Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 711 Kyle’s decision

When it gradually became quiet outside, Kyle and the others took Mr. Fusco away from Knockturn Alley, which had no light at all.

All the Death Eaters have been captured, twenty-five in total, which is a lot of people.

It can be seen that they came to Diagon Alley for some big move this time. In addition to kidnapping a few shopkeepers, they may also want to make a big move.

But no matter what their intentions were, they were doomed to fail now.

Scrimgeour was counting the number of Auror casualties, while Sirius and Mr. Weasley, who came to help from the Order of the Phoenix, were counting the number of Death Eaters and their corresponding wands.

"This is really a great victory!" Fred said with a smile, "Thanks to your information, Kyle, the mysterious man must be very angry this time."

"I told you that the information was not provided by me, but by a righteous wizard who did not want to be named." Kyle said seriously.

He is becoming more and more valuable to Voldemort. What if one day the other party becomes angry and comes to deal with him personally... So for the sake of your own safety, some credit should be waived if possible.

Kyle came to the door of Florin's Cold Drink Shop and asked: "Mr. Fusco, do you know why the Death Eaters want to arrest you?"

"That's what I want to know too." Fusco also didn't understand how he, an ice cream seller, could become the target of the Death Eaters. It couldn't be that they were interested in his secret recipe for making ice cream.

Even if it is, is that thing worth more than twenty Death Eaters snatching? Isn't it too exaggerated?

As long as he told it in advance, no Death Eaters needed to do anything, he would take the initiative to contribute the secret recipe, and any flavor would be fine.

Mr. Fusco shook his head and sighed speechlessly.

Kyle also saw it. He did not know and was not lying.

"Okay, Mr. Fusco." Kyle continued: "If you think of anything, remember to tell us as soon as possible. In addition, in order to prevent Death Eaters from attacking again, you'd better find a safe place during this period. place.

I suggest you stay in Diagon Alley. The Ministry of Magic will send additional manpower here after today. It is relatively safe.

Of course, if you have a better place to go, that's fine. "

"No, I'm in Diagon Alley."

After being attacked for no reason, Mr. Fusco seemed to lose his temper and said angrily: "Let the Death Eaters come if they want. No matter what they want, I can't let them get their wish!"

"I believe you are determined, Mr. Fusco, but you still have to be vigilant." Kyle said, and then he turned and left.

There is still a lot of work to do in the aftermath. More than twenty Death Eaters were arrested at one time. The commotion caused was not small, and the entire street suffered varying degrees of damage.

Kyle took out his wand and extinguished the nearest burning fire. The bricks and stones scattered on the ground slowly floated up and fell back to their original positions.

Mr. Fusco stood at the door of the store, looking at the wand in Kyle's hand in a daze. Subconsciously, he suddenly thought of Ollivander, who was regarded as another target by the Death Eaters.

What Ollivander is most famous for is his knowledge of wands.

For a moment, Fusco seemed to have thought of something. He stretched out his hand to stop Kyle, but after hesitating for a moment, he still didn't shout and just returned to the store with a serious expression.

Naturally, Kyle didn't know anything about what happened behind him.

After restoring Diagon Alley to its original state with everyone, they were ready to return to the Ministry of Magic.

With more than twenty Death Eaters captured, the Aurors were destined to work overtime, and Kyle also needed to compile a detailed report as soon as possible... This was also his job as a senior assistant to the minister.

On the other side, members of the Order of the Phoenix were also gathered together.

"Leave the rest to you, we won't be involved." Mr. Weasley said to Lupin: "I didn't have time to inform Molly before, I think she must be very anxious now."

"Of course, this is what it should be." Lupine said, "Sirius, you should go back quickly. I think Harry must be waiting for you."

Sirius couldn't help laughing when he thought of Harry... Some people were worried that he felt pretty good, feeling like he was back when he just graduated.

"That's up to you," Sirius said, "don't let them get away again."

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

"Well, see you tomorrow," said Mr. Weasley, waving his hand, "Come here, kids, we're getting ready to go home."

"Coming, Dad."

Fred and George ran over first, followed by Bill and Charlie.

"I wish mommy had left us some dinner, I'm so hungry," Fred said.

"But it's time for midnight snacks."

"There must be," said Mr. Weasley.

Everyone separated in the Leaky Cauldron. Kyle and the Aurors used the dedicated floo network to return to the Ministry of Magic.

Although it was late at night, the main hall was still brightly lit and many people were here.

After seeing the Death Eaters brought back by the Aurors, a burst of irrepressible cheers suddenly erupted in the main hall.

