Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 710 The Battle in Diagon Alley

"Hermione, do you think Kyle has any grudge against Harry?

In front of a door near the utility room in the basement, Ron asked with lingering fear as he listened to the screams coming from inside.

He had always been curious about how Harry learned Occlumency. Given this rare opportunity, Ron would not miss it and ran over with Hermione just after breakfast.

As a result, everyone else felt numb when they saw it.

What kind of special training is this... Isn't this just a beating?

Harry was kicked to the left and to the right by a magical animal with six legs. It looked like a human-sized bludger, not to mention how miserable it was.

Next to him, Hermione nodded with lingering fear.

She was still hesitant about going on special training with Harry.

Recently, Weasley's Joke Shop no longer needs help, and his parents have gradually gotten used to living in Diagon Alley. Sometimes they can't find anyone when they visit.

There was nothing going on anyway, so she thought she could take advantage of this month to learn a spell. After all, others said Occlumency was very important. Even if she didn't need to worry about Voldemort invading her consciousness, there was no harm in learning it.

But now that she saw what happened to Harry, she suddenly hesitated.

It was hard for Hermione to imagine herself being whipped back and forth by a cat and leopard. In contrast, she still felt that it was better to follow the steps... Although the progress would be much slower, it was better to be safe.


Harry's screams were heard in the room again. After holding on for two minutes, he was still penetrated by the cat and leopard, and a thick tail slapped his thigh firmly.

Outside the door, Ron and Hermione gasped at the same time when they saw this scene. Even just looking at it, they felt pain.

Hermione couldn't bear it.

"Forget it, let's go," she said.

"Okay." Ron nodded decisively.

He now understood why Sirius and the others never came here.

As long as he couldn't see it, he wouldn't feel bad, and Harry could master Occlumency faster.

Otherwise, you are still smart.

The two closed the door silently... Well, it's much better now.

When they returned upstairs, Mrs. Weasley happened to pass by the living room with a basket of clothes.

"So you are here..." she said, "Arthur just sent a letter, I guess it is your O.W.L. results."

"Are the results out yet?" Hermione jumped up and ran quickly to Mrs. Weasley's side.

"Here you go." Mrs. Weasley took out three envelopes from the basket.

Hermione quickly found the one with her name on it, tore open the envelope and unfolded the parchment inside.

Then her expression turned disappointed.

"Did you fail the exam?" Ron leaned over and took a look curiously.

The series of "O"s on the parchment made him a little dizzy.

"Nine 'excellent' and one 'good'...it's Defense Against the Dark Arts." Ron looked at her half amused and half annoyed, "You still feel disappointed, don't you?"

"But Kyle was all excellent in the beginning." Hermione said.

"Can't you find a normal person to use as a reference?" Ron raised his voice, not understanding Hermione's behavior of asking for trouble.

"Seriously, if I could get an 'excellent', even just one, I would jump for joy."

Ron opened his envelope.

As expected, there wasn't a single 'Excellent', but thankfully there were seven 'A's' on the parchment.

"Not bad." Mrs. Weasley said with a smile. She ruffled Ron's hair, "O.W.L. passed the seventh gate, which is much better than I thought."

To be honest, compared to Ron's previous results, this result has been greatly improved.

By now, Mrs. Weasley no longer expects Ron to get many 'O's. She just needs to maintain this grade and get seven certificates after graduation.

"And Harry's." Ron looked at the last envelope in his hand and asked, "Should we send it to him?"

"Do you want to go?" Hermione asked.

Ron shook his head decisively. But it wasn't that he felt sorry for Harry, the main reason was that he was afraid that the magical beast would become addicted to beating him, and he would also be beaten when he went to deliver the letter.

"How about waiting for Harry to come back in the evening and let him dismantle it by himself?"


The two quickly agreed, and Ron sent Harry's report card to his room.

"By the way, where's Kyle?" Hermione looked around, and suddenly realized that she hadn't seen Kyle all morning.

"I went to the Ministry of Magic with Arthur this morning," Mrs. Weasley said.

"He's gone to the Ministry of Magic?"

"Yes, I persuaded Kyle to let him rest for two more days, but he insisted that it was not necessary." Mrs. Weasley said, "Do you have anything to do with him?"

"I have some questions about magic text that I don't understand, and I want to ask him." Hermione said.

"Then you have to wait until evening." Mrs. Weasley said, "He will come back here for dinner, and he will stay here for the rest of the holidays."

"That's it." Hermione said, "Mrs. Weasley, let me help with the laundry too."

"No need to wash, a simple magic will do it. I'm just going to hang them out to dry. Everything in this house is good, but it doesn't get much sunlight."

Time soon came to evening, and Mrs. Weasley prepared a large pot of beef stew and served it to the table during the Ministry of Magic's closing time.

