Eclipse of the Magi

Chapter 64: Chapter 64: Zodiac Man

The Zodiac Man.

The idea of the human body being measured upon the constellations. Each constellation resides on a specific body part, where depending on the time or day, it would be the most opportune time to conduct medicine or surgery upon such a part, believing it to be blessed with the likes of the constellations to guarantee a success through the process. With the likes of Magic, such a blessing became a reality, coating the very body with the constellations for each specific body part. When the bullets made their way to strike, Anne couldn't help but notice these constellations being alive and reacting to the shots, taking the hit every time the bullet was fired, before passing it across the body to fire it back

Truly, a Mesmerizing display.

When the shot was made towards Anne, Stolas would be aiming right into her mouth, targeting and sniping at her throat so he could explode it from within. While it is a destructive force, it cannot simply pierce as easily as a standard bullet. Rather, the impact would have it explode like a grenade, unless they were enhanced by certain constellations to make it function differently. Such effects would require range, Range that he gave up as long as he was able to strike her directly. When Stolas made the shot and prepared to blow her up, he would be stunned at the risk Anne Mary did to herself to preserve her own life. The moment that bullet fired, angling her head in a specific direction, and opening her mouth...


The unthinkable. The monstrous. The very savage display of Anne biting the bullet before it would connect, burning the inside of her mouth and her tongue in the process, making it difficult for her to talk, but somehow she still lived. She'd spit the bullet back, forcing Stolas to use Zodiac Man to block the bullet, having it explode and assuming that the explosion should've done more damage, yet when the smoke cleared again, she was somehow still standing. She'd wipe the saliva off of her mouth from such a damning fate, a smirk made from her scarred mouth. "Gaht anotha' one 'n yah?" She would ask, her mouth being stunted to speak properly. Stolas couldn't help but be amazed at the guts she took, and the luck that she pulled. He was in absolute awe of such a risk paying off.


"Killed meh? Yeh, And? I've fone thish thing in a WHILE, lil phella."

Stolas couldn't help but smile at that statement. "Y'now? I'm starting to like you guys by the second! Why do you even wanna rob the Mummies of the Saints anyway..?" He'd ask.

"Hwat elshe? Millionsh of Gohld 'ere! Cahn't Really outrigh' ROHB 'em, o'herwishe it would be dull! So we'sh gonn' taek 'em to a necromancah and revive 'em for permisshion! Jush becaushe we're pirates, doeshn't 'ean we're IMMORAL!!" Anne would then have her gun's holster smack her own jaw a bit, re-aligning it, and letting the metal from the bullets seep into the wounds, making them into thin wires to fix it up. "You get what I mean? Why bother robbing someone blind if they ain't gonna react to it? We revive them first, not because of the cold cash we're makin', but the reaction they GIVE that the cold cash we're making are out of THEIR pockets! It ain't the money we're worryin', but the surprise they'll get when we achieve it! You get that, lil' man?" Her speech became more fluent after she made such a discovery. Stolas couldn't help but smile at this answer.

"You really are jerks....Gotta hand it to you, though! You guys got priorities!" He'd then get into his own stance, a smirk made as he'd launch himself forward, his feathers touching the wood and infesting it with the armor. "Let's give you a better reaction then than what those corpses can do! Don't hold back on me, yah hear!?"

Anne merely smiled as she got into her own stance. "Loud and Clear, lil' man! Show me a good face while we're fighting!" With those words said, Stolas charged at Anne, still empowered by the armor. Anne would unleash a swarm of bullets, while also moving out of the way. The Feathered child would shrug it off due to the armor, but he noticed quickly that some of the bullets passed by his side. They weren't aimed for him, which brings curiosity, causing Stolas to turn around and notice her next plan of attack.



The bullets that were shot somehow broke apart. The metal split in two, and remained immobile, like a wall made out of small grains of sand. Anne would fire a bullet right at the shrapnel stuck in mid-air, while also firing another swarm of shots to Stolas' new direction. The Stellar child simply spread more of such stardust across the bottom, generating new stars to act as his protection, absorbing the bullets and shooting them straight back, with a prompted reaction of Anne maneuvering away thanks to the distance, as well as firing another shot towards the locations. Something was off here. Something was completely wrong. Stolas would try to keep an eye on the bullets, but just as he attempted to do such a thing...


A Bullet. A Bullet that became as small as a speck, somehow piercing into his body. A Bullet, fired right at his chest, with enough force to push Stolas back and slammed him into one of the still-sturdy side of the ship, blood being leaked out. A Bullet that bypassed the Zodiac Man. He'd see the second bullet making its way, noticing its pattern. Its trajectory. It was erratic, with the metal pieces acting as a place to bounce the bullet to a different direction, allowing it to not only get faster, but smaller, with how much damage it took. It would be enough to where it looks like a mere pin, before shooting it directly towards Stolas, this time, aiming directly for one of his eyes.

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