Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies

Chapter 74: Troublesome Contemporaries

The banquet starts at 8 pm in the evening and we arrived at 7 which, for a woman of Aerin's status, is too early. Typically, people of the highest pedigree could afford to arrive only a few minutes before the expected start of the event because of "reasons". Something about honor or face that apparently makes it shameful to be the one waiting.

It is one of the many but little ways that the truly elite can flex their status, as no host would dare turn away an elite guest for trivial lateness. In contrast, a lower-ranked noble who arrives late may not be received as graciously.

However, the reason we were early is because of me, a performer. I have to meet with like the coordinators of the banquet to make sure everything is okay. Thus the decision is more on duty rather than decorum.

Aerin taught me the brief layout of the castle, where and where not to wander around, and said that she would meet up with me again later as she went her separate way.

When I arrived at the backroom where all other performers had gathered, I was pretty surprised by what I saw. Truthfully, I expected to see a bunch of older people, experienced and seasoned musicians, on the group. But, at most, I could only see maybe two or three.

I'm guessing that the few experienced and renowned musicians are the ones on stage during the premiere minutes, like the ballroom dance.

The other musicians were, let's say, youngsters—probably only a few years older than me.

Not only that, not all performers were necessarily musicians. Entertainment seemed to be varied as there were magicians, acrobats, and even actors in the backroom as well.

"Wait… is that?" I said to myself as I looked at the acting group in the far right corner of the room. Four stout and short-statured men stand around an elf, who seems to be the leader of the bunch.

Dwarves! The third group of people that I've encountered in this life, besides elves and humans.

They were all meticulously fixing their costumes and props, readying themselves for their upcoming performance. If stereotypes were anything to go by, then I can assumed those cosmetic armors they have are probably better than what is being sold in the common armory.


My gaze might have lingered for far too long as one of them noticed my gaze and directly met my eyes, as if to say "What are you staring at?". Considering that a breach of etiquette is one of the most severe offenses you can do to damage your reputation, I tactfully looked away and started minding my own business.

It wasn't until one of the officials/coordinators of the banquet clapped his hand ands said, "Singers and musicians, please gather 'round here," that I finally had something to do other than pretend to look busy.

The coordinator did a headcount and asked each of us whether or not we were performing solo, duet, part of an orchestra, etc; what instruments we would be using, etc, When it was my turn, I answered. "Piano, solo," which seemed to have earned me quite some looks from other people.

Of course, outwardly, I didn't shrink back. I still looked at the coordinator with a straight, unbothered face. That didn't mean I didn't feel uncomfortable though. Having this much people suddenly staring at you can cause anyone to shift, even more so for an introvert like me.

What? Is there something special about performing solo? Don't tell me they're thinking: "Who the hell is this kid?", it can't be right?

"Who is this bloke?" I then heard a voice, just a short distance away from where I'm standing.

"…" Nah, it's actually happening.

From the peripheral of my eyes, I looked towards the source of the voice and found a finely dressed blonde boy with a pretty arrogant look in his eyes. He was about the same age as me and was rocking that slicked back hairstyle that, back in my world, was synonymous with the snobbish private school kids.

He was talking to another boy who shared the same snobbish and stuck-up look as him. This one wore glasses and had curly black hair but they just made him look mean, not like a nerd. He was like if the typical mean girls was a boy instead. He got that judgmental look in his eyes that you just know he often talks about other people behind their backs, even if they're just minding their own business.

"I don't know, I've never seen him from any party or gatherings before. Though…" said the glasses guy.

I wasn't able to hear the latter half of what he said due to the other people in the crowd. But the blond one chuckled mischievously, rolling his eyes at something the glasses boy said. Judging by their reactions, I can only guess that they glasses boy must've said something that they really thought was funny.

I thought this place was all about manners and etiquette? Upholding a reputation? What happened to that? I guess teenagers will still make fun of people no matter the world they're in.

When it was their turn to be called, the glasses boy answered: "Duet, piano and violin."

Though from the side, I was able to hear the blond's complaints. "I really would've preferred attending the banquet as a quest, not as a performer. But my father's so insistent on it for no damn reason. He wants me to show off my classy and cultured hobbies, so that I would look like a more desirable marriage prospect."

I wonder if everyone else could hear them or it's just me because of my heightened senses and proximity towards them. Because despite me being able to eavesdrop, they kept their tones and voices hushed, only whispering to each other.

"That's why you shouldn't mess this up," said the glasses boy. "Your father's been trying to arrange a marriage for you, right? This is an opportunity to show yourself off in front of the family heads, and even the royal family."

Hearing those words, a glint appeared on the blond boy's eyes. "The royal family..." he said, his voice much more subdued, as if talking about a subject they shouldn't in public.

If I wasn't already focused and keen on their conversation, I wouldn't have picked it up.

"Both princess Sofys and Cynthia are still on the table, you know?" said the glasses boy meaningfully, his voice as faint and subdued as it could be.

The blond's face grew calculating. "I know… If I'll have my pick of the litter, then Sofys is clearly the more valuable… woman. Cynthia doesn't have a reputation, but everyone knows who Sofys is—crown princess, peerless genius, the emperor's successor. Not only is she hotter but with her as my wife, I'll be emperor while having Elban's jewel as my plaything."

What the hell?!? I'm not saying I don't understand, because I really do know how they feel, but at least I keep my thoughts my to my head. I couldn't help but turn to look at the surroundings, wondering if any other people had heard what the two were saying. This guy referred to the princess like she was nothing! Doesn't that count as lese-majesty or something?

Naaahh.. the dude has a death wish.

