Erotic RPG: Transmigrated Into A Lustful World

The World

The world and setting that the game ‘Celestial Conqueror’ was based in was known as the world of Lethia. A vast and expansive world filled with many wonders and mysteries that the players could explore but ultimately, most of them never got around to it due to them focusing mostly on the erotic stuff.    

The world was huge, filled with a variety of enormous continental land masses and oceans so large and deep that they made the Pacific Ocean on Earth seem like a regular pool in your backyard. 

Lethia is also inhabited by many races and species, mainly Elves, Dwarves, Demons, Angels, Dragons, various types of Magical Beasts and obviously Humans. There were many other magical beings as well but you’d have a much larger chance of coming across a divine-grade treasure than meeting them. 

Each race also had its own continent/realm to itself where they lived away from each other. For example, the Elves lived in their own closed off continent/realm known as Alfheim filled with lush greenery and an expansive forest that stretched on throughout the entire continent with trees that towered into the skies. 

Despite every race living somewhat separately, moving between the different realms was fairly simple (but expensive) due to the existence of teleportation gates and was fairly simple for those skilled in Spatial Magic. 

The continent that Eliana is from is obviously the Human Continent and the main inhabitants were mostly humans but it was fairly common to see other races here, well on one part of it anyway... 

On this continent, there were 2 major powers ruling over the vast area and these were the Celestial Empire and the Holy Empire of Light. Eliana’s Flameheart Family was one of the highest-ranking noble families in the Celestial Empire, only sharing that illustrious status with two other families with only the royal family being above them. 

Between the game and real life, there was no major discrepancies on that part, but what made Eliana feel so relieved was that there were quite a few key differences from the game with regards to the interactions she has had with the other noble scions and most importantly the MC. 

The MC goes by the name of Adrian Emrys and in the game, Adrian was described as an orphan whose parents died while he was still a child not even exceeding the age of 5. His origins were obscured in the game and it didn’t really explain much about his life at the beginning and who exactly his parents were and why they had left him all alone while information on where had they disappeared to was also left a mystery... 

By a twist of fate, the game describes the young orphaned Adrian as being adopted by one of the noble families of the Celestial Empire. That noble family wasn’t a high ranking one such as Eliana’s and as a result, they and a few other families just like them would adopt orphaned children or bring in talented individuals, gambling on the fact that they would grow up to be somewhat formidable and help them rise in power but sadly, that ultimately proved to not be the case with regards to Adrian, which then resulted in his subsequent bullying by his peers and well the rest is history... 


Here in real life in this world, if Eliana was remembering everything correctly, even though he still went by the same name, Adrian wasn’t an orphan. 

He had a small little family consisting of both his parents, him and even an older brother. Their status could be said to be much higher than it was in the game as well due to his parents being among the highest-ranking members in the Celestial Empire’s Royal Guard. 

‘Uhh, it seems that maybe our interactions weren’t all that great in real life either’ 

Eliana thought sheepishly as she remembers how almost every time she saw him, it resulted in him getting a beating and heading home with either bloodied clothes or a broken limb. 

‘Hmph, it can’t technically be called bullying though since he wasn’t the only one to receive a beating from me and you could even say I was much harsher on others, especially his obnoxious brother who couldn’t even hide the lust in his eyes when he looked at my darling Elysia.’ 

‘Tch, just thinking about that fool just makes me want to rearrange his face again’ she clicked her tongue as she felt an extreme urge to punch something. 

[As you can see Master, though there might be a few similarities between the game and this world, it ultimately isn’t the same] 

[You aren’t in the game and aren’t forced to follow out a predestined path. If that were to be the case then that other part of you wouldn’t have had the chance to be transmigrated here in the first place.] 

“Hmm, you are right about that” 

She fell into contemplation as she thought about the way she was supposed to be cured from the poison that had wreaked havoc throughout her body. 

“If things were following the game’s storyline, then Adrian should’ve been the one to heal me... and as a result of that, he would gain the chance to get closer to me and ultimately come up with the proposal that fucking me would help the process go by faster where I would then become addicted to him and his divine rod...” 

She rolled her eyes just thinking about it, feeling slight annoyance at how cliche the scenario was. 

“I wonder why he hasn’t done that this time in reality though or does he not have his golden finger since this is an actual world or??”  

[I am quite sure that is not the case. As you know, there are a lot of things that are still the same as they were in the game, it’s highly unlikely that whatever was the cause for his sudden rise in power and talent to not be here in real life as well.] 

[So be wary of him or you could just not worry about him since you are planning on not becoming entangled with him in the first place.] 


“Even though I may have somewhat accepted it, I still can’t help but wonder how this is all possible anyway?” 

Eliana put the thought of Adrian out of her mind and pondered on this whole situation she was still somewhat perplexed by, even if she had somewhat accepted it. 

She can understand that the concept of Transmigration being a real thing and she can accept that there are actually Godly beings out there in the universe, even if they aren’t the ones she had grown up learning about on Earth... 

But even for her, a whole game world, an erotic one at that, suddenly being a reality was still a bit surreal. 

[It’s a bit complicated Master]. 

“Are you hiding shit from me already?” Eliana frowned. 

[N-No! I am not Master, please believe me] 

[It’s just that there are certain things I can’t speak of lest I incur...] 

The system trailed off and didn’t continue but Eliana could gleam enough from its words even if they also confused her at the same time... 

