Even Though I Have Become A God, I Still Want To Run My Restaurant!

Chapter 21. Trouble Arrives. (1)




For all of the night, my sister tried to call the distributor of the decoration company several times, however, my sister still receive the same kind of answer from them. Looking at my sad sister, I can't help but clench my hand in anger. 

...This doesn't make any sense at all.

["Calm down, Jin-sama. In a time like this, you need to be calm down to make decisions and to solve the problem in front of you."] The system suddenly reminds me.

...I am not that mad, don't worry. But thanks, system.




Once again, my sister is done calling them again and then puts down her phone. She proceeds to take more snacks on the table to calm herself as we all watched her in concern.

It is clear on her face that her attempt is failed but I still need to ask for confirmation.

"How it is, sister?" I asked with concern.

My sister look at me with a face about to cry and replied, "They are really canceled our order Onii-chan, and they keep refusing to accept new orders from us too!" 

"Did they tell you the reason, Rin-chan?" Kaya asked

My sister quickly replied in anger said, "They said the reason is they ran out of material to create more decoration, which is unbelievable!"

"This is absolutely weird, Indeed... Not to mention, to cancel an order in the middle of the night..." Kaya commented.

"I think they just don't want to accept our order..." Saya followed.

"Ugh... If I am still Amamiya heir, I think I could ask my father to do something about this..." Vera murmured.


While everyone reacted rather 'violently' after hearing my sister's explanation, I can't help but pinch my nose and let out of breath.

Ran out of material as a decoration manufacture company? I would rather believe their office got raided by terrorists than that.

I smelled strong conspiracy here... What do you think, system?

["No comment. Perhaps, asking Mira Mera about this?"]

No... I can't keep bothering her. She was busy enough to learn about the other world for us.


"So, what we should do, Owner?" Kaya suddenly asked me.

"Onii-chan... I am sorry..."


The girls looked at me with hopeful eyes, to be honest, it made me a little uncomfortable but it seems they are waiting for my command. Especially my sister, who looks really depressed. I need to come up with something good to cheer up everyone.

["How about you guys created your own decoration?"] The system suggested.

Good idea, system!


After hearing the system suggestion, I quickly said, "The system suggested... How about we create our own decoration?"

Hearing the suggestion, the girls opened their mouths wide in surprise, and then my sister quickly reacted, "Mmm... Like we did in the elementary school, Onii-chan? Do you remember the art class, Vera-chan?" 

"Ohh!! I did remember that kind of activity in the art class! With paper and paint!" Vera replied excitedly beside my sister.

"None of us twins got talent on that part though... But we also remember did the same thing." Kaya reacted, followed by her twin Saya also nodded behind her.

"Errr... Don't worry, we have Vera-chan!" My sister exclaimed.

I nodded and added, "Vera was the best at doing art class."

""Ohh!! Vera-chan sounds amazing!"" The twins hearing our reply also get excited.

"M-Me? That was years ago Rin-chan! I don't even know if I am still able to flip any paper neatly!" Vera answered in a panic.

I put my hand on Vera's shoulder and said "Don't worry, I believe in you. Besides, we could always look at the internet for tutorials. And I think we got plenty of paint, box, and paper in the storage room to create a simple decoration."

Everyone's eyes light up in enthusiasm after hearing my explanation. I can see everyone's hands are clenched in determination, and after looking and nodding at each other, they begin to split the roles on their own.

"I will check the storage room, right away!" My sister get up and then hurriedly walked toward the storage room.

"I- I will help Rin-chan!" Vera also hurriedly followed my sister.

"Then... we will be looking for a tutorial. Let's do this, Saya."

"Yes, Kaya!"

"Owner, you should help Rin-chan, there should be a lot need to bring up."

"Indeed, my sister and Vera might need an extra hand to bring the materials and tools here."


["Honestly, in the worst situation, you could always wish to solve this problem, Jin-sama."] The system suddenly commented.

We have talked about this countless times, system.

I rather not use my ability for mundane things like this, and my employees also agree with me. As a business owner, this is a really good experience for me. I learned a lot from this and honestly... I also have fun.

["As expected of you, Jin-sama. Original One really did a correct choice to choose you."]

Well... It has been a while since I hear your praise.

Another reason was I also did my best to not abuse my power anyway. I had enough troublesome punishment coming from that old man.

