God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 89 Foot battle

Their activities continued for a good hour while Merno found endless pleasure from Tommy's touch and the twins found pleasure in each other's touch as well as Tommy constantly watching them.

The twins discovered that night that they liked it when Tommy watched them intently.

The session only came to an end when Merno collapsed onto Tommy's chest one last time while mumbling, "Amazing" just before she fell asleep with a happy smile on her face.

Jue and Tue saw that their mother had fallen asleep and decided to gather their clothes before leaving hurriedly, even though they enjoyed Tommy watching them they soon became embarrassed after their lust and desire wore off and was replaced by reason and understanding of what just happened.

Tommy shook his head in amusement before lifting Merno out of the bath, he then dried them both off before wrapping her in a dry towel and carrying her back inside the Inn and up to her room.

Tommy placed her in bed before kissing her goodnight on the forehead after which he closed the door and returned to his own room.

He opted not to talk about what just happened with the twins just yet as he figured they both needed time to process what just happened.


Early next morning Tommy awoke and proceeded downstairs for breakfast only to find that Kele and Rizi had once again come to visit.

"Is it just me or is an Inn that is supposed to be closed receiving many customers?" Tommy asked with a chuckle.

"What can I say?" Kele replied with a smile, "Merno is the best cook in the city so I always come here for my meals when I have the time."

"Can't argue about that, her food is amazing." Tommy said as he sat at the same table as Kele and Rizi.

Merino appeared with a bright smile on her face after hearing the complement of the two people before placing a heaping plate of food on the table before Tommy.

Kele and Rizi looked with surprise at the amount before Rizi asked, "Why does your plate have so much more than ours?"

"Maybe Merno just likes me more." Tommy replied with a chuckle as he saw Merno shoot him a wink before heading back towards the kitchen with an extra spring in her step.

"Bah, how can that be, we have been coming to eat here for years." Rizi retorted with a pout.

"So how is sorting out the Adventurer's guild going?" Tommy asked as he started to dig into his food.

"All done." Kele replied with a smile. "I have managed to root out all the corrupt members and fired them from the Oakforest adventurers guild."

"Won't that be frowned upon and questioned once those investigators can gain access to the city and arrive?" Tommy asked.

"Naturally, but it will be too late for them to do anything about it since I have already kicked them all out and none of them will dare to challenge me on the matter." Kele replied. "I don't mind saying that there are very few individuals in the adventurer's guild who would pose a challenge to me in a fight." 

"So you don't expect it to turn to violence?" Tommy asked.

"No." Kele replied. "Most likely they will frown at what I have done before reporting back to the guild master, he will then contact me to reprimand me but that's about all. I am not someone the guild can afford to lose over something like this."

"So what do you plan to do now that you have finished cleaning out the guild?" Tommy asked.

"Help Chelna clean out the city once she takes her fathers throne." Kele replied. "Speaking of which, I have a message for you from Queen Tinen."

"Go on." Tommy replied as he kept eating.

"She said that everything is ready and that they wish to proceed with the plan as soon as possible, though there is something extra they would like to add." Kele replied.

"Why the sudden rush? That's not what she said yesterday." Tommy asked. "Also what extra thing?"

"I don't know what extra thing she is referring to, she said she wants to speak to you directly about that, however the reason for the rush is Duke Dinroc Shag." Kele replied with a frown.

"You mean the elder brother of that fat bastard that got eaten by a Jaguar?" Tommy asked.

"Yes, him." Kele replied before explaining. "It would seem the reason that the fat bastard as you called him, had the dagger in the first place was to use it to fully bring the criminal organizations in-line and cause disturbances in the city before Duke Shag used it to act in the emperor's name and remove Glador from power stating that the civil unrest was the final straw and the emperor had handed over control of the Rosk kingdom to him."

"Sneaky." Tommy remarked.

"Indeed," Kele agreed. "However it seems that the emperor somehow found out that the dagger was stolen and he is now insisting that Duke Shag come and remove Glador from power without his help while also returning the dagger to him."

(Did he find out from a spy in Black Noir?)

((Most likely, we should inform Third and Ninth about this later.))


"So you're saying that this Duke Shag is now making his way towards Oakforest City to remove Glador from power before claiming the throne himself?" Tommy asked.

"Correct, while a Duke holds much power in the empire, they are still several tiers of nobility below a king, by becoming king of the Rosk kingdom his nobility rank will shoot way up." Kele informed.

"And what does the emperor get out of this?" Tommy asked.

"Money, what else." Kele replied. "Supposedly Duke Shag promised to increase the amount of taxes the Rosk kingdom paid the empire after he took over, also that amount has further increased after losing the dagger."

"How do you know all this?" Tommy asked suspiciously.

"Hey." Kele replied defensively, "Don't throw suspicion my way, I'm just the messenger. This is what Chelna informed me of after asking me to relay the message to you. You will have to ask her and Queen Tinen about how they came about this information."

"Very well I will ask them next time I see them." Tommy replied. "Now I'm assuming they want to meet me today since there is now such a rush?"

"If possible, yes. Although Duke Shag won't arrive for a few days the sooner Chelna claims the throne the better since they can immediately start cleaning out the trash and corrupt officials from the city so that when Duke Shag does arrive they can claim that his reason for removing Glador from the throne is no longer valid." Kele replied.

"Won't that be the case anyway since there will be a new ruler?" Tommy asked.

"Not exactly," Kele explained. "While there will indeed be a new ruler of the Rosk kingdom, the underlying issues of why Glador was to be removed would still be present and therefore Duke Shag would still have some leverage, however if those issues were to be fixed."

"Then Duke Shag would have nothing to begin with." Tommy finished as he understood Kele's meaning.

At this moment Jue and Tue entered the bar and upon seeing Tommy they both shot him embarrassed smiles before running off to find their mother in the kitchen.

"What's with them?" Rizi asked in surprise since they seemed to be acting strange.

"No idea." Tommy lied as he continued to eat his breakfast.


In the kitchen Merno was humming a song happily with a smile on her face as she continued to cook breakfast.

When she saw Jue and Tue enter she smiled at them both before saying, "Good timing, here come grab your breakfast and let's eat."

Jue and Tue gave their mother a knowing look as they went forward to grab their food.

"What's that look for?" Merno asked curiously.

"Nothing." Jue and Tue said together before giving Merno a kiss on the cheek and saying, "Thanks mum, we love you."

"I love you both too, what's brought this on?" Merno asked in surprise.

Jue and Tue just smiled once more before taking their food back out to the bar and joining Tommy, Kele and Rizi at their table.

Merno watched her daughters go with a confused look before she shook her head with a smile and went to join them with her own plate of food.

As the five all ate together that talked harmoniously about random things, after a short while Tommy felt a foot start to caress the side of his leg under the table.

He looked over at the most likely culprit Merno, however he was surprised to see her happily talking with Rizi about something.

After scanning the others at the table he noticed a playful smirk on Tue's lips as she kept shooting him glances.

Tommy smiled and decided to play along as he allowed his foot to return the favor.

Tue showed a surprised expression for a moment which caused Jue to ask, "Is there something wrong sis?"

"No nothing." Tue replied before looking at Tommy with dark possessive eyes as she licked her lips and their foot battle continued under the table.

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