Escape from the evil lady

Chapter 7. This date is doomed to fail

It turned out that the Duke de Walt had selected several candidates for the role of my future husband.

Among them were young men of my age from noble families, as well as wealthy gentlemen. The oldest of them seemed to be in his fifties.

I treated these looks like something inevitable. It's stupid to resist when the father has already made a decision. He didn't care who I married, as long as I got more benefits from it. My older brother was of the same opinion.

After all, I was just a pawn in the hands of these two. One of them is a rich duke, and the other will inherit all his possessions. As for me… I'll be lucky if at least I don't get kicked out of the house.

Realizing my desperate situation, I couldn't act rashly. So I just pretended to accept my fate and accepted everything as it was.

At least, that's the impression my relatives got.

I've never been very smart, but this time I realized that everything depends on my intelligence. If I didn't want to be the wife of some overgrown aristocrat, I had to do something.

Pan or gone, as they say.

The first meeting with the potential groom was scheduled in a few days. One of the capital's luxurious restaurants was chosen as the venue.

I've never been to such an institution, but, according to rumors, even the spoons and forks there were gold. At least I came here for the great food.

Yufil and I arrived first. My brother was supposed to be my «inspector» on this date. But I didn't care. With or without him, this date will be doomed to failure.

Let him watch as much as he wants.

We took a pre-reserved table and waited. All this time, Yufil did not stop lecturing me:

— Behave yourself. Don't you dare embarrass your father!

— Of course, brother. I remember everything.

The guy narrowed his eyes in disbelief. He tried to tell me something else, but fortunately, the bell over the door rang at that moment and saved me from his boring speeches.

The waiter escorted the newly arrived customers to our table.

I saw a lanky young man approaching us with his mother. He was probably even better dressed than me. His thin blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Such people are usually said to be unable to tear themselves away from the mirror.

Since Yufil was brainwashing me with it all the way, I managed to remember not only his name, but also his pedigree.

This guy is the only heir to the Marquis of Bronte, part—time admiral of the Imperial Navy, who died many years ago. Since then, the estate has been managed by his mother, a woman of strict conservative views.

Although the status of the Bronte family was lower than ours, they were respected by the emperor. He even awarded the Marquis the posthumous Order of the Hero of the Empire.

The Marquis' fleet was one of the most powerful in the Empire. And in the future, all this inheritance will go to Kewell.

That was his name, by the way.

Given their family's illustrious past, it was becoming obvious to me why the Duke had chosen this guy as one of the contenders. This man was ready to do anything to shine in the eyes of the emperor.

«Lord de Walt, I'm glad to see you.» I'm sorry for being late… There were unforeseen delays on the way.

A grateful middle-aged lady held out her hand to my brother for a kiss. But he limited himself to a businesslike handshake.

«Greetings, Madame Bronte, — Yufil said dryly, «Don't apologize. We've just arrived too.

Yufil preferred to keep his distance from people, especially women. No wonder he ignored her. Nevertheless, the lady was a little disappointed, although she did not show it.

I pursed my lips when this woman didn't even greet me. After all, you could just be alone with my brother! I don't mind at all.

Kewell, who was completely under the control of his domineering mother, also didn't say a word to me. Even here, everyone ignores me… Is this even my date?

We sat down at the table, and after the waiter served the dishes, there was an indefinite pause at the table. The Marchioness of Bronte gave me an appraising look.

«So this is the lady of the de Walt family?»

When I was about to open my mouth and introduce myself, Yufil did not let me do it.

— That's right. This is my little sister. She has been in treatment for some time, so we were only able to introduce her to high society now.

— Have you been treated? Is she ill with something? The woman immediately asked.

«Nothing serious,» Yufil hastened to assure her, «just a weak immune system. But she's fine now.

When they talked about our engagement, they didn't pay any attention to me. It was like the guy was selling a cow instead of marrying off his only sister.

A terribly boring dialogue without my participation ended with the fact that I lost track of time in this restaurant.

The Marquise Bronte and her son were typical representatives of the aristocracy. In other words, thoroughly fake and intelligent.

— …The de Walt family is becoming more and more famous,» the Marquise wisely remarked, «I think we are ready to consider an alliance. What do you say, Kewell?

For the first time, the heir of the Bronte family looked at me. Before that, he was busy stirring sugar in tea and didn't pay any attention to me.

— I think I don't think she's good enough for me.

Yufil and I choked at the same time.

«I am the son of the first admiral of the fleet,» he said with unexpected arrogance, «And what can this girl offer me?»

I felt a surge of inner indignation. This brat just publicly insulted me!

But my brother, instead of standing up for me, just squeezed my hand under the table. There was an unthinkable phrase in his eyes: «Don't you dare do anything!» Given the importance of the meeting, the guy definitely won't fail.

«Son, don't jump to conclusions…»

Madame Bronte, who liked Yufil's pretty face, tried to convince her son.

— …The de Walt family is also very successful. At the very least, we should consider their offer.

Kewell Bronte, like a seven-year-old boy, pouted resentfully.

The heir casually waved his mother away. Apparently, it was the Marquise who forced him to come here.

Mistaking her son's silence for consent, the lady was satisfied.

«Well, then it's decided,» the Marquise concluded, «our next meeting will be at the Duke's estate. I want to see how big your domain is.

«As you wish, madam.»

Dinner continued, much to my indignation. These two made a deal and didn't even ask for my opinion! Who said I'd want to put up with this mama's boy for the rest of my life? Not to mention my orientation…

Well, in that case, you just left me no choice.


When everyone was engrossed in the meal, I suddenly coughed, and then I vomited blood right on the table. Fake, of course. (Shortly before the meeting, I purposely swallowed a blood-like dye to put on a show).

And it seems to have worked.

When I splattered half of the dishes on the table with «blood», the Marquise Bronte screamed and turned pale. Her son also almost fainted from fright. As it turned out, these sissies were so afraid of the sight of simple blood.

But my older brother was the most shocked. Yufil stared at me with a terrible expression on his face.

My would-be fiance and his mother clung to each other as if they were sitting at the same table with a monster. The latter cried out in a trembling voice:

— Wh-what… What is this?!

At that moment, I looked very weak, as if I was about to lose consciousness.

— *Kha*… P-please forgive me… — I coughed, — It seems that my old illness is making itself felt…

— The disease?! «What kind of illness is this?» the Marquise exclaimed. Didn't Lord de Walt say that it was just a weak immune system…!

— Indeed, — I shook my head weakly, confirming her words with the last of my strength, «But, you see, my condition has worsened… *Kha*. And not so long ago, the doctor gave me a new diagnosis.

— D-diagnosis?

— Infertility. Unfortunately, due to health problems, I will not be able to have children.

There was a dead silence at the table.

After my words, Yufil's angry expression became even more expressive. The guy couldn't believe that I actually said something like that out loud.

This diagnosis, without exaggeration, practically put an end to my further marriage.

I wiped the blood from the corners of my lips.

— Please forgive me… But since we're going to be a family soon, I thought I should be honest with you.

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