak to Master Tuwan as well. Loss of those we love cuts deepest as you well know." Haron warned Anakin who nodded, remembering the lost of his mother all too well and went over to Obi-Wan. He put a hand on his shoulder while looking at him with concern, Ahsoka hovered nearby, not sure what to say in this situation.
Obi-Wan looked up and stood, face to face with Anakin and accepted a hug from him. This was a shock to Anakin as he had never seen Obi-Wan like this before and he had always been so strong but now it was like he was seeing Obi-Wan for the first time. The man underneath the mask as it were. Seeing that Obi-Wan was as human as he was honestly made Anakin feel a great deal of empathy for him and hugged him to let the man know he was there for him. Ahsoka took her lead from her master and joined in and giving her support to Obi-Wan.
Korkie felt his aunt Bo's arm around his shoulder and to be honest wasn't sure he wanted it there, he hadn't forgiven her for deserting their family and siding with their enemies, not to mention bringing all this misery and destruction to Mandalore but at the same time she was now his only remaining relative and she had saved him rather than look the other way.
Ijaa and the Armourer meanwhile walked over to Haron who took the Darksaber off his belt and both looked at it with awe.
"You have the Darksaber. And won it in fair combat." Ijaa said with a rare note of being impressed in his voice. Haron nodded slightly before saying.
"It is a strange weapon." He remarked, not sure what to make of it. The Armourer then spoke up.
"And a more noble weapon than that spear, it has even warped the metal somewhat." She noted which made Haron take his spear out again and saw to his dismay that Armourer was right, he could see distortions in the metal caused when the Darksaber had hit it and realised the spear was compromised. He was mournful in a way as the spear had been a faithful part of his arsenal for so long but now, he would either have to reforge it or abandon it as a weapon.
He was leaning towards the latter when he felt the weight of the Darksaber in his hand, it was heavier than he thought it would be and frowned before saying.
"It feels heavy, too heavy to use in a fight." He said with doubt in his voice but the Armourer simply said.
"That's because you're fighting against it. It wants to be wielded by you. Don't struggle against it." She told him with a tilt of her head. "It is said that when the Darksaber is in the hands of a true Mandalore that our people will be truly reunited and rise again. Just as it brings downfall on those that are unworthy of it like Vizsla." She remarked, knowing it had been handed down to Pre rather than him winning it in a duel as it should have been and he had suffered nothing but misfortune and brought more down on Mandalore itself as a result.
Haron just looked down at the Darksaber, it didn't feel like it was a dark side relic. In fact, if anything it was completely neutral in the force which he found comforting, much more like him than any of the lightsabers he had held in the past Jedi or Sith. He lit it again and held it in his hands, allowing himself to connect to the saber. It instantly felt lighter and easier to wield. He shut it down after a few moments and returned it to his waist because there were more important things to think about.
"Secure the city, any of the invaders left are to be dealt with harshly. I will arrange for supplies to sent to Mandalore to aid the crisis here." Haron said, with Satine now gone support for the planet could be restored. He would allow them to lay Satine to rest but he and the remaining Kryze family needed to have a talk about the future.
- x -
At the other end of Sundari a group of thirty or so members of the Death Watch, Dar'Manda and Terror Brigade had gathered in a freighter they had hijacked and were rushing away from the city.
The apparent leader of the group was a member of Death Watch, one of the more opportunist members of Death Watch who had a clan of his own prior to Vizsla's excommunication.
Gar Saxon was infuriated at this outcome as his plans to increase his own power were ruined and knew they would have to go into hiding as the victors were sure to come after them. He swore that when the chance came to gain the power he wanted, not only would he seize it with both hands but he would crush those that would oppose them under foot.
- x -
The moment that Satine's body was interned in her family's crypt Obi-Wan was very sombre. The loss of Satine stabbed at all of them but they were unable to fully process it right now.
"I suppose we had best get back to the Republic." Obi-Wan said sadly as he took one last look at the place where the woman he loved would lay forever.
