How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 9

Ah, it’s nice and cloudy today… Good. Jin thinks as he surveys the collective mass of condensed water vapor floating up in the sky. He stands atop the tree line in a forest and begins to build up Chakra. The conditions for a pretty fucking perfect training scenario have been met.

Fire Style: Flame Bomb Jutsu! Jin says in his head as he spits three large fire balls into the sky. After a few minutes of waiting, The sky begins to darken and thunder can be heard from the clouds and lightning strikes a nearby tree. After witnessing this, Jin pulls out a kunai with his left hand and concentrates lightning chakra in his left hand. The electricity takes on a violet hue. Lightning Style: Purple Lightning…! My kunai will serve as a lightning rod while my Purple Lightning cuts the bolts from the clouds.

Kakashi at 13 or 14 was able to cut lightning in half before it touched the ground. I wonder how well I’ll do? Jin thinks to himself as he jumps from the treetop high into the air.

While in the air, several bright flashes happen and rain begins to fall upon the forest. Jin lands safely on the ground and seemingly unharmed. He checks his body to make sure there are no injuries, but finds nothing to worry about.

HELL YEAH, I’M A LIGHTNING -TIMER! But, only three lightning bolts came at me and I haven’t even broken a sweat yet… The rogue ninja thinks as he replays what happened in his head. WIth rain running down his body, soaking his clothes, and mudding the ground, Jin jumps back into the air as high as he can. I’ll keep doing this until I’ve used up most of my chakra and then I'll head back…


It’s been three years now, less than two years until the Fourth Great Ninja War begins… Jin thinks as he walks back to the hideout. If I survive the war, my 18th birthday will be in the following year. I wonder how I should celebrate it…?

“Well, well, if it isn’t Orchimaru’s second favorite?” Kabuto sneers, greeting Jin who has just returned from training.

“What is it, Kabuto?” Jin questions with an indifferent expression.

“When you’re finished cleaning up, report to Lord Oroochimaru.” Kabuto says in a more serious tone. The medic ninja turns and walks away while saying, “He has another mission for you.”

“He really is sketchy as bloody hell, isn’t he?” A young boy says after confirming Kabuto’s out of earshot, about ten years of age.

“Oh, Rito, you have no idea.” Jin exclaims with a casual and friendly tone. “So what brings you here?”

“Here.” Rito says as walk up and hands Jin a bottle made of crystal with a mysterious dark brown liquid in it. “If you want to know what it is, taste it and find out.”

Is this what I think it is…? Jin thinks as he opens the bottle. He takes one sip and after a little taste, Jin downs the bottle like a madman. “IT’S COCA COLA!! Thank you, Rito, you're a gift from the gods.”

“No worries, mate! You can thank me after I reinvent the lift.” Rito says with a cocky smile, a puffed out chest, and head held high. He takes back the crystal bottle and disintegrates it. “But seriously though what is it with this world? It has electronics, but it doesn’t have lifts…?”

“AHA HA HA HA HA!!!” Both Jin and Rito laugh, enjoying their banter with each other.

“Ahe heh heh… Feels good to talk normally.” Rito remarks with a relaxed tone. He turns and walks away to another section in Orochimaru’s lair. “Good luck on your mission, man.”

“Later.” Jin says as he makes his way to Orochimaru’s quarters.


“Jin, you’ve come…” Orochimaru says, greeting the young man as he enters Orochimaru’s quarters. He’s sitting up from his bed with Kabuto at his side.

“You have a mission for me?” An indifferent Jin question.

“A group thought long destroyed has recently reemerged and they’re preparing to attack the Five Great Nations.” Kabuto explains. “Are you familiar with the Land of Sky?”

The Land of Sky? If I remember correctly, they were from the Naruto Shippuden the Movie: Bonds. Jin thinks to himself, as he holds back his excitement and maintains his indifferent facade. “ Yes, I’ve heard of them. The Land of Sky has been mentioned in several scrolls and books.”

“Jin... there is a man I would like you to find and bring to me.” Orochimaru orders, coughing profusely.

They’re talking about Shinnō. Jin thinks to himself, well aware of the movie’s plot. “A man?”

“A doctor.” Kabuto adds.

“This Doctor is the one from whom I’ve received the Forbidden Regeneration Jutsu.” Orochimaru informs, adding more details to Jin’s mission. “And after all these years, he should have perfected a more desirable form of it, bring him here. Alas, the time has come for me to acquire that Jutsu again.”

“It will be done.” Jin says as he turns and leaves Orochimaru’s presence.

Playing the role of the “impertinent, but loyal servant” is so fucking exhausting… Jin thinks to himself, sighing as he fully exits the hideout. He walks two dozen yards away, bites his right hand’s thumb tip to draw blood, and presses the hands' five fingers down to the ground and channels chakra to the hand. “Summoning Jutsu!”

A large puff of smoke erupts from Jin’s location. The smoke quickly dissipates to reveal a giant hawk standing where Jin once was with Jin himself on the hawk’s back. The hawk flaps it’s mighty wings and takes flight with Jin securing himself using the hawk’s bandana.

“Where to, Master Jin?” Asks an eager and determined hawk.

“Tsume, our destination is the Land of Sky.” Answers an ecstatic Jin with a huge grin on his face. Orochimaru can have the scroll containing the Regeneration Jutsu, what I want is the Zero-Tails. With it I can make myself a pseudo jinchuriki…!


