From lowly undead to King

Chapter 13: chapter thirteen: old baron

Kaijo wakes up and runs back to the old baron and confronts him again. This time Kaijo swaps his butchering knife for the old iron sword and a shield. He enters trough the golden fog and the old baron equips his armor and starts walking toward him. Kaijo looks at the old baron and knows that he will attack soon. He blocks a couple of attacks and bashes the old baron making him flinch he attacks and reduces his hp to 95%. Kaijo steps back avoiding the attacks and charges in with the shield blocking the old baron´s trust. He gets two swings in before the old baron stomps the ground and freezes it reducing his hp to 85%. He holds up his shield because he cannot move and charges up powerful strike. He blocks the attacks and takes minimal damage activating divine retribution boosting his damage. As the old baron uses both swords to thrust Kaijo releases his attack hitting him full force reducing his hp to 55%. "Hp: 45/60". The old baron steps back and launches an ice magic orb at him. Kaijo quickly takes out his necklace and casts gust to disperse the magic. The old baron jumps in slamming his swords into the ground releasing ice magic. Kaijo runs in before he hit the ground and charges up powerful strike. Kaijo thrusts at the old baron reducing his hp to 20% due to a critical hit from behind and a boost from the ring. The old baron turns around and swings his sword but Kaijo parries one and then the other leaving the old baron vulnerable. Kaijo hits the old baron in the head with the sword and finishes him off with a critical hit shattering the armor the old baron was clad in. The old baron smashes the blue sword in the ground covering the whole room in ice creating a mist and runs the red sword along his palm powering up and his eyes glowing yellow now. Kaijo uses gust to disperse the mist. The old baron attacks from the side. Kaijo dodges and blocks the following trail of blood. The old baron swings again bringing in a reverse edge cut bypassing Kaijo´s shield from above hitting him in the head. "hp: 20/60". Kaijo backs off to heal. He takes one swig of his healing potion "Hp:45/60" "Healing flask: 4" just in time to dodge the blood projectiles launched from the old baron´s blade. He dodges around under and to the side of the attacks. The old baron jumps in with his blade but Kaijo blocks. The old barons a eyes flash red and he releases a blood vortex out of the ground. Kaijo´s shield is hit full front and decreases the durability of it by a lot because the blood rust the metal of it. Kaijo´s guard is broken but the old baron needs to recover from the attack. Kaijo´s stamina recovers in time to deliver the old baron a critical hit to the neck reducing his new healthbar to 80%. The old baron recovers and starts attacking again using both hands to hold the blade. Kaijo blocks using his shield and moves back to avoid more attacks. He finds some openings to poke the old baron reducing his hp to 65%. The old baron´s eye´s flash red and he swings his sword around wildly splattering blood everywhere damaging the shield and Kaijo inflicting blood loss on him. While bleeding Kaijo powers through the damage and ends up using all of his healing flask. The old baron smashes into Kaijo´s shield shattering it. Kaijo has no shields now and two hands his sword and assumes a guard position. The old baron´s red blade has turned back to it´s rusted state due to no blood being used to power up. The old baron attacks and Kaijo can block the attacks with his blade and crossguard. Kaijo somehow knows how to use a sword effectively for defense and offense he can block and deflect his enemies blade and exert pressure. He gets some hits in reducing the old baron´s hp to 45%. The old baron swings the sword around and Kaijo dodges and blocks using his sword. He can see the old baron´s patterns and habits. Kaijo moves closer and closer to the old baron to dodge some swings just by standing close to one side. The old baron turns around and swings his sword. Kaijo can block one, two and three hits coming from the side and finally from above. Kaijo smashes his sword into the old baron´s biting into the blade setting it aside and following through with his thrust reducing his hp to 35%. The old baron´s blade shows signs of failure with chippings on his blade. Kaijo and the old baron continue their exchange and Kaijo puts more power into his swings deliberately hitting the old baron´s blade to break it. The old baron steps back and his eyes flash red and he wildy swings his sword around running at Kaijo. Kaijo dodges and strafes around the blade and the old baron spins around and throws his cut at Kaijo. Kaijo sees the windup and charges up powerful strike a little bit and as the blade gets closer he cuts through the enemies blade breaking it giving him an opportunity to attack. Kaijo cuts across the old baron´s body leaving a big gashing wound reducing his hp to 15%. The old baron recovers and starts swinging like usual with slower attacks and with his attacks not reaching. Kaijo takes advantage of his extra reach and gets in two cuts reducing his hp to 5%. The old baron stabs himself in the chest in a last ditch effort pulling his sword out and taking it out and launching a huge blood projectile which cuts around the whole arena this attack however reduces his own hp to 1%. Kaijo having seen the attack dodges under it but the blood pops exploding the blood everywhere. Kaijo uses gust in the last second and launches the blood away. The old baron´s blood builds up inside of him and he explodes in a blood nova. Kaijo having no way to dodge gets hit and is left with one hp. "Old champion defeated!" "+ 50.000 souls" "Item acquired: broken blood red sword. Attack:150. Requirements: 20 faith and 20 arcane. Item description: an old rusted blade used for a very long time. It can inflict blood loss with it´s blade or powered up using blood to buff or using projectiles. It is currently broken but there must be some smith that can fix it." "Item acquired: broken frozen blue sword. Attack: 150. Requirements: 20 intelligence. A broken ice magic blade. It can freeze the surroundings with it´s icy blade or launch projectiles. There must be some smith that can fix this." "Spell acquired: The gods armor. Requirements: 40 faith. Spell description: a powerfull spell that can be used for a short duration that wraps the body in powerful armor bestowed by the gods. It offers immense protection wearing off after one minute or when it has taken enough damage." "That are some pretty dang powerful things of which I can´t use any of. Only thing I can do is level up my faith and intelligence." he says making a fire resting at the table. "Congratulations on defeating another champion of the old king. It must have been difficult but here is a reward for you to get to the next one in the lost woods!" Himori says appearing giving him an item. "Key item acquired: Soul lantern. Item description: a lantern that can be filled with souls. These souls act as fuel and will offer protection agains curses and as a light source. Be careful not to run out of souls!" "Another obscure item." he says. "Whitout it you would die in the lost woods." she says. "Whatever you say!" he answers. She disappears again and levels up Kaijo. Kaijo levels up his faith and intelligence up to 20. He equips the old sacred dagger and light blade in his left hand.

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