Chapter 91: Chapter 87 - Terrorist Attack 2
"There is a symbol of Leviathan on that magic circles," Sirzech said. "That's means the original descendant of the original Leviathan will appear."
"Cattleya she is still alive," Serafall said with a sad face. "The direct descendant of Leviathan that I thought has been killed by myself in the civil war between devil."
"I can't die that easily you fake Leviathan!"
There is a woman that appeared from the magic circle. She was wearing an extremly low-cut dress that had a high slit on it.
"How do you do, my killer the fake leviathan Serafall Sitri, and the fake lucifer Sirzech Gremory?"
"To think the old enemy that I think already death is still alive and now appear in front of me," Serafall said. "What are you doing here Cattleya! Don't tell me that you are the mastermind behind all of the attack that happen today!"
"Yes, to dethrone the fake mao that in charge of the underworld right now," Cattleya said. "You and Sirzech really don't have a shame and pride as a devil you try to make a peaces with the fallen angel and angel like that! That's why I and all the people from the old mao faction is cooperate with the Khaos Brigade so once again, we the old mao faction will rule the underworld."
"Khaos Brigade, huh," Azazel said. "I only knew about that name this morning from Shemhaza when he said that there is a mysterious group that gathering dangerous members from all three faction, and some Sacred Gear user also became their member including a number of Longinus user, they have a goal to do disturb a world peaces and what make the Khaos Brigade is more dangerous is the leader of the organization the infinity dragon god, Ophis!"
"Your line information is really vast, Azazel," Cattleya said. "You knew all the information about our organization, tell me are you have some spy in the Khaos Brigade?"
"Are you stupid Cattleya?" Sirzech said. "Are you didn't hear what he said before that he only knew about the Khaos Brigade this morning, how he can have a spy in your stupid organization?"
"Sirzech-chan is right," Serafall said. "There is impossible for Azazel to have a spy in your organization if he only have the information about the Khaos Brigade this morning."
"Shut up you traitor!" Cattleya shouted. "I only ask Azazel! So don't try to disturb my conversation."
"Hahahaha you're so funny Cattleya," Azazel said with a very loud laugh. "You are much more weaker than any of us here, but you dare to talk big! Are you out of your mind?"
"Shut up!" Shouted Cattleya with a very red faces because she very angry. "I have a way to kill all of you here, even though I much more weaker than all of you! So Azazel answer my question!"
"Oh, well to answer your question, I don't have a spy or informant that spying the Khaos Brigade," Azazel said. "But Shemhaza is told by someone about the Khaos Brigade, someone that I don't want to mess with, someone who is much stronger than the infinity dragon god Ophis, or Great Red!"
"Hey, Emiya-kun," Rin said who walk beside Shirou with the shash is tied in their hand. "Come to think of it wouldn't it be easier for us if you opened the Divine gate to get us to the old school building, instead of bothering to walk slowly like this using the Cap of Hades, you can do that using the power of the Gate of Babylon right?"
"Yes, I can do that," Shirou said. "But if I using the divine gate and instanly going to the old school building, I can't see the situation around Kuoh Gakuen . It's important for us to know how much the number of the enemy and where is the enemy is. It's and old habit of mine as an Archer knowing the number of the enemy and where is the enemy located is very important thing to do."
"What you said is made sense, Emiya-kun," Rin said. "But you saying it like you want to defeat all the enemy in one attack."
"I can do that right now instantly with my projection magic or using the Gate of Babylon, to defeat all the enemies in one attack," Shirou said. "But that only will attract unnecessary attention, that was something we must to avoid right now. Because if the enemy knew about us, saving Gasper will became harder."
Not long, Shirou and Rin already arrived in the old school building and they immediately rushed to Gasper's room on the 1st floor.
When they arrived in front of Gasper room the wall already destroyed and there is a lot of mob magician inside Gasper room, surround him and putting him in the middle of magic circle. Gasper eyes is wide open, his purple pupil became red with a golden color in the middle of it.
In a second, Shirou instantly have the blue print of the Sacred Gear inside his Gate of Babylon after he seeing the Sacred Gear inside Gasper eyes.
'I can't get the blueprint of the Forbidden Balor View before, when I met with him for the first time,' Shirou said. 'But why right now I can get the blueprint? This is really weird not only that there is a consciousness of god balor inside that Sacred Gear! How that's possible! From the data that I have about the Forbidden Balor View, the Allmighty God didn't put the consciousness of balor inside the Sacred Gear, how could there be a consciousness of balor inside that Sacred Gear!'
'Let aside the problem about that Sacred Gear Archer,' Zelretch said. 'Aren't there is much more important thing you must do right now?'
'Shit, I forget that I must to save Gasper right now!' Shirou said. 'The after effect of the automatic Structural Analysis always make me set aside much more important problem that I must to faced!'
Shirou immediately stop thinking about the weirdness inside Gasper Sacred Gear, and back to his number one thing he must do right now, saving Gasper.
"Sigh why we must lost the lottery and became a guard dog for the sissy dhampir."
"Hey look at our defeat on the lottery from the positive side, at least we don't have to join the fight and become a cannon fodder."
"Yeah, you're right and don't want to die that fast!"
"Fighting a monster like the mao and Archangel! That was just a suicide!"
"What is our boss thinking, decide to attack a strong enemy like that!"
All the magician who guarding Gasper is talking to each other because they were all bored. But they all don't realize even if they aren't all on the front line to become a cannon fodder they will still die....
"If this is a movie or anime our enemy will appear with a transfer magic and try to save our hostage with everything that had."
"That will be to cliche, the most possible and make sense way to save our hostage is they will move silently and try to knock all of us down or killing us! Of course that was impossible because we already set up a detection bounded field around this building. So if there is an enemy that try to enter this building secretly, they will be immediately found out in an instant!"
After the magician has finish his talk, only in half second his head immediately slipped from his neck and immediately rolled on the floor, a large amount of blood gushing from his neck.
The same thing has happen to all the magician in that room, they are all death without realizing they already die because they are killed killed very quickly.
"All of this magician really easy to kill," Shirou said while cleaning the blood in Kanshou with his hand. "Are all of them really doesn't have a sixth senses that can feel a danger."
"You killing all the magician in a very fast way," Rin said with a sigh, she really horrified when she see Shirou killing those magicians in an instant. "And you also using the Cap of Hades when you killing all of them, there is no way they can fell your existence even though they set up a detection Bounded field the power of Hades Cap of Invisibility that can negate the effect of the detection bounded field."
"Even if I'm using the Cap of Hades to hide my existence if the magician have some experience in battle atleast they can avoid my sword attack," Shirou said. "I can kill all of them instantly is a proof the mob magician doesn't have experience in the battle field."
"Sigh not everyone have a thousand year of battle experience like you Emiya-kun," Rin said.
"Yeah, you're right Rin," Shirou said with a laugh right after he finish bring out Gasper out of the magic circle and try to make Gasper deactivated his Sacred Gear. "Not everyone is an ex-killer like me who had a lot of experience in the battle field."
Read advanced chapter up to chapter 155 at Pa.