
Chapter 18


The journey in this living nightmare carriage proceeds fast, without any incidents, and eventually, we reach our destination.
In addition, I doubt there was anything that could have stopped this thing.
And for sure the other soldiers took care of anything that was in front of us.

I cannot leave fast enough, yet need to be careful not to fall on this "stair" of nurses, which formed again.
Not because I might get injured, more for the reason that countless arms would catch me if I do.
This is not good for my sanity.
And neither was this horror vehicle.

Still shaking, I address Liseti when she steps out with all the grace one would expect of royalty.


<You know, you need to find something different if we want to take my family with us. I won't let them make this experience.> (E)

<Fine, if you say so.> (L)


I examine the surroundings and this really has the vibe of a military complex.
The structures are straight and functional.
We are under the earth so it's difficult to judge but I see a courtyard and many lined-up tunnel entrances.
Those might be either storage halls, barracks, or commodities.
At least she said they are prepared to hatch the eggs here.
Kyska said that the eggs don't even need very long to develop into a grown worker for example.
I guess a guardian might take a bit longer, yet we are talking here about a steadily growing army.
And this so close to a town.

A siege against this kind of enemy wouldn't end well.
Eventually, you would be overpowered in a stalemate.
And here we have a base and two princesses.
Please let this end well!


For now, I have a pressing matter.


<Liseti, you said we are under the town, but do you know what time of day it is? Is it dark out there? Where would we come out? It would be bad to break out with an army in broad daylight on the market. As long you aren't planning an invasion that is.> (E)

<This is still not my objective. However, you are right. You need to know, the surface was a little shock for us. Such a vast expanse and the world simply ending in no substance. The new rules that apply there. Positive was that our resting intervals aligned with the light conditions out there, so you can be assured that I know the time. It might have something to do with the change of temperature which influenced us indirectly. What I want to say is that we first spread scouts out there, hunters and interceptors. Like this, I've got through interceptors, which scanned from above, information about the settlement's layout. They absolutely don't suspect anything coming from below and so there are some dead spots where we might enter without getting noticed. What is your idea about our approach?> (L)


My first idea is that I hope the interceptors flew high enough to not cause a panic in the populace.
Yet I guess I should propose something more substantial.


<It might be best to go out when the sun sets. Then we might still find some business we can hide into and more important the contacts I've mentioned. People are mainly controlled when they enter, there might still be patrols, but not too thorough surveillance. We could first stay at the market and find who we are looking for and in the dark act more freely.> (E)

<Can you describe a market? So that I know our destination?> (L)

<It would be the place with the most civilians. Around there some wooden constructions opened to a passage in the middle, presenting different objects.> (E)

<My intel works out then. I know where we need to head.> (L)

<The only problem is our appearance. I might pass as human, but anyone else will likely cause a panic. So it's important that we cover any inhuman features.> (E)

<You are right. If we stay close to our entrance we can keep our escorts in reach. I have the requested coverings. With acid-prepared skin of tunnel dwellers. Nasty creatures, but tough skin. It will soon be your mentioned time and I hate wasting the same, so prepare yourself.> (L)


The "coat", if one can call it like this, is handed to me and I wonder what kind of creature has such a large and ebon hide.
There are no sleeves for the arms but it's possible to fix it in a believable way.
It has exactly the properties she mentioned and feels extremely durable.
I see Liseti putting it on.


<You really are going out there too?> (E)

<Naturally! This kind of firsthand information is of great value.> (L)

<Then I am coming too! At least I can give my life to buy time for my princess should anything happen.> (K)

<Your princess does still not know her own body enough, so this attention is favorable. Also, your ability of speech could be of use. But don't chime in on your own.> (L)


So Kyska gets as well one hide.
We are now properly outfitted and they even considered covering their faces with the hide.
Now they are only suspicious cloaked figures, but I hope I can smooth things over.


<As you will act on our behalf and since my ability in human speech is still lacking, here is the money we obtained. In addition, we have the mentioned ores. But these may be more common.> (L)


She hands me a sac she safe took from one of the corpses.
I can't see any blood on it, but it might have been cleaned.
I find seventy-eight worth of copper, four units are big pieces valuing each ten.
Then there are thirteen silver coins, probably the last payment for the soldiers.
And there is even a gold coin.
As it equals ten silver I can only believe it belonged to the leader.
This is a really large sum.

