Chapter 99: Chapter 95 - The Birthday Party part 2
4 hours long journey inside a car, can make a body feel stiff. Because of that the Emiya family plus Miyu, Arturia, Asia, Ryuudou Issei and all of Illya and Kuro close friend moving their body for a moment to relieve their body. But there is one person who do a different thing than the other. Tatsuko Gakumazawa, Illya friend who have weird personality borderline insane. Using a cloth to cover her eyes and then she took out a piece of wood out of nowhere and start swinging the wood randomly while running.
Illya, Kuro, Miyu, Nanaki and Suzuka can only facepalming after they saw what Tatsuko do, while Mimi is panicking and try to stop Tatsuko crazy act.
Irisviel and Kiritsugu can't do anything about Tatsuko because they already going to the hotel where they will stay that night to booking a room, Sella and Liz also can't do anything because they are following their boss to the hotel while bringing Irisviel and Kiritsugu suitcase.
"Illya, Kuro why you didn't try to stop your friend danger act?" Asked Shirou who confused by what Tatsuko do.
"I still want to life Onii-chan," Answered Illya.
"Stopping Tatsuko crazyness is same as suicide," Answered Kuro. "So let her do what she want to do!"
Miyu, Suzuka and Nanaki nodded their head, their agree with Kuro word. Tatsuko insanity is a daily meal for them. So they choose not to do anything if Tatsuko start to do something that will be very dangerous for her and all the people around her.
"Emiya if we let her doing some random dangerous act like that, I worry that she will hurt herself and much more worse than that she will hurt somebody else if we not stop her," Ryuudo said. "So what we will do know?"
"Yeah Shirou, Ryuudou-san is right," Arturia said. "That girl thinking her crazy stunt as a games, it will be bad for her if her random swing hit other people!"
"Shirou-san please help her!" Asia said. "I don't want Tatsuko-chan doing something that will make her regret!"
'Sigh all of Illya friend are really unique in their own way, but the girl name Tatsuko Gakumazawa if I'm not wrong. The daughter of Gotou-san and Stella-san, right? Her uniqueness is borderline insane!' Shirou said. 'Why her parent didn't try to bring her to a psychologist?'
'Maybe because her parent think that bringing her to a psychologist will not help her at all,' Zelretch said. 'Her crazy act maybe her true behaviour from the moment she born, I don't think she came from a bad family from the way she act.'
'What a troublesome girl!' Shirou said when he saw Tatsuko who already arrived at the seashore while still swinging the wooden stick all the people who was on the seashore where Tatsuko was swinging the wodden stick randomly with her eyes closed also stayed away from Tatsuko because they felt that what Tatsuko was doing was very dangerous.
"Let's just call her parent," Shirou said to Ryuudo. "Let them take care their weird child."
"Eeeh Onii-chan, you knew Tatsuko parent?" Asked Illya.
"Yeah, kind of," Answered Shirou. "Because the places we will celebrates your birthday party that I already booked is belong to her parent."
"That's surprising," Kuro said. "I don't think that Tatsuko parent have a places in this beach."
"Yes, that really surprising," Suzuka, Nanaki, and Miyu said.
"They have a beach house here," Shirou said while trying to call Tatsuko parent with his smartphones. "They said doing a bussiness in the summer always more profitable rather than they main bussiness the Gakumazawa dojo."
Inside the hotel where the Emiya family will spend their night. Kiritsugu and Irisviel meet with Luvia, Rin and Sakura who already arrived at the hotel faster than the Emiya's.
"Ah, Emiya-kun parent!" Rin said feel surprised because she didn't expect that the Emiya's will stay overnight in the same hotel
"Shero mom and dad!" Luvia said feeling happy because her future in-laws are staying at the hotel she just bought.
"Senpai parent!" Sakura said who feel panic after she saw the parent of her love ones.
"Ara the Tohsaka sister, Rin-chan and Sakura-chan! Also Edelfelt heir, Luvia-chan!" Irisviel said while holding Kiritsugu hand. "Are all of you also staying overnight at this hotel?"
"Yes, Okaa-Sama," Luvia said with a very red faces. "This is the hotel, I just bought! So if you want to stay overnight in this hotel! It will be free! You two don't have to pay for the stay! Even if you want you can stay at this hotel for as long as you want!"
Rin and Sakura realize that Luvia doing kind act to Irisviel and Kiritsugu because she want leave a nice image in Kiritsugu and Irisviel mind. But of course Rin and Sakura would never allow such a thing to happen in front of the two of them.
