Even Though I Have Become A God, I Still Want To Run My Restaurant!

Chapter 22. Trouble Arrives. (2)





After informing everyone about what happened to our wholesaler, everyone got suspicious about what happened, as much as I do this morning. Apparently, everyone's opinion that 2 accidents involving the preparation of an event are too coincidental to happen... and I fully agree with this sentiment.

So, after coming back from school we decided to check the order of our costume aka uniform since if it' also gets canceled or gets some kind of trouble, our hypothesis may be correct. Saya and Kaya is the one who did the task because as much as we care about the uniform, the restaurant still needs to be opened. I got the feeling someone is targetting us, and they are playing dirty. 

Right now, I was inside the chat group, discussing with the girls while also directly communicating with the twins regarding the status of the uniform.



(Rin): Hmm... Our wholesaler got attacked and the decoration company canceled the order without notification... No matter I see it, this is so suspicious, Onii-chan.

(Jin): Indeed. Someone doesn't like the fact we are going to do a valentine's event in the restaurant.

(Vera): But why?! We don't disturb anyone?! Why someone would try to ruin our attempt for valentine's event?

(Rin): You don't understand Vera-chan, the business world is not as kind as you imagine.

(Esmeralda): Indeed. In fact, while the event is your chance to increase your popularity, it is also the chance to ruin your own name when the event is not doing well.

(Jin): As expected of you, Mera. Do you have any idea what we should do?

(Esmeralda): I mean... There is nothing you guys can really do except make sure everything is going well, right?

(Kaya): Indeed, at least the uniform is ready. We are going to make sure of it.

(Saya): Event schedule is okay on my part. Rin-chan helps me a lot on that.

(Jin): Can I take a look at what the event is about?

(Saya): Nope.

(Kaya): Denied.

(Rin): Onii-chan, be obedient.

(Jin): But I am the owner! Why you would hide such an important thing from me?

(Saya): Because you are also a participant, Owner. It won't be fair to anyone else.

(Jin): Wait, do I? I never asked to join, right? Besides the event should be for 'couple' right? Who is going to be my partner?

(System): Obviously with Miss Vera.

(Vera): Ehhh?? me and Jin-kun?!

(Rin): Yes. After all, we are doing all of this troublesome thing because you want to give Vera an experience about valentine.

(Jin): Okay... I guess that was reasonable.

(Vera): This is so embarrassing but I will do my best.

(Esmeralda): Even though I am in another world, somehow I am able to feel jealous from here.

(Rin): +1

(Jin): Anyway! How does it go with the uniform? Did you already arrive at the location?

(Kaya): Not yet, still on the way with Saya. But I had contacted them and they said it was done. So, seems no problem on that side.

(Jin): That's a good thing to hear!

(Rin): So, can we take our order already? I want to take a look.

(Kaya): We will bring the uniform to the restaurant, but we might be late for the opening of the restaurant.

(Vera): We can handle it!

(Jin): That's okay. Please be safe.

(Kaya): Yes owner!

(Rin): Vera should also take a rest, you have been creating a lot of decoration from the morning.

(Vera): This is nothing, Rin-chan! I want to contribute since Jin-kun doing this event for me.

(System): Indeed, with your physical abilities, Miss Vera would be able to work for months no resting without any problem.

(Esmeralda): What kind of human you are...

(Rin): Well, technically she is not human anymore. There is no way for a human to be able to punch a dragon to death in one hit.

(Jin): That... I don't know what to say. 

(Vera): Rin so mean! I am obviously still human!

(Esmeralda): Somehow I got a bad feeling that something catastrophic would happen if I were not looking for Vera-san.

(System): You should. Miss Vera still tripping on the floor on her own. If I am not reinforcing the restaurant already, Sweet Carrot would have been destroyed a long time ago.

(Vera): I am sorry!

(Rin): Anyway, let's stop chatting. Without the twins, we have a lot of work on our hands.

(Jin): Okay, okay sis!



Shortly after closing the chat group, I heard my sister call me out from the front door area.

"Onii-chan! Can you make sure the main area is clean?!" 

"No problem!" 


Usually, that's should be Kaya's job to clean the stuff around the main area before opening. With a mop and bucket, I quickly swipe the floor around to clean the main area while sometimes looking at the chat group. 

The system will notify me if something happens to the twins, I need to focus on cleaning for now.

["Yep, I will notify you if something happened, Jin-sama!"]

Alright, Thanks system.



About half-hour later, the restaurant is already open again. Another day for business, except we are actually getting close to the valentine's event.

The twins are not here, but we should be okay handling this until the evening comes... Which is 3 hours later. At that time, even with a full employees we were still barely able to hold on after all...

I can't help but think about recruiting more employees, but the secret of this restaurant made me hesitate to do so. My identity alone as a living god could destroy our normal life after all.