We are heading to the surface.
I become nervous, as it just needs has to happen that the place we emerge isn't empty to start a large-scale war.
The others like always are perfectly calm.

Then it begins.
A worker performs with its sharp claws some last hits and...

I see light!
Natural light!
I didn't even know how much I missed it.
Tears come down my eyes and I am getting emotional.


<Erys! What is with you?> (L)


I instantly wake up from my daze.


<Sorry, it's just special for me to see the sunlight.> (E)

<I... think I can relate. Yet now is not the time.> (L)

<Right! I'm going first! I look the most normal here.> (E)


The sun, even if it's dimmed, burns a bit in my eyes, which got used to the dark down there.
Fortunately, this place is a dead spot and no one is here to spot us.


<It's fine here. You can emerge. But be careful with your eyes, the light hurts a bit.> (E)


The two are coming out and internally I really hope the around three-thousand soldiers below us won't follow.


<It is interesting. The structures look stable yet strange. And this light is quite... present. I can understand that it is something you would have to get used to and naturally miss if it isn't there anymore. Still, can you go?> (L)

<Yes. This is just special. I think I'm kind of glad.> (E)

<Stay attentive, we aren't safe here.> (L)

<Yes I know! Do you know where the market is?> (E)

<My intel says this way.> (L)


We go there and find ourselves on the market.
As the sun already sets the business on the street is settling down as well.
Yet there is still some business going on.
I believe the princess next to me is particularly interested in the practical conclusion to her assumptions about money.
I look around and find a merchant that is still open with general goods such as simple clothing and bags.

I approach him and try.
He might become unfriendly if I would just ask him and waste his time.
The third use of money in this case is to smoothen relationships.
Here it would be better if I'm a favorable customer and not just some lurker.


"Eexcuse me? How much is this bag there?" (E)


Keep it together Erys!
Now is not the time for the "E"!
He gives me a look but it seems to be fine.


"This one? Pretty high class! One silver it must be!" (merchant/robber)

"We look at the same bag right? Since I can see the worn-out points and holes! And to qualify this material as high-class is a joke. At most thirty copper! And this is generous!" (E)

"On the other hand you see there aren't this many bags left in town. Too many fleeing people trying to find something to stuff their goods into. But I like you. So let's say seventy copper. Fine?" (merchant)

"Fifty at most! I am pretty sure you want also to get rid of your wares to leave early.

"But I will raise it to sixty if you answer me a question." (E)

"You've got me! Fine what do you want?" (merchant)

"I am looking for some refugees! A family of three it should be. The father's named Rowen, the mother Farrah, and the son Toris. They are featuring dark-brown hair, the father's more black. If you would know something or anyone who can find them I would appreciate it." (E)

"Hmm, I only sell to some of the refugees, but if you want information, do you see this person there?" (merchant)


 I follow his gesture and notice a beggar at the sideline.


"The beggar?" (E)

"You know, the beggars are part of a network in this town. They see things and hear things without getting noticed, but I need to warn you. Those in charge are not necessarily upstanding civilians." (merchant)

"Thank you for your help. Now about the bag. Here!" (E)


I give the money and get this piece of fabric for it.
It is really not much, but having one might make me look more normal and that's what I need.
I think I handled myself well in the negotiations.
Mother's advice in the past got in handy.
So I leave the merchant.


"And? How was seeing human interaction?" (E)

<Impressive and interesting! The way you talked to him. You handled yourself much more confidently than I know you. And that you had your voice under such control is astonishing.> (L)


There is no danger with the amount of sound she uses and the distance to people, who are also occupied right now.
Otherwise, her clicking sounds would make me nervous.


"Just to say so, never give directly in on an offer if you're not sure about it. The merchant was trying to get a greater profit, by setting a higher price for what I wanted. If you perceive that you can barter him down. I probably still gave too much, but my true intention was to make him keen to talk. Money can be used like this too in some situations." (E)

<Your assistance is truly of unmeasurable value!> (L)

"Now we need to talk to the beggar there. Beggars are... a sad story. They, in general, have no way to gain money and like this sit there in hope people give it to them." (E)

<Why have they no way? Shouldn't there be always something to do?> (L)

"Different to your kind there are no set roles for a human. They might not find something they can do." (E)

"Such a thing!" (K)

"Yet in this case, those people take advantage of the fact that they are not part of the society, without a role and like this, they are partly ignored by the people. The fact that no one sees them makes it easy to gather information. And so they are the people we need to speak to." (E)

<A fascinating experience! Chaotic, yet stable.> (L)


I approach the beggar for my question.


