Farming Story of the Primitive Tribe in the Beast World

Chapter 455 The Hurricane Moon Attacks

Chapter 455 The Hurricane Moon Attacks
After arranging the rabbit and squirrel, Mu Kui and the others returned to the eggshell house.

"Phew! What a wonderful day!"

Mu Kui fell down on the simple sofa she made, sighing comfortably.

This sofa was made by Mukui in her spare time.

Its material, except for the support and base made of wood, the stuffing in the sofa are soft grass blades.

When that condition was available, Mukui never hesitated to make her family's life more comfortable.

The sofa is just one of them.

"Yes! I didn't expect to meet other orcs." Mu Zhao also echoed.

"Ah! By the way, sister, you mentioned the new tribe before, so have you thought about the name of the new tribe?" He asked.

"The name of the new tribe..." Mu Kui pondered, "Or, let's call it the Shuguang tribe!"

Well, this is definitely not the reason why Mu Kui's name suddenly popped up in Mu Kui's mind the moment the name of the new tribe was mentioned.

The reason for choosing such a name is also because Mukui hopes that their tribe will be able to seek the dawn of salvation amidst increasingly serious natural disasters.

Mu Kui hopes that their tribe will become stronger and stronger and can go far and far.

"Dawn?" Mu Zhao murmured, then clapped his hands, "Good name!"

In the past three years, Mu Kui had already taught Mu Zhao a lot of the knowledge she knew.

Therefore, he is also clear about the meaning of dawn.

After finalizing the name, Mu Zhao looked more excited than Mu Kui.

"Shuguang, haha! Shuguang, we also have our own tribe."

Belong to your own tribe!As early as the beginning, when Mu Kui said that they would have their own tribe in the future, Mu Zhao took this as his goal.

Now, the goal has been achieved, how can he be unhappy?
"Ah, yes! We also have our own tribe."

Mu Kui looked calm on the surface, but in fact she was also very excited inside.

Belonging to their tribe means that they have the absolute right to speak, they can do whatever they want, and they can reform if they want to, without looking at anyone's face at all.

On their heads, there is no longer a big mountain like Meng and Chun.


In Hurricane Moon, the wind was howling, and the orcs dared not go out at all.

Even, because of the strong wind outside, even if Mu Kui and the others wanted to get closer to see what kind of terrifying Hurricane Moon was, it was impossible.

Because, as long as a slit is opened to allow the outside wind to penetrate, it will not blow them away, just this ray of wind that penetrates will also disturb their home.

Even, if it was a cub, if it was affected by this turmoil, it might die directly.

These are all what Mu Kui and the others heard from other members of the Maverick tribe.

Perhaps there is an exaggeration in this.

Perhaps, this is the truth.

In this regard, Mukui and the others do not have such a high spirit of adventure, so they have never tried it desperately.

Except for one door, the entire eggshell house has no windows.

Strictly fit.

They didn't dare to try because they were afraid that Hurricane Moon's wind would penetrate too hard.

Things like windows, in situations where life may be threatened.

Then, it is really dispensable.

Without this thing, they lit a bonfire in the house, and it can still be illuminated.

As for, will it be stuffy because there are no windows?

Mukui and the others have already thought of a solution to this.

They grew their crops indoors, with a campfire as the light source and water from a hose as the water source.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the problem of insufficient oxygen in the room.

Their eggshell houses are built like millefeuilles.

The outermost floor has no rooms.

It is only used as a transition, a buffer zone to filter the wind force that may penetrate through the door gap.

After all, the wind of the Hurricane Moon is so terrible, even if the three cubs in their family are almost adults, they can't let the wind of the Hurricane Moon break in!
Otherwise, their furniture and planted things would suffer.

There is nothing on the outermost layer of the eggshell house, and the second layer is used to grow crops.

There, they will be provided with the oxygen necessary for their survival, and if necessary, they will be provided with some vegetables.

In the end, there is only the third floor, which is the core of the whole eggshell house.

Here is where Mukui and the others really live, including bedrooms, kitchens, living rooms, and bathrooms.

On the night of the 29th, after Mukui and the others had eaten, the whole family pricked up their ears, leaning between the doors from the third floor to the second floor, listening carefully to the outside world.

The wind sounded like something was crying.

From time to time, there is also the sound of things being blown up and colliding with other things.

"A tree was uprooted by the wind of Hurricane Moon. It must be the tree in front of our door."

"The hurricane penetrated into our house, luckily there was nothing on the outermost floor."

Orcs have very good hearing, not to mention that Mu Kui and Mu Zhao are two siblings, one is now at the peak of the third level, and the other is at the beginning of the first level.

They are all animal pattern warriors, so their hearing is even better.

"In a short time, it should be fine."

Seeing that there was a wind slipping through the net, Mukui blew across the vegetation area on the second floor lightly, and damaged a few green leafy vegetables, so it died down, and he was relieved.

"I hope our eggshell house is strong enough!"

Mu Zhao also prayed.

On the ground floor, each of them has a room, and there are sofas in the living room, separate bathrooms and so on.

There is a lot of space for activities here, even if they have to stay at home for a month, they will not feel bored.

Therefore, Mu Zhao never thought that he would be forced to move to the basement in the end.

The space there is so small that we all have to live in a small room.

The only difference may be that he and sister share a bed, and there is a straw curtain in the middle of the room as a partition.

As a carnivorous race, Mavericks value territory, which is inherently engraved in their bones.

If you can live in a bigger house, you have more space for activities.

Then, Mu Zhao never wanted to live in the small space in the basement.

Mu Kui and the others couldn't see the cruelty of Hurricane Moon outside.

The only place where they could feel that the Hurricane Moon had really come was the second floor, where the soil was blown out from time to time and the leaves were broken.

However, in order to prevent their eggshell house from suddenly breaking down one day and being blown up by the hurricane wind.

Mukui and the others cannot relax their vigilance every day.

No matter day or night.

In short, there must be one person in their family who is awake, who can notify everyone in time when there is a change in the outside world, and then escape to the basement together for refuge.

Therefore, although their lives are leisurely now, they only need to take shifts every day and pay attention to the movement of the outside world.

However, as long as Huan Yue refuses to accept it, their nerves will be tense for a day, and they cannot relax for a moment.

If things go on like this, a little mental fatigue is unavoidable.

(End of this chapter)

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