"We can stay a little longer." Anakin said with concern, wondering just what to say and Ahsoka, herself very worried for the senior master added.
"We can stay as long as you want." She said quickly but Obi-Wan shook his head.
"I appreciate the offer but we have to convince the Republic not to invade Mandalore and I would prefer to be as far from here as possible." Obi-Wan said, not sure what to feel right now especially with what had happened during his final duel with Maul.
His own loss of control had been bad enough, one that he needed to come to terms with but more so was the unexpected contact with his late master and Satine through the force…something that most of the Jedi Order refused to believe was possible.
That someone could still have a sense of self after becoming one with the force.
He honestly wasn't sure of what to think of this. He needed more guidance and wasn't ready to tell Anakin about it till he could make sense of it himself.
The Next Day…
The Jedi had left with only a message to say they were leaving, Haron wasn't to upset about that as it meant they didn't have to be polite anymore or hide how they were going to deal with the prisoners they had taken.
The Mandalorian ones especially, he thought with a frown.
They were all kneeling on the ground with their hands gagged, bound and stripped of their armour including Chop'aa of the Dar'Manda, Almec who had defected to Maul and Rook Kast, the little bitch that had killed one of their best and most trustworthy leaders. Something that angered him greatly.
So, he stood in judgement of them. Ara and Deera at his side while Vysa and Din were close by. The other house leaders and other prominent figures including Korkie and Bo-Katan where there too as he had something to do with them after this business was done.
"You have all brought the worst scum in the galaxy to Mandalore, some of you are that scum. Betrayed our home world and dirtied what it means to be Mandalorian. There is only one punishment for this crime, you will die here, on your knees and unable to speak with no armour and no honours granted. Your names will be erased and if remembered at all will be with distaste as a warning to others. Savour these last moments for they will be all you know." Haron said sharply and pulled out his blaster as did a number of guards. The prisoners were not even able to look their executioners in the eye being bound the way they were.
Without a single moment's hesitation, Haron fired straight into Rook's head as did the guards into which ever prisoner they were lined up with. The bodies fell to the floor and with a nod the droids came in to remove them for disposal before Haron turned to the crowd with a look of encouragement from Ara, Deera, Vysa and Din.
"The stolen armour of Death Watch, the Dar'Manda and Terror Brigade will be melted down and its beskar used to strengthen that of others. To make new suits and give it to those that are truly worthy of it." Haron said with the pressure of command falling on him as the day they had been working for so long was finally here and he honestly had never felt pressure like it before but he kept disciplined and made the speech he needed to make.
"The loss of the Duchess Lila Kast is like an open wound. To be killed in such a way by your own kin is a heavy weight for us all to bare. She was a steady rock at the centre of our culture and her solid presence will be greatly missed by us all." Haron said with a heavy heart, especially as Lila had been an ally for so long. The others all bowed their heads in silent mourning for a moment before Haron continued. "But as one day ends another will begin, the rule of one duchess ends a new one rises. Step forward Morli Kast, new Duchess of House Kast." Haron said, raising his arm and the crowd parted to allow a young woman, only a few short years older than Din step forward.
The poor girl looked terrified Haron noticed, pale skinned with rather dark brown hair rather than tanned like her grandmother Lila's granddaughter was a very inexperienced young woman and one that now had to take leadership of one of their most powerful houses. Haron felt bad for her as he knew what it was like to carry the weight of so much expectation on your shoulders. He told her gently.
"The weight of command is heavy but you will learn to bare it, if you are unsure then you only need to reach out to us for guidance. We have all known the weight that a Duke or Duchess must carry." Haron said to the girl and she looked up at him with a look of surprise before nodding and telling them all.
"I will lead my house Duke Ordo…I will honour my family's legacy." She said, while her voice was shaking a little it was sure in her statement. Haron could feel the hidden strength inside the young woman only waiting for a chance to reveal itself so he told her with a smile.
"I have no doubt you will Duchess Kast." Haron said before telling her. "The armour of Rook Kast will be returned to your family for you to do as you see fit with."
