Chapter 1: 1, Where it starts
El Salvador has never been the safest of places, at least to my knowledge. For as
long as I can remember it has pretty much been a shithole, and that includes
when it became a prison state. I think that was... 2034? Or was it 2033? Either
way, it is a hellhole. Which is why I am charging extra for being here.
I mean, for starters its cliche, discussing a high profile hit in a shady bar. Hiring someone who could legitimately be considered the world's greatest spy, to get
the inmate list of the entire country sounds intriging enough. But this shitty bar could have been a casino or something. Its a bit too dreary here for me.
Pushing the door open, the smell of cheap booze and sound of pool balls colliding wash over me. Cliche. So very cliche.
Oh, look he's here.
I pull out a chair next to the booth, that thing looks down right yucky.
"Alright, you understand the fees that this transaction will incur, right? Tryng to find those yellow pages won't be the easiest thing to do."
The man looks at me, bro looks like a drawf who drank too much ale.
"Ah, yes of course Mr. Wayne. blah blah blah Mcjager blah"
I stopped listening, He's paying. That's enough for me. He said he's looking for
a Mcjager and a few others. I already got an up to date blue print on the place. Man, did I really skip rewatching Code Geass for this?
Yes. Yes, I did.
"And so, when you find Mcjager, I wan't you to find an escape route and meet me at the extraction point in this." He slides a yellow envelope to me.
"Oh, neat." I pick it up and peak in it.
"Mr. Wayne, I look forward to see you then."
Getting up the drawf of a man leaves the bar. That guy really looks like a dwarf, like seriously. He's got the beard and everything. Well, let's get this thing started.
These watch towers should have a better secuirty detail than this, at night especially. I only found 7 watchmen, 16 gaurds, and 74 cameras. Well 75 if we count the currently out of order one, that just so happened to give me a blindspot to the only ledge that doesn't get hit by the watch lights, that was
made when one of the construction contracter's fucked up and didn't tell anyone. What a coincidence, its almost as if I had "convinced" the contracter to tell me. Oh well, we don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents.
Suit. Check? Smart Pistol? Check. Carbon nano-fiber ultra underlining Mk 2? Check.
Modular Goggles? Check. Micro Wing Suit Mod? Check. USB? Check.
Alright. I should be ready now, especially after memorizing the laydown of the building.
Which may have taken longer than I'd like, gotta lay off of the turbo YouTok-Uber-eats shorts. Man, no one excpetced that merger.
Welp here goes nothing. Putting my foot to the ledge, I look down the 200 meter drop. This is my favorite part.
Jumping down, and with a press of a button, small gliding wings form on my suit. With
some expert manuvering no one notices my decent onto the roof. Slipping into the vents and into the main warden's office.
Who knew that the warden falls asleep at 10:35pm every night? I do. Well, his wife does, who told me at a casino the other night, that I just happened to be at. That
girl needs some excitment in her life, living in a prison sounds like a downer, even if they have a 3 story apartment in the place. She gave up the info after some playful talk about what I can do with some duck tape and a riding crop. And a lot of tequila sunrises.
Well, either way I am here, only took like 45minutes and a screw driver I found. I just plug in the USB and wait. Thank God for Gary, I don't know anyone else that could fit a super computer into a USB. Not to mention one that can hack into pretty much anything. I am so lucky to have friends.
You know, this place is pretty hug---
The door blows off its hinges, hurling itself towards the both the computer and the poor
smuck behind it. Oh wait.
Rolling out of the way at the last second, "WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT!"
"I do" out from the smoke walks a redhead wih wolf cut and smirk that could make an angel fall.
"Oh goddammit, woman what the HELL! Didn't that baldy tell you someone ALREADY TOOK THE JOB!"
Tilting her head in confusion, "huh?"
"Whatever let's just get out of here. Fuze you have an escape route, right?"
"Yup, blow our way out."
She is the reason I smoke.
Fuck it. I'm over it. "We need to find Mcjager and cheez-it."
"Aye-aye captain!"
The audacity of this bitch can be delt with later. Grabbing the USB, we ran out the
door, hopefully we got the data.