Not to mention, I remember there are also local gods in this world, what I should do if I got noticed by them?

["Just beat them up?"]

Duh... Violence doesn't solve every problem!

["I don't see where is the problem though, Jin-sama. They can't do anything to you, believe me."]



After spending all the night, learning tutorials from the internet and then trying them on our own, we manage to create a lot of nice-looking decorations. Like heart-shaped and star-shaped decorations to hang on the ceiling, and simple words to stick on the wall spelling 'Happy Valentine' made by cardboard. 

We all agree to spend every night from now on, for decoration creation until the main event, which made me really grateful to my employees. 

They might be perverts and love to prank me a lot, but in the important situation, they are diligent and able to act like professionals.

I will give extra payment for all of them at the end of this month.

["Considering the girls put all-nighter under your command, as a good boss you should do that, Jin-sama."] 

Indeed, I know what I am doing. I am not a black belly boss at all.

Anyway... I wonder where is Celia nee-san? Although she is not as punctual as Old man Kobayashi, she is also never this late to deliver the ingredients for us. It has been 30 minutes off the schedule and even the girls already started cleaning the restaurant without me.

I also need to ask her about the status of ingredients for the event, I had a bad feeling about this since last night.

["Do you want me to check it for you, Jin-sama? Large scale scanning along with time detection?"]

Without alerting any supernatural forces?

["That would be not possible in a short time."]

Then my answer is no. I don't like fishing out trouble.

["Boo! Maybe I really should invite one of them and Jin-sama will realize how weak they are compared to you."]


["Salted Fish Boss."]

Where do you learn those words?! Also, I am not salted fish!


After waiting a bit longer than usual while bantering with the system, Our business wholesaler, Celina nee-san finally arrived. However, the moment I saw her come out of the truck, I can tell she seems not happy as usual... And there's an eye bag below her eyes.

Did she not get enough sleep? I think ladies like her should get enough sleep to maintain their beauty, right?

["Jin-sama, With the strong urge of sarcasm, You, the boss of the restaurant who forced your girls to work all the night have a right to say about that?"]

...You are right, I am sorry.

Curious about her situation, The moment she noticed me, I asked, "Celia nee-san... Good morning. You look terrible... And it is not usual for you to be late. What happened? "

Celia who just left her truck put on an apologetic smile and answered, "Last night, some of our warehouse supplies were attacked by an unknown group of people and because of that, our company has been in a lot of trouble."

Hearing the answer, I can't help but reacted, "That's terrible! So, What is going to happen with our supplies?" 

"Hmm... About that, you have the right to know. Let me call the senior a bit." Celia replied.

I slightly bowed my head and answered, "Yes please."

Celia nodded and then takes the phone out of her pocket.

'Hello, senpai. This is Celia, the distributor for Tokyo Area F. I want to inquire about information regarding supplies for Sweet Carrot restaurant--'

As I listen to the phone call made by Celia nee-san, I hope our supplies are okay... Especially when we are going to have an event. Forget about the event, If there are no supplies, there is no way we would be able to even open the restaurant!

["You can always wish for it, in the worst-case--"]

Stop suggesting to cheat, system!

["This is no cheat, this is your own power, Jin-sama."]

I don't see it that way. This power is gifted by that old man, and I refuse to admit it as my own power.

["Duh. We really need to fix that stupid perspective of yours before we traveled to another world later, Jin-sama."]

I will leave that to the future me.


While I am bantering with the system again, Celina nee-san suddenly called me out as I didn't realize she is done with her call 

"Good news, Jin-kun."

I quickly back to focus and asked, "How it is, Celia nee-san?"

She nodded and then explained, "After calling the management, it seems your supplies are okay and the attack was not disturbed our delivery schedule at all. Apparently, as you are one of our long-time partner businesses, you are getting priorities on the order."


I can't help but let out a breath after hearing Celia nee-san explanation. Seriously, the decoration was able to solve by ourselves but there is no way we would be able to do something about supplies.

["You have the power--"]

Shut up! We have talked about this a lot just this morning!


"It seems you are really happy about it." Celia commented while nodded satisfied to herself.

I also nodded and answered, "Indeed.  That's good news... really good news. Anyway, Is there something I can help with?"

