How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 8

He’ll learn this in a few years anyway so I guess it’s safe to drop this truth bomb…? Jin thinks to himself as he turns to face Naruto and Ayanami. With a stern expression, Jin answers, “No, cousin. I’m not returning to the village.”

“Cousin…?” Mutters a bewildered Naruto.

“Yes, cousin. I may be a member of the Yamanaka clan, but like you, I’m also a member of the once great Uzumaki clan.” Jin explains to Naruto with a matter-of-fact tone and expression. “You know that red spiral on the back of your jacket? That’s the Uzumaki clan’s crest. Also, red hair is a common trait among our clan.”

“We’re… family…? I don--” Naruto says as he collapses unconscious, revealing one of Jin’s shadow clones was standing behind the young yellow-haired ninja.

“Did you get them?” Jin asks as the other two shadow clones arrive.

“YUP!! I even got the Book of Gelel that the fool, Haido, tossed aside!” One clone answers as they all put the book and the stones into Jin’s backpack. REALLY should probe Kahiko for his info on the stones… After all, he knows how to destroy them.

“Are you going to drag me back to the Leaf?” Jin asks Ayanami as he is probing the Ore miner’s mind.

“I do want to bring you home, but I know I can’t force you.” Ayanami sighs with a tinge of sadness in her voice. “What will you do now...?”

“First of all, I need you to give this to Inoichi and Ino and tell them ‘I’m sorry.’” Jin says as he pulls off his forehead protector from around his neck. He tosses it to the hyuga kunoichi and begins to perform hand signs. “Secondly, while I was training, I created a new jutsu that blurs the line between ninjutsu and genjutsu. I need you all to forget everything in regards to the gelel stones and this location. Sage Art: Mind Eater Jutsu!”


Okay, I healed Temujin’s wound, made everyone in the ruins forget about the stones. Jin thinks as he and several shadow clones each carry someone back to Kahiko’s caravan. And I have another group shadow clones carrying Temujin and his surviving comrades back to their ship and incepted the idea for them to return to their continent and aid their war torn land however they can.

“Don’t worry, they’re all just unconscious.” Jin says as he walks up to Emina, Kahiko’s granddaughter. The rogue ninja then dispels his shadow clones. “They’ll be out for the rest of the day.”

“Thank you, sir!” Emina says with teary eyes as she holds her grandfather. “Before you go, may I ask for your name?”

“It’s Jin.” The rogue ninja responds as he turns and walks away. “Jin Yamanaka Uzumaki of both the Yamanaka and Uzumaki clans.”


So glad I was able to avoid a Final Valley fight with Naruto back there… Jin thinks as he continues walking, reading the Book of Gelel to pass the time. It’s been over two hours since Jin left Naruto and his friends at Kahiko’s caravan. After I finish reading this book, I can always just go back and mine the gelel ore whenever I want.

“Well, that must be a good book if you’re reading it without a care in the world.” Says a familiar voice. Jin stops and looks up to see who called for his attention, a young man with white hair and glasses and a fair-skinned girl with dark pink hair. The tension in the air becomes so thick, one could cut it with a knife.

Kabuto Yakushi and Tayuya? If Tayuya is still alive then Sasuke hasn’t left the village yet... Jin thinks as he sizes them up, prepared to fight. He gazes at them with suspicion and curiosity in his eyes. “What do you want from me?”

“Direct aren’t we? It would seem that Lord Orochimaru has taken an interest in you.” Kabuto answers in a mocking tone.

It appears that I’m at a crossroads… I need to play my cards carefully now. Jin thinks as he proceeds to continue the conversation. “Let's say I do go with you. Won’t Orochimaru just use me as a guinea pig for his experiments and toss me aside like a piece of trash when he’s done?”

“Perhaps.” Kabuto sneers.

“Oh? Then no.” Jin answers back. “I’m not some toy to be played with and thrown away.”

“Don’t be a clod, you should come with us.” Tayuya says curtly with a cold, intense stare. “Lord Orochimaru offers you power. He said there’s no point in forcing you, you must choose.”

