
Chapter 19


So we proceed to wait in the same alley.
You wouldn't think that anything happened here at all.
There isn't the slightest trace of bloodshed.
I guess the workers who grabbed them pulled them down and now the corpses are under the earth.
If there is anything left in the first place.

Now that I'm aware of them I detect quite a number of interceptors on the roofs.
They are well hidden and not easy to make out in the setting dark.
The term messengers isn't really applicable to them.
They might be to use like this but at the moment they are here to annihilate any threats coming to us.
And this surely does not put me to ease.


<How did you even get this many interceptors in this town here?> (E)

<First, the tunnels we used aren't limited to us. And second, when they fly high enough it is possible to get through the surveillance, especially at night.> (L)

<But that you brought so many here.> (E)

<Have you forgotten? A good number of them are yours.> (L)


Oh yes, I forgot this part.
So we are spending our time in this alley until it gets dark.
I ponder if we shouldn't just call it a day and leave, but then...


"Milady? Are you there?" (beggar)

"Ehk? Yes! Yes!" (E)

"I think you will be glad to hear that I've found them." (beggar)

"Really? Where? How are they? Is everything alright with them?" (E)

"They are like I said in one of those emergency barracks. It is a little distance from here, but manageable. They did not appear to be injured, but downtrodden and exhausted." (beggar)

"W-what did theE woman wear?" (E)


Damn, the emotions are affecting my speech.


"Ehm, the woman had a green shirt on. Looked rather worn." (beggar)


It's them!

I still have the image of my mother fleeing with my brother in her arms in my mind.
This might have been a little bargain, but knowing my mother she wouldn't have bought something new for herself.
If they even had anything to buy in the first place.
And the caretaking for the refugees has its limits for sure.
So asking for clothes was a safe way for confirmation.


"Can you bring me there? As fast as possible!" (E)

"We need to pay a little attention to possible patrols. But I think I can bring us there if you stay close and quiet." (beggar)

"Here are three silver coins for your efforts. The rest you will get when we reach our destination." (E)

"I can agree to those conditions." (beggar)


Like this, we start to move out.
The town has a completely different atmosphere at night.
It is quiet without people out at this time of day.
But I'm very worried about the army following us over the roofs.
The beggar leads us through the streets.
At one time we finally arrive at a huge yet simple-looking build.


"That is the emergency shelter. Anything else?" (beggar)

"They are in there, right? I will pay you as soon you can bring them out. Or just one at least." (E)

"Fine, I will do so!" (beggar)


He vanishes inside and soon...


"I don't know who you are or how you know our names, but you better have a good explanation for that! Approaching us in the middle of the night!" (Rowen)


That's him!

The beggar leaves first, maybe fleeing from the upset man.
In a daze I let the coins fall in his hands without even looking.
He takes it and then rushes off.


"So what do you want from us?" (R)


My emotions are vibrant, but I fully concentrate on forming an answer.


"M-meeting my family... I guess." (E)


I show my face clearly with these words.


"E-Erys? Your voice... You are fine! I thought... We expected the worst!" (R)


I guess it depends on the definition of what you consider the worst.
Regarding my current situation.


"Hello, dad." (E)

"You are really here! You made it!" (R)

"Could I ask how you are?" (E)

"We are all fine. It was hard to travel here, but we found shelter and they give us the most necessary to survive as long we don't leave the area." (R)


So they are controlled to stay quiet.
Understandable and maybe the reason why the town is still peaceful, despite the desperate refugees.
Such people would do almost everything to survive.


"W-wait! I need to tell your mother! She would never forgive me if I don't include her now!" (R)


Father runs back in and I wait on the outside.


<Your family is here, my princess. Aren't you glad?> (K)

<I'm mostly anxious now, Kyska. I have no idea what I should say. And there is so much stuff which is difficult to tell them. That we understand us, not a single word about eggs!> (E)

<But this is such a venerable role.> (K)

"This is in the first place something that will make my mother cry! So no word!" (E)

<If this is your wish.> (K)


A moment later, I detect movement on the inside.
Then my mother comes into view.


"ERYS!!!" (Farrah)

"Hey mum." (E)


In a blink, she rushes at me and wraps me in a tight embrace.


