Escape from the evil lady

Chapter 8. To disrupt this evening

Who would have thought that the show I put on yesterday would cause such a stir.

The Marquise Bronte and her son were so impressed that this news did not have to remain incognito for long. The very next day, the whole capital knew that the youngest daughter of the de Walt family could not have children.

For a noblewoman of the present time, it was tantamount to a death sentence.

After all, the main purpose for which girls from noble families were married off was procreation. It was extremely important for the aristocrats to leave behind heirs, otherwise the family dynasty would simply be interrupted.

Such a diagnosis as infertility was rare. But those girls who were diagnosed with it had an extremely difficult time. Most of them either remained in the care of their parents for the rest of their lives, or immediately went to a monastery. Sometimes there were rare exceptions. For example, some kind-hearted aristocrat agreed and married her.

But anyway, a profitable marriage was definitely not going to happen to me now. Even beautiful and with money, my reputation in the bride market was inevitably shaken. And, of course, my relatives were furious.

After I scared the Marchioness and my «fiance» to death at a joint dinner, Yufil did not stop apologizing to them. But you can't undo what you've done. As a result, the evening ended in a scandal, and they left.

«I can't believe you tried to give us a sick girl!» the madam was indignant.

Left alone in the restaurant, I was going to continue the meal as if nothing had happened, but the guy grabbed me by force and took me outside. His eyes were glowing and red like a bull's.

— YOU…! What the hell are you doing?!

I cleared my throat. He was yelling at me the whole street.

Should I try to say something in my defense?

— Brother, I suddenly felt sick… How could I hold back the natural impulse?

Upon hearing this, Yufil's scale of anger only increased. He seemed to be trying his best not to hit me. Well, that's understandable.

The Duke's heir's ingenious plan to kick me out of the house failed miserably.

— Don't mess with me! — the guy spat venom: — I've never seen you in such a state! What kind of infertility?!

«We haven't seen each other for a whole year,» I reminded him eloquently, «How can you know how healthy I am?» Besides, you and your father weren't particularly interested in me before…

— You…!

«Brother,» I looked down, «should I feel guilty because I was born with poor health?» Did I choose it myself?

Yufil ground his teeth. In this situation, I still managed to make him look guilty.

When an adult guy publicly shouted at a fragile girl, people around involuntarily began to turn around. This somewhat dampened his ardor. After all, the family's reputation was the most important thing. He exhaled loudly.

«We'll talk at home,» Yufil said coldly, and his words sounded like a sentence.

I was prepared for the worst-case scenario. After all, the scandal with my father and brother didn't seem so terrible compared to what I had just escaped. You can also be patient a little bit.

After all, they won't kick me out of the house, will they?

We returned to the residence in dead silence. And then the most «fun» evening of my life awaited me. At one point, I even had to dodge the cutlery…

After listening to the tone of insults and indignation against me, everything gradually settled down. After all, the Duke's health is not ironclad, and he would have lost his voice if he continued to yell at me.

After drinking an impressive dose of sedative, Victor de Walt waved his hand in resignation, once again declaring what a «useless creature» I was. I wasn't sure how much they believed in the story of the diagnosis, but it was too late to find out. Rumors in high society spread at the speed of light.

Our «peaceful» family gatherings ended closer to one o'clock in the morning. I went to bed as if nothing had happened. I had a good dream.

And the next morning…

The Duke received several letters at once. It turned out that all those noble families with whom we had planned negotiations about marriage had withdrawn their proposals.

I couldn't believe that I was able to carry out my plan on the first try. It looks like I'm really a genius! Admiring my own ingenuity, I decided that my carefree life was safe now.

That's just it.

«Dress decently tonight,» the Duke de Walt suddenly told me, «This time I will accompany you to the meeting.»

Standing on the stairs, I froze.

My favorite chocolate cupcakes were waiting for me in the room. But at that moment, I suddenly didn't give a damn about them at all.

— What…?

My lips are dry.

— The Seibel family. They will pay us a visit this evening.


Suddenly it turned out that one crazy family hadn't rejected the Duke's offer after all.

It was the Seibel house, a little-known baronial family that we had never dealt with before. Of all the nobles in the capital, they were the only ones who were not scared off by the rumors about my infertility.

Which in itself is very strange…

The youngest son of this family was chosen as my fiance. A guy I've never heard of before.

To be honest, I was shocked that such a person was found at all.

It looks like I'm going to have to step in personally again this time. At the thought that I would have to somehow keep them away from me, I was seized with inner anxiety. Especially the fact that the Duke will also be present at this meeting…

In short, it was going to be a difficult evening.