Morli nodded, a look of anger at the mention of her distant cousin and what she had done but accepted it and vowed to have that armour smelted down the moment she could.
"Good. Because there is one thing left for us to do before we deal with any other business." Ijaa said as he stepped forward, a look of small pride on his face as he did. "With the death of Satine Kryze, it is at last time for us to name the new Mandalore. One who has already proven his ability to lead us and brought us together in the face of a genuine threat. All hail Mandalore the Unifier." Ijaa said and knelt before Haron who was calm on the outside but trembling on the inside as all the Mandalorians around the room followed suit. Even Korkie and Bo-Katan eventually albeit reluctantly and Haron nodded and looked around.
"Thank you, my friends. This is the highest honour that can be held by any Mandalorian. Rise." He said and they all got to their feet. "I have spoken many times of my fears for the future and the danger posed by the Republic should it fall under the thrall of the Sith. All my efforts have been towards trying to prepare our people for that storm should it come or rather when it comes." Haron said with a frown which they all copied, not sure if he was right or not but Haron pressed on regardless as Haron felt Ara and Deera send reassurance through the force.
"Whether my worries for the future come to pass or not I will build up our space so that as a power in the galaxy we are strong enough to stand apart. Industrially, scientifically, artistically and every other way. Our people will be strong again and to that end, I must now turn to the matter of House Kryze." He said, turning to Bo-Katan and Korkie who both looked nervous but stood in silence as if preparing themselves for his judgement.
Haron didn't keep them waiting long.
"While the actions of your aunt Korkie Kryze have been a thorn in my side I will not judge you for them." Haron said, surprising all of them who had expected him to exile the pair of them. "I see no reason why House Kryze cannot be a part of us again. Since I cannot trust your other aunt for her supporting Vizsla to the level that she would betray her own family I cannot trust Bo-Katan with leadership of House Kryze." Haron said with a cold look sent at Bo-Katan who looked unsettled at the reminder of her own actions.
"I will allow House Kryze and House Vizsla's remaining vassals to be amalgamated into a new house under Korkie. Bo-Katan since she did in the end make the right decision she may advise and support him as he learns to be the new Duke." Haron said which shocked all of them, Korkie in particular.
Both he and his aunt were surprised by his decision as were a number of house leaders but they accepted it as Korkie was by all accounts a smart boy and with the guidance of a warrior like Bo-Katan he may become a respectable figure in their society and perhaps even a leader.
Korkie turned to look at Bo-Katan who nodded slowly, everyone looked on as he stepped forward and knelt before Haron.
"You honour me with your trust in me Mandalore." Korkie said nervously. "House Kryze will remember your mercy and faith in us and we will stand by you, that is our vow." Korkie said and Haron nodded in acceptance.
"I think you will too, aid supplies for the people will be arriving shortly and to ensure the future economic prosperity of Mandalore…I intend to construct a new shipyard here. One large enough to service our largest ships which has been a long-standing problem ever since we acquired capital ships and intend to create our own. Construction modules will be arriving shortly and soon Mandalore will be producing the starships to defend not only the home world but all Mandalorian worlds from any further trouble." Haron told them, shocking them all with his announcement as while they all knew it was necessary just how they were going to afford this was a question none of them could answer.
Haron, Ara and Deera however were all smiling inside as they knew that Iokath's factories would enable them to get the modules for the shipyard built at a much lower cost and in record time. Work to build the shipyards would be a major boost to Mandalore's economy as would operating them when they were finished and get the planet back on its feet.
It also gave them a place to properly build and maintain capital ships, something that if war came would be essential. The Lucrehulks in particular were proving difficult to service and so the shipyard would be large enough to manage them.
Eliza Kane, who was feeling very pleased with herself having captured two of the Dauntless-class starships used by the pirates leaving her with two capital ships stepped forward. Then then informed them of what she had found aboard them.
"I managed to capture the navigation data from one of the Blaze ships, it gave us a comprehensive list of their hiding places. Perhaps that could be useful to us." She said with her custom smirk.