Hermione also brought a thick magic book and planned to ask Kyle a few questions after finishing the meal.

But she sat at the dining table and waited for more than an hour. Even Harry staggered up from the basement, but Kyle still didn't come back.

And not just Kyle, including Mr. Weasley, Lupin, Sirius and the other Weasley children, have not returned.

"Oh, I think they must be working overtime." Mrs. Weasley looked at the time for the seventh time. She forced a smile and said, "Let's eat first, and we won't wait for them."

She took out her wand and waved it, and the cold beef stew quickly became steaming hot.

Then she took a spoon and poured the beef stew into everyone's bowls.

But it was obvious that Mrs. Weasley was a little distracted and spilled the broth several times.

"It must be fine." Hermione whispered: "He must be too busy at work, the mysterious man... He must not dare to attack the Ministry of Magic, right?"

"You are right." Mrs. Weasley smiled, "Eat quickly and then go to bed early."

"Mom..." Ron wanted to say something else, but Hermione shook her head slightly at him.

No one spoke for the rest of the day, and everyone finished their dinner hastily.

The children went upstairs, while Mrs. Weasley sat in the living room, glancing in the direction of the door from time to time.

"Strange, why haven't they come back yet." At the corner of the stairs, Ginny and Ron poked their heads out and glanced at the door where there was no movement.

"I don't know, maybe the Ministry of Magic has taken some action..." Hermione glanced at the two of them worriedly and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Weasley and the others will be fine, even if the mysterious man..."

Hermione's words suddenly stopped and she said vaguely: "If there is any big event, someone will definitely come to deliver the news. Don't forget, this is the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.

"Anyway, let's go back to the room first."

"I won't go back." Ginny squatted stubbornly, "I want to wait here."

"Me too," said Ron.

Although what Hermione said made sense, most of the Weasley family was outside now. How could they go back to their room to sleep peacefully under such circumstances.

The two of them were hiding at the corner of the stairs, and Harry was the same. Even though he had been tortured by the cat and leopard all day, he still wanted to wait for Sirius here.

Hermione said nothing more and waited quietly with them.

Time passed little by little, and soon it was late at night.

Meanwhile, Diagon Alley.

The originally bustling street was deserted at this time, the shop doors on both sides were closed tightly, and deafening explosions and roars continued to be heard all around.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A life-killing curse flew over and blew the sign of Ella's Owl Shop to pieces.

Under the cover of two Aurors, a middle-aged wizard moved from the main street to a small alley. Behind them were a group of Death Eaters wearing black cloaks and masks.

"Hand over the man!" the leader of the Death Eaters said in a hoarse voice.

"Don't even think about it!" Tonks waved her wand, sending a red light into the sky.

"There!" Someone shouted not far away.

"Kill her!" the Death Eater roared.

But before they could raise their wands, more Aurors appeared, riding broomsticks and swarming over from all directions.



In order to avoid the curses flying from all directions, the Death Eaters had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​killing Tonks and instead pointed their wands at the Auror in the sky, causing chaos in the whole street.

And the middle-aged wizard who just ran into Knockturn Alley is not really safe. In the shadows, several pairs of eyes are staring at him and getting closer.

The man nervously took out his wand, and just as he was about to leave, he heard a voice coming from behind.

"I suggest you don't go back in there, Mr. Fusco. The depths of Knockturn Alley are not necessarily any safer than the outside."

"Who's there?"

The man was so frightened that he turned around quickly and pointed his wand at the person.

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Fusco." Kyle came over and said calmly: "It's me."

"Prove it!" Florin Fusco still did not let down his guard, "Prove that you are not pretending to be Polyjuice Potion."

"Voldemort is a noseless fool," Kyle said.

Hearing Voldemort's name, Florin Fusco shivered subconsciously, but he finally put down his wand.

Now he was sure that the person in front of him was real. After all, Death Eaters would not dare to say that about Voldemort.

"Feel sorry."

"It's okay, I understand." Kyle came to Fusco's side.

Bill, Charlie, Fred and George scattered around, forcing those with bad intentions back.

"Everyone go home and go to bed." Fred looked at the people hiding in the shadows with a hint of threat in his tone. "Otherwise, after tomorrow, I will come to Knockturn Alley every hour to check. By then, I guarantee that you won't be able to sell anything."

There were rustling sounds and whispered curses all around, but Fred and George didn't care at all.

Gradually, the sound disappeared and the alley became quiet again.

"I didn't expect it to be solved so easily." George said with a smile.

"They are not afraid of you," Bill glanced at him and said, "but they are afraid of the Aurors and Death Eaters outside."

"I know." George shrugged, "But there are no Aurors here now, just us."

"Kyle." Charlie came over, "How did you know that Death Eaters would attack Diagon Alley."

"It's not me." Kyle shook his head and whispered.