‘Well, the reason doesn’t really matter all that much to me anyway, as long as everything about this place is real and not some game... that’s all that matters’ 

A tender and radiant smile bloomed on her face as the images of a few people appeared in her mind and she could feel a strong yearning in her heart for their company.  

She recalled that they had come to see her as she was struggling with that poison but her mind wasn’t obviously in the right frame of mind at the time to hold a coherent conversation. She truly wished she could just go and see them right at this moment and let them know she was alright and healthy once again.  

[Have you forgotten the state of your body Master]  

The system reprimanded, quickly cutting those thoughts from festering any further. 

“Obviously I haven’t” 

[Then I advise you to not leave the confines of your family’s home. At least not until you awaken in your ability to use mana and are at the peak of the F-rank at the minimum.] 

“Alright but why so insistent??” she asked curiously. 

[Your friends will most likely be at the D-rank or even close to C by now if my calculations about how long you were in a coma due to that poison are correct.] 

[Do you really think it’s a good idea for you to go and see them in this state? Do you want to be at their mercy?] The System chided. 

“Hey no need to get so cranky”  

[Hmph, there's nothing I could do if you wanted to experience how it would feel to be at the receiving end of a beating Master.] 

[The decision ultimately is up to you] 

“Are you calling me a masochist? Eliana grimaced. 

[Are you denying it?]  


[Are you?] 

“... Hmph no comment” 

Eliana pouted adorably and chose to ignore those remarks and sank back into the silky-smooth sheets of her bed, kicking her feet up as she thought about her future plans. 

Even though she might not necessarily like how the System phrased it, she knows it is partially right. If she dares to leave the way she is now, she is sure to suffer the wrath of a few individuals. 

‘No, I’m not safe even here at home...’ 

“Fuck! I hope that those annoying idiots Sebastian and Lucas aren’t around otherwise things might get really ugly for me” 

The two insufferably arrogant faces of her darling brother and distant cousin appeared in her mind and her body shuddered in fear. 

‘It seems like I’ll have to ask that father of mine for his training room’ 

She fell into heavy contemplation as she tried to think of a way to hasten training up her body. 

‘No, I’d rather suffer at the hands of Lucas than ask that man for anything...’ 


‘I hope Uncle Reginald is home’ 

A slight blush appeared on her cheeks as she thought of that handsome figure and her heart skipped a few beats. 


The door to her room creaked open just as she was about to indulge in some sinful thoughts... 

“Morning Young Miss. I-I've come to see you again...” 

A sweet and gentle voice echoed out as a tall figure walked into the room. She was around 190cm tall with flowing blonde hair falling down her back with beautiful facial features and enchanting yet adorable doe shaped yellow eyes.  

She wore a simple sleeveless dress that stopped shy of reaching her mid-thighs, topped off with an apron around her slim waist. Her smooth long legs were also accentuated by sheer white stockings and her dress clung tightly to her body, showing off her ample curves, making it difficult for people to tear their eyes away from her. 


When Eliana raised her head and looked back to see who it was who entered her room, she couldn’t help but freeze in her tracks, the girl’s voice sounding no different than a clap of thunder in her ears. 

“Y-Young Miss, y-you, you’re f-finally awake" 

A relieved and radiant smile appeared on Elysia’s face. Her voice trembling as she laid eyes on the girl lying lazily on her bed, a sight she had been yearning to see for a very, very long time. 


Eliana’s emotions were sent into turmoil as she looked at this girl who gave her strong sense of familiarity and not at the same time, a flurry of memories quickly flooding into her mind. 

Memories that told her about this girl in front of her, who in that shitty game, just like her, was one of the many heroines of the story but unlike her, Elysia wasn’t despised all that much since she never NTR’d the MC with another guy. 

‘But she was still a talk of controversy since she usually did all that stuff with me and Ishtar... something some people deemed to be even more of a cardinal sin while others found it hot.’ 

She laughed in her mind while recalling that Heroine Ranking List but she then quickly discarded all the thoughts about that game and its plot from her mind... 

Choosing to focus on the memories that mattered, the ones that she has made herself in this world, the ones that caused her calm and still heart to start pounding in her chest. 

In those memories, Elysia was no heroine nor capture target but she was the lovely and adorable girl whose been at her side ever since she was 10 years old. She remembered how their relationship hadn’t started off all that well but not even a year later, they had become so inseparable you would swear they were joined at the hip. On first glance, someone might assume that the two of them were sisters instead of supposedly Master and Servant. 

She didn’t know when but small tears had begun to slowly trickle down her eyes as a strong, unbearable yearning assailed her. 

‘When was the last time I felt her warmth’ 

Thankfully she didn’t have to wait for long as Elysia crashed-on top of her and gave her the tightest hug she could muster. Their bodies falling gently back onto the bed. 


Despite how it sounded, Eliana felt no pain and honestly, even if she did, it was unlikely she would even care in the first place. 

There was just so many other things occupying her mind right now. 

There was so much she wanted to say to this lovely girl who was holding onto her for dear life, so much she wanted to know.  

Was it hard for her in her absence?  

Did anybody bully her?  

How had she spent her days? 

How had she kept herself busy? 

She especially wanted to know how this lovely little kitten had become so much taller and much more beautiful than she remembered. 

There was just so much she wanted to get off her chest, but all of that could wait... all of it could wait just... for a little longer. 


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