Celia quickly shook her head and replied, "Thanks for your kindness Jin-kun but don't worry about our business. We believe with the help of police we would soon catch the perpetrator and solve this problem."

"I hope so." I said while putting my thumbs up.

After looking at my reaction, Celia then quickly wave her hand and said, "Anyway, let's start moving the supplies. I have been pretty late in time and you need to go to school." 

I also quickly move to follow her behind the truck and yelled, "Ah crap! Let's move! Kaya!! Saya!!"


In the end, I was able to confirm the supplies were okay... but just to be safe, just to be prepare that I will ask you, system... to investigate who is the attacker if the wholesaler was get attacked again tomorrow. 

I had a hunch there is something targetting us just because we are doing a valentine's event. 

["Even though it might trigger the attention of the local god in here?"]

...Yes. Because as much as I don't like being god, I would put the safety of my employees above it.

The business world is not as wonderful as you think. It is not the first time we have faced a kind of similar problem. It is too coincidental for trouble to come in succession in a short time. 

Hmm... Rival business, I guess? But who? There are a lot of similar food businesses that are also doing the valentine's event. This is hard to deduce...

["I think you are a bit overthinking, Jin-sama. But I will do as you say."]



{3rd POV}



At the same time while Jin is currently picking up his supplies with Celia, inside the big mansion of Kobayashi Group, A girl with blonde hair, wearing a school uniform, is doing makeup in front of the mirror. This girl is very serious and really cares about her appearance because she is aware that she is the representative of her family. Having been doing this for years, it's no wonder that this girl's appearance is very attractive, just like a model in a magazine.

"Eyelashes, good. Lip, is good. Moisture, also good...."

*Knock* *Knock*


Hearing a knock on her room, The girl quickly reacted "Enter!!"

"Excuse me, Raika-sama."


As the door opened, A silver-haired maid wearing eyeglasses with serious eyes entered the room bringing a box that look expensive in her hand.

"Yuri? What box is that?"

The maid bowed her head slightly and answered, "I am sorry, Raika-sama. I forget to mention there's another gift of expensive jewelry coming from Ugo-sama last night."

Hearing the maid answer, the rich girl, Raika looks disgusted and commented, "That creep guy again? Throw it away."

The maid looks scared hearing the girl answer, and said, "B-But... It is your fiancee..."

Raika shook her head and rudely answered, "No. And I doubt he is really like me. I can tell from his eyes when we meet, that he seems just to want to pursue my family wealth."

"But Raika-sama, your father would be mad--"

Raika quickly cut her maid and replied, "Just hide it. Or You can just take it, Yuri."

The maid immediately look at Raika gratefully and then loudly answered, "Thank you so much, Raika-sama!"

"No problem, now please don't disturb me until I am done." Raika said while pointing her finger toward the door.

Looking at her ojou-sama act, she quickly leaves the room and said"P-Pardon me, Raika-sama."




After her maid left the room, Raika once again picked up her makeup continued her activity while muttering depressedly, "I wonder why that guy didn't fight against this fiasco."


*Knock* *Knock*


However only a few seconds after she continue her activity, she hear the knocking sounds again which made her feel a bit irritated.


"Just enter!!" Raika loudly yelled.



However, the moment Raiko looked at the person who entered her room, she quickly become panicked as she didn't expect it was her most beloved family member who enter her room... Which is her grandfather. It is the same old man who frequently visits Jin restaurant every day, Kobayashi Tojo.

"G-Grandpa!!" Raika quickly put her makeup down and slightly bow her head toward her grandfather.

Tojo look at her granddaughter with a warm smile and asked, "Good morning, my granddaughter. You look really pretty as always although I wonder did I made you angry?"

"Not at all! Also, Good morning Grandpa!!"

Raika quickly runs toward grandfather excitedly after saying that. Tojo who looked at his granddaughter approached him and just laughed while opening his arm widely. He knows very well that his granddaughter like him as he is the only person in this family that spoiled her a lot.


"It seems my granddaughter is getting prettier day by day." Tojo commented.

Raika who hear it blushed a bit and then excitedly replied, "Moo... Thank you, grandpa! Is there anything I can't help?!"

Tojo nodded and then asked, "Ah yes, Raika, do you still looking for a job?"

"My request?"


Raika release her hug and then answered, "Y-Yes, grandpa. Did you finally agree to my request?" 