"Ieeehk!" (E)


It's not that I'm not happy, but she pressed hard and there are wings on my back.
This hurts!


"E-Ery? Are you fine?" (F)

"Sorry, mum. My back is just a little tender." (E)

"God! Are you hurt? Did they wound you?" (F)


Worried she puts her hand under my cloak and grabs...


"Ahh, uh, m-mum. Eeahh, this... this feels..." (E)


The way she fondles my wings is seriously nothing a daughter should experience from her mother.


"Erys! What is that? And... are you wearing armor?" (F)


Fortunately, she stops the fondling.


"You... you know, it is a bit complicated." (E)

"What happened? And who are they?" (F)


She points at the other two.


"It... is complicated. Please, promise me not to freak out!" (E)


My dad brought my brother in the meantime.


"Sister!" (Toris)

"H-hey!" (E)

"Erys, what is going on?" (F)

"I don't know how to tell you this. It's scary and... not nice. You might hate me." (E)

"I could never hate my daughter. No matter what you had to do to come back to us." (F)

"It is less about things I've done. Maybe a little. I can't find the words." (E)

"My princess! Shall I speak on your behalf?" (K)

"Princess!?" (I guess a mix of all of them)

"N-no this is something I should do on my own." (E)

"Who is this? And why is she calling you a princess?" (F)

"It is..." (E)

"Don't say "complicated". (F)

"Okay. But promise me not to freak out." (E)


God! I feel so uneasy!


"I do! But what is so terrible you struggle so much to speak about it? The last I saw was how you tackled the soldier. I wanted to help, but had your brother and hoped you could run. Did they catch you? Force you to do something?" (F)

"They caught me, but that's not the point. They didn't survive." (E)

"What is it then?" (F)


I take a deep breath and try to focus.


"Okay. Remember your promise! This here is Kyska and she is... an insect." (E)

"What kind of joke is this?" (R)

"This is no joke! She really is! Please believe me!" (E)

"Good, let's say I believe you. What is it that you want to say?" (F)

"It's... her kind lives under the surface. And apparently they don't like it if someone ignites large scale fires over them. They killed the soldiers. And I was... captured." (E)

"And now they bring you back to us?" (F)

"Not really. It is a bit more complicated than this. They... their queen did something to me." (E)

"And what?!" (F)

"Please, don't freak out!" (E)

"Ah... Right, right. Please continue." (F)


I look to make sure that there is no one to see.


"Kyska, could you please cover me from behind, if someone comes?" (E)

"Sure, my princess!" (K)


I open my cloak and reveal the dress I'm wearing, but much more importantly... my wings.
They are spreading.
I hear all of them gasp.


"Erys!!! Are-are they real?" (F)

"Yes. And incredibly sensitive. So please don't touch." (E)

"How? Why? Why did you grow wings?" (F)

"This is kind of what was done to me. It seems they somehow insectified me." (E)

"A-are you alright?" (F)

"Do I look like this? You know it's rather difficult to run from your own body. And the wings are only that what I can bring myself to show you." (E)


Father is apparently quite dumbfounded too.
Unfortunately, he forgot because of this to hold Toris who was walking now in my direction.
And grabs without any restraint a wing of the lower segment.


"IeeEhk! I-I said they are sensitive. Please stop!" (E)


I fall on my knees at this sensation.
Kyska is leaning downwards.
Most of her head is covered, but these black eyes are still piercing.


"I think the princess is troubled. Would you be so kind to release her?" (K)

"Ah, y-yes!" (Toris)


I am glad that she is so courteous in such situations.
I was extremely worried if the soldiers might react.


"Why are you calling her this?" (F)

"Because she is a princess of the swarm!" (K)


I can manage to gather myself after this fondling.


"It seems to be like this. They say I'm important to them somehow, after whatever they did. But they were friendly, especially Kyska here and they saved me from the soldiers. Maybe you can, I don't know, not hate them. Simply that I'm allowed to come here means much." (E)

"You say so. But is this really alright?" (R)

"I've got a little used to them. Ehk, maybe Kyska can show herself if you stay calm. Is that alright, Kyska?" (E)

"If you wish so, my princess!" (K)


I lean towards Toris.


"Kyska looks a little scary. Do you think you can look at her?" (E)


He looks unsure at Kyska and nods.


