Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished


“WHAT THE FUCK?!!?!?!?!” My yell caused Saya and the old man to freeze dead in their tracks. 

Saya had her hands on the man's belt buckle and her eyes were wide open. The old man was as white as a sheet of paper, and his mouth continuously flapped open and closed like a fish out of water.

“S-She!!!” The old man seemed to be the one who broke the silence. 

He pushed Saya to the ground. Saya sat up with her hair covering her face. 

The old man pointed atSaya accusingly, his face contorting into anger. “I don’t know her! She was the one who initiated it!!!” 

My mouth almost dropped when I heard the Old man’s excuse. But, my shock quickly turned into a fiery rage. “MOTHERFUCKER!!!” 

“I-I’ll give you money!” The old man pleaded as he raised his hands harmlessly. 

My legs moved before I had given them the command and I found myself making a mad dash towards the old man. “I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!!!” 

“Argh!” The old man screamed loudly as he turned to flee. 

I don’t know where the old man thought he was going, but I quickly caught up to him. Just before I reached him, Saya stuck out her leg and I tripped. Luckily I had already thrown my fist at the back of his head and managed to hit him just before I stumbled and fell. 

“Arghhhh!” The old man screamed as he toppled to the ground. 

My nose was bleeding and so was my mouth, but I didn’t care. 

I quickly got back to my feet while the old man was struggling to get up. 

I ran over to the old man and kicked him in the mouth as he got to his knees. 

Blood sprayed everywhere and he hit the ground hard. 

I jumped on top of him, and he raised his arms to shield his face. 

I started screaming at the top of my lungs, swinging like a mad man. The man was screaming as well, but his screams were those of fear and not rage. 

“You bitch! You set me up!” The old man screamed. 

My vision turned red, and I started punching even harder. Blood stains both of our clothes. 

How dare he?! How could he possibly act like the victim in this situation?! He was an adult, she was a child! Evil bastard! 

“Fat piece of shit! I’m going to fucking kill you!” His teeth cracked, his bones crunched, and blood was painting his face. “Pedo-“ 

A static sound entered my ear drums, and my body clenched up as I toppled over. 

My heart was beating a thousand miles a minute and I was out of breath and covered in sweat. 

I looked up to see Saya standing over me with a malicious look in her eyes. She was holding something black but I couldn’t make out what it was. 

“Wha…wha..” The red mist finally dissipated. The sudden realization of what I had just done setting in. 

The thought of sitting in jail raced through my mind, but then I realized that I wasn’t in the wrong. He was! What he was doing was a crime, and I just stopped him! So why was Saya looking at me like I was the criminal?! 

I continued to take deep breaths, collecting my thoughts in the process. 

I don’t know what Saya just did to me, but maybe it was good that she stopped me. If it went any further I would have probably killed him. I don’t know if I’ll go to jail for that, but at this point it doesn’t matter! He needs to be in jail for what he's done, and Saya.. she needs help. 

The way that man treated her, the offering of money, it’s glaringly obvious. 

In the game she did engage in compensated dating, but according to her it didn't involve sexual favors in exchange for money. And the game itself never said otherwise. But, it looks like this world has its own story. More than likely due to the increased difficulty. 

I looked up to Saya as she stared down at me, her eyes cold and her face blank. 

“I’m sorry.” I think being here influenced this world to change and caused Saya’s life to change for the worst.  

Tears welled up in my eyes and I was forced to look away from Saya. Once I turned my head, I saw the old man stumbling away. 

“Mother-“ Before I could finish my sentence, a Jolt of pain coming from my thigh overwhelmed me. The same clicking noise in my ear. My body spasmed and I clenched up again. “Arrrgg!!” 

I finally noticed what Saya was holding, it was a taser! 

“What the fu-“ Saya brought down her taser again, striking me in the testicles this time. “Argggh!!!” 

Where was everyone?! I know we were in a secluded part of the station, but surely someone heard us? 

Saya held the taser to my private area for what seemed like an eternity before it stopped. 

Mucus poured out of my nose, and tears ran down my cheeks. 

Saya was panting on the ground, her eyes feral. 

“Pl-please stop?” Those words left my mouth without a single thought. My body felt weak and I was about to throw up. 

“STOP?!” Saya screamed as she stood up. “FUCK YOU!” 

Saya reached into her sweater and pulled a red ovals shaped item. She pointed it at me, her eyes burning red with anger. 

A *pssh* sound excited the item as a murky liquid struck me in the face. A second later, my face and my eyes burned like hell. 

“Arghhh!!!” My throat and nostrils burned, the burning sensation was so bad that it travelled to my lungs. “I’m sorry!!!” 


”I was just trying to help…” I struggled to speak, my mouth burning and swelling.

“AND?!” Saya kicked me in the face.  

Saya started hurling kicks at me, striking me in the groin, stomach, ribs and face. I did my best to cover up, but it wasn’t good enough to stop all of the blows. 


“I..just.. want to save you…” I weakly muttered. 

Saya spit on me after I said that. Her face was growing darker than it already was. “I DONT GIVE A FUCK!” 

Am I.. going to die.. again? Please, not like this..

Saya bent down and grabbed my hair, lifting my face up to meet her’s. 

Saya’s eyes were cold and cruel, her expression unreadable. A chill ran up my spine and alarm heels were ringing non stop. 

I heard something click, and then a silver blade was brought up to my cheek. 

“If you come near me again, I’ll kill you.” Saya said coolly.

“O..okay!” I nodded my head nonstop, which caused Saya to form a malicious smile.

“Good.” Saya pulled the blade back, and stabbed me in the arm before quickly pulling it back out. 

“Arrrgh!” The world was spinning as my vision faded in and out. 

Though my vision was becoming dark, I could still make out Saya walking away without looking back. 

★★Rank increased!! New title earned!!★★

I no longer had the energy to keep my eyes open, and the darkness quickly overcame me. 


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