Harry potter: the ring maker


The seal was still present in the crystal but Nick knew that the god within was awake now. There was no hostility from the gaze though but rather a sort of curiosity and confusion. {WhAt ArE YoU?} a deep rumble echoed throughout the chamber in an unusual manner that Nick had trouble understanding. It was as if the god had spoken through the very fabric of the world itself rather than with a true verbal method. "I am what you see and yet more as well." Nick spoke in reply nervously. -

{So YoU Do NoT KnOw ThEn.} the being replied with a clear amount of amusement. "Are you Hephaestus?" Nick decided to ask bluntly since the answer determined his next actions. If this was Zeus instead of the forge god like he thought then he was going to leave immediately and begin setting traps all over this place. {HoW Do YoU KnOw ThAt NaMe?} the question sounded calm but Nick could feel the caution in it as well. "That is but a single of the names that was remembered by humanity belonging to the gods. That name in particular fit the properties of the energy you have released over the years." Nick said truthfully.-

The god remained silent for a few moments after Nick spoke and he could feel the gaze on him intensify as if searching for any sign of deception. "I Am InDeEd HEPHAESTUS. WhAt Do ThE HuMaNs ReMeMbEr Of Us?} The god asked with perceivable hope. Nick also noticed that the name was spoken in a clear manner which showed the gods familiarity with it. Thanks to this he was fairly certain that this truly was the forge god and he chose to tell the truth.-

"Few of you gods are remembered in a positive light and most records of you all state you as arrogant , cruel and powerful in all but a handful of cases. You specifically are one such case as you have few recorded cases of cruelty or arrogance." Nick said honestly. There was silence for an entire minute at this before the god spoke again. {ThAt Is NoT An InAcCuRaTe ReCoRd Of ThOsE EvEnTs.} they said with what Nick could only assume was shame. It was an odd thing for him to witness as of all the traits that the gods were shown to exhibit shame was not a common one at all.-

"Not to be rude or anything but might you be able to tell me when yo will free yourself from your seal? I need a rough timeline to prepare for the others return as well." Nick said seriously. {OtHeRs?} the god questioned in surprise and worry. Nick nodded "Zeus and Hestia are also alive and within seals as well." he explained calmly. {ZeUS!? HoW!} The god lost control of their emotions clearly as the chamber shook from their speech and Nick had trouble remaining standing from the pressure placed on him. "I don't know how Zeus did it , Only that it happened." he said honestly.-

{ThIs Is GrAvE NeWs! I WIlL NeEd To ReMoVe ThE SeAl EaRlY!} The god said catching Nick totally off guard as the crystal started to trembled and crack while the molten metal was getting absorbed into it in vast amounts. Nick could only watch in shock as the molten lake slowly vanished into the crystal that broke apart as well over the course of the next day. Within the crystal was a bright light that he couldn't see through but that faded away the moment the last drop of the molten lake sank into it.-

Floating in mid air was a female figure with bronze colored skin stretched over a lithe tone body that had short red hair and a bad scar on the left side of the face. 'A woman!?' Nick thought in shock as the figure floated down and softly landed on the two bare feet with wobbly balance. "Here." Nick said as he tossed some clothes to the figure from the realm that were likely to cover them equally while looking away. "You speak Aeis?" the figure spoke in a soft voice that made him shiver , not from it being sensual or anything but because of the sheer power of each word.-

"I speak all languages." Nick answered honestly. "A very practical ability strange one." the figure said while Nick heard the sound of clothes getting put on. "Nicholas or Nick if you prefer." Nick said and the figure looked confused. "What do you mean?" she asked calmly. "My name , Nicholas or Nick for short." He explained and the woman seemed to understand. "I see , I require lodging and access to records from when I sealed myself Strange Nick." she said calmly making Nicks face twitch a little.

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