"Duchess Kane, you do your people a great service, that would potentially be very useful indeed. Yourself and Duke Harlan will need to check and secure those hideouts as soon as possible. If we need a secret base or two, they will serve well, I hope. As will any Death Watch hideouts that Bo-Katan might feel like telling us about." Haron said with a smile fixed to his face. He knew that Eliza had likely kept some locations for herself but with his position still new and the loss of Duchess Kast he had to be careful. Everyone also turned to Bo-Katan who nodded, being Pre's number two, she had knowledge of all his hideouts.
"There is already a fight in the underworld." Katele Ma'Gard said, telling them what was happening thanks to her own contacts in the crime world. "The loss of so many Blaze and Pontonese captains and ships has left a huge vacuum of power, the survivors are now being preyed on by other large groups. A faction led by a pirate captain named Stakar Ogord has already taken advantage and is spreading his own groups around." She told him, not sure if Stakar was going to be better or worse than what had come before but he was already way above them in one regard, his faction had a clear code to follow including to never trade in children.
That was a vast improvement over the previous two factions already.
"We will see if they become a threat or an ally in due time." Haron said before making a new announcement. "What I have learnt though from this invasion is that rogue Mandalorian factions and groups may well be a threat to us in the future, to that end we will assemble a taskforce under the command of Duke Ge'hark and Duke Sarek. We will allow those that have not been exiled a chance to return home…if they refuse though, we will not give them the chance to join our enemies." Haron said darkly. He hated this but he was sick of groups like Death Watch and Terror Brigade representing them on the galactic stage and more to the point he wasn't going to allow any Mandalorian rogues to be used against them either as puppet leaders or to attack them. Using their knowledge of their methods to undermine them.
The others nodded, it was ruthless and some did look uncomfortable about this but the situation had only come about due to weak leadership, it was bad enough that the Armourer and the Children of the Watch had slipped back into the shadows without any more disloyal groups being out there. Both Sarek and Ge'hark were strict loyalists and firm in the code. He could trust them to do what needed to be done.
Haron felt awful, he didn't want to do this but did he really have a choice? He asked himself with worry. But there was another thing he had to order.
"Given that we will certainly be outnumbered if war with the Republic should come, we will be needing superior intelligence to turn the tables on them rather than it become a battle of attrition. Duke Taken, Duchess Ma'Gard, I charge you both with the creation of an intelligence network around as much of the galaxy as we can. Funds will be allocated to that effect." Haron said knowing that as useful as weapons and ships were, they would be useless without the intelligence to focus their use.
"It will be done Mandalore." The Dukes and Duchesses replied, Ara at his side gave his hand a squeeze to let him know she was supported him which he truly appreciated more than he could say in that moment. Deera and Din too signalled their approval with a nod.
- x -
In depths of the palace later that night when a forge had finally been located Vysa stood in her armour with Haron and Deera who were in thin workout clothes as they warmed up the old forge. Ara stood nearby with an expectant look on her face.
"I still don't get why we are down here." Vysa said with confusion, she was still wearing her damaged durasteel armour which she needed to repair but instead of doing that she was standing here with the armour of the head of Terror Brigade, her siblings and sister-in-law with no idea why. The heat of the room was making it unbearable as she stood there and had to shed her armour till it was laying in pieces around her and she was in her sweats like her siblings.
"Do you know what is special about this armour?" Deera asked her with a smile on her face. Vysa shook her head, knowing it was beskar but nothing more than that.
"It is not a normal suit of beskar armour." Haron said with a smirk. "Thousands of years ago they discovered a vein of beskar that was stronger and lighter than even the normal metal. They only found enough to make ten suits. One for the Mandalore and nine more for his bloodguards."
"Over the centuries all the suits were lost, but over the last few years we have found them and brought them home. I wear a suit of it as does Haron, Deera, Neville, Hannah, Luna and Ijaa while another suit is being kept for Lelia when she grows up along with a spare suit we've kept." Ara said from the side, the spare being Haron's earlier suit before he replaced it with the Armour and Helm of the Mandalore. "You have just won the last bloodguard suit in honourable combat, you are Mandalorian. You start to see where we are going with this?" She asked her with a probing look.
