Chapter 98: Chapter 94 - The Birthday Party part 1
In front of the Emiya Residence, there was a mini bus that Irisviel just bought to bring her family and all Illya close friend to the beach, so all of them can celebrate Illya, Kuro and Miyu birthday party together. All Illya friend, like Mimi, Tatsuko, Suzuka and Nanaki already arrived. Shirou close friend Issei Ryuudou also has arrived, Shirou invited him because it was just him and Kiritsugu on the trip to the beach. And it made him feel really weird, because of that Shirou invited Ryuudou Issei to increase the number of men on the trip.
After the commotion in the morning, Shirou, Illya and Kuro took a bath, had a simple breakfast and the going outside the Emiya Residence. Because Miyu, Arturia, Asia and Ryuudou Issei and all Illya friend already waiting in front of the Emiya Residence.
Shirou appear with Kuro and Illya who walk behind him, the the three of them brought a bag that have a neccesary item they need for the trip.
"Hey, Shirou why there is a handprint on your faces?" Asked Arturia who confused why there is a red handprint in Shirou faces.
"Let's just say, I have a very terrible disaster this morning Arturia," Answered Shirou. "Because of my two little sister."
"Hmmp! That was your own fault Onii-chan!" Illya said. "You dare to sleep with Kuro without telling me!"
"Yeah! Onii-chan body is so warm and comfortable to hug," Kuro said. "That was really a very good sleep that I don't have for a very long time."
"Illya I already told you that all that the thinh you see is a misunderstanding! I don't remember invited Kuro to sleep with me!" Shirou said. "And Kuro stop talking! You only making thing more worst!"
"I don't believe you!" Illya said. "Because I saw what had happened with my own eyes!"
"Sigh why are you so stubborn," Shirou said who feel really tired explaining everything to Illya.
"Shi-Shirou-san sleeping together with Kuro-chan!" Asia said while shaking. "Hauuuuuuh...."
The conversation is to hard for Asia who still had innocence mind, and because of that she pass out in an instant.
"Oh well that conversation is to hard for a people like Asia," Arturia said who didn't feel jealous or angry to Shirou because she knew that he telling the truth. "A people with innocence mind who still have a hard time to tell the different between good and evil."
"You are so embarrasing Emiya!" Ryuudou said. "Don't tell me you doing something ecchi to your little sister when both of you sleeping together!"
"Your misunderstanding are more worse than Illya, Ryuudou!" Shirou said. "I will never do something like that to Kuro or Illya! Are you do you want to equate me with a rapist!"
"Ku-Kuro-chan are you really sleeping with your older brother?" Asked Mimi with a blushing faces because Mimi think that Kuro and Shirou doing something pervert.
"You can say it like that!" Kuro said while puff out her chest.
"Ehehehehehe this story really a good material for my doujinshi!" Suzuka said with a drool in her faces. "Kuro can you tell me the story in detail!"
"Hey Nanaki why Illya are so angry to Kuro when Kuro only sleeping with her brother?" Asked Tatsuko. "I also always doing the same thing with my aniki."
"It's to early for you to know and understand what happen to Illya and her brother Tatsuko," Nanaki said with a serious faces and threatening tone. "So please don't ask about it anymore okay?"
"Eh, okay," Tatsuko nodded, because she feel so scared by Nanaki serious faces and also because Tatsuko didn't undestand what happen to Kuro and Shirou. For her sleeping with her big brother is something ordinary, why did Illya must angry when Kuro sleeping with Shirou? Tatsuko feel really weird about Illya reaction.
While Miyu only have a little nosebleed after she imagine that she is the one who sleep together with Shirou.
Luvia, Sakura and Rin have a very dejected faces today while they sit inside the limousine that go to the beach where Illya will celebrate her birthday. Because the three of then is forbid by Shirou to go with him in the mini bus, after the childish quarell they do yesterday afternoon about who will give the best gift to Illya, Kuro and Miyu.
And because of that Luvia, Rin and Sakura right now must go to the beach with Luvia limousine.
