God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 90 It’s a Trap

"So what's the plan?" Tommy asked as he sat opposite Tinen, Chelna and Tirma in a luxurious room in the castle.

After finishing breakfast Kele had informed Tommy about how a subordinate of Tinen was waiting to escort him into the castle through one of the servant entrances to meet with Tinen and Chelna.

Honestly it was one of the easiest infiltration's he had ever done and much simpler than yesterday when he sneaked in to cut Erden's hands off, honestly it seemed to easy.

"Honestly you should have just let me do the job yesterday so that I didn't need to keep sneaking into this castle." 

"Sorry about that." Tinen apologized, "I thought we had more time, however it seems my brother is more capable than I gave him credit for."

"The plan is simple enough, I plan to embarrass Glador before you kill him and then Chontu and that bastard son Mirvef."

"I know we already discussed this but are you sure you want your son killed? He's still your flesh and blood." Tommy asked.

"What's this? Are you concerned for my well being?" Tinen asked with a smile.

"You misunderstand, I'm just trying to avoid future complications." Tommy replied, causing Tinen and Chelna to show confused looks before he continued.

"This is not the first time I have been hired to kill a family member. Most of the time it goes fine because this normally happens in rich and powerful families where the contractor wants to get ahead."

"However occasionally the contractor regrets their actions later down the line and spirals into an endless cycle of self loathing and depravity before coming to the idiotic conclusion that by killing the killer they can earn forgiveness."

"You can imagine what happens, the contractor sends assassins after me who I then have to eliminate by eliminating the original contractor."

"All I'm saying is I don't want the hassle of having to eliminate you in the future because you regret having your own son killed today." 

"Don't worry about that, as I said in the past he has never treated me well and means nothing to me." Tinen replied and just as she finished speaking all three women frowned before surprise was etched on their faces.


((We're getting a bad feeling about this.))

Just as Tommy was about to ask what was wrong, lines of light started to appear on the floor of the room and cross-cross all over before something resembling a magic circle Tommy had once seen in a movie appeared.

"Shit." Tinen cursed and stood up quickly before she suddenly froze.

She wasn't the only one as everyone in the room froze and couldn't move a muscle below their neck.

"What the hell is this?" Tommy asked.

"It's a trap." Tinen replied. "A magic circle trap, once activated, prevents people inside it during activation from moving until it is deactivated."

"So how do we deactivate it?" Tommy asked.

"You can't," a man said as he opened the door and walked in.

"Shrivel dick, what's the meaning of this?" Tinen hissed angrily.

(Well that explains why it was so easy sneaking in today.)

"Even when trapped you still have the courage to call me that despicable name bitch." Glador replied in anger.

"And why shouldn't I, I'm just speaking the truth, something those whores you bed are too cowardly to do." Tinen spat.

"At least they don't plot behind my beak to usurp my throne bitch, something you and our dear daughter are doing." Glador replied.

"So you figured it out." Tinen replied, "I'm surprised you managed too."

"Not even attempting to deny the fact bitch?" Glador asked.

"Why should I? It's nothing to be ashamed of, you're a shit king after all." Tinen replied before asking. "So how did you find out shrivel dick?"

"You think you're the only one with spies gathering information for you in this city?" Glador asked. "This is my kingdom, my family has run it for generations." 

"While you protected your rooms in the castle with magic to prevent spying, the same can't be said for outside the castle, did you really think I didn't have people watching you when you left the castle? you really should have been more careful, but your overconfidence is what is going to get you killed here today."

"Actually I didn't, you're such a sexist chauvinistic pig I figured that you would look down on me because I'm a woman." Tinen replied.

"And I would have, if your brother didn't warn me about how cunning you were at our wedding." Glador replied.

"That goddamn bastard." Tinen cursed.

"I know all about your scheme to usurp me before going on to usurp your brother and that gives me the perfect excuse to execute you for the crime of treason." Glador said with a smug smile.

"Even your brother the emperor can't complain about that as it would be a much bigger stain on his family should he allow you to live after learning of your treasonous plans."

"The only downside is I never got a chance to learn more about this troublesome young man's toys. His senses were too sharp for my spies to get close enough to listen in on his conversations even with their magic, instead they had to watch from afar using vision magic."

"I must say I'm very interested in that weapon of yours that shoots projectiles like a crossbow only much faster, oh also that concoction you made to blow up master Erden's forge."

"I will be sure to go speak to master Nele about it later, that is unless you want to tell me all about it in hopes of saving your pathetic life?"

"I'm afraid I'll have to decline your generous offer." Tommy replied calmly.

"Oh! You seem awfully calm for someone about to die,"Glador asked. "I mean you know I plan to make it hurt after all the trouble you caused me right?"

"This won't be the first time I've died, and besides I was only doing a job I was supposed to get paid for, unfortunately the individual skipped out on our deal, I should get payment upfront next time." Tommy complained.

"What?" Glador asked as he and the three girls all showed confused expressions before Glador burst into laughter.

"This is the one you wanted to kill me while you fucked that bitch on my throne and made me watch? Well he's certainly crazy enough."

(That was her plan?)

((That's a new one, even for us.))

"It seems you know everything, what have you done to little Mii?" Tinen asked.

"Nothing yet, I plan to have fun with her at least once more before I dispose of her, she has a good mouth after all." Glador said with a perverted grin.

"She won't comply with you once she learns you killed us?" Tinen replied.

"Then she can just die after I finish here, plenty more fish in the sea after all." Glador replied as if killing here meant nothing. "But anyway I think we are about done here right Chontu?"

Glador turned to the doorway as a young man that looked very similar to him but with red hair appeared there with a nonchalant expression before asking, "have you not finished up yet?" 

"Wow I see what you mean about the relationship with you son." Tommy commented as he saw that this Chontu didn't seem to care that his mother and sister were about to die.

"Almost, it's a shame that Mirvef won't be able to marry Tirma here, but we can't leave treasonous scum alive now can we?" Glador asked as he headed for the door while saying, "I will be watching through the doorway so please put on a good show and scream for me."

"How do you plan to kill us shrivel dick?" Tinen asked in a voice that seemed far too calm for someone about to die.

Glador frowned when he heard her tone of voice, however he still replied, "I'm taking a leaf out of your little assassin friend's book, he let Bror Whitflare burn to death so I thought I would grant him the same courtesy." 

As soon as Glador stepped out of the room fire suddenly erupted within it causing Glador to laugh while Chontu just watched on with the same nonchalant expression.

"Chelna take Tirma, you know where to go." Tinen suddenly ordered.

"But…" Chelna tied to say but Tinen cut her off.

"GO!" Chelna flinched at her mothers scream before nodding as lightning quickly wrapped around her, turning her into a bolt of lightning that suddenly vanished before appearing beside Tirma.

The lightning bolt encompassed Tirma before vanishing again, this time for good.

"WHAT!" Glador yelled in shock as Chontu for the first time showed more than just nonchalance on his shocked face.

"I'm sorry Tommy." Tinen said with tears in her eyes, something that surprised Glador and Chontu, for they had never seen Tinen's face filled with so much sadness. 

"I have to help Mii, she's only in this position because of her loyalty to me. If fate and the gods allow you to survive this I will become your woman and we will get revenge on that bastard shrivel dick together."

After saying this she gave Tommy a look of longing before turning into a bolt of lightning and vanishing.

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