["Speaking of manpower, Jin-sama. I remember yesterday your favorite customer tell you that he will bring his granddaughter with him?"] 

That's true. I also ask him to help with the security too. That old man Kobayashi really provided me with a lot of help. 

["I see. Then, I expect a new harem member soon?"]

What are you talking about?! The new employee is the granddaughter of our first-rate regular customer. Your idea is dangerous, system!

["Hmm... But that customer obviously trusts you, Jin-sama. It is really possible he wants you to take care of his granddaughter using this event as a reason, as this is the perfect chance to introduce her."]

Are you watching too much drama? Besides, why I would be worthy of his granddaughter? I bet she is a princess or rich girl from upper echelon society.

["Jin-sama, you have a real princess as acquaintances in the chat group. Getting another one is not surprising at all."]

Please just stop. Adding more girls equals more problems coming to my life. 




After waiting for a while bantering with the system as always, the old man Kobayashi was finally here. Both of me and my sister quickly stand at the entrance to welcome him. As I look at him, however, I notice a super pretty short twin-tail blonde girl about the same age as myself following him from behind. She is wearing a white casual shirt non-sleeve and a frilly white skirt that made an impression of 'This is what a rich girl looks like.

"Onii-chan, Is she Kobayashi jii-san granddaughter?" My sister whispered, asking me from the side.

"Perhaps?" I replied quietly.


Is it really his granddaughter? Why does she look like a model from the sexy magazine that my friend in the school once showed me in the past? This girl... is this how a rich girl is supposed to look like? I thought that I had seen a lot of pretty girls and had grown immune to them but this girl is seriously topping them. Sparkling blond hair, white smooth skin, tall yet also very slim in the right place. Especially that breast, even bigger than my sister's... and she is also smell so good.

As I was thinking about that, Vera suddenly pop out of the kitchen and called us out. "Oii, Jin-kun, did Old man Kobayashi finally here? Where is his granddaughter?!"


Both I and my sister looked turned around and looked at Vera at the same time, and we can't help but compare both of them. Both actually look pretty, but the aura is far different.

The girl in front of me is really... alluring to say the least. I can smell how thick her makeup is, which means she does care about her appearance by miles. Did I mention she is also got a figure that I saw a lot in my friend's porn magazine...? Not to mention was flat before... Cough Cough. 

["You are seriously a hopeless breast lover, Jin-sama."]

What do you mean hopeless? A wise man once said 'the breast is filled with man's hope and dream'

*Cough* *Cough*


The old man Kobayashi suddenly said, "I know my granddaughter is the most beautiful thing in the world and was enough to distract everyone but can you at least say something to this old man?"

Hearing what he said, both me and my sister quickly bow our heads down while apologizing. "Sorry!"

"Old man, please follow me!"

I quickly took the role, bring him to his favorite table, and then as always pull off a chair so he could sit down. Both my sister and Vera quickly clean the table and also bring out the menu. His granddaughter then also followed the old man sitting down beside him, but then I notice she has been staring at me for a while. I didn't do something wrong, do I?

["Is it a flag, Jin-sama?"] 

Shut up, system!


"Old man, is this your granddaughter?" I asked him as I give him the menu.

The old man nodded and answered, "Yeah, she is. Isn't she pretty?"

I also nodded answered him and replied, "Honestly, I feel bad to make her work in this place, old man."

Pretty is an understatement. This girl is probably the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, and I am aware that around me are all beautiful girls in the first place.

"Yep. Though, Both of you do not look alike at all!" Vera exclaimed from the side. 

"Hahahahaha!!" The old man laughed so hard hearing Vera's opinion.



"Vera-chan! That's rude!" My sister quickly bonked her with harisen. 

"Ouch, I am sorry!" Vera quickly apologize.


Well, my sister is merciless as always to Vera--- W-Wait, where does she gets that? I don't remember her bringing it with her earlier?

Is my sister a wizard?!

["Technically, She is a magic swordsman, Jin-sama."]

Ah, you are being cheeky aren't you, system? 



After a while, the old man stopped laughing and then waved his hand while also urging his granddaughter to introduce herself,  "A-Anyway, Uhumm... Raika please introduce yourself."

She nodded, look at us seriously and said, "Hello, my name is Kobayashi Raika. Nice to meet you all."

So her name is Raika, and my impression is that she seems to be a serious person. She still stared at me for some reason... I really want to ask about that but first I need to introduce myself.

I slightly bow my head and said, "Uh-huh, My name is Origami Jin, the owner of this place."

"Origami Rin, the manager." My sister followed.

"Amamiya Vera! Just normal employee!" Vera also did an introduction after my sister, but she completely bows 90 degrees unlike us.