"Stop your nice act to Emiya-kun's parents!" Rin shouted. "I know you act like that so that you are the one who is more blessed to be Emiya-kun's main wife right? Do you think I would allow such a thing! Never! I will be Emiya-kun's main wife! Because I am his girlfriend and true love! Remember that well Luvia Edelfelt!"
"Heh, so what if I want to act nices to my future parent in law? And you're right Tohsaka Rin! This is my strategy to giving a nice impression to my future parent in law! So they will made me Shero main wife! Not you!" Luvia said. "I will do anything to became Shero main wife! Even I must to humiliate myself in front of others or throw away my pride!"
"Your word is so bold, Luvia-san! But you are wrong! Nee-san who will be Senpai main wife!" Sakura shouted. "And if Nee-san is Senpai main wife and Arturia-san was senpai second wifes! Than I will be Senpai third wifes! I'm a bit angry that I can be Senpai main wife! But atleast my position as Senpai wife is higher than you! Edelfelt-san! Because you will became senpai fifth or sixth wifes!"
Sakura word who is more bold than Luvia make Rin, Luvia, Kiritsugu and Sella jaws dropped. They didn't expect that Sakura can said something so embarassing like that.
While Irisviel feel very happy by Sakura word because she can have a lot daughter in law and Lizz is as emotionless as always because what she cares is only sleep, eat and watching her favorites tv show.
Meanwhile with the O.R.C club that go to the Underworld.
Issei, Irina, Grayfia and Xenovia jaws is dropped after they arrived at Gremory territory.
Because as soon as the four of them arrived at the Gremory territory, with the other club members.
[Welcome home, Rias-ojou-sama!] The four of them feel surprised by the welcome but that only the beginning after that Panpanpanpan! a lot of Fireworks were set off, soldiers shooting their guns at the sky and fired, and an orchestra band began to play simultaneously! A soldier who rode on top of unknown flying creature flew in the sky above, and waving some flag.
Issei, Irina, Griselda and Irina feel really out of place. Because this is the first time they see and feel something fancy like that. But the others member of O.R.C in the other hand seemed already accustomed to the fancy welcoming.
Except for Gasper of course still feel little terrified by the large number of people here and because of that he hiding behind Rias back.
"Rias-buchou is really are Oujou-Sama," Issei said. "The people who welcoming her arrival is so many."
"Of course she is," Kiba said. "Because she is the heir of Gremory clan, one of 72 original devil clan."
"The heir position is belong to Sirzech-Sama before," Akeno said. "But after he became one of the four mao, that position is inherit by his sister Rias."
"It look like there is a lot of thing that I must to learn as a member of her peerage," Issei said.
"You are right Issei," Rias said. "As a member of my peerage I hope you do your best to learn a lot of important thing about devil custom and way of life."
"Even though he is not a devil anymore?" Asked Irina.
"He maybe not a devil anymore Issei is still a part of my peerage! Even only temporary member like Emiya-kun and Asia!" Rias said. "So he still had to learn about all of that!"
When Rias is busy telling Issei and his girlfriend about what Issei must to learn, a silver-haired maid, Grayfia is appear.
"Welcome back, Rias ojou-sama. It's good that you has arrived early and safe. Now then, Rias oujou-sama and her peerage members, please board to the carriage. We'll be going to the Gremory castle with it!"
Not long after Shirou calling Tatsuko parent, Gotou and Stella Gakumazawa arrived at the scenes seeing their daughter crazyness.
Gotou only laugh and said that Tatsuko is really good at walking while her eyes is closed. While Tatsuko mother Stella facepalming because of what Tatsuko do. She then hit her husband head and then she walking to Tatsuko and pinching her ear as hard as she can. Tatsuko screamed in pain because her ear is tugged by her mother.
She then scolding her stupid daughter and husband harshly while making the two of them sitting in seiza style. She scolding her daughter Tatsuko because of her crazy stunt and she also scolding her husband because of his stupid act praising Tatsuko stunt. Stella Gakumazawa then bring her husband and her daughter to their family beach house. But before that Stella already told Shirou that the food for the birthday party will be ready in two hour.
"There are two hour free time before we start the birthday party," Shirou said. "I'll be better for us going to the hotel first and put our bag in the room that mom and dad already booked. After that all of you is free to play at the beach!"
"Yeaaah!" Shouted Illya, Kuro, Suzuka, Nanaki, and Mimi who feel happy they finally can play at the beach, minus Miyu who feel shouting like Illya and the other is stupid and Tatsuko who was carried away by her mother.
The birthday party of Illya, Kuro and and Miyu who full of chaos and happines will be started!
Sorry for two weeks absent, I have a lot of problem in real life so I don't have time to upload this chapter. Read advanced chapter at Pa.