Harry Potter Breaking Free

Chapter 77: House Elf Bonds

After the attack on the Delacours, Dobby had been extremely frustrated that Harry hadn't called on him for help, which surprised Harry, because house elves abhor violence as part of their magical makeup, and will do almost anything to avoid committing it (According to Dobby, he was the only elf to attack a wizard in well over a millenia)...

Of course, that was the moment Dobby pointed out just how narrow minded Harry was currently being. While it's true that house elves can't intentionally injure witches or wizards without doing their magic quite a bit of damage in the process, what Dobby COULD have done was house elf-traveled the Delacours out of danger, so that Harry could focus on the duel.

After the fact, Harry had been immensely embarrassed as well as apologetic, because Dobby was right, and he blew it big time. There were several different ways that his house elf friend could've helped him out that weren't of the offensive variety, and yet the idea had never even occurred to him.

Dobby wanted to be as helpful as possible, but the elf wasn't omniscient, so Harry needed to do a better job of using their bond... In Harry's defense, it just felt so bizarre having someone as capable as Dobby bending over backwards to help him all the time.

For obvious reasons, Harry was used to taking care of himself or just flat out going without. It was completely surreal to have all of his meals, clothes, chores and miscellaneous tasks taken care of without ever having to even ask...

Not only that, but Dobby was turning out to be a real stickler for formality and decorum. No, he wasn't harassing Harry about acting super-dignified or anything, but he was immensely proud of being a Potter family elf, and his attitude was infectious.

Dobby wanted Harry to know about his family's history, as well as what would be expected of him when he assumed the mantle of Lord Potter. It was just as amazing as it was scary to have someone finally telling him all of the different things that he needed to know, because Dobby's impromptu tutorials somehow made everything feel more real... Harry wasn't just some unwanted kid. He was the orphaned heir apparent of the Potter family, a future Ancient and Most Noble Lord, and a member of Magical Britain's Wizard Council...


Needless to say, Harry currently had a lot to get used to, and he was struggling to keep up. Something that became even more obvious when he finally snapped out of his daze, to find his house elf giving him an understanding look.

"Ahem. Welcome back, Harry," Dobby said, with a gentle smile on his face. "I suggest you take your time learning the various things that you'll need to know. You only just turned fifteen. There's no need to panic over your adult responsibilities."

While Harry was comforted by Dobby's words, his magic seemed to whisper to him about the need to be prepared. Either way, there was nothing to be gained by stressing out, so Harry was happy to follow Dobby's advice.

As I was saying, Dobby began, in a blatant attempt to distract Harry away from his worries. These bracelets will allow the girls to contact me only so long as you intend them to. I am your house elf, not theirs. Do you get where I'm coming from?" As he finished his explanation, Dobby started smiling again in self-satisfaction.

Kneeling down, Harry pulled Dobby into yet another very tight hug. "You're the best Dobby, and I don't know what I'd do without you. I can't wait to get these on the girls' wrists. I hate the idea of them being in danger."

"Yes Harry, I'm sure you do..." Dobby had a wide cheeky smile on his face now. "Now tell me again how you're "just friends" with the elder one."

Harry looked at the ceiling as he mimed choking something with his hands. "Dobby..."

Dobby just smiled again. "Happy Birthday, Harry."


Despite the soreness of his body, Harry blew through the rest of his morning workouts, because he couldn't wait to give the bracelets to the girls. He killed the obstacle course to save some time, because he didn't want to slack off on his weights. Then, before he left for France, he ate a rather large early lunch and pounded back two Dobby brand Magical Health Potion smoothies.

Soon enough, Harry was entering the Floo to the Delacour's and wham!... He found himself on the floor, balancing on his right shoulder.

By the time Harry finished curling his body to roll onto his back, the laughter of an entire family was echoing around the room, and he'd have to admit that he was surprised by the welcome he was receiving. "Has judging my Floo travel become a family pastime now," Harry asked, as he took in the Delacour family filling a nearby couch.

"Look up, you dummy," Fleur demanded, as she rose up to her feet.

Straining up his neck to look down the length of the room, Harry saw a banner hanging over the hallway door that read HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY! Harry was very touched, to the point that he didn't know how to react. It was only after he recovered his mental faculties, that he started beaming at everyone and curling up to a crouch. "Thank you everyone! I'm very happy that you remembered my birthday, even though I never told you..."

"It featured in several of your blackest books," Fleur bit out, as the irate expression on her face was slowly replaced by a sinister looking smile… "Anyway, we thought we might show you what a birthday is supposed to look like."

"Yes, 'Arry, we know it's your birthday today and we wish to celebrate," Appoline added, with a wide and happy smile. "Come! We will force you to eat again and have some fun!"

Gabrielle chose that moment to run over, and her flying tackle style hug almost knocked Harry right back onto his back. "Happy Birthday," she called out while snuggling into his chest as hard as she could. Harry hugged the little girl back as he rose to his feet, and then began carrying her in a piggyback across the room.

Adrien caught Harry at the door with an extremely eager expression on his face. "Are you busy tomorrow by the way? It's in regards to my present to you."

Harry thought for just a moment before shaking his head. "No pressing engagements that I can think of. Just more running and bench-pressing, etcetera."

"Good then! Here, Harry." Adrien handed over a ticket that read Quidditch World Cup on it... "The rest of us have had our tickets for quite a while now, but this extra ticket was actually hard to get. In fact, it only became available to me when I mentioned who it was for..." Adrien seemed amused that Harry's fame had tipped the scales.


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