However, something we didn't expect to happen. Hearing Vera's surname, Raika raised her eyebrow in surprise and muttered, "Amamiya?"


Did she notice? How does your protection failing at this time, system?!

["No, it still works. She doesn't know Miss Vera's identity but it seems this girl has a lot of impression on the name Amamiya itself, Jin-sama."]

Ah! She is a rich girl! It is probably her social circle. Of course, she would know Vera's family group. But why the old man didn't notice it then?

Vera who seems aware Raika might be suspicious quickly corrects what she says, "No! I mean, my name is Origami Vera!"

Raika smiled and replied, "I see. You are all siblings."

"Not blood-related." My sister added.

I don't know why every time we introduce ourselves, my sister really likes to add that unimportant detail.

["Pffft. You are aware of the reason, don't you, Jin-sama?"]

...I tried to not think about the reason, system.


"Anyway! Since we have introduced ourselves, let me ask. Why do you want to work with us, Raika-san? I am pretty sure the old man has told you that this job won't be easy." I asked with a serious tone. 

This is the most important thing I need to know, if she doesn't have any malicious intent then I will allow her to work with us.

Raika holds her chin for a while and seems to be thinking about the reason. Old man Kobayashi and the girls watched us in interest, while I keep my eyes on her to see how determined she is to work with us.

Raika takes a deep breath and begins to answer me, "My reason is because I need money to buy something I like, but with the money that I earned myself. I won't reveal what I want to you as I want to keep it for myself. Besides that, I want to learn how to work, how to be independent of my family, and grow my experience. This is the perfect chance for me for doing so, as my grandfather recommend this place to me. I don't have any prior experience, but I will do my best to learn."


I never expected this kind of answer to come from her. She seems really taking us seriously, too seriously in fact that I don't know if it would be good or bad for us. But at least, she got a determination to learn, and that's enough for me.

I take a deep breath and replied, "I see... Welcome to the team, Raika-san." 

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*


All of the people who have been watching us clapping their hand in congratulation to Raika.


"Congratulation, my granddaughter."

"I will do my best to train you, Raika-san." 

"Congratulation. Now, I have officially become a senior in here!"


"Thank you, Origami-san."Raika said with gratitude.

I wave my hand and correct her, "Call me Jin. If you call me Origami, we would get confused. After all, there are 3 Origami here."

Raika nodded and said, "Alright Jin-san."

I smiled and as a good owner, I begin to give her instruction, "Good, Raika-san, you can start from today. My sister should have an extra work uniform and she is also going to teach you about your job. Got it?"

She once again nodded and then she asked, "I see. Then Jin-san, Can I ask you a question?'

"Sure, go ahead." I replied.

I thought Raika would gonna ask something related to her new job but instead, she asked something that made everyone here surprised.

"Are you my grandfather's illegitimate grandson?"




["Brain.exe stop working?"] 


Wait... What?!

That question is really coming out of nowhere!


{3rd POV}


While Jin and the girls currently handling the new girl in the restaurant, Saya and Kaya were able to take out the uniform from the clothing store. So, right now they are walking on the way back to the restaurant holding 2 big bags containing all of the girl's special costumes. The reason they didn't use inventory is because it would be suspicious to do so in public and to conduct some experiments on their own.

"I am glad we are able to secure the uniform," Kaya stated.

"Indeed. The owner was looking forward to this costume so we must satisfy his need." Saya replied.


While they looked like twins who normally communicated with each other, in fact, they are currently baiting the people who have followed them since they visited the clothes store. With their superior natural stats, it is not hard for them to detect their existence using the [Hostility Detection] passive skill.

Saya quietly said, "Kaya, you should be aware that we are getting followed." 

"Yes, what we should do?" Kaya replied quietly.

Saya does a swipe motion on her neck, said "Break their neck?"

Kaya tilted her head and replied, "But murder is not allowed?"

"Yeah, it would give the owner trouble." Saya nodded.


After that, they stay quiet for a while, thinking about something. Shortly after that, both twins open their eyes, made eye contact, and then nodded at each other. A clear evil smile truly clearly planted on their face, as they seem to have the same gruesome idea in their mind.

"Prey becomes a hunter, Kaya?" Saya asked for confirmation.

"I like the idea, Saya" Kaya answered while summoning her dagger in her pocket.


Confirming their plan, Kaya and Saya pick a path that rarely people pass by which is a passage between buildings as a shortcut. They also slowed their speed down, luring the group of men to quickly intercept them.

Their plan succeed, and now four scary-looking men, wearing all black attire like robbers and also holding knives surrounded the twins from the front and behind. Even so, the twins don't feel intimidated at all and it was for good reason.

In fact, their level is currently more than 80... This means, that no matter what the guys do with their knives, there is no doubt it won't do shit to their skin. 

Only gun that would able to harm the, though it might be only a scratch.