“Master Jin, I believe we’ve reached our destination…” Tsume announces as she hovers high in the sky.

“Lower yourself a bit, I want to get a better look.” Jin says as he peers down, suspicious of the black smoke rising into the air. Tsume lowers her altitude and Jin’s jaw drops, flabbergasted at what he sees. WHAT. THE. FUCK?!

With a better view, Jin sees that the Land of Sky forces have been thoroughly ravaged. Their armada of warships have all been destroyed, many, MANY bodies of dead sky ninja are scattered over the entire area, and their ultimate weapon, the flying fortress, the Ancor Vantian downed with severe damage and has been covered with trees.

“Hmm…? Tsume could you land for a minute?” Jin requests his loyal summoning animal.


Moments later, Jin manages to successfully infiltrate the Ancor Vantian. He stands on the ceiling of the throne room and gathers intel, completely unnoticed by Shinno and his sky ninja forces.

“No! NO!!! Curse that blasted leaf shinobi, he ruined everything!!” Shinno rages as punches one of his troops across the throne room. He stomps his feet as he paces back-and-forth. “All of our ships are destroyed, most of our troops are either dead or deserted, and the Zero-Tails was taken…! ALL OF MY PLANS ARE IN SHAMBLES!!!”

WHAT, someone already took the Zero-Tails?! No!! What was the point of even coming here…?!! Jin agonizes in his head, outraged at these turn of events. The rogue ninja grows depressed, but then quickly recovers with a sigh. ...There’s no point in crying over spilled milk, might as well complete Orochimaru’s objective…

Wind Stylle: Vacuum Bullets! Jin chants in his head while firing small blasts of wind from his mouth, killing all the remaining sky ninja underlings. He jumps from the ceiling and lands gracefully in front of a shocked and enraged Shinno. Jin then creates a Rasengan with his right hand and infuses it with fire-nature. He then plows the spinning ball of fire into Shinno, launching him into the wall and making a crater in the process. Fire Style: Fireball Rasengan…!

“After all this time, Orochimaru demands your assistance.” Jin informs Shinno with a cold look.

“Oh? Is that the case…?” Shinno responds as he picks himself up. “Based on your preemptive attack, you’ll take me by force if I resist?”

“It would seem you’re smarter than you look.” Jin mocks while keeping a cold gaze on Shinno. Just keep goading him and when this asshole attacks me, I’ll defend myself and end him…

“Heh heh heh… Don’t underestimate me kid. Do you think that I’m out of dark chakra?” Shinno laughs menacingly as he begins to weave signs. “Ridiculous, the world is teeming with darkness from peoples hearts and with my Body Activation Ju--”

“Just shut the hell up and attack already...” Jin says, suddenly appearing behind Shinno. The rogue ninja kicks the would-be tyrant through his own throne, destroying it and kicking up a dust cloud. “Be my guest.”

“After I kill you, the one who stole my Zero-Tails is next!!” Shinno yells in anger as he blasts out of the dust cloud and delivers a punch infused with dark chakra, leaving a gash on Jin’s left cheek. The gash then quickly heals, leaving no mark or scarring and Jin casually turns his head back to face Shinno with his arms folded. Shinnō unleashes a black, widespread wave of dark chakra at Jin, knocking him away some distance. “Darkness Wave...!”

“Nice.” Jin continues to mock as he gets up and dusts himself off.

“AAARRRGGGHHH!!! REVIVAL FIST!” Yells a more erratic Shinno as he gathers dark chakra into both hands, rushing at Jin and unleashes a powerful and focused shock wave that splatters Jin into water droplets. After a brief moment, the water droplets converge and reform back into Jin. “Impossible…! Why won’t you die?!”


“I’d say ‘it’s been fun,’ but that would be a lie.” Jin says as he lunges at Shinno with chakra scalpels. Each time Jin sends Shinno flying with a punch, Jin appears right where Shinno is going to crash and continues to beat him down. After two minutes of repeating the process, Jin slams Shinno hard into the ground and lands a meter away from him. “Don’t bother trying to infuse more chakra, I’ve severed a number of your chakra pathways. Don’t make me kill you, Orochimaru has a use for you...”

“Heh heh… I highly doubt Orochimaru wants me…” Shinno explains as he clutches his stomach, struggling to get up. He pulls out a scroll and tosses it to Jin. “What he’ll really want is this…”

Perfect! Now I can kill him. Jin thinks as he holds the scroll.

Just then, an explosion occurs. As the smoke clears another Jin can be seen, standing over the hole in the ceiling with sage mode activated.

“Did you get what we came for?” The second Jin asks.

“YUP. Here you go.” Jin says, tossing the scroll to the other Jin. He then disappears in a puff of smoke, revealing that he was only a mere shadow clone.

“Goodbye, doctor.” Says an annoyed Jin as he amasses chakra into his hand. The chakra then takes on the form of a large shuriken. “Wind Style: Rasenshuriken!”

Jin throws the Rasenshuriken at a shocked and terrified Shinno. As the ninjutsu makes contact with Shinno, the central sphere of the Rasenshuriken detonates, producing a vortex of wind in the immediate area. As the vortex continues to expand, Jin retreats by jumping on to Tsume. Tsume then flies high into the air and they both watch the Ancor Vantian violently explode in a brilliant fashion.

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