I probably shouldn’t, but then I think about how much stronger Sasuke got from Orochimaru’s training… Jin thinks as Kabuto and Tayuya stand there waiting for his answer. After a brief moment, Jin finds his answer. Ah, fuck it! “Alright, I’ll join you... for now.”

“Excellent! Now, just follow us.” Kabuto says as he and the kunoichi turn and begin walking in the direction of the Hidden Sound Village in the Land of Sound. Jin follows his escorts with caution and anticipation.

Since we have some time before we reach our destination, I’ll probe Kabuto’s mind. Jin thinks with a sly smile as he walks. He activates his Probe Jutsu and begins to learn. Kabuto is a talented medical ninja, a spy that has gathered intel from all five great nations, and is Orochimaru’s right hand man. His mind is a gold mine of knowledge and information.


One day later, as Kahiko and his nomadic caravan continue their travels, Kahiko rides his wagon with a gloomy expression.

“What’s wrong, grandfather?” Emina asks with worry in her tone.

“So much for loyalty…” Says a depressed Kahiko with his head hanging low. “Nerugui left me…”

“Pardon the intrusion, but are you the nomadic tribe of ore miners?” A mysterious cloaked man interrupts. He suddenly appears in front of the caravan’s path out of nowhere, stopping them from continuing to their destination. “I have a proposition for you.”


Days later, Jin, Kabuto and Tayuya finally arrive at Orochimaru’s base of operations in the Land of Sound and have already entered through the door. They pass by many cages filled with people, walking deeper into Orochimaru’s lair

...stop and grow up a bit. Then suddenly, my power and confidence are swelling up, magically erupt… Jin sings in his head to keep himself upbeat as he walks down a dark corridor that leads to Orochimaru’s lair. The candles on the walls light up the halls just enough to make out everything in the darkness. ...I won't forget the times we shared on those pleasant days, always...

“A word of advice, watch what you say if you wish to live long.” Kabuto whispers as he puts his hand on the doorknob.

“Got it.” Jin replies after gulping with anxiety. Kabuto opens the door and Jin walks through, pushing his fear to the side. I need to tread carefully, I’m playing with the big dogs now…

Upon entering the room, Jin sees it’s dimly lit with candles, pots of various sizes in the corners of the room, and a bookshelf on the wall to Jin’s left. At the center of the room is a chair with a man sitting on it. The man has pale white skin, long black hair, and an ominous smile as he stares back at Jin, Kabuto, and Tayuya.

Orochimaru…! Jin thinks as he puts his now shaking arms behind his back, his right hand clutching his left.

“Tayuya, I’ve already sent the other three to go fetch Sasuke.” Orochimaru says after a brief moment, breaking the silence. “Go and join them.”

“Yes, Lord Orochimaru.” The kunoichi responds. She turns around and leaves the room.

“So, you’re the Jin Yamanaka I’ve heard so much about.” Oroochimaru says, turning his attention to the rogue genin. “I know you have questions as to why I want you here; all will be revealed once Sasuke arrives. In the meantime Kabuto will take you to one of the rooms to rest.”

“It will be done, Lord Orochimaru.” Kabuto replies. Both young men leave the room, closing the door behind them and walk to the hall containing the guest rooms. “And here I thought, Lord Orochimaru was going to take your body, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. There is another purpose for you being here, aren’t you lucky?”

“Hmph.” Jin responds as he’s still calming down. They arrive at what is now Jin’s room, Kabuto opens the door and Jin enters.

“I’m going to have to lock the door.” Kabuto remarks as he holds the door ajar. “It’s becau--well… you know who you are.”

The door closes and a clicking sound can be heard, signifying the door has been locked. Jin proceeds to go and lay on the bed while clutching his backpack which still contains the Book of Gelel and four Stones of Gelel.

While I admit that I’m a little happy that Orochimaru is giving me power… Jin thinks as he closes his eyes. still sucks balls that I’ll have to pretend to be a straight up bad guy until Sasuke betrays and absorbs Orochimaru!!

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