"You think I should take the suit? And wear it?!" Vysa said with surprise as it finally dawned on her what Ara was getting at. "But it doesn't fit me!"
"It will after we reforge it into something more your size." Deera said with a look of happy expectation. "We are going to teach you have to reforge beskar."
Vysa was astonished that they would share this secret with her not to mention actually do it with her. What was this she thought incredulously, a rite of passage? Then again, she thought with sadness, the act of forging your own armour was a family tradition in Mandalorian culture, done with your family.
They were her family she thought, glad of that now as she started to accept them as such but was determined to hold on to some aspect of her individuality.
"Okay, but I want it in my own style, got it?" She said with a challenging look in her eye. The other three just smiled and Haron spoke.
"We expected that much, don't worry while the standard design is good its not something we enforce." Haron told her and readied their tools and giving her a questioning look. "So shall we begin?" He asked her.
She now started smiling herself as she nodded.
It was a very long process she discovered as each piece of the existing armour had to be melted down individually and rendered into a silvery liquid form that allowed it to be poured into the moulds they had created for her armour. Done with the utmost care to avoid spilling any they then sealed it in stone before waiting for hours for it to set and then with a simple hammer smashed the stone to reveal a perfectly formed piece of armour.
It took them hours before finally they managed to complete the reforging. Using the same bodysuit as House Ordo warriors used, they carefully attached the newly formed plates to it which were painted either green or black. They even put a flap at the back which Vysa insisted on. The legs and boots soon followed as did the pauldrons for the shoulders and even made some new Mandalorian vambraces in her size. The only piece of the original suit that was unchanged was the JT-12 jetpack which they attached to the back.
Then finally it came to the helmet.
This wasn't the same shape or design as used by normal Mandalorian warriors, with a visible filter mask, pipes running from it around the helmet and a large tinted visor. Vysa picked up the helmet and smiled, loving the feel on the metal and the look they had. It would be even better when she had managed to install the Tactical Eye Display and the blaster mounts on the back.
But more than that it was she realised with a pang of warmth in her jaded heart, the first thing she had truly done with her family.
It was almost two days later when they did emerge with Vysa in her new armour and Din who looked at it with admiration and she smiled at him before removing her helmet and giving the boy a megawatt smile that dazzled him a little, almost enough to make the teenage boy forget what he was here to tell them.
"Duke Ordo." Din said after taking a moment to get his head together after seeing Vysa like that, she was fast becoming his first crush they all realised with a smile. "The team of experts you hired to chart the course of that asteroid from the Zakuul system has just been in contact. Apparently, they found something."
Temple of Malmourral, Zardossa Stix…A Week Later…
The Great Mother of the Frangawl Cult, otherwise known as Mother Talzin who was desperately trying to regain a more physical form and restore her full power so that she could overthrow both the Sith and the Jedi to rule the galaxy with her sons.
That dream was dead now, she thought with grief kneeling on the steps of the temple with her hands on her face.
First her clan, now her sons were lost to her she thought with anger.
The Jedi had killed them as they tried to raise an army to fight the Sith.
Talzin, consumed with her grief and anger screamed into the night's skies as she raged at the injustices she had been subjected too and knew just who to blame.
Those four names made her want to spit on the ground with rage as she considered just what they had taken from her.
And she would have her revenge, Talzin vowed with a snarl on her ghostly face.
The coming ritual might give her all the power she needed but if it failed, she would need a backup plan to regain her body and become more powerful than her enemies.
A vision had led her to Commenor, to a collector of rare antiques where she had discovered an ancient scepter among his collection. It was a creation of the Sith and had the ability to collect then store dark side force energy, she had never dreamt of using such a device but if she could collect enough energy with the scepter, it would not only help her regain a physical body but give her the power to destroy both the Jedi and the Sith for their slaying of her family! She raged.