"Hello good man, I would like to ask a question if it won't bother you." (E)

"What kind of question? I'm heavily occupied!" (beggar)


I let my gaze drift around the empty street setting again on this man.


"I'm looking for a family of three. Refugees who should have arrived in the last four days.

The names of the man and the woman are Rowen and Farrah and the son's is Toris! It is of severe importance for me to find them and I would compensate you if you might help me to do so. Five silver would be right I guess." (E)


I show the money to emphasize I'm willing to pay.


"It seems to be heavy important to you yet to find someone in this stream of refugees will be quite hard to pull off. For now, I can only tell you that most of the refugees got quarters close to the slums. Some kind of temporary emergency shelters to stop them from roaming the streets, but I guess that's not what this offer was for." (beggar)

"How is this, if you can arrange a meeting I will go up to seven silver for your efforts and pay one here right now in advance." (E)

"Very generous milady! I think it should be possible. Any noteworthy features?" (beggar)

"Well, dark-brown hair, the man more black. The man's eyes are dark-brown too, while the woman’s are grey-turquoise. The man should look rather sturdy. He's quite trained. The son is six. Is that enough?" (E)

"Rather common, but I guess with the names it should be possible." (beggar)

"You know, I don't have anything else to do, so we will wait there in this alley for your response. If you can meet us this night I'll add one more silver. The matter is of greatest urgency." (E)

"Like this, you will disregard the curfew milady." (beggar)

"I already said that this is more important than everything else to me and I have no place to go right now! I think we both know that this kind of information is something I could possibly find out myself with more time. Like this, I would rather pay for the quickness of your service.  So please help me to settle this problem." (E)

"I will try, but I cannot promise an answer today." (beggar)

"Tomorrow is acceptable too. But if you are really fast I would spend one more silver. That makes two more if it's today!" (E)

"Then please excuse me, but it seems I have an assignment I have urgently to attend to." (beggar)


I turn around to my company.


"I think we should go back to the alley. We could also look a little around the market, but I would feel too much at risk if a patrol comes." (E)


We settle some distance away and I guess Kyska's tension relaxes a bit close to the cluster of waiting soldiers under the earth.
Liseti instead seems absolutely serene.
I guess she could slice her way through should something happen.


<Your way of negotiating was fairly impressive. It was fascinating how you used those metal plates to convince him.> (L)

<This... I was probably really bad! Someone who's skilled might have gotten this result for half that sum or even less, but I didn't want to risk anything.> (E)

<Understandable, yet it seems such knowledge over you weakens your position!> (L)

<I thought... we wouldn't need this much of the money anymore if we reach our goal!> (E)

<I don't know. Now that I've seen its usage the utility becomes quite apparent. But for now, I need to say that you have shown noteworthy results. Also, this place is fascinating. So many different influences, gathering to such a structure. The system in use here obviously has flaws, but the results like this "market" are interesting.> (L)

<I'm glad you like it. I would be sad if such a thing would vanish. Individualism in the end brings also new things. Like the queen which found a better way than all the others because she was different. This "system", as you call it, has the good point that different approaches lead to different solutions so that you might find something valuable.> (E)

<You obviously like it and as I said, it's not my goal to destroy this if there is no need to. But I've decided to reveal our presence here at this settlement soon. If I can make facts here this will set our general approach and I would like to have the "how" under my control. Alone the gained knowledge would be worth it and your presence is a unique chance.> (L)


Now I get anxious again.
What she says is favorable, but her future plans make me panic.


<The town aside, how do you find the surface?> (E)

<Is it normal that the light starts to vanish? This seems like a severe change, yet you stay calm about it.> (L)

<It is normal. The sun each day rises on the west and sets opposite in the east. This is natural.> (E)

<I note that the temperature starts to decrease without this light. This might be an issue for a prolonged stay.> (L)

<You would in general look for shelter by nightfall, but we need the advantage of the dark, and too many people are out otherwise. Is the temperature an issue?> (E)

<Not yet. This is still manageable, but our reflexes should decrease when it gets too cold. Our carapace isn't thought to hold temperature.> (L)

<We have summer right now. It should stay rather warm at night.> (E)

<So it differs in relation to time?> (L)

<I am rather sure that it is aligning with your cycles!> (E)

<I thought so. Yet the conditions must be much harder this exposed to the environment.> (L)

<I guess, but the people manage.> (E)

<I see! There must be tenacity to survive this.> (L)


Like this, we are spending our time waiting for our appointment.
It slowly starts to get darker, yet a little light is still present.
But then...