Yesterday, Yufil and Victor de Walt would not even have looked in the direction of this man. Obviously, his candidacy might have seemed too unprofitable to them. A petty baron whose fortune is half the size of ours. While these two were going to at least conquer half of the empire with the help of my marriage.

But all this was in the recent past. And now…

This poor nobleman was their last ray of hope to get rid of me.

«I'm warning you, if they don't like you, you'll spend the rest of your days in a monastery!» — a couple of hours before the meeting, Yufil significantly wagged his finger at me.

I nodded in agreement, although deep down I didn't really believe it. Anyway, the Duke definitely wouldn't have the guts to send me to such a place. And it's not about his kindness or affection for me. Rather, everything is tied back to the reputation of the family.

— Well, I hope the food is good there.

— Oh, you little …! — my brother did not finish his swearing and fell silent. He seems to have already guessed that such tricks do not work on me.

After a childhood spent with an alcoholic father, did this guy really think he could scare me with something? In the end, Yufil defiantly turned around and walked away. I followed him with my eyes.

Not the most pleasant thoughts lurked in the back of my mind. What if it doesn't work out? In fact, I was very worried that this engagement might actually take place. Considering what a fearless man the Baron himself turned out to be.

Towards six o'clock in the evening, the carriage actually arrived. From the first floor window, I saw the Baron and his son heading towards our estate. The Duke was too proud to meet them in person. That's why the butler did it.

I was forced to stand in the hall and greet them with Yufil.

A creak.

The front door swung open with a bang. The butler escorted the guests into the hall.

My father immediately went to shake their hands.

«Lord Seibel, thank you for taking the time to visit us,» he said politely.

— Your Grace, it is a great honor for me that you invited us.

It was the first time I had seen Baron Rowan Seibel, whom I had never heard of before. He was a stocky, middle-aged man with red hair and a mustache. The buttons of his jacket barely held on his stomach. In general, the man is serious and… dimensional.

His son was standing behind him. I took a quick glance at the candidate for my husband's place. Quite ordinary facial features, and, unlike his father, a thin build. Red hair and lots of freckles. At first glance, the most ordinary guy.

Compared to the previous arrogant heir, he turned out to be very decent and even a little shy.

— My son, Jeremy, — the Baron introduced him first, «and this, I suppose…?»

— Camille. My youngest daughter.

As a result, we were introduced even without our participation. It is clear who is more interested in this marriage.

— I am glad to welcome you, Your Grace! The guy was visibly nervous as he shook the Duke's hand.

— Ahem… The Duke took his excitement for granted without showing much interest.

After shuffling awkwardly in the living room, we finally proceeded to the dining room, where we sat at a long table. The dishes were served to us. My brother silently threatened me: «If you dare to do anything again, you will die right at this table!» Okay, I wasn't going to.

As befits previously unknown nobles, the heads of the families began the conversation with an abstract topic, such as discussing politics, art and economics. And then we smoothly moved on to the topic of our possible engagement.

Since the decision on marriage was entirely up to our parents, we did not take any part in this discussion. Why did they make us come here at all? If your children's opinion doesn't matter anyway, you could just agree on everything in private.

Such was my inner indignation.

Sometimes Jeremy and I exchanged confused glances. More precisely, I caught his eyes on me. I got the impression that the guy was not happy about what was happening, just like me.

And, to my horror, so far everything has been going smoothly.

I was afraid that this deal would actually happen. And then what should I do? Father, I don't want to get married!

The same trick probably won't work the second time. Besides, Yufil was still watching me closely. I definitely needed to figure out another way to disrupt this evening.

Finally, after a long brainstorming session, an idea came to my mind.

— I'm sorry… I suddenly stood up in the middle of the meal and cleared my throat.

My sudden statement confused everyone present. Of course, the Duke gave me permission to do so. Although, I thought, even if I hadn't come back at all, he wouldn't have paid much attention to it.

I bowed to the guests and quickly left.

So my plan was to faint in the bathroom. I intended to fall into a prolonged coma until my father reversed his decision regarding marriage.

No, what else was there to do? At least then no one will want to mess with me for sure.

As long as I'm bedridden, the Duke won't be able to marry me off against my will. After all, I still had to say yes at the altar.

I ran into the bathroom and quickly planned my next steps. Having figured out exactly where I would «disconnect», I was going to leave the door slightly ajar. The first random maid will come in and find my body.

Of course, this will be immediately followed by screams and panic. And then everything will go according to my plan.

With full confidence, I was going to carry out my plan immediately.

That's just it…

Suddenly, the door opened prematurely, and it wasn't the maid at all who appeared on the threshold. I was surprised.

— I'm sorry… But you know what wi-fi is, right?

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