"Good, just know she is rather nice. I think you can, Kyska." (E)


Kyska opens the cloak and her appendages become visible.
Then she removes the coverage on her face.
The insect features are now completely visible.
Maybe my parents gasp a bit, but they were already a little forewarned.
So the reaction is within the limits.
My little brother however stares at her.
I hope he's still okay.


"As I said, she is friendly. You don't need to fear her." (E)

"It's fine I think." (R)

"Kyska cared for me the whole time. I hope you can accept her." (E)

"Y-you've grown wings!" (F)

"Are we still at that point?" (E)

"Sorry that the fact my daughter has wings sprouting out of her back is of meager relevance for me!" (F)

"You know, aside from the point that I cannot properly reach behind to clean them myself, those things are the least of my problems. Currently, I'm clamping my eyes half shut with a second eyelid to not reveal that they are black!" (E)

"What?! You are doing a terrible job at hiding it if you just tell us." (F)

"This is not the kind of secret you would mention in some years during dinner! It's extremely straining. The same goes for speaking like this! Or do you think I maintain this high-pitched tone because it's so funny?" (E)

"How can this be possible?!" (F)

"As I see it, it was about being at the wrong place at the wrong time and getting put in front of a thirty-meter queen who stings you with... whatever it is that turns you into an insect-princess! As if I'd know more!!!" (E)

"My princess, maybe you should calm down. You are emitting stress pheromones." (K)

"Kyska! Did you really think that this is the kind of thing I would be able to get done while staying absolutely calm?" (E)

"Still, this isn't good for your..." (K)

<Screeaak!/I said don't mention this!> (E)


Just then I get aware of my response.
It seems they all are a little put off at my shout.
In insect speech!


"I-I mentioned the part about problems with my voice?" (E)

"What was that?" (F)

"Insect speech. Part of the whole "insectifying" thing. Do you have any idea how hard it was to learn human words again?" (E)

"Ieeh caEn rEeelaEte to thAaat!" (L)


Now everyone is holding their ears.


"Ouch, who is that?" (R)

"Ehk, this is princess Liseti! She is rather important. Just to mention it before you say anything rude to her. It probably would only need a flick of her finger right now and the town gets instantly sucked into the decent." (E)

"Ieet miEeght proobaeblyEee taekE ae bieeet of prEeparAtion." (L)


First, her hearing ability is scary.
Second, her voice rings badly in the ears.
And third, I am absolutely sure she was serious right now.
And my parents seem to have understood that too.


"You-you know, she is a rather reasonable person. Also, I have confirmed now multiple times that the giant insect army below is not going to invade!" (E)

"Giant insect army!? And... And what is the other one?" (F)

"Kyska is something like a maid. Or rather, she says nurse. Like I've said I can't clean these wings myself." (E)

"I-it seems much happened." (F)

"You don't say! Have I mentioned that there is an entire empire down there? Please, don't think I'm completely fine but after what happened I am a little disenchanted." (E)


I mean after my body changed, I started to lay eggs, and was confronted with an insect civilization below the earth where I became their princess, being a little bit dulled seems fine.


"Erys, when you screamed before..." (F)

"Yes?" (E)


I don't like the sound of that question.


"Why did you scream at her? She was going to say something, right?" (F)


And now I know why I didn't like it.


"This... This is nothing. You misunderstood. No need to fuss over this." (E)

"Ery! You are acting now like back then when you've destroyed our tableware when you were six. What are you hiding?" (F)

"This is really nothing you need to hear." (E)

"It sounds more to me like you don't want me to hear instead of I don't need to. And such a thing towards your mother! Do you have any idea how worried that makes me?" (F)

"Can we talk about this when we're back?" (E)

"Back?" (F)

"You see, I came here to ask you something. I think we all know that I cannot just come out and live here, with all the people. And this isn't even taking an empire of insects who say I'm their princess into account. On the other hand, you could... maybe... I love you and I don't want to miss you!" (E)

"The princess wants to ask if you might accompany her to her courtyard. Naturally you will be provided there. The princess assigned you a high priority, so your wishes would be attended!" (K)

"You are asking us to come below with these... insects?" (R)

"I'm asking you to come with me! I'm worried and you can't say it's safe to live here as refugees. I can absolutely promise you would be safe. I admit that the insects look foreign and you haven't even seen the workers or guardians, but I can help! And it wouldn't have to be forever. I could maybe let them rebuild our house and help you get through everything till you're fine again. They would do that, right Kyska?" (E)

"Everything my princess wishes and that we can fulfill." (K)

"IeEef ieet hEelps, IeeE mAaede a tuunneeel, rIeeeght thEere." (L)


If just that ear-piercing tone would stop.
And wait, here is already a tunnel?
How fast is she?


