Chapter 76: Echoes of Friendship
July 31st 1995…
After waking up in his dormitory at Hogwarts, Harry tried to rise out of bed just like any other day, only to immediately collapse to the ground instead.
It appeared, today was going to be another one of those days…
At some point a little over a week ago, Harry's magic fuelled transformation suddenly grew quite a bit more intense, with his body growing taller, faster, stronger, sturdier, more agile, and far more dense with tightly coiled muscle with every single hour that passed.
It sounded grandiose, and it was, but it was also very real… Harry's body was being perfected. He was being optimized to the point that his physical characteristics defied the laws of physics… He was simultaneously far too light and too strong at exactly the same time, and he was way too agile to be human…
Harry Potter's body was in the process of becoming truly preternatural.
And it wasn't the least bit pleasant...
Even as Harry knelt there on the floor of his dormitory, he could feel his body shifting, stretching, expanding and contracting in real time, as his muscles, tendons, bones, and even his internal organs were rebuilt, revamped and repositioned within his body.
Long story short, Harry currently hurt, badly, and in dozens of different ways, from his head to his toes, every damned second of the day...
Without any prompting whatsoever, Dobby stood at Harry's side with a pain potion already in hand, and Harry smiled at the elf as he drank it down and then forced himself to complete some stretches. Poppy had been very specific that she wanted him stretching immediately after waking up every morning, and then once again before going to bed. Apparently, if you're not careful, taking part in a massive growth spurt can cause Hell for your flexibility.
"Good morning Dobby and how are you today?" Harry smiled at his house elf, slash dear friend.
"I'm excellent, Harry. Today's a very important day after all." Dobby was giving Harry a very pointed look by this point.
"Okay, I'll bite. Why is today special?" Harry looked sideways at Dobby as he slowly pulled on his workout gear.
"Harry... Today is my Master's birthday... It's extremely important," Dobby announced pompously.
After blinking dumbly for a moment, Harry cupped his forehead with his hand. "Well, damn... I completely forgot. There's just been so much to do lately, I've been preoccupied."
"Harry you've been growing an inch every two weeks or so and completing a training regimen the likes of which I don't think the wizarding world has ever seen. You're also completely in love with a French Veela even if you won't admit it to yourself... I suppose I can see how you'd lose track of time." Dobby liked to point out inconvenient truths. He thought of it as a service of some kind and now that Harry had given him leave to do what he thought was necessary, he took it with a will.
"Friends!" Harry belted out the word towards the ceiling.
"Yes sir, Mr Potter sir, she's most definitely your friend," Dobby announced, as he grabbed up Harry's cast off pajamas. I'm not even going to argue with you. You know what I think."
Harry muttered to himself about empathic house elves as he walked towards the door.
"Harry?" The elf stopped his master at the door.
Harry turned around.
"Happy Birthday Harry." The elf was holding several wrapped packages for his master, from several different people.
Harry beamed at the elf as he walked back into the dormitory. "Now that is quite the surprise. How did you arrange all this?"
"I redirected any mail from your friends from the dropbox you were using for the summer, to the school and then collected the presents, easy peasy." Despite his words to the contrary, the elf did in fact look massively self-satisfied.
Harry had received a book on wandless magic from Mione, a box of pranking gear from the twins and an unwrapped Chudley Cannons hat from Ron, which made him smile just a bit. Molly Weasley also sent along some homemade fudge which was always surprisingly tasty. After reading all of the cards, Harry realized that he'd have a bit of a time crunch later on. He was going to need to write all of his friends thank you letters, and Gods, time was in short supply these days.
As he was leaving the room Harry heard an "ahem" from behind him for a second time. Turning around, he saw another wrapped present in the elf's hands. This one was most likely from Dobby himself. Harry returned to Dobby's side, gave the elf a hug and picked up the gift. After unwrapping and opening the box, Harry found himself holding a matching set of silver bracelets. They were simple but elegant and... feminine?
"Dobby, they're beautiful and all but..."
Dobby shook his head even as he snorted his amusement. "Just hear me out okay?"
Harry nodded.
Dobby smiled and pointed at Harry. "Now... My master is you, correct?"
"Correct," Harry replied slowly, curious where he was going with this.
"If anyone else calls me for assistance, say... across a great distance, will I hear them like I do you?"
"No..." Harry already knew that elf magic didn't work that way.
"Correct," Dobby exclaimed, as he started getting excited. "I made these for you and only I could make them because they're tied to me magically speaking. If you give these to your two lovely young Veela friends, I will hear them when they call, regardless of where I am. I can be more useful to you saaaay if mercenaries take over their home sir."
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