In fact, this matter must be attributed to Mr. Granger.

Coincidentally, everyone knows that the sound insulation of the rooms in the Leaky Cauldron is poor, so in order to avoid being disturbed, most wizards will add sound insulation magic to the room after staying here, but Mr. Granger does not do this .

He overheard some of the Death Eaters discussing their plan of action in the corridor.

Although there was not much content, the words 'wait until night before taking action' and 'must survive' still made him very concerned.

Kyle had something to go to Gringotts today, and happened to meet Mr. Granger at the door of the Owl Post Office who was about to write a letter to Hermione. He mentioned it in passing while chatting.

However, in order to protect the safety of Mr. Granger, Kyle did not mention this matter to anyone. He only said that he had received anonymous information.

"Anyway, thanks to your information." Charlie said with lingering fear as he listened to the explosion not far away: "Who would have thought that Death Eaters would attack Diagon Alley? What are they doing?"

"You have to ask Mr. Fusco." Kyle turned to look at the middle-aged wizard.

"I don't know either." Florin Fusco shook his head. "They didn't say anything when they came up. They just blew up my door. If the Auror hadn't arrived in time, I might have been captured by them. ”

"This is strange." Fred frowned, "It can't be that the mysterious man wants to eat ice cream."

Apart from this explanation, he really couldn't figure out why the Death Eaters would attack an ice cream shop owner.

But the mysterious man likes to eat ice cream? The image was so beautiful that it was almost unimaginable.

"I guess they may also want to find Mr. Ollivander." Florin Fusco said, "When the Auror took me to escape just now, I accidentally saw a few Death Eaters going to the wand shop. "

"Ollivander is not in the store." Fred frowned: "In fact, his store has been closed for a long time."

"This is normal." Fusco said, "Mr. Ollivander needs to find materials for making wands. This is a very time-consuming job. Whenever this happens, he will not come back until two weeks before the start of school.

"But luckily he left and escaped."

"It's hard to say." Kyle shook his head.

Perhaps it would be better for Ollivander to be in Diagon Alley today, because he had received the news in advance, and the Auror was very sure that he could save him.

But if he was found by Death Eaters outside, there would really be nothing they could do.

"Boom!" There was another explosion.

A Death Eater rushed into Knockturn Alley, and her mask fell off, revealing a ferocious and crazy face.

Antonin Dolohov, the Death Eater who was captured in the Department of Mysteries, actually escaped again.

It is estimated that Voldemort rescued him when the dementors rebelled collectively.

"It's you again, go to hell, cut out your bones!"

The enemy was extremely jealous when he saw Kyle. When he saw Kyle, he cast a Cruciatus Curse without saying a word.

But his intention was so obvious that Kyle easily dodged it.

"Don't be so excited." Kyle hid behind a barrel, "Don't you want to know why you failed today?"

"Why!" Antonin Dolokhov said coldly: "Say it, and maybe I can show mercy and let you die a little more happily."

"Of course someone told us." Kyle said, "Why else do you think Auror would know your plan."

"You're lying to me!" Antonin Dolohov narrowed his eyes.

Although he is bad, he is not stupid. The hint of conspiracy in Kyle's words almost hit his face.

"I'm just kind-hearted." Kyle said with a bit of pride in his tone, "You can't run away today anyway. I'm just showing kindness and want you to understand... But since you don't want to hear it, forget it. Bar."

"Tell me your name." Antonin Dolokhov said solemnly: "Who dares to betray the great Dark Lord."

"Aren't you smart? Just guess it yourself." Kyle smiled, "Maybe that person is by your side, and you have been neighbors together for more than ten years."

"Tell me your name!"

"He's over there..." At this time, several Aurors also rushed into Diagon Alley, raising their wands and pointing them at Antonin Dolohov.


"Full body bondage!"

"All petrified!"

"Damn Auror!"

Antonin Dolokhov waved his wand and blocked all the flying spells.

Although I really wanted to catch Kyle and get the traitor's name from him, it was too late at this time.

Facing so many Aurors, Antonin Dolohov knew very well that he would definitely be caught if he continued to stay here.

"Just wait, I will catch you one day!"

After saying those cruel words, he ran towards the depths of Knockturn Alley without looking back, and several Aurors immediately followed him.

"Are you okay, Kyle?" Lupine also ran over from outside and asked.

One of his arms seemed to be injured and was hanging limply, but Lupine didn't care at all.

"We're fine." Kyle shook his head and said, "How's it going outside?"

"Most of the Death Eaters are under control, and it is only a matter of time before they are caught." Lupine said, "Where is Dolohov?"

"Run away." Kyle glanced at his arm, "But several Aurors have already chased them. In your current state, even if you go, you can't help."

"This... okay." Lu Ping hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to stay where he was and did not chase after him.

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