"I don't understand! What is in there for you to do such a thing as providing for us?" (F)

"The princess is of utmost importance! Her wellbeing has to be ensured and like this, her wishes and needs have priority. So that she can fulfill her role." (K)

"Her role?" (F)


And here I step in.


"You know a princess is apparently pretty important, so I am treated very well. They will be friendly because I ask them to!" (E)

"Do you really think I haven't noticed how you changed the topic?" (F)

"I don't need to tell you when I don't want to!" (E)

"You said you would if I come with you." (F)

"So that means... you do?" (E)

"I thought I've lost my daughter and now she pleads me to accompany her. I think it should be possible. Yet we should talk as a family about this." (F)

"I would advise buying some stuff. Maybe we could come and get you tomorrow night. I made sure that I have normal food and such at home, but here we would need to buy it. And clothes! They don't have any. I have some money here. Is it okay to give it to them Liseti?" (E)

<Cric, screa!/Sure, this is in accordance with my plans!> (L)


She seems to have noticed that everyone's ears hurt when she speaks and settled for the convenient option.


"She said yes!" (E)


Like this, I hand over the rest of the money I've got.
One gold and four silver and the leftover copper should be more than enough.


"You should take back the gold coin. If we would show this off, we would practically just be begging to get robbed." (F)

"Ehehe, yes. Who would do something so stupid?" (E)

"It seems you have more stories to tell." (F)

"Not really." (E)


Then she turns around and hands father the money.


"You've heard what we need! It should be possible to buy all this tomorrow. And now we have the money to run these errands. The market might be restricted for us but you should be able to get anything not essential for the town's supply before the curfew. I trust you there." (F)

"Sigh! Sure honey." (R)

"H-hey! What's the meaning of this?" (E)

"Didn't I say I accompany you? I thought you were dead and now that I've got you back I shall let you leave alone under the earth with some insects?" (F)

"Mum, this sounds a little rude!" (E)

"It wasn't meant as an offense! I simply don't want to lose you again!" (F)

"You-you really want to come down with me now?" (E)

"I said so!" (F)

"Just to say it, the workers and guardians look a bit creepy. You might get scared." (E)


She turns to Liseti.


"You said that we will be treated well there and that it is safe?" (F)

"NAtuuraallyEEee! Youuu haave noo idEea hoow iEmportAant yoour daaughteer ieeez." (L)


Mum prepared this time in advance her ears for that assault.


"I'm intrigued to hear about this. There should be no problem then." (F)


I'm getting goosebumps.
And cold sweat! Heavy sweat.


"At least it seems I will learn what my daughter is hiding." (F)


I think I get a stomach ache.

Stomach ache?
No, no, no, no, no, no!
Not now!

What did Kyska say?
Keep your body under pressure and you can hold it off.
And so I do.
I guess it works for now.


"I think we should go then!" (K)


Unfortunately, a certain overly attentive insect has apparently noticed.
Liseti leads us to a place close, a little bit away from the road.


"Screak!/Open!" (L)


She cries out and after a moment the earth bulges and a worker becomes visible.
I think my mother is a little uneasy with this four-legged monstrosity in front of her, but she manages to stay calm.
This isn't the case for my father who sends us off but now panics at this sight.
And I have no idea what is going on with my brother.
He just stares at them.


Where the creature emerged a hole has opened.
It wasn't loud how the earth moved.
However, I fear that randomly a person might be up this night and see us.
Hopefully, they close this tunnel fast and well.


"Maybe we shouldn't stand out here in the open for long." (E)

"Fine. Then in there!" (F)


And my mother jumps first.
Well, it's not directly jumping, as the hole leads diagonally into the underground, but there was some determination in the move.

I follow behind.


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