Chapter 92: Chapter 88 - Azazel Vs Cattleya 1
Outside the Kuoh Gakuen, Luvia is sitting inside her limousine with her butler Auguste in the driver seat and Bazzet who right now wearing a maid outfit sitting beside Luvia.
They are all on a stand by mode, in case something bad are happening Luvia, Auguste and Bazzet would became a guardian that help Rin and Shirou protecting the city.
Rin and Shirou will be the one who doing something inside Kuoh Gakuen if there is a bad thing happen in the gathering.
And Luvia, Bazzet and Auguste will be the one who take care the problem outside in case the enemy attacking from the outside or try to do something to the city and the citizen.
"Sigh, waiting like this is really boring," Bazzet said in a boring tones. "I really want to move my body and do some excercise."
"Shut up you berserker lady!" Luvia shouted. "Our job is to protect the city, because Kuoh city is under the power of Clock Tower. So it's our job to protect it while Sherou and Tohsaka Rin will be the one who take care the problem inside the gakuen in case there is an enemy that attacking in the gathering. You are a person who dedicated to your job right! So do your job by helping me protect this city! Because right now your are one of my nand I was your boss!"
"I don't want to be your maid," Bazzet said. "But I don't have a choices because all my money is gone to compesate all the valuables that I destroy in your mansion. And that even not enough to cover my debt to you because of that I must do a lot of part time job and even became your maid. This is really the most lowest moment in my life!"
"I said shut up!" Luvia said. "You have a lot of debt because of your own recklessness! So stop talking and do your job by helping me!"
"Oujou-Sama I can feel lot of people that suddenly appear inside the school," Auguste said. "What we must do right now?"
"It look like the enemy is really appear like Shero has predict," Luvia said. "But right now what we can do is waiting, because the enemy didn't attacking from the outside but from inside. Let Tohsaka Rin and Sherou take care the problem that appear inside, but when the enemy is appear outside the school then that is our job to destroy the enemy!"
"Someone who is stronger that Ophis or Great Red!" Cattleya said. "That was impossible there in no one in this world that stronger than Ophis or Great Red! You're lying to me!"
"Really Cattleya, as someone who came from the house of leviathan you really look like someone who live under the rock," Azazel said. "Are you really never heard about Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg Schweinorg the Magician of the Second Magic and a Wizard Marshal of the Clock Tower, the magician who known for defeating the Crimson Moon a monster on par with Great Red that try to destroy the Earth by pulling the moon and collide it with Earth more than 700 hundred years ago!"
"Don't try to mock me Azazel!" Cattleya shouted. "I never heard about a monster like Crimson Moon or a magician name Zelterch! You filthy liar!"
"Woow she really live under a rock or in a very remote places," Serafall said. "How can she never heard about Crimson Moon or Zelretch, all the phanteon all over the world knew about Crimson Moon and Zelretch the master of Kaleidoscope."
"Don't try to mock me too, you fake Leviathan!" Cattleya said. "Second Magic Kaleidoscope didn't exist! It only a bed time stories and useless legend! All of you only trying to confuse me with your stupid fantasy! unfortunately all your effort is useless, I will not deceived by your trick!"
"What's wrong with her head?" Sirzech said. "How come she didn't know or believe with the most common knowledge in the moonlite world!"
"Maybe she can't read," Gabriel said. "Or maybe she really live in a very remote place where she can't have any common information or knowledge."
"The house of Leviathan is a very noble clan in the underworld Gabriel-Sama," Grayfia said. "It impossible for Cattleya to living in a secluded or remote places, expect she is not the true descendant of the Leviathan but only a member of side family, or she just only lazy and didn't want to read the book or find out about important news that happen in the world."
The word that said by Grayfia really make Cattleya really angry, her faces became so red because of her anger.