Tojo wave his hand and then said, "Not really. But I have a proposition for you, Raika."


Raika tilted her head in confusion, preposition?

Tojo hummed and explained, "How about you are trying to work in my favorite restaurant?"

Hearing her grandfather answer, Raika opened her mouth in surprise and answered, "That is... Your favorite restaurant... Is it sweet Carrot? I remember grandpa really love to visit that place every day. Is that place really that good?"

"Yes, it is. I will only accept your request if you worked there." Tojo replied with seriousness.

"I see." Raika heard her grandfather respond sweating in the back as she nodded to what he said.

Raika knows very well that if there was something her grandfather love aside from herself, it is that restaurant. Her grandfather even issue a forced ban for the whole family group to even try to visit that place, and the ban has never been lifted ever, and it has been going for years... It was started even before she was born!

Her grandfather is also quite popular in both political and business circle, and his circle also follow it well. This made Raika really curious why her grandfather goes that far to protect that restaurant, but as the ban exists no one dares to even visit that restaurant.

Some family members suspect that there is an illegitimate son/daughter that established that place. However, no one is able to prove that... Grandfather's punishment is well known as ruthless in the group and no one really dares to fight his will.

But now she got a chance to find out? Of course, Raika wouldn't hesitate to accept it.


Raika nodded repeatedly like a kid and answered, "I accept! Besides I am curious what kind of restaurant would be made you frequently visit it every day, grandpa."

Tojo who hears Raika's reaction just smiles and then explained, "Don't worry. It is a good place. Jin-kun is also a good owner, although he should be the same age as you. You could learn from him how he handles his business "

"Business owner even though he is still with the same generation as me, Interesting."

Raika is surprised by her grandfather's explanation. The owner is the same age as her yet he is already handling business on his own... she really thinks she could learn something. She after all, in the future would inherit the Kobayashi group business and she knows that she needs work experience.

Also, from her grandfather's explanation, She can tell that his grandfather seems close to this owner... Which made Raika get suspicious. Does the family rumors that the owner is still part of her family is true?

Raika set a goal to herself that she will use this chance to find out about it.


[Intermission: What is the limit of 'Wish' power?]


(MC): "As the title of this intermission said, since you seem really really want me to use wish to solve all my problems, tell me is there any limit to this ability?"

(System): ["Glad you asked Jin-sama! Teaching about your own ability is your main duty and I will answer it faithfully."]

(MC): "I see. So, what's the limit?"

(System): ["There is actually no limit for you to use wish... As this is actually a basic ability that most creation gods have. As you have understood before, as long you know how it is work and there is clear direction on set to wish, it will definitely be possible."]

(MC): "But, you have said that I can't create a life yet."

(System): ["Because the creation of life is involving a soul and souls is a complicated subject that you are not ready to know yet. It will take you to learn for a long time... Maybe millennia under the guide of Original One to create a flawless soul on your own."]

(MC): "I will be long dead before I would be able to construct my own creative life!"

(System): ["God doesn't have a life span, Jin-sama."[]

(MC): "Uh... Uh... I forget. Then, what happen if I ignored your warning?"

(System): ["You will fail... Unless you are getting permission from Original One. Aside from the law of the primordial time, the rules that the Original One himself controls directly is the law of the soul... And you know that you are not stronger than Original One. Other than that, you have the authority to change any law of the world as much as you can. Of course, your own soul aka clone should be also within your authority but I had reminded you it is dangerous to play with clone unless you have understood how souls worked."]

(MC): "I-I see, this is really good information to know. Thank you. Though does it mean aside from life creation, I can really do anything?"

(System): ["Yes Jin-sama, although I think a high-level AI-like terminator is still within your wish ability since it is not the soul. Or if you wish for a zombie virus on wish should be also possible since it was simple life creation and I can teach you how cells work in under an hour, Jin-sama."]

(MC): "Why do you think I want to create a life to destroy the world!?"

(System): ["I mean, I am not surprised if you want to try to destroy the world once out of curiosity, Jin-sama? That is the purpose of your question, right?"]

(MC): "Are you sure that is your own wish, system?!"

Did you know I was stuck on writing in this chapter because I can't decide what is a good title for this chapter? lol. Also, sorry for being a late update... at least it is not abandoned, right?

the real reason though is I was often going outside these days and I can't help but not get enough time to write, duh.

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