Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies

Chapter 75: Honored Guests

"Well… Mikael's my nephew."

I heard Aerin's words and suddenly, my mind made the connections. Looking back at Mikael's appearance, he did have the same blonde hair that both Aerin and Laurel had. Not only that, for him to even realistically dream of being able to marry the princess, then he would have to belong in a powerful family himself.

Simply being a noble isn't enough to cut it.

"But he's not from our house though. He's my cousin's son. His family holds the rank of Marquess," clarified Aerin.

Oh, I mean a Marquess's family is still pretty up there, though not just at the level of a Duke's. At such a rank, the families that rank higher than his can probably be counted with one hand. Not to mention the fact that they're also related to another ducal household gives them extra points of power.

Him marrying into royalty isn't that big of a mismatch.

However, that leaves the question: "How about Damien?" I asked.

If he was gunning for a princess as well, his social standing should be pretty significant as well.

"Him? He's the heir of a count's family," said Aerin nonchalantly. "I believe you've already met the current Countess yourself and Damien's mother—Madame Eloise Rosenthal."

That woman with the sunglasses and special eyes? I didn't expect she was a high-ranking noble as well. I do however recall Aerin making a snide comment about her son when we met her at the bar. So that's why… Is that why Aerin and her acquainted with each other? Because their family's young'uns are friends?

"Why? Did they do anything to you?" asked Aerin, her tone slightly worried.

"No.. They were just interesting personalities, that's all."

She seemed to be relieved after knowing that nothing bad happened to me while she was out doing her own thing. "Oh.. well that's true, if you look at it that way," she replied.

* * * *

Guests started pouring into the hall shortly afterwards, with the more important guests arriving fashionably late. Dukes, Marquises, Counts, Viscounts, Barons, etc, almost every noble family had at least sent a representative, if not the head of the house themselves. Even Aerin's father, Duke Incaross was present.

It wasn't just the nobility though. Wealthy and influential merchants, traders, businessmen, were invited as well. Basically anyone that is considered of significance within the Empire had been sent a formal invitation.

If I were to guess, there should at least be half-a-thousand people currently in attendance within the splendid palace ballroom.

This, after all, is the gala celebration of the Empire's founding.

I was checking out the guests, to see if I knew anybody. So far, as I was able to find Aerin and Laurel. That was about it. They were the only ones I was even remotely familiar with. From the top of my head, I tried to recall the personages that Mom told me before.

Let's see... any black-haired individual with a scar on his green eyes? No, not that I could see. What about a tall blonde woman with a permanent frown who always wears green? Mom mentioned being snubbed by her at a garden party long ago. Still no luck spotting anyone like that in the throng of guests.

How about a stout nobleman with a thick mustache and beard, always laughing boisterously? I don't see anyone matching that description either. Wait, what about a man with gray hair tied in a ponytail, peculiar violet-colored eyes and a collection of rings on every finger? I vaguely remember mom saying he had a penchant for fireworks and adventure tales. Alas, there are no violet-eyed, bejeweled men in ponytails among the guests that I can see.

It seems the noble guests have changed quite a bit in the many decades she has left the political scene. However, my attention was soon captured when I heard murmurs erupt from beside me. Since I was standing a bit further back the ballroom, the people nearby were mostly the lower-ranked nobility and the merchants.

Thus, when an unexpected person entered the palace, I could hear gasps of surprise come from the lower nobility and the merchants.

"Is that–?!"

"The Countess Rosenthal! She actually attended this time..."

"That's new. She didn't send a stand-in for once,"

"I heard her son is set to perform later, so that's probably why she's here in person rather than sending a representative."

The backs and the heads of the standing crowd prevented me from getting a good lock at the surprising newcomer. I wasn't really given a seat, much less a table, to hang out with the big shots. After all, I was still just a performer. I could only watch from the edges of the vast chamber along with other commoners and peasants who will provide entertainment for the noble guests.

Aerin herself, along with her father and Laurel, was seated at the very front, near the other most important and illustrious personages of the Empire.