She admitted that she is not a smart devil or a type of person who love to study and read a lot of book of finding a information about an important thing that happen in the outside world, because for her that was only wasting time. What she loves is practicing her magic or training to became stronger in her castle. But She cannot accept when almost all people in the room, calling her living in a secluded place or under a rock! How could a descendant of the Leviathan like herself live in a secluded place or under a rock. That was really an insult for the descendant of one of original mao like her.
"You are all really dare insult the descendant of the great Leviathan like me!" An enormous amount of magical energy is flowing out of her body but all of the people in the room didn't flinch when they see the amount of magical energy that came from Cattleya because their magical energy is much more enormous than her. "All of you must be punished!"
Seeing that Cattleya is ready to attack, Azazel pointed his finger and destroy the window with a beam of magical energy from his finger and flying outside of the room after he unfolded hus twelve jet black wings.
"Cattleya as the Descendant of the Leviathan. You are quite strong," Azazel said. "But are you dare to have a duel with me the leader of the fallen angel and someone who came from your ancestor generation! Or don't tell me you didn't have a courage to fight me!"
Feeling insulted by Azazel words, Cattleya unfolded her wing and flying to the outside following him.
"You really want to die fast, huh, Azazel," Cattleya said with a tick mark on her tan face. "I accept your challenge the leader of fallen angel Azazel! I will show you the true power of Leviathan!"
When Shirou is succed in deactivated Gasper Sacred Gear, all the frozen people in the room is move once again because the stopped time is running again.
Xenovia, Irina, Kiba, Koneko, and Issei feel really confused by what happened to all of them. They are all realize that Gasper is once again activated his Sacred Gear because of the very painful headache they feel right now.
"Shit," Issei said while touching his forehead. "Are Gasper is stopping a time in this room once again!"
"Yeah, it look like Gasper activated his Sacred Gear, and made our body frozen," Kiba said. "Though I really want to know what happen to the enemy that attacking us."
"The enemy that attacking us is already death," Koneko said with a paled faces. "Look on the floor their body and their head is separated in a very clear cut, it look like someone has kill all of them."
"The cut on the neck is very precise and clean," Xenovia said. "The one who kill them is very experience in killing and using a sword."
"You're right Xenovia," Irina said. "The one who helping us must be very experienced and strong!"
"I'm not that experienced, Griselda-san, Shido-san," Shirou said while holding a pass out Gasper in his shoulder. With Rin walking behind him. He must take Gasper outside of his room to deactivated the Forbidden Balor View because the power of magic circle that force the Balance Breaker destroy any kind of effort that Shirou do to help Gasper. "But thanks for the compliment."
"Emiya-kun!" Irina and Xenovia said.
"Senpai!" Koneko said.
"Emiya-san!" Kiba said.
"Shirou!" Issei said.
"All of your body is frozen for a while and the after effect of Forbidden Balor View must be made all of you still feel a headache," Shirou said. "So for now try not to move to much and rest for awhile."
"Senpai what has happen, why suddenly there is an attack?" Asked Koneko.
"Well, now how should I tell all of you the truth about the attack?" Answered Shirou.
In the sky, a sound of battle could be heard, Azazel and Cattleya were have a very intense battle.
Azazel attacking Cattleya with a very big and a lot of light spears and then shoot them at Cattleya.
But Cattleya speed is exceeding Azazel, she avoid all of Azazel attack while move at a high speed approaching Azazel and try attacking Azazel with her elongate arm and finger.
Azazel then avoid Cattleya attack by flying higher and stopping his attack. He also laid out several layer of bounded field to protect himself.
The after effect of their battle is really severe, there are a lot of big hole on the ground and the little forest around the new school building is destroyed. Michael, Sirzech, and Barakiel try they best to protect the school building using the bounded field they made. If not the after effect also will destroyed the school building. Serafall, Gabriel and Grayfia also strengthen the bounded field that cover the Kuoh Gakuen so the duel between Azazel and Cattleya cannot be seen or heard from outside.
The fight between Azazel and Cattleya stuck in stalemate there is no one who lose or win.
And this stalemate make Cattleya feel frustated and making her doing something drastic that will change the flow in the fight....
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