Chapter 14: Chapter fourteen: Lost woods
Kaijo teleports back to the lookout tower and moves down the hill towards the lost woods. The lost woods is a forest covered in thick fog and is inhabited by forest giants. The village of the forest giants lies in the middle of the forest where the fog is thinnest. One of the forest giants Morgrun is evil and wants to rule the entire forest by himself for that he corrupts other giants and the forest to follow him on this mad quest. He can´t enter the village because he was banned and the barrier around the village doesn´t let strangers in. Kaijo is a special case because he channels souls the barrier can´t recognise him. The forest giants are kindhearted in nature but Morgrun and the curse of the undead have twisted some of their minds. The forest giants are as big as the trees and the village is huge in scale to humans. The village houses are made out of stone and earth because the forest giants can rule over nature with magic. Their magic is mystic in nature and is similiar to spells but not quite. They use staves made of wood to channel their magic. There is also a blacksmith in the village who was old enough to forge weapons in the times of war with the old barons but nowadays he forges tools and utility items. The forest giants don´t need to eat anything as long as they can absorb the nutrients from the soil. Kaijo arrives at the border of the lost woods. "The forest is covered in thick fog be careful not to get lost". "Now that´s ominous!" Kaijo says entering wiht the soul lantern in hand. He enters the woods and the thick fog decreases visibility to a couple meters ahead even with the soul lantern. The soul lanterns trail of souls guide him to the right direction. The forest is scary because of the fog and the looming trees sounds from the undergrowth and creaking trees. Kaijo catches glimpses of forest giants with red glowing eyes observing him. Kaijo makes his way further in and finds a broken down shed and some ruins of a small fort belonging to the old barons from the times of war. He enters and explores the ruins and comes across multiple undead kneeling on the ground seemingly praying. The undead are in armor and are covered in plants that have ingrown in their skin. Kaijo kills one to fuel the soul lantern. The other undead wake up and start attacking him. He keeps a healthy distance but the undead can extend their reach with vines extending from their arms. Kaijo gets hit. "Hp: 40/60" Kaijo runs in cutting the vines off their arms and killing them by aiming for their neck. The wood and plants give in and Kaijo kills them. He finds the statue they were praying towards it depicts a godess in a white dress and long blonde hair. "The old sacred dagger resonates" Kaijo gets the dagger out and holds it toward the statue. The old sacred daggers starts glowing. "Weapon exclusive skill acquired: Sword of light. Skill description: clad in holy light a long blade extends from the dagger. (consumes more stamina and scales of the faith attribute.) "That´s useful!" Kaijo says trying it out. "Definetily useful agains undead and skelletons." He continues on and stumbles upon a crossing of paths. The soul lantern shows the way left so he goes left. He ends up at another crossing and follows the soul lantern on the way he can see some more ruins. He continues on and the soul lantern loses it´s intensity and guidance due to a lack of souls. One forest giant leaps out on him. The forest giant is huge and covered in plants with red glowing eyes. Kaijo gets hit. "Hp: 20/60". Kaijo backs of and takes two swigs of his healing flask. Kaijo starts fighting the giant. He can only reach the legs and he continues attacking. The giant stomps at him but Kaijo backs up. The giant follows up slamming his fist into the ground. Kaijo dodges and attacks the fist reducing it´s hp to 70%. "This guy will take some whacking to lay down." Kaijo says. He gets behind the giant and charges up powerful strike and attacks one leg cutting the tendons reducing it´s hp to 55%. The giant tumbles and stomps his other leg to regain balance. Kaijo already charged up another powerful strike and topples the giant reducing it´s hp to 40%. The giant falls down on it´s hands and groans in pain. Kaijo uses his old sacred dagger in his left hand and uses light blade swinging three times and combos it into the exclusive skill bringing down the giant. A giant has gotten closer and is ready to attack him but the soul lantern activates again producing light scaring it away. Kaijo looks behind him and sees the giant backing up. "Holy! He could´ve gotten me had I killed it later!" he says following the lantern. He arrives at a village that is surrounded by a barrier. There are two forest giants with spears and armor guarding the village. "Human turn back! This is no place for undead like you!" one of them says in a deep resounding voice. "I´ve come to kill Morgrun the forest giant! Do you know him!" Kaijo yells to reach their ears. "Morgrun? Ah yes you must be the chosen undead our elder spoke of. Very well you may enter." the other says. "Head straight to the elders house it is straight ahead you won´t miss it! And be careful to not get stomped on." the other answer. Kaijo enters through the barrier and the fog lifts entirely. He continues along avoiding the giants walking around. He goes up some giants stairs along the side of it. He arrives and the door opens on it´s own. "Chosen undead! You have finally come!" The elder says. An old forest giant who lived through the war with the old baron he has a long beard made of vines and his eyebrows droop down he rest on a large wooden staff. "Your mission is to kill Morgrun. Our people will help you with that!" He says. "I will pass onto you the knowledge of me an old hero and with this you can pass through the barrier anytime." he says passing him a glowing orb that enters him. He gains knowledge of the old war with the old baron and learns another spell. "New spell acquired: Gigantification. Spell description: Use this to become giant for one attack. Consumes all the stamina upon use." "Key item acquired: Giant tree branch. Item description: A tree branch from the staff of the forest giants elder. Gains access to the forest giants village. Can also be turned into a staff for magic use. "Thank you!" Kaijo says. "I´ve prepared a fire for you to rest at." the elder says pointing to a chimney. The fire is big and hot but he can rest at it.