"Hey, you were right! They really are here!"


I have a bad feeling about this!
With growing concern, I look in the direction of the voices and find men entering our alley.
They are crudely armed with spiked clubs, daggers, and even a sword.


"How stupid can you be? Showing off this much money and then walk in an unwatched alley! It's like you are begging to get robbed!" (bandit)


Why did this have to happen?
From all the things that I could face, now robbers?


<Can you explain this situation, Erys?> (L)

"They are bandits! People making a living by taking others wealth." (E)

<So predators! Interesting.> (L)

"More like human scum, this isn't a normal occupation!" (E)


I don't want her to think too bad about mankind.
I'm literally bargaining for its existence.
And I'm now deeply worried.
Not about my safety, but what may happen next.


"So, what do we have here? Some unknown figures where no one will ask any questions should they vanish. If not for this beggar who will wonder where you left to!" (bandit scum)

"Aeem Ieeh rieeEght ieef thieEs iees no act of treeEAchery of ouuur contaaAct, buut just a meeEre cooieEnciEdeeence?" (L)

"God! What was that? Got your throat washed with acid?!" (bandit with ear pain)

"AaansweEeer theeE quEeestiooon, pleeEEase!" (L)

"No! As if any of those idiotic weaklings would get their own hands dirty! Scum like that ain't even capable to do anything on their own. And now hold this thing shut! God! What a pain! You're dead!" (bandit)

"Please let us kill this one fast! I don't even want to imagine her death screams!" (stupid bandit)

"You are aiming for their lives!?" (K)


Kyska is at this prospect extremely agitated.
I think less because of fear and more for lèse majesté.


"Please, can't we solve this peacefully? What do you want to leave us like this? I can offer one gold coin and four silver!" (E)

"I would rather take all and your lives while I'm at it. We simply cannot allow you to escape and talk to the guard. You need to understand." (bandit leader)

"Please! There must be a way! Just leave!" (E)


If this won't end the soldiers will rip them apart!


"Oh, stop your whining! It's just annoying!" (idiot bandit)

"You don't understand! Leave, or you all will die!" (E)

"First whining now threats. You don't know what you want, girl!" (b)


Promptly I feel a touch on my shoulder.
It's Liseti!


<I understand your issue. It would be a problem if they scream now. But don't worry I made precautions!> (L)


It was more about the gravity to end a human life.
Even if I don't feel sympathy for them, having them killed because of me does not feel good.
And they are all going to die!
This will not be about self-defense.
It's slaughter!


"SIeEncE IeeE amm leEEniEnt aAnd myEe frIieeend heEEre iees agAInst killieeng youu hAve One moore chaaancE. Ieef yuu now draw cloosEr yuuu alll agreeE to dieEEE!!!" (L)


This is extremely obliging of her, as proud as she is.
And this must be to a great degree because of me.


"Oh dammit! This voice again! Kill her!" (bandit leader)

<Cric, screeeh/As you want!> (L)


The men stop at this unnatural sound.
But they have no time to ponder.
In seconds, claws are grabbing them from below.
But much faster are the blades of the interceptors.
I didn't even notice when they gathered on the roofs but in a blink, instead of the men that were there, only a flattering mass is seen.
It squirms and fiddles in a ball-like form.
And when the soldiers leave even the bodies are missing.

This was kind of unreal for me.
Not even much of a sound was audible aside from the flapping of the wings.
No one should have noticed.
And like this, four lives ended.


<As if I would lack in taking precautions while guarding a princess.> (L)

<They are dead, right?> (E)

<Naturally! We gave them every chance! I'm sure you understand my handling regarding this situation.> (L)

<Yes I do. It's just sad. Life is precious! Even that of such scum. I don't like killing.> (E)

<Understood, but do you agree that I act like this in such situations?> (L)

<It would be unfair to expect anything different from you. You have the right to defend yourself.> (E)


It really is.
They were aiming for our lives.
The fact that we always had the upper hand isn't changing that.
It just makes this an execution and no emergency situation where you would have to act.
We could have scared them for example.
But this might have ended with our exposure.

In the end, Liseti did the right thing.
She is logical and logically this was the best decision.
That doesn't mean I need to like it.


<Assuring to hear. Then now we'll continue to wait.> (L)


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