However, hearing the name Countess Rosenthal, made me aware of just who exactly has arrived. I couldn't help but turn to one of the idle maids to chitchat.

"Why are they surprised?" I asked.

We were just at the background, similar to the other butlers, maids, and servers, who attended to the noble personages, and us performers were essentially treated at the same level.

"The Dowager Countess had been absent the past several years and have almost always sent a stand-in to attend in her stead," said the maid. "I don't know why she suddenly decided to have a change of heart now."

I see.. so that's why her mere arrival could cause such a spectacle. I turned to see the countess myself, curious about how exactly would such a woman dress for the occasion. I gazed upon Madame Rosenthal from the occasional breaks and spaces through the crowd.

Unlike many ladies and madams, she wasn't wearing a feminine dress but rather arrived in handsome suit and pants, like many of the men. She didn't look out of place wearing it though. In fact, it suited her better than any dress could.

However, something caught my attention in the way the maid described her.

"Dowager Countess?" I asked. I'm familiar with the title Empress Dowager from ancient China—usually the mother of the emperor. However, I'm never heard of it used with the title 'Countess' before.

The maid noticed my unfamiliarity and proceeded to explain. Basically, she married into the Rosenthal Family and is the widow of Mr. Rosenthal, the previous rightful Count. Usually, the title Dowager is mostly ceremonial, and the actual title of the Count should've passed onto Damien already.

However because Damien is still too young, she retains control over most of the family funds and endowments, and has ran the family considerably well in her late husband's stead.

"Usually, failure to attend the royal banquet, especially when issued an invite, would be considered an affront to the royal family's authority. However, because Madame Rosenthal only holds the title through marriage and isn't the actual Countess by right, her absences are often overlooked." the maid explained.

In fact, had she consistently attended the banquet as Countess Rosenthal while her son was of age to inherit the title, it could have been viewed as an attempt to usurp the position that rightly belonged to Damien.

After hearing the explanation, I thanked the maid and continued observing Eloise from afar.

'Perhaps her choice to wear men's clothing is her way of indicating she is not the rightful Countess,' I pondered. 'However, it could also be taken to mean that she wears the pants in the household, wielding the actual authority.'

After Eloise made her entrance, a couple more people arrived in the ballroom just as the clock struck 8:15 PM, signaling the end of the unofficial grace period for latecomers.

As the guests mingled and chatted in the grand ballroom of the palace, there was a sudden blaring of trumpets from the doorway. Within seconds, all sounds of chatter died down as all activity ceased and everyone turned to the entrance.

The Master of Ceremonies stepped forward and announced in a loud, clear voice: "Their Imperial Majesties, the Empress and her family has arrived!"

Those standing nearest the center aisle promptly moved aside, clearing a path.But amidst the stares and silence, a stunning woman entered the doors of the palace, causing a stir among the crowd.

The woman was tall and proud, with flaming red-gold hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall of fire. Her features were sharp and breathtaking, befitting that of her exalted status as a world-renowned beauty.

Given the current situation and what I know of noble etiquette, this woman can only be Crown Princess Sofys—first in line to the Elban throne, the empire's most precious jewel, peerless genius; Her myriad saintly titles and exalted monikers sprang to my mind.

As she made her entrance, her incredible magical prowess akin to that of a vast sea emanated from her body, and the entire room was enveloped in a sudden pressure that was even stronger than that of my own mother. Despite the suffocating feeling that surrounded the room, the intimidating pressure was not directed towards anyone in particular but seemed to encompass the entire space. It was as if the purpose of her entrance was to silence everyone with her overwhelming power.

Such wanton oppression and tyranny, yet not a single person dared to breathe a word of protest. Among the hundreds of attendees, consisting of the most powerful and eminent figures within the empire, some possessing unparalleled talents and arrogant dispositions, she easily asserted her supremacy with but a slight demonstration of her innate strength.

