Chapter 2: 2, it continues
"Hey! Winston! Can you hear me!"
What the hell? Where am I?
Memories not my own flood into my head. An Orphan huh? Well, it would be weird calling someone different mom and dad. 5 years old? Hmmm.
Looking to my left, the kid currently pulling my check and yelling in an attempt to get
my attention has bat wings. I'd guess it's like mid-day. We seem to also be in a playground, I can see some broccoli looking kid. Oh wait. My hero academia, eh?
"AHHHHH" My gazes jumps back to the kid with wings, now cowering on the ground as he tries to crawl away. More screams flood the playground, everyone seems to be running now.
What's going on? Looking around I can only see three kids left here. Izuku, Katsumi,
wait Katsumi? I can deal with that later, and the final kid. I guess I can recognize Fuze even as a child, with black wings and white
hair. Izuku seems to be frozen solid in fear, and Katsumi is glued to the floor, with a hundred-yard stare.
Fuze runs in to hug me. "WINNY!" But as she closes in, I notice a red shimmer around my body. Wait? Shimmer? OH! My soul must have just acclimated! She can't seem to get close enough to hug me.
"Hey, let me in! "She starts banging her fist on my ...aura? ...Yes, let's go with aura.
"I'm not exactly sure how to turn this off"
She tilts her head in confusion. "Have you asked?"
That is worth a try. "Aura turn off." Nope. Hmmm. Now that I think about it I
kind a feel bigger. Not like taller or anything, but like fuller almost? Like I'm an overfilled bucket.
"Fuze that didn't work, do you feel any different?"
She looks around and shrugs, but then she stops for a second and grins.
She's gone?!
What the hell? "Hahahaha, I'm in invincible baby!" She starts to zap all over the place until she zaps herself through a tree. Burning it in the process.
I can hear sirens ever so slightly in the distance. "Hey Fuze! I the cops are
"For what!"
"You're breaking the law!"
She stops zapping from place to place. "Oh yeah, hehehe" She starts to rub her neck absent mindedly.
Looking back to Izuku and Katsumi, they are still a bit frozen. I walk over to Katsumi, but she slowly backs away. Okay Winston, think of a vacuum or an air lock or something. Oh a forge! Just gotta cut off the air supply! I stand there for a minute as I feel my aura slowly recede into me, and after a minute or two its almost fully gone. Now with only a light red shimmer to my body, I extend hand forward.
"You should probably get up; you'll get dirt all over yourself." She looks at me for a second before nodding and shakily grabbing my hand. I slowly pull her up, as the cops arrive.
As far as police stations go this one is pretty nice, the cops had to file a report and for our parents to get a quirk examination scheduled up. Legal guardian in my case, and Katsumi and Fuze's mom in theirs. Turns out Fuze got adopted by Mitsuki.
After at least an hour of what feels like sucking in my gut but across my entire being, the shimmer has gone away. Mitsuki showed up with Inko following close behind her.
Inko and Mitsuki wanted to adopt me as well, but things just didn't work out that way. Even in this world money is scarce. Inko does help around the orphanage part time though, so she is my legal guardian by technicality. She's my not-mom mom.
"Are you two alright!" Inko comes in close to huge both Izuku and I, holding back the literal waterfalls.
"I am alright. Though something weird happened with my quirk." I do hug her back;
the woman is very comfy. Warm too.
Izuku talks for what is the first time in hours. "Y-y-yeah, h-he s-started to g-glow red, and i-it felt like I was b-being c-crushed-d."
"Yeah! What the Hell was that!" Katsumi yelled only for Fuze to flick her in the head.
"Don't swear at Winny!" Mitsuki then roughly messed up both of the girl's hair.
"Katsumi stop swearing in public, Fuze don't hit your little sister!"
Inko looks at the four of us with a confused plastered to her face. "Winston, your quirk is multiply right?" I nod. "Well, we will have to check with the quirkologist on the way home."
"Wait a second!" Katsumi looks to her mother, "Fu was turning into lightning!"
With a sigh Mitsuki looks to Inko, "I guess we'll have to come along as well."
The six of us left for Mitsuki's minivan after Inko and her finished the paperwork and
called the appointment in.
The drive was a bit quiet. That is until Izuku bounced back and started asking questions about what happened.
"Did you feel any different? Can you do that again? Is there a cooldown? Can you breathe fire? What about yo-" I cut him off.
"Look I feel fine. It just feels like I'm sucking in my stomach. I maybe hungry too."
"I can make katsudon when we get back." Inko says from in the passenger seat.
"Hey! Fu! Why do you keep hugging Winston!"
"Cause I have to protect him!"
"From what! He can just make a hundred copies of himself! And turn red now!"
"From robots." We all look at her like she just grew a second head.
We finally arrived at the examination building, they're open pretty much 24/7. Right now it's a little bit after 4pm.
After walking through a hallway for a second we reach the main desk. The nurse looks at
us, "Ah, you must be the 4:30pm group. "Dr. Garaki can see you now."
Inko opens the door, and the doctor turns his head to us. "Hoh Hoh, secondary quirk
developments are quite rare, but two at the same time. That is extraordinary!" Fuze subtly stands in front of me.
"Now then, tell me about the incident."
Me and Fuze share a look. "Well, we were playing in the park when I started to glow. All of the other kids started to run and scream. Izuku said that it felt like some kind of weight was put on him. I managed to pull back the red glow somehow."