"Bunch of rude animals, can you tell us why you guys followed us?" Saya asked.

One of the men grinned and replied, "Oi oi, these twin's mouths surely something else."

Another man came forward, also grinning, and answered, "Well, just blame your luck. Someone in the underworld put a bounty on your restaurant member, and no one here hates money, right?"

Kaya raised her eyebrow and asked, "All of you beating little girls like us for money?"

The group of men started to laugh wildly when they hear Kaya's question, ridiculing her question.


"Hahahaha! This girl is stupid!" 

"Gender doesn't matter!"

"We love money after all!"


Kaya who was slightly pissed off by their answer once again asked, "I see. So, what you are guys gonna do?"

The man in the front stop his colleague from laughing and then quickly answered. "The contract said as long any member was getting harm enough to be sent into hospital, we could get the reward. We won't kill you guys. Just blame your luck."

"I see."


Feel that there's no use to ask furthermore, Kaya quickly recites her favorite ability in order to beat them up.


Using her skill, she was able to move so fast, instantly appeared in front of the guy who stood in foremost of this group of men and then kicked his nuts.




""SHE IS A DEVIL!"" The group of men exclaimed in response.


The man quickly toppled over, the ground thrashing in pain as his nut was kicked directly. The man itself couldn't even scream because he was short of breath and almost fainted from the unbearable pain. The rest of the men who watched what happened can't help but hold their nether region as if they are also feeling the pain of their fallen comrade.

Thankfully, Kaya was still aware of her strength and limited her kick to equal to normal adult strength. Just imagine if she kicked it while accelerating. 

"Who is next?" Kaya calmly asked while preparing her battle stance.

Kaya expected them to fight back, but she didn't expect that they were actually run away from them immediately, leaving one of their members still in 'pain'.


"S-She is too fast! What are these girls!?" Guy A yelled.

"Goddamn it, we are got scammed! Run to the main street!" Guy B also yelled.

Kaya was prepared with her [Accelerate] skill to put down all of them but her twin quickly stopped her.

"Kaya, do not pursue them, we need to come back to the restaurant. We already capture one of them anyway. This poor guy that you cracked his nut." Saya told her twin.

Kaya put her blade back into inventory and replied, "Yup. Should we bring this guy to the owner or just dispose this guy to Tokyo Bay."

"Dispose after asking questions we need to know." Saya explained. After that, Saya summoned her staff and freeze both legs and hands of the poor leader guy.


"Hiiiieee~ Please, let me go! the contract didn't say anything about the girl we are supposed to beat is super strong!"

"Can you tell us what is the contract?"

"Release my hand. The contract is in my pocket!" The man answered.

Kaya ignored what he said, quickly rummage around his clothes, and then picked up a folded-yellow paper from him. "Well... Is this paper?"

"Y-Yes." The man answered.

Kaya quickly opened the contract paper, read the content and after she is done, she throw the paper to her twin.

"Catch this."

Saya caught the paper and also read the content of the contract paper in a breeze. After reading that, Saya got a dignified look and then begins to ask the man, "Tell us all you know about this contract, or I will freeze your head next time."


It seems what they were speculating is correct. Someone has targetted them, and it seems whoever ever targetting them is a big guy in society.


[Intermission: How much do the stats actually affect the strength of a person?]


(MC): "As the title of this intermission said, Can you explain how does stat represent and how it affects the strength of a person?"

(System): ["You have seen it in this chapter, Jin-sama. The girls are basically skin unpenetrable by normal human weapons due to their very high stats and ability. Their current stat is equal to high level A rank adventurer after all."]

(MC): "Wait, does it mean all of my employees are kind of superman?!"

(System): ["Not quite true, Only Miss Vera that I would call as superman in your harem since she got a ton of strength stat on her own. Other girls would be still able to get harmed, in fact, any kind of high-level debuff should be fatal for any of your girls, Jin-sama."]

(MC): "Debuff, is it like poison, curse, burn, etc?"

(System): ["That's right... well, let's exclude Miss Vera from that list since she is also immune to that kind of attack."]

(MC): "Well... my sister said she was able to punch a dragon to death. Add the immunity to debuff... Did I just make her the most overpowered character that ever exist?"

(System): ["Yep. Except for her clumsiness sometimes, I honestly truly agree with you, Jin-sama. Don't forget her godly luck, even I doubt an actual god who controlled luck has luck as much as Miss Vera. You really should nerf her."]

(MC): "Nope, I don't want Vera-chan to get harmed by any man--- wait, we have drifted away from the main topic, system!"

(System): ["Pfft. It is not like this is the first time happening, Jin-sama."]


Well.... this is the chapter. I have not much to say except I will do my best to write as fast as I can. Another 3.5k+ words chapter.

Also, Nutcracker actually cracked me up.



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