'Naah, this is the woman that kid said he'll make his plaything?' my mind immediately recalled Mikael's words. I already thought he was spouting bullshit before but now I realize he was just downright delusional.

Next, the Crown Princess's younger siblings walked out arm in arm. Prince Edmund and Princess Cynthia, though talented in their own right, somehow seemed average compared to their elder sister. Though they were of the same imperial blood, their hairs were of differing shades of red or gold.

The prince and princess elegantly made their way to the front and met up with their elder sister dressed in their finest attire.

Finally, the Master of Ceremonies announced in a booming voice: "All rise for Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Palfina!"

At those words, everyone sitting or standing casually leapt to their feet, as the guests all stood in ceremony. The empress herself emerged from the palace's doors. The head of every person, from the servants to the highest nobility, bowed deeply as she passed, preceded by the Master of Ceremonies and Imperial Guards.

There she was, the venerable ruler of one of the continent's five great powers, the widow of the infamous Elven Emperor Sylvar.

Based on the history books, this woman have been alive to see multiple centuries pass, never relinquishing power – not even when the Empire comprised many divided Elven kingdoms. She had ruled supreme for a century before her husband's ascension and rule, and is continuing for another half-a-century long after his passing.

Her attire was a lot more subdued than expected, not too keen on the fancy jewelry and previous metals. She had a heavy and thick ermine cape draped across her back and over her right shoulder.

Her countenance spoke of utmost boredom, the weary indifference of one who had witnessed the same spectacle played out countless times before. She walked through the aisle almost mechanically, moving through the ingrained ritual of centuries with practiced disinterest.

One of her eyes was even covered by her crimson red hair, leaving only a singular languid sunken eye that only looked forward, not even sparing a glance towards her subjects.

After the crown princess's arrogant display of strength earlier, there was no need for the Empress herself to flaunt her own might. Guests were left wondering what unfathomable realm of magical prowess the Empress had reached after ruling for centuries.

Princess Sofys alone was deterrent enough, yet adding the unknowable power of the Empress squelched any thoughts of rebellion before they could even form. Her languid, if not lazy, manner betrayed none of her dominance as who would dare underestimate her after centuries of rule.

Mortal sages often proclaim that the lowly slow turtle, given enough time, would eventually cross the distance covered by the swift rabbit in its mere three years of life. But the Empress was no mere turtle.

While the turtle crawls tediously along, year after year, the Empress has spent multiple lifetimes backed by the nation's vast wealth and resources. She lived decades with the Great Sylvar by her side, his knowledge and treasures at her disposal. With such advantages poured into one person, even a talentless individual could become noteworthy.

Let alone a person of the Empress's aptitude.

This thought was only further reinforced, when the Empress mounted the dais and the Crown Princess – the number one genius of the century – knelt before her mother in a respectful and subservient manner. The heads of the other three ducal household soon followed suit. And the implications of such actions were subtle yet profound.

Once all the formalities had passed, the doors to the palace were closed. After all, who would dare enter after the imperial family themselves? Who dare claim themselves as more important?

Looking across the other end of the grand ballroom, I could see that even members of the ducal households were standing respectfully in ceremony. Aerin and even the arrogant Laurel were standing with their heads slightly lowered.

However, I found myself looking towards another person: the one with special eyes that were said to be able to look into other people's mana. I was curious as to what kind of a reaction she would have.

After the Ducal households at the very front, I moved my gaze a little further back. Away from the Marquises and into the other Counts. There I saw the mean-looking glasses boy, Damien, and his mother standing by his side, her countenance much more respectful and reverent compared to her ignorant son.

Once the Empress had sat upon her throne, the one to deliver the opening speech wasn't actually the great ruler seated lazily but majestically upon the imperial throne. But rather, her daughter who had been kneeling in front of her only a few seconds ago: "Ladies and Gentlemen, we thank you all for coming tonight…"

Her speech continued on for only a few short minutes, saying formalities and thanking everyone who came in attendance before finishing with the applause of everyone present. Only then did the chatter and bustle of the banquet finally resume.

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