There are more than twenty Death Eaters. This is their biggest gain since Voldemort's comeback. It can be said to be a complete victory.

The Director of the Legal Enforcement Department, Amelia Bones, was the first to come over and headed to the courtroom with the Aurors.

Several lifts were full, so Kyle and Chris had to wait for the next one.

"Kyle, it's too late now, why don't you go back first." Chris said.

"I would like to think that Fudge is still waiting for the report." Kyle sighed, "Such a big thing happened, and it was the first big victory for the Ministry of Magic. He must not be able to wait to announce the news.

"So this report must be handed in tomorrow morning before the Daily Prophet goes to press."

"How about... you write it for me." Kyle glanced at Chris, "You have written so many reports before, and this one is not bad."

"Ah, I seem to have lost something." Chris suddenly slapped his forehead, "It must have fallen on the road. You go up first, I have to look for it."

After saying that, he lowered his head and walked quickly towards the other side of the main hall.

Kyle twitched his lips and felt speechless for a while... If you don't want to write a report, just say so. He also said that he lost something. This crude excuse is not at all new.

Just as I was thinking about it, the elevator came.

Kyle walked inside.

Since there was no one else, he quickly came to the first floor.

Fudge is not here and should have gone to the courtroom.

Kyle returned to his office, sat at his desk and wrote a report.

Because there were so many Death Eaters and Aurors involved, it was already early in the morning by the time Kyle finished writing.

He threw away the quill in his hand and rubbed his sore wrist.

No wonder his father didn't want to write a report so much. This thing was really torturous.

You have to think of something.

Shorthand quill?

No, that thing has too many traces, and its disadvantages are obvious. It's okay for copying things, but it's too forced to write reports, and it's easy to see.

I have to find a way to improve it. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is still worth it to save a lot of time in writing reports.

Thinking of this, Kyle cheered up, took a thick stack of reports, and prepared to send them to the minister's office next door.

While in the corridor, he happened to meet Fudge coming out of the elevator.

"Oh, Kyle, I was just going to find you." Fudge looked very happy and said excitedly: "A great victory, a great victory. More than twenty Death Eaters were captured. The wizarding world has not been like this for a long time. Exciting news.

"Haha, those guys who didn't take it seriously before were all dumbfounded when they saw the Death Eaters in the trial room."

"Yeah," Kyle said. "It's a good thing the Auror Office didn't listen to them."

"Thanks to the news you sent, I can't wait to know how everyone will react when they see tomorrow's newspaper." Fudge continued: "But before that, I need your help to sort out the detailed process. After all, tomorrow The whole front page will be the news."

"I've already written it." Kyle handed over the pile of reports in his hand.

"Good job, Kyle, I knew it was right to leave it to you." Fudge said happily, "Don't worry, you will definitely see your name in the most conspicuous place in the newspaper tomorrow."

"No, Minister." Kyle shook his head, "This matter is the work of the Auror Office. It is the Aurors who capture the Death Eaters and protect everyone. I only participated in the aftermath, nothing else. Do."

"No need to belittle yourself." Fudge shook his head, "If it weren't for the news you sent, they would have succeeded. Of course you have the credit."

"No." Kyle still shook his head, "I just received an anonymous letter."

"Anonymous letter..." Fudge frowned. "Where is the letter?"

"I destroyed it automatically after reading it," Kyle said. "I think it must have been protected by magic in advance to prevent it from falling into the hands of Death Eaters later."

"Are you so cautious?" Fudge became even more confused, "But who would tell us such important news? Is it a Death Eater?"

"I think so too. After all, only Death Eaters can know the mysterious man's plan."

"But there are so many Death Eaters, who is this person?"

"I don't know about that." Kyle thought for a while, "But the letter mentioned Professor Umbridge, and the person who wrote the letter also said that he knew that even if she was tortured twice by the Cruciatus Curse, she would still persist in resisting. It was the actions of the Death Eaters that made him determined to betray the mysterious man.

"So I think this credit should belong to Professor Umbridge."

"Have you decided? This is a great opportunity to improve your reputation." Fudge said softly: "You obviously don't have to tell me this. After all, only you have read the letter. If you don't tell, no one will know this."

"Of course, Minister, I've decided." Kyle said.

Fudge nodded and glanced at Kyle with some sigh, "If Dolores knew about it, she would be proud of having taught you."

"This is what I should do." Kyle said with a smile: "Minister, if there is nothing else, can I get off work first?"