"Sigh because our fight yesterday we end up can go with Emiya-kun in the mini bus," Rin said. "Even though I was his girlfriend I can't be with him in this trip, this is really sad."
"Shut up Tohsaka Rin!" Luvia shouted. "Don't brag about being Sherou's boyfriend! Did you know that we couldn't get on the mini bus because of your and your sister fault!"
"Why did you blame me and my sister!" Rin said. "Are you the one who start the fight?"
"Nee-san is right!" Sakura said with a tick mark in her forehead. "You just shift your blame to both of us!"
"Tsk both of you sisters are really annoying," Luvia said. "If you two want to blame me then fine! I will revenge you after Illyasviel Birthday party and the task to retrieve the eight card in the same location with the birthday party is over!"
"That's okay," Rin said. "We the Tohsaka Sister will be ready for your revenge, isn't that right Sakura?"
"That's right Nee-san!" Sakura said. "We always ready when someone want to have vengeance to us!"
Right now Irisviel eyes is sparkling, because she really want to drive the mini bus immediately. She already prepare to drive when she going outside the house with her husband and two maid.
But all the people in the Emiya Residence who knew how bad Irisviel is in driving, took an action faster than Irisviel. Kiritsugu already sit in the driver seat, because he didn't want her wife bring a disaster to all the passanger in the mini bus.
And when Irisviel want to protest, Sella and Liz already hold her body so she can't do anything.
"Sella! Liz! Let me go!" Shouted Irisviel with a face like a person who addicted to a drug. "I must to drive! I really want to driving the mini bus!"
"I'm sorry madam! But this is for your own goodness!" Sella said with a sigh while she holding Irisviel right hand.
"Sella is right madam," Lizz said while holding Irisviel left hand. "Is not only for your own goodness, but this is also for all of us. If you are the one who driving, it will be bad for all the passanger."
"Sella, Liz hold my wife body until we arrive at the beach!" Kiritsugu said.
"Yes sir!" Sella and Liz said.
"Sella! Liz! You traitor!" Shouted Irisviel with a teary faces.
"I know that mama really wants to drive this mini bus that's why she bought it," Illya said. "Unfortunately, papa doesn't want to endanger the lives of everyone who became a passenger on the mini bus, that's why Papa told Sella and Liz to hold Mama body so she can't drive the mini bus, because mama is always driving so recklessly."
"Yeah, I'm still traumatized by the way mama driving," Kuro said. "I'm still confused about how Mama can get her driving license."
"Let's solved that mystery later," Kiritsugu said.
"Because right now, we must to go."
All the member of the O.R.C minus Shirou and Asia plus Griselda, Xenovia and Irina are sitting inside a special train that go to the Underworld.
In one of the luxury room inside the train, Griselda, Rias and Akeno had a little tea party to discuss what they will do in the Underworld.
"It really sad that Emiya-kun and Asia-chan can go to the Underworld with us," Akeno said. "If they both came with us, I think this trip will be more fun!"
'Though I will go silently to the beach to meet with Emiya-kun!' Akeno said inside her heart.
"Well we can't do anything about it, because Irisviel-san didn't want a devil like us to attend her daughter birthday party," Rias said. "Because she don't trust a devil at all."
'I will use the magic circle to go to the birthday party,' Rias said inside her heart. 'But I must be careful if I don't want to be found out by Irisviel-san or Tohsaka!'
"It's a common thing that a human didn't trust a devil," Griselda said. "So don't feel weird if Irisviel-san didn't trust you Gremory-san."
"I know," Rias said. "But I still feel dissapointed because Emiya-kun can't go to the Underworld with us."
"For him family is number one thing above anything else," Akeno said. "But he promises to us thst he will still came to Underworld if we need his help so you don't need to feel bad Rias."
"Sigh, I doubt that there is something that needed his help when we in the Underworld," Rias said. "Because the protection that Onii-sama give to me and my peerage member in the Underworld are to great."
Rias didn't know how wrong her word is, because there will be a moment that made her call Shirou for help and Shirou appearance in the Underworld will made a great roar for the devil faction.
Read advanced chapter up to chapter 172 at Pa. treon. com/Raylight25