Harry potter: the ring maker


These malicious beings were a very big problem due to an innate ability they all had , nature magic. The treants had the innate ability to command the plantlife around them via magic which meant that should they leave their forests and find themselves on farmland they effectively turned it into a honey trap that in truth only promises death. This unfortunately resulted in every tree within a certain distance of a city or farm being forcefully removed. Nick wasn't the one who had this problem due to his area being near the sea and thus nearly barren of trees to begin with. -

Dumbledore however was having serious problems with it thanks to the forbidden forest and other trees near Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. The biggest problem that Nick had however was the sea beasts that already lived near his island having transformed into more powerful and aggressive beings that made the sea unsafe. Speaking of the island Nicks mana gathering array with the new normal level of mana in the world had created a pocket of near toxically dense mana within the island. For him and Dotty it wasn't a problem but the creatures living on the island were having trouble adapting to it.-

Due to this Nick had little choice but to shrink the array to around the manor since he wasn't intending to cause undue suffering to the residents of the island. The situation in the english isles was also unfortunately amongst the best in the world as beyond France that had Flammel there was only a handful of powerhouses that people could rely on which devolved most of the rest of the world into savage kill or be killed states. Most of the ministries had barely managed to set up their own small refuges but the situation was bleak for them as they lost more and more lives to beasts and war bands that were interested in their resources.-

Amongst these chaotic times powerful hidden organizations or individuals popped up to seize power for themselves. One such organization was none other than the order of the golden sands led by the one known only as "the elder" who was a powerful being that easily suppressed the beasts in their territory. Unfortunately the organization was wizard supremacy based and as result any muggles that thought shelter under them were enslaved to provide for the wizards.-

Without the weapons that made them a force to be feared muggles were unfortunately vastly outmatched at this point and the wizards knew it. As a result on a global scale the muggle population dropped even lower than the ministries had estimated as barely three billion humans were left on the planet. By June the situation had reached a sort of balance globally but the death toll was still growing as it was a tenuous one at best. "My lord I assure you this one can handle the situation whilst you are away." Dotty said when Nick showed a desire to leave to go check on the god he found previously.-

"I am not doubting your competency , but I am reluctant to step away in the chance that something requiring my attention should appear." Nick said with a sigh as he went over the paperwork he had for his settlement. Economic reports , battle reports , technological reports and resource statistics to name a few things he had to deal with. Nick had even established an adventurers guild in his territory whose members were tasked with exploring the strange new world around them and handling beast populations as well as reporting on any new species of plants or animals they spot.-

It came as little surprise that it was mostly the younger generation that joined this guild and were being trained by golems Nick prepared for this job. "In the last month there has been no new changes in the situation my lord so I find your concerns unfounded." Dotty argued sternly. Nick sighed "I know that but I am still worried." he said honestly. "You will only be gone a mere day or two at most. If we can not handle that amount of time without your presence then this settlement was doomed from the start." Dotty said with finality and Nick couldn't really argue with that logic.-

"I suppose I'll be going then." he said before turning into his Animagus form and vanishing in a crackle of electricity. The dwemer ruin was just as he had left it with no easily noticeable differences despite there being more mana than last time. The molten metal lake however was an entirely different matter as the whole thing swirled around the crystal in it's center like a whirlpool while shrinking and the moment he stepped foot in that chamber Nick stiffened as he felt a gaze upon him.

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