His companion just chuckled, not finding his friend's remarks too outlandish as though he was used to it. "Calm down there, future emperor. Don't get ahead of yourself. You're just performing in front of a crowd."

The blonde boy just laughed. "You're right. But thanks to you, I feel a lot less bitter about being forced to perform on this banquet. Don't worry, if things do turn out like that, I'll arrange for you to get together with the other princess in the family. For the sake of our long friendship, of course."

His companion returned the smile, though more cautiously. The coordinator had just finished his headcount and the musicians were free to practice or do whatever they wanted. They moved a little further back, away from the other bystanders as they continued with their topic.

"Appreciate it mate," he said, a hint of unease creeping into his tone as he looked around for other people. "Cynthia may not compare to her sister, but I supposed I could settle for her. She'd likely be easier to mold, having less pride and status." he chuckled under his breath.

The blonde waved him off. "Don't worry so much! I was just joking...mostly–" He laughed again, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "–for the sake of our other listener here," he said as he looked towards me.

Uh oh… I didn't even know he noticed me eavesdropping. Then glasses boy turned, noticing me for the first time. They exchanged a glance, an unspoken communication passing between them.

"Sorry for the late introduction, but I'm Mikael," he said, walking over. "Our previous conversation might seem improper but I was only joking because I knew someone was listening."

Nah, that wasn't it. He was talking in a hushed voice definitely meant to prevent anyone from overhearing their conversation. It seems like he noticed far too late that someone had been listening in on them.

I was sure of it because his friend truly looked nervous, knowing that they were saying some pretty problematic things earlier. "H-Hi.. I'm Damien. Nice to meet you, ha ha. It was just banter between friends."

Since I wasn't prepared for the sudden conversation, my mind worked overtime thinking of what kind of a response should I give. Be rude? Arrogant? Nice? But realizing that they haven't done anything to offend me so far, I just kept everything neutral.

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Maelriel. A musician." I said, introducing myself. Thinking about it now, this is probably the first time I've done this to a group of boys near my age in this life.

"I see..Maelriel. Which family do you hail from? I don't recall seeing you before." Mikael suddenly asked.

I was definitely taken aback. That's the first question they ask? But I can see why they would ask if they're a bunch of elitists who wouldn't want to be associated with the 'dirty' commonfolk. However, now that I think about it, do I even have a family name? I've never had to write it down or use it before, so I simply went as 'Maelriel' throughout my entire life so far.

Seeing me stumped for a few seconds, their heads had already reached a conclusion. After all, there's no way a noble would forget the house from which they hailed from.

Instantly, pride and arrogance appeared in Mikael's face. "I see. There's no need to answer if you can't. I understand not everyone's fortunate." The worry in Damien's face also disappeared altogether, as though they were a hundred percent certain that I couldn't possibly give them any troubles.

"As for earlier, I was simply making jokes about friends." Mikael said airily. "You might see the princess as a lofty untouchable figure but to those of us who move in exalted circles, the princess is a familiar face. We have been introduced on several occasions, and an alliance between our noble houses remains a distinct possibility, so long as our respective parents deem it a prudent match."

The prick didn't even try hiding his smugness, clearly looking down on me now that he thinks I'm some lowly commoner

He really reminds me of a certain pointy-faced platinum-haired wizard.. The casually arrogant tone, the dismissive attitude towards those of lesser status – it was like meeting a real-life version of a certain spoiled pureblood son.

"For now, excuse us, we have places to be." and with that, Mikael sauntered off, leaving the backroom.

Damien quickly followed but stopped to say in a calm tone,"It would be most unfortunate if certain...details were to find their way to the wrong ears. Do exercise prudence and discretion going forward, for all our sakes." He flashed a smile before rushing after his friend.


I watched the two of them leave the backroom. I wasn't gonna act out on justice just because I heard them talking inappropriately about the princesses. I do realize that I do the same constantly, if not worse. So I'm not gonna snitch them out for that. However, that doesn't mean they haven't annoyed me in other ways.

"Well, what time is it?" After that debacle earlier, enough time had passed and the banquet is almost about to start. However, since I play last, I still have plenty of time anyways.

I looked towards the mirror and made sure that I looked my best. Those two earlier had plenty of things to say but they didn't utter one word about my outfit. So I guess that means I look good.


I suddenly heard Aerin's familiar voice call out to me. Turning back, I could see my teacher sauntering towards me. She was a sight to behold at the moment, just threading the fine line between refined elegance and sinful temptation. Her tight dress hugged her curves like it was painted on, showing just enough cleavage to make a guy fantasize but not enough to call her a slut.

"Hello sweetie," she purred in that gentle, comforting voice. "How's my favorite student?"

I gave her a look. "I'm your only student, what do you mean favorite?"

"That's true, but you're also the best one." She laughed. "Anyways, I hope you weren't too nervous here. Meet anyone interesting? No one was mean to you, were they?"

"Uh..no. But I did meet some rather interesting personalities" I say.

Annoying? Yes. But, mean? I don't think so. At least, by my standards it wasn't. They were just entitled, arrogant pricks that thought themselves to be better than everyone. If they want me to consider them as mean, then they should've insulted my attire. Because mom picked this out for me, and if they have something to say about it, then they're insulting her taste – which I won't stand for.

"Oh, who?" asked Aerin curiously.

"They seem to be nobles, but I only know of their first names. I recall they were Mikael and Damien.." before I even finished saying Damien's name, Aerin's eyes had already widened in surprise. I couldn't help but wonder why. "Uhm, does teacher know them?" I asked.

"Well… Mikael's my nephew," said Aerin.

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