The doctor takes some notes and looks at Fuze. "I could just zap to places."
"Zap, you say? "
"Mhm! I was like zaap and then I was on the other side of the park, and I could go all over." He continues his notes for a moment.
After two hours of testing, the doctor came to a conclusion. "Well from what I can observe, this is indeed a secondary quirk development and not some sort of odd advancement." Looking back to his notes for a minute, "I will update both of your quirk registries, make sure to schedule another appointment if any of you notice anything else."
Leaving the office. We head back to Inko's to eat dinner, then I get dropped off at the
orphanage. Not without Fuze begging to stay with.
"Are you sure I can't stay the night!" Fuze puts on her deadly puppy eyes, which makes even the fearsome Mitsuki flinch.
"Nope, you still have some homework to finish." A loud sigh is Fuze's only answer.
They all leave after waving goodbye. Wait. Homework! Oh, goddamnit. I'm in preschool. I walk into the building, say hello to Sister Mary and head straight to my room.
Inside, I have a bed, desk, and lamp. Normally the children would have to share
rooms, but since there are only six other children, each gets our own room.
Orphans are uncommon in the area.
As night falls and I find myself in a somewhat comfortable bed, my eyes close and I drift into sleep.
I opened my eyes again to see the open sky, a beautiful blue. With a few clouds and the
songs of birds, it feels like I am in the garden of Eden. Oh wait. This is Avalon the realm isn't it.
Looking around I see Excalibur Sheathed with in Avalon, slightly hovering above the
ground, and with a sphere of golden aura surrounding it. It is a peerless work of art. I can feel the elegance forged into it. Like I was seeing a loved one, I carve its image into my mind. Walking toward it I reach out to Excalibur's handle.
Grabbing it feels like I have re-attached a third arm, one I didn't know I was missing.
I can feel it accepting me. The aura washing over me, and with that I release my own. It is only right to show all that I am, to show it what it has shown me.
Releasing my aura had a different effect than I thought it would. There is so much more of it now. So much denser as well.
With a breath to prepare myself I pull.
Simply pulling Excalibur from its sheath sounds like a choir of angels blessing my
action. Revealing Excalibur in all of its glory. Like Avalon it is an artwork unlike any other. But in a different manor. Avalon feels like the protective embrace of a mother, while Excalibur is mother nature's wrath. A sharpen gleam that can kill, a metallic rose with thorns. Intricate engravings and runes of ancient fairies.
So, clear I can see my reflection in it, my dark brown hair and what I think are distinguished features. My palish skin clearly was the same, but if you looked close enough my skin had some sort of almost transparent scale pattern. My eyes, though. They're red and look reptilian.
After a moment of looking at the sword of the planet. I sheath it once more into Avalon.
"So, both Excalibur and Avalon have accepted you." I swing my head around to see the goddess behind me. Looking up to her towering figure. "Oh, child of old spirit, you have been claimed by the sword of the
planet. Will you claim the responsibilities that come with it? Will you bear the burden of Humanities executioner?"
She stood easily 2 meters tall, bosom and figure with no equal in size and proportion, long wheat golden blond hair falling a few centimeters about the ground, skin white as snow with slight muscle showing through, emerald eyes that look like gems, wearing a white toga that covered her figure but left
little to the imagination.
"I am the embodiment of the realm of Avalon, what is left of this world's mysteries, and the last of the fairies. Now then child, your answer?" She looked at me with emerald eyes.
"What do you mean by executioner?"
"When the world sees fit, you must wield Excalibur and Avalon to slay those who seek to harm the world and humanity."
I need a minute to think.
She brings herself to my level. "This is a daunting task, and for that I will grant you one wish within my power." She hasn't broken I contact yet, her face very close to mine.
Without thinking I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. "Will you marry me?"
Why did I ask that?! I could have asked for unlimited cash!! My face feels like
it will burn off!
She brings her hand to her chin in thought. "Very well. Young Winston, I shall be your bride."
"Huh? HUUUUUUUUUH?!!!? You actually accepted?! I was just speaking nonsense!"
"I can see into your soul; this is what you truly desired with all of your heart
in that moment."
"But we just met! We have to date or something first! You have to see if I am what you are looking for! I refuse to marry you unless this is what you want too as well! I don't even know your name!"
"A Chivalrous thought." She says with an almost non-perceptual smile gracing
her lips. "I am the spirit of the earth; I have no other name than that." Her face is still close to mine.
"Very well young Winston." She brings her gentle but firm hands to my face, cupping my checks, and most of my face. "Until we both
see fit, we shall be betrothed, from now and till we marry I shall court you."
She kisses my forehead, waking me up to the real world.
That night, in a secluded laboratory sat a man in a medical coat concealed by the
"Interesting, Doctor. Neither showed evidence of a quirk factor yet both manifested not just one, but had a secondary development as well?" The voice that spoke was calm, unsettlingly so. As if the one behind it knew the answer to all problems.
"Yes, my master. These children are truly oddities. They throw my theory of quirk singularity into question, quirk factors are the signs of evolution!. U.C.H. will no doubt try and get their hands on them!" The doctor's brash, but truthful remark caused the unseen speaker to chuckle.
"You may be right doctor, but we have accumulated our own ensemble of twice gifted. For now, we observe and prepare. All Might gains experience and strength by the hour."
"Yes, master."