As we exit the door, we face a literal army of robots.
"Well fuck." Putting up our hands is probably the best idea. But they don't take intruders alive. I tackle Fuze to the ground hoping that
the suppressing fire misses.
It doesn't, while that wouldn't be the worst of problems, a grenade lands next to us.
"Double Fuck."
Just as the grenade lights up, time stops.
I look down at Fuze one more time, and sigh. I embrace her with the little time we have left.
"Sorry." She says with the faintest of voices. The regret is palpable.
"It's... It's alright."
My eyes burst open. I can't make out much of my surroundings, am I in an office?
Everything is a bit blurry.
Looking to my right I see Fuze, I see that dopey face she makes when she sleeps. It looks like she's in a comfy office chair. Not one of those shitty erganomic ones either,
an old fashioned lazy boy. Looking down it seems like I'm in one too.
Looking forward, my heart stops. I can see what can only be described as a demon made of changning kaleidoscopic colors sitting on top of a mahogany desk.
And he seems to be laughing. My guess is that he's laughing at me.
"Quite so, you two did die in a humerous manor." He coughs into his hand. "Now then, let us get down to business. You should wake up the lady, this next bit will be important."
I nudge Fuze awake.
"Mhmm... pancakes... winny makes the best..." I flick her forehead. "Huh?" she looks at me for a moment and starts to tear up.
"I am so sorry!" She tackles me with a hug. "Fig said you needed back up and I rushed out to help and and and" she starts sobbing into my chest before she could finish.
"Look, what's done is done. I need you to pay attention, this guy has something important to tell us."
She looks to the demon and in an instant, she puts herself in front of me.
"Good, now that I have both of your attention we can begin. First off, you two chuckle nuts are getting reincarnated!"
"Huh?" me and Fuze reply in tandom.
"Indeed, in accroding to subsection c of $&@!, you both are to be reincarnated. And seeing as the two of you died together, I figured I could speak to you both."
"So, how would this work exactly?"
"Well, you have two options. Option 1: you pick a world you wish to be born in, a time, a place, and even family. Option 2: you get thrown into a random world, but you get three wishes. One for an item, one for the body, and one for the spirit. And just because I'm a nice guy, I'll let you both reincarnate in the same world. But no wish granting powers, no systems, no templates, and no demension hopping "
Fuze looks to me and thinks for a moment, "I want you to have my wish." I almost get hit with whip lash, "after what happened, its the least I can do."
I need a second to think... Alright, I have a plan.
"Mr. Demon, for option 1, does the family have to relate to the world in question?"
"Yes, yes it does."
"Then for option 2, say I wish for a sword, would you grant me its sheath as well?"
He grins, a terrible grin. One that seems to pull all light into it."Well, I will decided after you ask."
"In the case of option 2, what do you mean by spirit? Do you mean ability?"
"Ah, an important question. The body refers to physical attributes, while spirit is more supernatural in nature. Think of super strength verse telepathy."
"Fuze." I look her in the eye, her navy blue eyes. "I want you to pick option 2, but I want to choose what you wish for. This will
be the start of a whole new life after all."
"Un!" She replies with a nod and a smile.
Looking back to the demon, "I will choose option 2." His grin elongates. "I wish for Excalibur and Avalon, the ability of Multi-Paul, but not the body, and for my soul to have the strength and ability of Ddraig the Heavenly Red Dragon Emperor before being sealed by God."
Thedemon swings his head back in laughter. After a few minutes, " very well boy, I except some entertainment." He then looks to Fuze.
"Uh." You can almost see steam coming from her ears as her brain works. "How about, Enel's devil fruit minus the weakness to swimming for the item? All types of Haki for spirit. And the body of a Lunarian that
can... change shapes? "
"Hmm. Sounds good to me."
Both Fuze and I sigh a breath of relief.
"Oh, before you to go, You guys are heading to the world of My Hero Academia, with a little spice added in. Have fun!" Pulling up his hand he snaps.
And they were gone. "Hehehehe, those two are gonna be entertaining."