Farming Story of the Primitive Tribe in the Beast World

Chapter 454 Arrangement

Chapter 454 Arrangement
"Hmm, okay okay."

Neither the rabbits nor the squirrels had any objections to Mu Kui's suggestion.

Then Mukui opened the door of the sturdiest shed and let the rabbits and squirrels live in.

Not to mention, the squirrels that drill out of the soil are really no different from the squirrels on the earth.

However, as orcs, they are generally three to five times bigger than squirrels on Earth.

The same goes for the rabbits. Once they fell into the shed and blocked the wind from the outside, they completely fell to the ground.

Even after they closed their "pockets" for flying in the windy season, they looked no different from ordinary rabbits except for their bigger ears.

"Rabbits and squirrels, are you like this? Rabbits with long pockets can fly in the windy season, and squirrels can burrow into the ground?"

Mu Kui asked.

Hearing this, Tuquan replied: "No, we also have many varieties of rabbits."

"Most other breeds of rabbits don't need long bags, and can move freely in the windy season. Our bag rabbit is one of the weakest rabbit races, so we need bags."

Rabbit Spring quickly explained.

"It's the same with us squirrels. Some of them don't need to burrow, and they can still move freely in the windy season."

"However, we squirrels are a branch of the rat family, and there are not as many species as rabbits."

Song Shishi also spoke.

"So that's how it is." Mu Kui was stunned.

That's right, even the plants in the Beast World are so rich, so rich that if the world is changed, the rabbits and squirrels can't find familiar plants, so they can only starve.

Some, it is conceivable, there are certainly many types of animals.

Before, wasn't there a completely different breed of raccoon from what I knew?

Nothing surprising.

"Well, the wind is probably going to get stronger at night. Before that, let me get you something to eat first!"

Mu Kui asked Mu Zhao to take Shi Ji with him to move a lot of vegetable heads left over after they dried the green leafy vegetables to this shed.

This thing is bitter and has a rough taste. Even if Mu Kui and the others wanted to recycle it, they didn't have the idea of ​​making it into dried vegetables.

Instead, it was planned to be crushed and used as fertilizer in the future.

After all, although they don't have much meat now, they still have a lot of dry goods made from vermicelli and green leafy vegetables, which is definitely enough for them to eat for more than two months.

"Originally, there are still quite a few, but this shed can't hold it, and the other sheds are not as strong, so let's do this for now!"

Hearing what Mukui said, both the squirrel and the rabbit were a little disappointed.

"That... this thing is a bit bitter and tastes bad, but it is indeed non-toxic and edible."

Having said that, Mu Kui felt a little ashamed.

Doing this by yourself seems very picky!
"It's not long since we arrived here. We just finished the house, and we haven't prepared enough for other things. You... just make do with it! After the hurricane month is over, I will definitely give you something to eat."

Mu Kui explained.

"Ah! It's all right. We just regret that the shed is too small to hold so much food."

Seeing that Mu Kui misunderstood, Song Shishi hurriedly explained.

Rabbit Spring also interjected: "Our rabbits eat grass, so it doesn't matter if it's bitter or not. We've already gotten used to this taste."

What she said is also true.

This is completely different from what people eat and what rabbits raise at home.

Mu Kui mowed rabbit grass when she was a child in her previous life, and she always went out to mow grass with a basket that looked bigger than her.

She had tried, and the grass eaten by rabbits did not meet human taste at all.

Rabbits prefer grass that is sticky with white slurry.

And that type of grass, without exception, is bitter.

"Huh, that's fine."

Now Mu Kui felt relieved.

She looked at the sky and said, "There is still some time left. In order to save space, let's connect a water pipe for you! Then you can get water directly from the water pipe, and you don't need to go outside, and you don't need to make extra space to fill the water."

There are more than 100 rabbits and squirrels in total.

Enough water they need for a month, and the area occupied is not small.

Originally, the greenhouse they used for experimentation was relatively small, even if it was filled with vegetables, it only left the most basic space for squirrels and rabbits to move around.

Mu Kui is also worried that they will not have enough to eat this month and will be hungry.

If this is filled with water, then there will be even less space for them to put food.

"water pipe?"

When the rabbits and squirrels heard this word, they couldn't understand it.

They know what the word "management" means, and the word "water" is fine.

However, they don't understand what these two words together represent.

Even, because the pronunciation of the word "guan" is not necessarily the "pipe" of the "water pipe" that Mu Kui said.

Therefore, whether the rabbits and squirrels have completely matched the two words Mukui said is still unknown.

"The water pipe is a long pipe that can bring water into your shed."

Mu Kui explained briefly.

Then, she looked at Song Shishi.

"I'm afraid that the Hurricane water pipes will be damaged, so we need tunnels to bury them."

"I think you guys are pretty good at digging holes, so I'll leave this guy to you ground squirrels, okay?"

Mu Kui asked.

The main reason is that I am in a hurry, after all, it is not far from night.

"It turns out that's the case! No problem, just leave this matter to us, my lord."

Song Shishi patted his chest to make sure.

The main material of the water pipe is actually condensed by Mu Zhao with metal abilities.

As long as the ground-boring squirrels dug the tunnel leading to the water source, it will only take a few minutes before the water pipe is officially completed.

Soon, a water pipe connecting the water source and the greenhouse will be ready.

The diameter of this water pipe is twenty centimeters, and the water flowing out of it is enough for the group of squirrels and rabbits to live on.

"Well, that's it! The Hurricane Moon will come soon, and we will go back to our place."

Mu Kui took Mo, Mu Zhao and Shi Ji, and waved at the squirrels and rabbits.

"Take care of yourself, Hurricane. If there is any problem, we will talk about it after Hurricane."

Leaving such a sentence, Mu Kui and the others left.

"Go slowly, my lord."

"Woo~, thank you! Thank you adults for taking me in."

The squirrels and rabbits waved at Mu Kui and the others.

Even, many emotional squirrels and rabbits were moved to tears at this time.

Seeing that the Hurricane Moon is coming soon, and they have no food or shelter, and they will die in the Hurricane Moon, it is almost a certainty.

As a result, the situation turned around, and suddenly met a powerful winged tiger, and this winged tiger didn't reject foreigners like them, and was willing to take them in.

And, not only that, Kuga also provided them with shelter and food.

Can this not impress them?

(End of this chapter)

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