"Oh, is it so late? I didn't even notice." Fudge suddenly said: "I originally wanted you to attend the trial together, but if you insist, of course it's no problem... The ministry needs to send a car to take you there. Go back?"

"No, as long as the ministry allows me to use Apparition once," Kyle said, "I missed the Apparition exam and can only wait until next year."

"I remembered, you were still capturing dementors at that time." Fudge said nonchalantly: "Okay, feel free to use it, I agree.

"In addition, the Apparition test is also waived, just consider it as this reward."

"But Minister, is this appropriate?"

"Don't worry, we all know that that kind of exam won't trouble you at all, right?"

After Fudge returned to the office with the report, Kyle also took the elevator and came to the foyer where Ministry of Magic staff disapparated.

By the time Kyle arrived at Grimmauld Place, a faint light could already be seen in the sky.

At this time, Kyle thought everyone had gone to bed, but when he opened the door, he realized that the lights were still on in the room.

"It's okay, Dad, it's Kyle who's back."

Bill poked his head out of a room, "Come here and have something to eat, or Fred and George will eat them all in a while."

"Hey, Bill, it's not as exaggerated as you said. Charlie obviously ate more!"

When he heard that there was food, Kyle walked over quickly.

The lighted place was the kitchen. Except for Sirius, everyone else who had returned before was here. There were several bottles of wine, a few pieces of bread, a plate of cornflakes, and a plate of corned beef on the dining table.

"How are you? Did you get any useful information?" Mr. Weasley pushed the bread in front of Kyle.

"I don't know." Kyle said, "I have been writing reports and have not gone to the interrogation room. However, I don't think the Aurors can ask for useful information."

"Why?" Charlie didn't understand.

"Do you know any of the Death Eaters who were caught?" Kyle asked.

After thinking for a moment, Charlie shook his head.

He had seen them before. They were all new faces and he didn’t recognize anyone.

"That's the reason." Kyle took a piece of bread, "Everyone who came to Diagon Alley this time, except for Antonin Dolohov, should be here to make up the numbers and sabotage them, but they don't necessarily know. What important news."

"It's a pity that Dolohov ran away," Mr. Weasley said regretfully.

The Auror who had gone after him lost track of Dolohov deep in Knockturn Alley and came back empty-handed.

"No way, he knows Knockturn Alley better than we do." Charlie said, "Kyle, would you like some brandy?"

Kyle had already celebrated his seventeenth birthday, so naturally he could drink, but after taking a look at the cornflakes and corned beef on the table, he hesitated.

He would rather eat something than drink.

Just at this time, the house elf Kreacher came over and asked earnestly: "Master Kyle, would you like some midnight snacks?"

Kyle glanced at the few corned beef and corn chips left on the table, hesitated for a moment and nodded, "Then just have some sandwiches, please."

"It's Kreacher's pleasure!" screamed the elf, who looked excited and ran into the kitchen happily.

"Oh, keep your voice down." Fred reminded from the side: "Mom was worried all night and finally fell asleep. I hope I didn't wake her up just now."

"Sorry," Kyle said, "I forgot that house elves can be agitated sometimes."

"It's none of your business," George said, "but I don't understand why the elf wasn't so attentive when we came back."

"Yeah, he didn't even want to find a cup for us."

The two complained about the different treatment of the house elves, but Mr. Weasley didn't find it strange.

He had already learned about Regulus from Sirius. As a house elf of the Black family, Kreacher would naturally be particularly affectionate towards Kyle, which was not surprising.

While waiting, Kyle suddenly thought of something and asked, "Mr. Weasley, do you know why the Death Eaters wanted to capture Fusco?"

"I don't know, maybe I arrested the wrong person." Mr. Weasley thought for a moment and said, "Maybe he offended them somehow.

"Or said the name of the mysterious man." Bill said.

Now apart from this reason, they couldn't think of any other reason why the Death Eaters would go to such trouble to capture an ice cream shop owner.

The few of them chatted for a while, and soon Kreacher came back. In addition to the sandwich Kyle asked for, he also made fried potatoes, grilled sausages, and a whole roasted chicken.

Seeing this, Fred and George felt even more unbalanced. They decided to turn their grief and anger into appetite, grabbed the grilled sausage in front of them and stuffed it into their mouths.

Kreacher looked at them from the side with a gloomy face, but the two of them didn't care. Even Fred raised his eyebrows at him proudly, and then picked up the second sausage.

"I finally know why Kreacher doesn't want to see you." Kyle said with a smile.

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